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Damaskox, w The Unofficial Kbin Guide is now available from the kbin.social FAQ page!
@Damaskox@kbin.social avatar

Care to paste a link in here that takes us to this FAQ page??

@readbeanicecream@kbin.social avatar
@kreynen@kbin.social avatar

The link to the FAQ is also in the footer in the Help column.

@Damaskox@kbin.social avatar

Hmm. And where is this help column?

EDIT: Ah, at the bottom of the page.
Needed to search for text in the page to find it xD

HubertManne, w Can registrations on kbin.social be disabled to stop spammers
@HubertManne@kbin.social avatar

you know I think one of the smarter things facebook did was only allowing edu emails initially or google allowing current users to send invites.

@snooggums@kbin.social avatar

Facebook doing edu (initially only one school) only was to target a specific audience. Google followed the exclusivity model to gain hype and encourage word of mouth.

Neither did it for security reasons and both switched to open sign-ups once they reached a certain level of users.

@HubertManne@kbin.social avatar

I did not work at either at levels where I would know their reasons but whatever their reasons it did make growth in the start slow and steady.


Getting a free .edu account is trivial.

@HubertManne@kbin.social avatar

not for spammers. it was a nice first level filter till they had the resources to do more effective spam fighting (which they don't do all that well)


No, it's incredibly easy to get a .edu account.

@HubertManne@kbin.social avatar

Why don't automated spam systems use them then? Its easy for an individual but its not super automately like google. At least at my alma matter its not.


I think you're thinking 4 year college, not 2 years. It takes a lot of effort and money to apply to a 4 year school. It takes like 5 minutes to apply at your local community college online and get a .edu email address, and it's free.

Using .edu as some sort of validation is a terrible idea because it's something anyone can get with just a few minutes of work.

@HubertManne@kbin.social avatar

yeah thats for an an individual though. A robotic spam account that needs to make a thousand accounts automatically is not going to make one so easily. spam from individuals is much easier to deal with than machine spam.


It is stupid easy to get a free .edu account. It will not hamper spammers in the slightest. Even if they don’t want to make a few .edu accounts a day to do their spamming, they can just buy .edu accounts in bulk for about 10 cents per. No one is making thousands of kbin accounts to spam from, they make a handful a day, and use them till they get banned. Then they make a few more.

.edu accounts are a terrible way to try and prevent spam on kbin. There is literally an industry around generating fake .edu accounts. You can buy them in bulk. Some colleges receive 10’s of thousands of fake applications a month trying to get free .edu emails.

@HubertManne@kbin.social avatar

Yeah I had no idea they could be bought it bulk. I thought you had to be registered. Granted there are all the for profit colleges now. Would not be surprised if they straight sold them directly.

DessertStorms, w /kbin Issues
@DessertStorms@kbin.social avatar

I'm sure you're aware there has been an issue with people/bots spamming CP on some lemmy instances, I'm not sure if I happened to see them before removal, or if removal still isn't federating properly (since I know the admins/mods have been trying to implement additional solutions), either way, these posts were still showing up on all/new last night/early this morning (GMT), so it might just be worth double checking on your end if there is any way to stop this.

Vegan_Joe, w Is there a way to message a user?

https://beehaw.org/pictrs/image/ab198c28-5a77-405d-b8ca-f833a4548a46.webp I am using sync, and the option to message you is there once I go to your user page.

@HubertManne@kbin.social avatar

yeah morgunkorn explained it and I was just having some mental blindness or something. im smacking my head at how its location is right where you would think it would be. don't know how I missed it.

originalucifer, w url link blocking. What happened to it.
@originalucifer@moist.catsweat.com avatar

i really like this idea, and i can't believe it doesnt exist.

it sounds like it did exist, but for some technical reason it was removed.. it could be something very innocuous like the code was terrible, and needed a rewrite, or a library was used that needed to no longer be used and it has not yet been replaced.

@HubertManne@kbin.social avatar

yeah it definately existed at one point and was likely the most effective blocking tool compared to user level and magazine level.

Gordon_Freeman, w Anyway to get this spammer's account banned?
@Gordon_Freeman@kbin.social avatar

Today we got a huge wave of spam accounts

@HeartyBeast@kbin.social avatar

Is there anything practical that I, or another average user can do to help practically in these situations?

@Gordon_Freeman@kbin.social avatar

I just block those accounts, we as users cannot do much more, I think

@HeartyBeast@kbin.social avatar

I hate doing that - unless the admins use multiple people blocking the account as a signal

@rhythmisaprancer@kbin.social avatar

You can report a post. It will even tell you if it has already been reported. I do not know who receives this report. I report and then block this type of thing.

Pamasich, w [Solved] How to get rid of the arrows at the bottom of comments which collapse/expand the text?

I think you're referring to the black bar below comments that are too long which can be clicked to expand the comment?

That has nothing to do with KES's collapsible comments feature as someone else brought up. It's a native kbin feature.

KES actually has a feature that addresses this by automatically clicking that bar, but it seems to only apply to thread bodies, not comments, currently. If you're interested in having it apply to comments too, try filing a new issue on Github requesting the feature. The mod in question is "Always expand post bodies" in the Threads category. This should be fairly easy to add.


Thank you. For me it shows up as a grey bar with an arrow in it (it then becomes two bars when pressed); that might be based on color scheme. But, yes, toggling various KES mods didn't affect it the issue, so it's very likely that it's a Kbin issue. Surprised no one else has mentioned it, if that's the case! It seems to just block out the last couple of lines afaik


I wasn't able to reproduce the issue on a default kbin setup with KES either on off. The "always expand post bodies" feature of KES only applies to bodies, but I could extend it to support comments as well so that they auto-expand. What I didn't observe was any situations where the expansion bar obscures the text. Do you have a screenshot of that?

Are you running a custom theme?


Thank you. I'll take some screenshots in the next day as I come across them. No custom theme, just the color schemes offered by stock kbin.


See if this link works:


Funny enough, I was able to somehow press enough times or the right way to reveal all the text. But usually at least the last line is cut off


I understand the root cause now, will ping you again once this feature is working as expected.


Your follow-up is amazing, thank you!


I know what they mean, because I have the same issue on my work pc (but not at home). I forgot it happens because the personal userstyle I'm using includes CSS to fix this issue entirely.

@speck get yourself Stylus if you don't have it already and try this CSS which works perfectly for me:

div.more:not(:nth-child(1 of .more)) {
    display: none;

Can't guarantee it works with kbin's built in custom CSS functionality, as that one seems to filter out some selectors (no logic behind which).

Basically, what happens without that CSS is that

  1. Clicking the bar once scrolls me down a bit but otherwise does absolutely nothing.
  2. Clicking the bar again turns the arrow upwards and spawns a new bar above the existing one.
  3. Clicking the upper bar repeats step 1.
  4. Clicking the upper bar again turns the arrow upwards but doesn't spawn another bar, nor does it do anything else.
  5. Clicking the lower bar removes the upper one again and turns the arrow back downwards.

At no point is the comment ever expanded. When OP says it obscures text, that's just the default state where only x lines of the comment are shown and the bar covers the last line(s). The issue is the comment can't be expanded, so it keeps obscuring the text even when clicked as nothing actually moves.

Looking at the HTML source, I can see five instances of the bar existing at once on the same comment.

I tested just now to turn off my scripts one by one and KES was the culprit. Disabling it fixed the issue. I'll try checking which feature is causing it.

Pamasich, (edited )

@shazbot @speck

For me, the culprit is the collapsible comments mod (or the standalone script if you're using that one).

edit: The root cause seems to be lines 182 to 190. But the actual troublemaker appears to be on kbin's side, not KES. When the mod's main function finishes, the comment still only has only one .more element like when it began.

I've disabled all other mods and userscripts, so it's not one of those. Also just tried to disable KES (and even the monkey) entirely, running the script from the console instead. No change either, it's still happening.

The code fragment in question copies the comment into a new children container. I'm thinking this probably makes some part of kbin confused, leading to the issues we're seeing.
It might be best to just include the userstyle I'm using in the CSS added by the mod.

This is the code between lines 182 and 190, removing which prevents the issue:

let children = previousComment.querySelector('.children');
if (!children) {
    // If not, create one
    children = document.createElement('div');
    children.className = 'children';
// Insert comment into children container

shazbot, (edited )

Thanks for looking into this. I've been meaning to audit this mod, but was a bit busy this week. In light of this report, this seems like as good a time as any.

Unfortunately, the mod is no longer maintained by the original author, so I'll have to inherit it and refactor it. I feel it is overengineered for what it attempts to do, so it should be streamlined and the aforementioned issues fixed. I am also aware of the issue that the mod fails to unset itself properly when turned off. I am really not satisfied with its current functionality.

Root cause analysis and solutions are described in a subsequent comment

shazbot, (edited )

@Pamasich @speck

I have completed an audit of the mod and observed the following issues:

  1. Does not properly unset classes and restore the page to an intact state when turned off: this was having the side effect of making the threaded lines look incorrect when toggling on/off in place. The mod should not leave dangling containers around after it is toggled off. The mod creates an outer container so that the "expando" lines flow all the way down through the child elements, but when turned off, these child elements need to be moved back out of the container to be adjacent to each other and the container removed. => Fixed locally.
  2. Does not properly unset event listeners attached to nested comments. Same as above, tends to leave dangling listeners and does not unset itself cleanly. => In progress.
  3. Because it physically manipulates the DOM and moves sub-comments into their own container down the tree, triggers an event (likely a bug) on Kbin's side whereby any time the DOM is updated for that element, Kbin appends a more element (text expansion button) if the text overflows a certain length, even if a more element is already present. You can test this by creating a dummy div above or below a long comment and then moving the long comment before or after that div. Simply moving its position in the DOM will trigger the creation of another more element inside. And because the mod puts each comment into its own container for the purposes of threading nested chains of comments, this will trigger the creation of as many mores as there are indendation levels. So for a comment chain 5 replies deep, there will be 5 mores. This is further exacerbated when toggling the mod on and off, since these mores are not getting wiped and will just keep getting stacked up. Since this is also an upstream issue, our only alternative here is to walk through the tree and remove the extraneous more elements after nesting occurs. This is similar to your CSS solution, but instead of masking them, physically deletes them, otherwise we will have a constantly growing tree of mores every time nesting happens. I guess this should also be reported upstream as well. Kbin seems to expect no DOM manipulation to occur, which is reasonable, I suppose, but might be better if the callback doesn't insert the more element at all if it's already present. => Easy fix on the Kbin side, in progress.


I have resolved the aforementioned issues with a hotfix on the testing branch; please test when time permits. Executive summary:

  1. The mod fully restores the DOM tree to its original state when toggled off. It is now possible to toggle the mod on and off on the same page without reloading, and changes will behave as expected.
  2. For reasons of security, the mod no longer allows clicking the post headers or post body as a means of collapsing/expanding comments. This was attaching unnecessary listeners to elements on the page, with no way of clearing them when toggled off (besides hard refreshing). Now the only approved way of expanding/collapsing is to use the +/- icon or colored bars.
  3. The mod erroneously modified the CSS of profile pictures to give them rounded borders, which was unspecified by its intended behavior and documented nowhere in the description. Now they conform to the standard square format.
  4. The superfluous mores are being removed now for comments with overflow text. What I thought would be a quick fix turned into hours, and I thought I was losing my marbles over this one for a long time, since the tree clearly showed numerous duplicate mores, but only one per comment was being shown at runtime of the script. At first, I did not seriously think that the mod was completing its runtime cycle prior to the duplicate mores being spawned, but indeed this is what was happening. For now, I have added a 20ms sleep before clearing the extra mores, and this seems to suffice to let them propagate before the mod can continue with the cleanup phase. This seems satisfactory for now, short of attaching observers to wait for the duplicate mores to appear.

I believe that covers everything. It should be possible to switch the mod on and off at will now and see no adverse effect.


Teardown isn't working for me, tried multiple devices and turned my custom styling off.

After teardown this is how the site looks like to me. Also, it seems you need to remove the mores on teardown too. The more issue is now fixed when the mod is active, but appears again after teardown.


You're right, looks like I missed something that was obscured by custom styling.

And good catch on the mores appearing on teardown. This mod is turning out to be quite a beast. Thanks for testing.


I had just forgotten something simple (unload the threaded comments CSS):


safeGM("removeStyle", "hide-defaults");


safeGM("removeStyle", "hide-defaults");
safeGM("removeStyle", "threaded-comments");

This is live on testing, but might take a sec to propagate due to GitHub's caching feature.


This works for me now.


Great breakdown of the issue!

I have screenshots of the phenomena in another comment:


That code snippet seems to work I'm new to stylus, but I think I did it correctly and it allowed me to expand and read your two longer comments here. Thank you for that!


Great to hear the CSS works on mobile too!

I think you pressed the wrong button when you tried to upvote my comment, I can see a downvote there from you.


Fixed that, sorry

rhythmisaprancer, w [Solved] How to get rid of the arrows at the bottom of comments which collapse/expand the text?
@rhythmisaprancer@kbin.social avatar

I'm not sure what KES is but if I just scroll a bit then what u want to read or what I am writing is clear of the arrow. I don't use the arrow and am indifferent to it but I imagine others may like it. I use the PWA.

That's my solution 🙂


What's PWA?

@rhythmisaprancer@kbin.social avatar

Progressive web app. You install it from your browser, and it runs from your browser, but you get a special icon to launch it. Probably more To it than that, but that's the most I think I know enough to say haha!


I'm not sure what KES

Kbin Enhancement Suite. Inspired by the Reddit extension of the same name (RES).

It's a userscript that provides many opt-in atomic features with a shared api and settings interface.

Current features include:

  • hiding various sidebar elements
  • bringing up a list of subscribed magazines via hotkey
  • displaying the instance next to usernames and magazines
  • a mail icon next to usernames which starts a new message when clicked
  • notifications easily accessible in the navbar
  • softblocking magazines
  • syntax highlighting
  • fixing broken lemmy code blocks
  • and various others
DarkThoughts, w Another Interstellar update: new icon, microblogging support, editing/deleting capabilities, youtube embedding, and more

Does it support mbin instances too?

Montagge, w Another Interstellar update: new icon, microblogging support, editing/deleting capabilities, youtube embedding, and more
@Montagge@kbin.earth avatar

On Android I had to uninstall the old version to install this version. Just an FYI for anyone that runs into the same thing.

@jwr1@kbin.earth avatar

I just wanted to let you know, since you mentioned it, I figured out what was wrong, and the latest version should fix the updating problem. You'll still have to reinstall one last time though, unfortunately.

@Montagge@kbin.social avatar


ForestOrca, w /kbin Issues
@ForestOrca@kbin.social avatar

The issue I had with Up/Down Vote, and Boost throwing errors appears to be resolved. Huzzah!!!

Pandantic, w if i delete a post from my mag that is from a user from lemmy, will it be removed on both ends (both kbin and lemmy)?
@Pandantic@midwest.social avatar

This is only from what I have seen and I have no knowledge of how federation works:

No. Ex: there have been many spam posts on food@kbin.social that I made a post about. I found out from that post that they were removed from the kbin mod, but I could still see them here on Midwest.social.

See this post for more info. There is also a link in there about this known issue.


well shit, i regret making it now if i can't even moderate it

Mixel, w Hey that’s cool
Mixel avatar

What you mean?

originalucifer, w Could we get something like PieFed's "Add Remote" button?
@originalucifer@moist.catsweat.com avatar

how is this different than the subscribe button?

i get all kinds of new communities by just clicking into the remote community, and then clicking subscribe

edit: aaww maybe you just dont like where you currently type it, and want to type it somewhere else? i spose. i agree the interface currently isnt very clear

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

i get all kinds of new communities by just clicking into the remote community, and then clicking subscribe

Maybe you misunderstand what I mean. Right now, if I were to create a new community on lemmy.world called /c/thatonekirbymainisawesome, it wouldn't show up if I searched for it here on the kbin.social magazines page. That's because kbin.social currently doesn't know that this community exists and thus isn't fetching anything from it. The same goes for any other two instances. If you want a non-hypothetical example, go to sh.itjust.works and search "geometrydash". You won't find /m/geometrydash (or at least I didn't at the time of making this comment). If you go to https://sh.itjust.works/c/geometrydash@kbin.social, you just get an error, because sh.itjust.works doesn't know about geometrydash@kbin.social yet.

To fix this, someone needs to essentially tell an instance, "Hey, this community over here exists, and you should start fetching stuff from it." On Kbin, this is done by putting the community's address in the general search bar. So if I were to search "thatonekirbymainisawesome@lemmy.world" on kbin.social's, that community would finally appear, and I'd be able to subscribe from it and see any posts made after that point.

What I'm suggesting is that instead of having to type the full community address in the normal search bar (which can be unintuitive), there should be a dedicated interface for adding remote communities (i.e., letting your instance know that communities on other instances exist). PieFed does this with its "Add Remote" interface, and I think it'd be nice for Kbin (and Lemmy as well) to have something similar.

@originalucifer@moist.catsweat.com avatar

my subscriptions have been mostly coming through posts about new communities.

when someone posts a link to a remote, they are formed in such a way that my mbin instance automagically searches for, creates and dumps me into that newly created remote community. im sure its just a part of its search/routing.

at that point, the instance is subscribed to the remote community.

then i click 'subscribe', which subs my specific account.

edit: yep, theyre crafting the links to force it through the processor like this


more literally: /search?q=photorestoration@lemmy.world

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

True, and the same happens here on kbin.social. However, in the case where there isn't a link to automatically do the search for you, I still think it'd be helpful to have something more intuitive than the community only appearing when the exact address is put in the general search bar.

EDIT: To give an example where this would be useful, what if you're someone on a newer Kbin instance and want to add an existing community? You'll have to know the method of doing it, and if you don't, you're out of luck. Having a dedicated button and interface for this would make it much more intuitive. When I saw PieFed's "Add Remote" button, I immediately got what it did, whereas I still have no clue how to make Kbin communities visible on most Lemmy instances.

LollerCorleone, w [UPDATE] Issues with the functioning of kbin.social
@LollerCorleone@kbin.social avatar

Thank you!

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