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ptsdstillinmymind, w Riot lays off over 500 staff, with Legends of Runeterra and Forge indie initiative teams hit hard

Instead of cutting CEO and executive pay let’s fire some of the employees. - sounds about Capitalism

WanderingPoltergeist, avatar

That's why I honestly respect Nintendo execs because they will take pay cuts over laying off staff when the going is tough! They might occasionally do shitty things or make out of touch decisions but at least they care about the health of their companies. Game companies can't make good games without talent.

prettybunnys, w Games only need fast travel when they make travel "boring", says Dragon's Dogma 2 director

100% agree, lots of open world games these days make the only reason to explore so that you can find the fast travel beacon so you never have to explore the “open world” again.

It hides shitty and half assed world building though so I guess devs got that going for them.

snooggums, avatar

I think it is more of a gameplay issue than a world building issue.

Fast travel solves a problem the developers create, needing to be in specific locations regularly to accomplish specific tasks. If you don't need to be anywhere in particular to offload collected items or to craft stuff, or return to someone to turn in quests to level, then you can just spend the time exploring at whatever pace you want.

Game design that makes repetitive travel necessary is when fast travel becomes necessary to avoid tedium.

TwilightVulpine, w Palworld’s success is partially born from Pokémon fans’ discontent

This take reminds me of how disappointed I was when I got Pokémon Violet, excited to see what pokémon would be like in open world, and then I realized there was nothing to do in between towns and bosses. Overall, it felt less interesting than older games where you needed to solve puzzles and mazes to progress. It's not even like there is much of an incentive to do things in your own order because every challenge has fixed levels. You could play multiplayer but there was nothing to do in multiplayer but to roam around. Due to the short draw distance and low frame rates it wasn't even like admiring the creatures roaming around felt so impressive.

The real time catching mechanics in Arceus were pretty fun, I liked the stealth elements, but without them SV felt like it was only going through the motions of having an open world, without understanding how to make use of it.


arceus (and SV) wouldbe been way better if they learned to design compelling points of interest in their open world and not do amateur work that looks like auto generated landscape


The best thing to do in pokemon violet is to make the jump over the cliffs when you're level 15 and can face level 30 pokemon on top of the cliffs in the first zone.

Gordon_Freeman, w Palworld’s success is partially born from Pokémon fans’ discontent avatar

I don't thinks so. It popular because "pokemon with guns" became a viral meme which sucks.

A a discontent pokemon fan myself I would love someone to make a pokemon clone since Game Freak is not really interested in doing good pokemon games anymore. But "Ark Survival Evolved with knockoff pokemon skins instead of dinosaurs" is not what I want


Pokémon with guns wouldn't have gotten millions of sales on its own. When the trailers came out people were laughing but they weren't exactly eager to play.

Given the persistent popularity of survival crafting games, I think "Ark with knockoff pokemon" is exactly what people wanted. After all, even before this, Pixelmon was one of the most popular Minecraft mods.

Gordon_Freeman, avatar

Pokémon with guns wouldn't have gotten millions of sales on its own

The day before sold millions (but this one was refunded by millions too) and everybody and their mom knew it was a scam since it was announced like 2 or 3 years ago. Internet is weird, if something becomes viral it will sell, the quality does not matter, people just wants to be in

snooggums, avatar

As far as I can tell The Day Before was overhyped early and people bought it because of the marketing. Palworld did some advertising, but the mass adoption appears to be mostly word of mouth that the game is actually fun when it was made available in early access.

That matches what I have seen from people commenting and my personal experience as I don't remember hearing about it before and hopped on because of friends recommending it. Palworld is a word of mouth success like Valheim and for similar reasons of competent styling, smooth gameplay, and survival that isn't punishing the player from the moment the game starts.

Gordon_Freeman, avatar

As far as I can tell The Day Before was overhyped early and people bought it because of the marketing

That's a 3 years old post. Everybody knew it was a scam back then. to the point the studio released "We are not a scam, trust me bro" statements (which made it more obvious it was a scam)

I don't remember hearing about it before

Internet has been talking about "pokemon with guns" for 2 years or so since the developers were already famous because they launched a "Breath of the Wild" knock off (Craftopia) that also sold well (not at the same level of palworld, but for being the first title of a brand new indie studio it sold really well)

snooggums, avatar

Apparently not everyone knew the day before was a scam or it wouldn't have sold millions of units. Just because some people predicted it does not mean that the general population had any awareness of that expectation.

Gordon_Freeman, avatar

it wouldn't have sold millions of units

People started to sell their steam accounts that owned the game and keys for the game for hundreds of dollars when it was announced the game was some bad that it was going to be removed from steam

If something is popular it will sell, the quality does not matter. You have the best example in Pokemon itself


The Day Before did not sell a single million units and Palworld is not getting widely refunded, even though everyone who starts it, dressed like a caveman, immediately realizes they aren't getting to play with guns anytime soon. There were streamers showing this even before the game was out.

It's true that virality is unpredictable and popularity is not a measure of quality, but I think a lot of people are being overly dismissive of the fact that Palworld managed to hook people with something that appealed to them. Not to say it's a bastion of quality and originality, obviously not, but it has something going for it.

ampersandrew, avatar

Off the top of my head, there's Temtem and Cassette Beasts that try to mimic the formula more closely, and then there are a bunch of "Pokemon but _____" takes on the formula that you can find with a quick Google. This is "Pokemon but <survival game>". Last I heard, Ark didn't let you assign dinosaurs to a factory or have some of the more RPG systems like boss fights, but quite frankly, I found Ark so obtuse that I didn't play for long.

Gordon_Freeman, avatar

The problem with TemTem is that it's an always online game, if the servers are turned off you won't be able to play, not even the single player campaign so it's a hard pass.

And the art style of both games are not my cup of tea, the do a disservice selling me the game.

ampersandrew, avatar

I'm a fairweather Pokemon fan at best, but I'm with you on Temtem for the same reason; many people don't have the same reservations as you and I, so I thought I'd mention it. I think Cassette Beasts is that game and reviewed well, and to ignore it might be to ignore exactly the game you're asking for, but I'd also point you toward the "creature collector" tag on Steam. I've never heard of Coromon before doing that search to leave this reply, but mousing over it for a second shows a video that proves they know what they're making (87% positive Steam reviews). Same goes for Nexomon: Extinction (92% positive). No one will know what you're looking for better than you, but people have been making games inspired by Pokemon for a long time now.

Gordon_Freeman, avatar

No one will know what you're looking for better than you, but people have been making games inspired by Pokemon for a long time now.

A Pokemon clone with high production values made in Japan. Or if it's not made in Japan one that uses it own art style, I simply can't stand the "Fake anime" aesthetic that most indies use, like they learned to draw using this as refference

Think of Shin Megami Tensei (but not SMT V, that one sucks, they removed the dungeon crawling and the puzzles)


Cassette Beasts was the true goty last year!

TheOakTree, w Games only need fast travel when they make travel "boring", says Dragon's Dogma 2 director

I don’t NEED fast travel, but I would prefer if games still had an in-universe method of traversing from, say, the Easternmost region and the Westernmost region (i.e. a train, boat, horse carriage, etc.). I just don’t like spending significant amounts of time running back and forth through areas I’ve already discovered all the content in.

I appreciate fast travel in games like Kingdom Come Deliverance, where the fast travel still accounts for the time and resources spent.

Kolanaki, w Games only need fast travel when they make travel "boring", says Dragon's Dogma 2 director
!deleted6508 avatar

Travel is gonna become boring if you have to travel the same road multiple times in the course of the game even if you have a bunch of cool stuff along that road. Eventually, I won’t give a shit about that stuff since I’ve seen it a million times. So I would hope there is still some kind of fast travel to go between places I have already been if the world is super big. Otherwise it’s just gonna feel like you’re padding the game for time to inflate a 10 hour story to take 40 hours to finish.

all-knight-party, avatar

I think the better way to help fix this issue is random encounters, spawns, and a world that changes as the game moves along.

Moving along the same road can be made interesting if different things are happening every so often as you come through. New friendly encounters, new fights with different enemies, maybe randomly spawning treasure or scripted puzzle sequences that can appear dynamically around the whole world. Add to that a world that becomes modified by story events, maybe that road gets blocked and a different passage opens up that takes you to the same end destination, but with a new path and things to explore.

It's not an unsolvable problem, but it is something that goes by the wayside often.


One thing to consider too is scheduled events. Imagine a couple towns get together and throw a fair along a route that connects them, and you get to see celebrations and games and vendors who might sell trinkets that are hard to track down otherwise. Perhaps the local monarch goes on a hunt with the massive party of servants and knights that might entail, with different practices for different cultures. A band of cultists clears an area for several days leading up to their yearly ritual. It’s migration season for a certain species of animal/monster. There are so many possibilities!

Even just vendors passing through can be made more interesting. Do they carry their wares via backpack or cart? Are they being attacked by bandits? Wild animals? Are they trying to smuggle goods or services somewhere?

It all has to be programmed of course, which is the main holdup on what makes it so hard to flesh out those parts of the world.

I do also see weight in the idea that, past a certain point, traveling is just boring, especially if the only thing of importance is the Main Story Quest. Travel is also often boring in real life too but we can tune it out, or find little ways to pass the time and entertain ourselves during the more mundane moments. We’re not frequently afforded that luxury in games. When you’re playing a game and dealing with the downtime going from point A to B, often there is literally nothing to do except hold down the movement keys and deal with the occasional path change/obstacle.

The point of games is to be engaging, and if there’s nothing to do while traveling but look at the scenery and surroundings it will eventually get boring. Even if the travel gets interrupted occasionally for an encounter, I think it’s arguable to say that the content is literally not travel anymore and in fact papering over a bad travel system (if the only thing interesting is the stuff you find that you have to stop and take care of). Adding more unique/transient stuff along routes is only half of the battle; work has to be put in to make traveling enjoyable in and of itself for players to want to do it instead of skip it.

But as always, the best solution to our problem is to simply add more trains.

Edit: slight restructuring/grammar

wolfshadowheart, avatar

To add to this, DD1 has quite a number of NPC's that travel between regions and you can come across them. As you progress through the game their patterns and locations change.

I actually am ambivalent on the latter mechanic as it really makes it a pain sometimes, but it still has lots of ways that it can work well.

snooggums, avatar

Depends on the reason for traveling. If you are headed down the road to a goal and keep getting sidetracked by random encounters in a way that is distracting you from the thing you want to do then they just make travel tedious.

It all comes down to why am I traveling and why are encounters on the road more engaging than the reason for being on the road in the first place.

Lith, avatar

From the article:

And for the record, Itsuno does say that he thinks fast travel is “convenient” and “good” when done right.

Based on Dragon’s Dogma 1’s use of Ferrystones, as well as this mechanic returning along with oxcarts in the sequel, I think this director understands that there needs to be a balance. It’s good when it’s both properly implemented and has a purpose. You’re right that nobody wants to run up and down the same roads countless times, but it’s up to the devs implementing limited fast travel to make sure you won’t have to. Then it’s up to the player to decide whether fast travel is worth it for any given situation. Knowing when to use your fast travel and how to maximize it is a skill that you develop and should be rewarded for mastering.

But it also needs to have a purpose. In more arcadey games, I don’t like worrying about resources like that. But in more grueling games like Dragon’s Dogma, where the journey is often a very intentional part of the gameplay loop if not the main challenge itself, it fits right at home.

TwilightVulpine, w Palworld already has a Pokémon mod
Eggyhead, w Multiplayer being 'considered' for Cyberpunk 2077 sequel says CD Projekt avatar

Story-mode co-op? Massive, enthusiastic yes please.
Competitive matches? Fine for anyone who likes that sort of thing, I guess.

kayjay, w Multiplayer being 'considered' for Cyberpunk 2077 sequel says CD Projekt

You’d think they would’ve learned. Guess not.

KyoStarr, (edited ) w Multiplayer being 'considered' for Cyberpunk 2077 sequel says CD Projekt avatar

I'm so tired of the AAA hype machine. Who cares, since this game is years away from a release and probably 3-4 years of post-release patches from being decent.

I thought CD Projekt would have learned from Cyberpunk's incredibly prolonged marketing campaign and it's remarkably shoddy release but I guess not.

biscoot, w Monster Hunter Rise update adds Enigma DRM, breaks Steam Deck compatibility

I hope they revert the change. But in the meantime, I’m adding to the pile of negative reviews on Steam.

Eggyhead, w Monster Hunter Rise update adds Enigma DRM, breaks Steam Deck compatibility avatar

Uncanny timing for my Deck’s RMA repair. I had been deep into Sunbreak.

FWIW, Capcom has acknowledged the issue publicly and clearly do not want this to be the case. It’ll probably be fixed sooner rather than later.

KyoStarr, (edited ) w Monster Hunter Rise update adds Enigma DRM, breaks Steam Deck compatibility avatar

This is a bummer, especially with how much better
Rise can perform on the Steam Deck compared to the Switch version. Bad move on Capcom's part.

shiveyarbles, w Monster Hunter Rise update adds Enigma DRM, breaks Steam Deck compatibility

Adding the good stuff, as usual Capcom fails to read the room

shiveyarbles, w Multiplayer being 'considered' for Cyberpunk 2077 sequel says CD Projekt

Please enough with the hype and promises from the sales department

Ferk, avatar

At least it's just a "considering"...

I remember back when they scrapped the multiplayer promises they made for Cyberpunk 2077 there was also word about them preparing some separate standalone multiplayer game for the future instead. To me this "considering" is more of an indication that the new game won't be multiplayer focused (if it has multiplayer at all), rather than a promise of anything.

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