Borze szumiący, przez przypadek odkryłem zespół Wicher grający folk, ale takiego folku dawno nie słyszałem.
Odpaliłem płytę "Wicher" i daję @muzykametalowa bo to można uznać za "black metal, ale zagrany na tradycyjnych folkowych instrumentach akustycznych, niekiedy wykonanych własnoręcznie, co oddaje prymitywny i pierwotny charakter tej muzyki oraz powrót do korzeni."
@maciek33@muzykametalowa płyty "Wicher" znaleźć nie umiałem, ale to co przesłuchałem to bardzo przyjemne! cieszę się, że Polacy też robią taką muzykę 😏 dzięki za hint!
nie nazywałbym tego "black metal", bo się puryści obrażą - ni metal, ni black xD ale za to w podobnych klimatach, to zawsze polecam ludziom #Heilung
Czasem trzeba wziąć sprawy w swoje ręce. Kolejna akcja zamiatania ze szkła przejazdu dla rowerów. To jest żenujące, że miasto przez tak długi czas nie jest w stanie nic z tym zrobić, zresztą po zimie to nie powinno mnie to dziwić. Z resztą, nie ważne !! Akcja zamiatanie 🤘🏼
Dwa przejazdy zaliczone, dzisiaj jeszcze rozbity przystanek do zaliczenia, bo dwa dni już tak to leży.
okazuje się, ze pomyliłem sie z modelami loggera GPS ;-) - jak słusznie @wikiyu zauważył. nic dziwnego, bo to on stał się kolejnym właścicielem Holux'a ;)
The more I look at alternatives, the more I realize, nothing can give you this much functionality in this small a package, while being so high quality and reasonably priced. Popular (machine-assembled) versions regularly go for $25.
The one caveat is that it falls behind modern knives in terms of safety and ease for opening/closing. I'd love to see a next-gen SAK without nail nicks.
@7heo@sleepybisexual Yeah I addressed this in another comment, it's dumb to say "this is objectively the best".
Buy I stand by Victorinox's quality! Have you see the Swisstool Spirit MX Clip? The tolerances and fitment are better than Leatherman tools according to many youtubers. Gerber is shite. I do wish Victorinox had more one handed models, and pivots you could disassemble like LM.
Anecdotally, my Mountaineer is shaving sharp, and I've batoned it through firewood and it's still that sharp
Buy I stand by Victorinox’s quality! Have you see the Swisstool Spirit MX Clip? The tolerances and fitment are better than Leatherman tools according to many youtubers.
I’ll be honest, I don’t how it is since the new millennia… I just know that the store I went to, near Switzerland, swore by Wenger, and carried no Victorinox models whatsoever. So I dunno if it’s real or if they pretended because of a bigger margin, but they didn’t seem too fond of Victorinox knives.
Gerber is shite.
Never tried. I’m really happy with my leathermans. I only mentioned it because of some reviews I found. But yeah, I never actually got one.
I do wish Victorinox had more one handed models, and pivots you could disassemble like LM.
Yeah exactly. This is one of the best aspects of leathermans IMHO.
Anecdotally, my Mountaineer is shaving sharp, and I’ve batoned it through firewood and it’s still that sharp
OK so it would seem that the quality did, in fact, go up, since I was a kid. For the blades at least. That or my knives were given to me with dulled blades. I actually couldn’t tell.
I finally managed to launch my first nuke in Fallout 76!
It only took like 2 hours of dying and confusion because there's no clear instructions....but it was successful nonetheless!😬😅
Running out of things to do now🤣might wait until the new season drops to continue my expedition grind because apparently a new Atlantic City expedition is releasing alongside the new season...
Also, does anyone know if the daily stamps for the first expedition applies to each expedition individually or if it's for all expeditions overall? Basically if I do all 4 expeditions in 1 day, will I get 20x4 stamps?🤔
@BeAware@gaming Congrats on the nuke launch! I don't remember the math on stamps and it keeps changing, but I think you usually get a bonus amount the first time each day.
@StillPaisleyCat That's your honest assessment of Dune 2 - "So the OP seems to be suggesting that people wouldn’t be posting honest answers.."? How odd.