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conciselyverbose, w Unity: disappointed at how removal ToS has been framed. We removed it way before the pricing change was announced not because we didn't want people to see it.

lol at choosing to present it in a way that implied there was no way to avoid the retroactive license change (which you explicitly said you wanted to apply retroactively, charging fees based on activity prior to your license change), then blaming the community for interpreting it how you told us it works.

dom, w You'll Have To Wait At Least Two Years For A Faster Steam Deck

I dont want faster, I just want a bezeless oled in the same body.

WheeGeetheCat, w Meta is shutting down three Oculus games without explanation avatar

I freaking hate that Zuk got Oculus. Made my first VR helmet freaking worthless. Forced a facebook account to play my games I already bought.

Just went ahead and shelled out for the Index after that, cause at least you know Gabe isn’t fucking around.

Sanctus, w Diablo 4 continues to walk back changes from its fiendishly unpopular 1.1 patch, boosting XP gain on World Tiers 3 and 4 avatar

The problem with this game is its design choices. Over simplified enemies leave much to be desired from previous titles. A world that levels with you means you never feel like you get better. I had to get lucky with a fucken item drop just to make my druid viable. Restarting every season? Only streamers and NEETs have time and desire to do that. This game was a pile of the worst design choices of the last 10 years. They even managed to make an established character (Lilith) bland by trying to make her seem morally grey. Chick has been trying to turn Sanctuary into her own faction for the Eternal Conflict since its inception. If I could I would refund this game, which sucks they already got their money.


I agree with you on some things and disagree in others. Random mobs don’t need to be particularly complex imho. I have skipped D3 but in D2 the most complexity random mobs had were the immunities, which imo is also not good design. The boss battles is where skill and brains and preparation should play a role, and in that regard I think D4 does a good job. The problem is that when playing I felt everything was a slog and enemies were a damage sponge at all times.

Also, seasonal resets were a known quantity and are standard for this kind of game, so I don’t really see the point on complaining about those. PoE also does resets and it’s never been an issue. The forced grind is where the problem lies.

As for Lilith, I didn’t feel she was morally grey. I felt that she was manipulating everything in such a way as to always be or be perceived as the lesser evil, trying to find her way to the top via underhanded means and manipulation, but always purely out of self interest. Definitely a black character, but in a more interesting way than the simple “I am evil so I must destroy”

That said, I have not touched this game since I completed the campaign. The story was decent, but the game was simply not fun, even though I like a lot of the artistic and technical details.

Hopefully it’ll be fun at some point, for now I still consider the money I spent to buy the game strongly in the not well spent category

pancakes, (edited ) avatar

The somewhat niche ARPG space is already competitive enough in strong game design with the likes of PoE, Grim Dawn, and Last Epoch for subpar games to make it long term.

Praxis_Jack, w Microsoft documents leak new Bethesda games, including an Oblivion remaster avatar

I heard the rumor of oblivion remaster but the only thought I had was why not Morrowind? As someone who’s only heard of how good it is but never played im curious cause it seems like aside from Skyrim Morrowind was everyone’s favorite elder scrolls


Honestly there are so many great mods for Morrowind that it doesn’t need a remaster. You can get it looking pretty decent.


Are there any mods that add voiceovers to dialog?

GreenSkree, (edited ) avatar

Yes, but it only works with the original client. Doesn’t appear to work with OpenMW, yet, which is superior in many ways now.

exscape, avatar

Skyblivion and Skywind are a thing. Hopefully they'll be released at some point too though...


Especially since Oblivion seems to work fine on modern Xboxen. Back on reddit, all the Morrowind first-timers were using OpenMW, and all the Oblivion first-timers were playing on console somehow.

sadreality, w Baldur's Gate 3 developer says pull your PS5 offline to fix sudden crash issue

You pay for PSN to be able to play this thing online... PSN does not work.

What are people paying for?

Also, release the physical copy assholes... You did it in Japan, why is US consumer getting treated like second class gamer?


What do you need the physical copy for? You will have to download patches anyway.


There are millions of reasons, such as people in rural areas with bad internet can't download large game, none of which matter since I am paying customer lol

I guess if I am alone then fine but I am pretty sure many others wants physical copies of games.


Oh, ok. I thought you were preparing some kind of internet down / zombie apocalypse scenario. But patches can be big too (I think? Haven’t even paid attention to that for some time).


If someone I’d going to spend the money on a ps5, games, and whatnot, they can afford to buy a cheap external disc player sorry


Weird flex, boy, but ok


How do I trade in my digital copy? Or loan it to a friend?


Ok. I don’t do any of that.


You’re not the only consumer and they don’t all behave like you. Welcome to society!


I wrote “ok”, didn’t I?


“OK” may not be the concession that you appear to think it is. Perhaps you meant “oh, I see,” but clearly it is being interpreted as “okayyy, what-everrrrr.”


Yeah, you wrote it, but did you mean it? Not from my interpretation.


I’m okay with the PSN being down from time to time, nothing is perfect… but WHAT? you can play BG3 offline, but you cant buy it offline? now I am more pissed they won’t sell a disc.


Also, release the physical copy assholes… You did it in Japan, why is US consumer getting treated like second class gamer?

Japanese people by and large demand physical media. In the US, developers have figured that they don’t lose a meaningful amount of money by only providing digital downloads. The typical US customer doesn’t care enough.

Nfntordr, (edited ) w Marvel's Avengers goes on sale one last time before being delisted forever

Not a problem, fitgirl to the rescue!

WaterWaiver, w Your Minecraft account might be gone forever unless you act now

Finally did this a week or so back, I had one of the original accounts (username login, not email). Made me feel like shit and manipulated, all to make Microsoft happier.


Yup. I changed mine a while back for my kids to play with, and now it’s all tied to MS. I considered buying another license, but screw em.

elouboub, w Devs on Unity Runtime Fee: "The trust is gone forever" avatar

"Trust" won't matter if they just continue writing new games in it.


Who would want to write new games for a company that can just screw you later?

ChaoticEntropy, avatar

Not just “can” but, from statements from the CEO, still plan to… just a little later.

elouboub, (edited ) avatar

Probably enough people to keep Unity afloat. Let's be honest, who's going to reskill their gamedevs to learn Godot or some other game engine? Decision makers will probably spend more money on trying to find ways around the problem than actually solving it aka using another game engine.
It's what they do.

SSUPII, w $70 Mortal Kombat 1 Switch version called "robbery" as graphical comparisons flood the internet

For the quality offered the cost was very steep, but its also true the Switch doing some major heavy lifting already.


What does that mean, the Switch doing some major heavy lifting?


The hardware the game is running is painfully terrible in 2023.


While the OP meant it the way he answered you, the way I see it used most often colloquially is that when someone or something does the heavy lifting especially in gaming, they are providing the bulk of the work. Like doing the heavy lifting in a team game equates to carrying the team, or saying a character does the heavy lifting instead of the player, means the character is overpowered and carrying the player (or vice versa).

ArchmageAzor, w GTA V turns 10: The impact and legacy of Rockstar's biggest game - and why sequel is taking so long avatar

It’s taking so long because GTA V through GTA Online is a massive cash cow with infinite pockets.


Why? It’s so boring, I only play it when I want to play car simulator for a half hour. If you try to do any objective that requires you stepping out of your car, looking at a map for 15 seconds or picking a lock, some 13 year old will roll up and frag you with a rocker launcher. Almost no one works together, and there is always at least one or two dudes in every server that are whales and just spend the entire time pissing off everyone that they can. The don’t care about missions because they already bought whatever they wanted.

ArchmageAzor, (edited ) avatar

Because with one simple purchase of $45.99, you can be that 13 year old with the best and coolest gear in the game!

That’s who it panders too, people with short attention spans and easy wallets who will gladly dish out money for immediate rewards. That applies well to 13 year olds with access to their parents credit card

vzq, w BioWare vet says Mass Effect and Dragon Age got "too homogenous," wishes Dragon Age had been more "Neverwinter-like"

I really really liked ME1 and 2. Sure, there are some nits to pick, especially with the act 2 gameplay (stupid mako, silly scanner), but they are great games.


ME2 is a good game in isolation, but I think it played a big part in getting Bioware where they are now.

ME2 saw them move far, far more into the action-RPG direction that was wildly popular at the time, with a narrative that was in retrospect just running in place (ME2 contributes effectively nothing towards the greater plot and zero major issues are introduced if it is excised from the trilogy). I feel the wild success ME2 saw after going in this direction caused Bioware to (a) double down on trend chasing, and (b) abandon one of their core strengths of strong, cohesive narratives. ME3 chased multiplayer shooter trends, DA:I and ME:A both chased open world RPG trends, Anthem chased the live service trend, and the first try at DA3 chased more live service stuff before Anthem launched to shit and they scrapped the whole thing to start over.

All while, of what I saw first hand (of those I played) or read about secondhand (of those I did not play) none of those games put any serious focus on Bioware’s bread&butter of well written narratives. ME3 in particular is a narrative mess, with two solid payoffs (Krogans + Geth-Quarians) and the rest being some of the worst writing I’ve seen in a major video game.

ME2 was great. ME2 also set Bioware on a doomed path.


ME2 vastly expanded the universe of mass effect from the very bare bones level of the first game. It makes the reapers into more than vague robot threat that kills the universe every so often. It established other races as more than basic caricatures. You can keep the basic narrative intact without it, but you lose the sense of payoff in 3 without seeing krogan as a dying race, geth as a sentient race that deserves equality, and the truly desperate nature of the nomadic quarians.

3 was pretty good until the final ending that was clearly rushed in establishing the full reasoning behind each choice. Yes it had multi-player tacked on, but it was clearly a rushed effort and cutting it wouldn’t have fixed the story. The multi-player is also the best coop gameplay I’ve ever played and nothing has came close to the feel. You’re problems with 3 and other Bioware releases seem directly related to the broad direction EA was forcing everyone down.


There is a big failing in ME2 that made me sad: the shift to a human centric story and universe.

ME3 I don’t see anything interesting in the scenario right from the start. It’s very similar to DAI btw.


Ah that’s true, I realize it now that you put it your finger in it: ME2 is really a “let’s tour the universe” kind of story fleshing out the background of known races (and adding new ones) and places.


I think you’re putting an awful lot of blame on ME2. Visceral combat in no way precludes good storytelling.


This is very true. And it’s ironic because when I saw BG3 I thought that bioware paved the way for it. They had everything to make a BG3 since kotor and nwn2, they successfully kick-started their own IP with ME and DAO, but they went on the path of ME3 and DAI instead.

They mistakenly thought the kotor and neverwinter nights ways were different. And then they failed at adapting to the openworld era.

Kolanaki, w Why Doom creator John Romero says video games are 'the greatest art form'
!deleted6508 avatar

Video gaming is basically every other art form combined into a single package, with even more artistic value because of player agency and choice. So yeah… It is the best form of art.

lorez, (edited )

There’s not really a best art form in my opinion (and I adore games). Sometimes you want a single one to be the only one, sometimes you don’t feel like being the agent, you only want to be told a story, etc.

all-knight-party, avatar

I think video games' volatility and ties to specific hardware and issues of bugs and technical problems hold them back from being the best medium.

Almost all other kinds of art are much more easily preserved in their original form and have more longevity and deliverance of artistic intent.


That’s not the issue I think, there are also temporary art installations. And for games there’s emulation.

icepuncher69, (edited ) w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

I dont know who is the most pathetic group here, if nexus mods for taking down a dumb harmless mod for ridiculous reasons or the moders that made a mod that takes out a dumb harmeles feature for ridiculous reasons. Nexus mods sucks either way and the mod devs suck too.

nimmo, w Ubisoft Montreal's mandatory return-to-office order reportedly leaves staff in "turmoil" avatar

I find it quite interesting that Ubisoft Montreal chose the same day as my employer to enforce 2 days in the office every week.

I’ll accept that there is a 1 in 356.25 chance that any employer will pick a specific day to enforce a return to office, but it does seem interesting that there would be 2 employers in different countries picking the same day. Is there something special about that day that makes it a special day to change where and how people work? (I know that there were events on 2001 that took place on this day, but that doesn’t seem too likely a reason to pick that particular day to enact this change)


It's a monday. So that's already more like 1 in 52. There's been like 5-20 news worthy "return to work" announcements in the past year, I'm guessing half othem have mandatory 2 days, the other half have mandatory 3 days.

Multiply that by the number of things that happen in your life where a coincidence of this level could happen and you should be seeing this kind of coincidence a many times each year.

nimmo, avatar

Fair points well made. I thought the 11th was a Wednesday and I’ve been off on holiday for a week or so, so brain no worky so good just now.

I’ll l go back under my lurking rock again.


Heh, the 2 days will become 3 and then 4.

These idiots are totally destroying work life balance but honestly, they do not care about our welfare or mental health. We are just human machines that they think they own.

What is completely laughable is how they have become advocates of the environment and reducing carbon. Yah, my unnecessary shitty commute is really not contributing! They turn a blind eye to that yo.


We recently went from 2 days to 3 days, and I chalked it up to our new CEO (old one replaced for unrelated reasons). Granted, many departments were full remote, in violation of company policy.

I’m hopeful that we can get back down to 2 days in office. However, if the industry goes for 3 days as standard, the might not be realistic.

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