
Would be amazing if they did a whole campaign, and call it an Expansion Pack instead of DLC for old times sake!


I would love to see some GMing tools and the ability to do custom campaigns. Like I could imagine a group using BG3 to run an actual game of D&D in. It wouldn’t need to be incredibly complicated, just some sort of modular tiling and the ability to add objects/monsters, you don’t need dialogue (or keep it basic) or need to fuss with scripting or anything like that, just a basic scenario builder that’s easy enough for most GM’s to figure out. It’d still be more work than pen&paper, but a bit more approachable and it’d just look so beautiful.

SinkingLotus, avatar

I’d love a system like Neverwinter Nights 2 had. Giving us the ability to create custom campaigns.


They had gm tools in divinity original sin 1 (I think? Maybe it was 2) didn’t ever get used afaik


They could also release a few campaigns that DMs could use to start from. That wouldn’t require much dev time aside from the DM tools (e.g. add a surprise if the team is doing to well in a battle, or hold back a surprise if they’re struggling).

I think a lot of people would buy story packs, even if there’s a way to make your own or get free community stories.


That’s what Neverwinter nights really was. Hell there are still people playing persistent world servers.


That would be cool, but WotC won’t let it happen. They want to own and monetize the digital tabletop, which they can’t do with BG3.


The article is quite misleading and one should see the interview itself rather than to rely on this article.

!deleted6508 avatar

While DLC would be welcome, I really want a toolset to make my own campaigns.

FoundTheVegan, avatar

I would too, but I get the feeling WotC might not allow that. They are hard core pushing their digital tabletop replacement with D&D beyond. A custom baulders for a flat fee would seriously eat in to their subscription model profits.

Which I'm all for! I'd definitely play custom BG campgains but I have no interest in paying $10 bucks a month for a Skype game or whatever.

!deleted6508 avatar

There have been digital tabletop tools that allow you to play any game for so long, that are free, I don’t see how they would ever really get anyone on board with a subscription service to do the same thing.

I use a couple myself with my group. They have some premium features like access to tilesets; but they also allow importing an image to use so it’s not like I feel compelled to subscribe.


It’s what the point of the licensing mess a few months back was: to rope dnd-one away from third party VTTs

FoundTheVegan, avatar

Those free versions only exist because of the OGL, which WotC wanted to rein in. In part because of their own VTT being in development. This was also before WotC changed how they sold their books, now they are slanted to being part of a Beyond membership. While 3rd party seller still have a supply of books, the WotC main website is now only selling physical books as a bundle with a digital one for an up charge. Wizards is changing and is very much transitioning to prioritize their digital goods.

I mean this isn't just a wild conspiracy theroy, Wizards themselves said as much during an investor meeting.


Seemingly going back on what they have already said in the past.

Trying to milk the success now that the honeymoon period is over and complaints are being top news.

The studio is already working of their next title. DLC would mean putting more people on the satellite team. Large doubt it’s going to be anything other than characters.


Seems like a no-brainer to have a custom campaign system given the number of people who’ve picked this one up. You think they’d want to capitalize on their success regardless of how tired they are


I wonder if a campaign editor or even something more sophisticated ala Neverwinter Knights has simply not been green flagged by Wizards of the Coast.


I would love DLC. A game like this could be kept alive for years with good DLC.


I wonder if the game supports whole new campaigns, use the core mechanics but introduce a totally different narrative, locations, characters, etc

Could be really good, even better if they open this up to modders and allow us to create our own campaigns


Yeah the modding tools in Dos2 were insane. I haven’t really looked into bg3 mods but I hope we get something like that.


Imagine getting something like NWN had.


I hope we get the tools Solasta has.


I’ve seen some mods pop up on nexus but other than the gear ones I wouldn’t say they were that great, though it is early days still


I’m mostly interested in the mods that add new classes. The Artificer mod is really good and mostly shows how broken they are in 5e.


Even just making the gear you find randomized would add so much replayability


I’m probably going to get around 500 hours vanilla or near vanilla. One campaign took 150ish hours and I messed up some stuff along the way made me miss a lot of content in act 2 by doing something that entirely made me skip most of ketherics lines and actions

vasametropolis, (edited )

Edited for spoilers: I’m going to message you to ask but I’m wondering if I missed a lot of Ketheric as well.

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