Hubi, do games w Gothic 1 Remake | Welcome to the Old Camp | Showcase Trailer 2023

I’m really looking forward to this game. Brings me right back to my childhood!

sterno900, do games w Titan Quest II | Announcement Trailer

This is legendary

shiveyarbles, do gaming w Baldur’s Gate 3 is Causing Some Developers to Panic

BG 3 is so stupid, it’s not even optimizing micro transactions for maximum profits


How am I supposed to feel a sense of pride and accomplishment without paying for my dice rolls?


Wonder what a divine crit roll would cost, $5 in combat $3 outside? Heck that’s too complicated $10 for all, $7 for season pass holders.

For those wondering there is no season pass.

!deleted6508 avatar

They would have to also start charging to save scum. Why would I pay $5 for a crit when I can just reload my save and try until I get one? Every new save is $0.50 and every reload is also $0.50.


Fuck it, exiting the game now costs $2. We need to recoup the opportunity cost of you not being somewhere you can be directly marketed to.


Unity CEO has entered the chat


“Leaving money on the table” must be the exec’s perspective.

raccoona_nongrata, do gaming w Baldur’s Gate 3 is Causing Some Developers to Panic avatar


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  • SnepKayz,

    Star Citizen is its own greatest obstacle lol. Doesn’t need a shadowy cabal of all the major game studios conspiring to keep it down.

    AlexisFR, avatar

    Well it’s main competitor also collapsed on it self, maybe it’s just hard to do?

    Borat, avatar

    main competitor also collapsed on it self

    Elite Dangerous is alive and well, thank you. I still play it.

    lowdownfool, do gaming w Baldur’s Gate 3 is Causing Some Developers to Panic avatar

    Is there something I can read instead of giving some jackass a view on Youtube?


    To summarize the actual tweets/comments/etc that these videos (there are multiple) are panicking about.

    1. Smaller studios aren't going to be able to replicate the scale and complexity of BG3. So people shouldn't be using BG3 as the bar to compare future titles/RPGs from other studios going forward. Larian is comparable in size (or even larger) to Bethesda when they released Skyrim, and no one has been able to compete directly with Skyrim either.
    2. Not all games and RPGs need to be as complex and long as BG3. Expecting open-ended, 100 hour-long RPGs for every future game/RPG isn't realistic. Not all games require that scope, it's rare to get such a budget for this type of game, and even if you did, most companies won't be able to replicate the game in a meaningful way. Just like how companies other than Rockstar would struggle to replicate the scale of games like GTA and RDR.

    There, I've summarized multiple 20 min videos. Just without all the hand-waving and drama.

    !deleted7120 avatar

    So, I see you definitely didn’t actually watch the video.


    I did, did you?

    !deleted7120 avatar

    Considering I’m the one who posted it, yes.


    You would be far from the only person who has posted a link to an article/video they have never read/watched.

    jeebus, avatar

    It was a pretty good video with a good message. All the more surprising is that it was from IGN.

    lowdownfool, avatar

    I prefer not to sit through a 10 minute video for something that requires less than a minute reading time.

    Magrath, do gaming w Baldur’s Gate 3 is Causing Some Developers to Panic

    Click baiting video. Other devs don’t care. As long as they can make money pumping out mediocre games then they will continue to do so. Acting like this is the first good game to come out in a decade or something.


    DEVs do care. As a developer working on something you want to be proud of it. Publishers do not care.


    Looking at how many games have stood in Dragon Age: Origins’ shadow over the past decade, I get the sense that lots of studios wanted to create the true spiritual successor but couldn’t come up with the resources to do so.

    storksforlegs, avatar

    Or if not lacking resources, definitely lacking the creative freedom.

    !deleted6508 avatar

    The individuals working on the game might care.

    The managers who make the decisions don’t. Doesn’t matter if they are a publisher or the development company itself. It’s a bit blurry these days anyway, what with how easy it is to self publish and how many publishers have their own internal development studios.


    The managers who make the decisions is also unclear as power differs on the company. They could care all the way up to the CEO but if the CEO puts an unrealistic deadline, the game has an unrealistic deadline

    zer0, do games w Quake II - Official Trailer (2023)

    Closed source spyware by microsoft. Just play Xonotic or Nexuiz


    Lmao, they actually released the source code


    Excellent, make sure not to use closed launchers to play this

    recursive_recursion, do games w BIONICLE: Masks of Power - Demo Trailer avatar

    damn a new Bionicle product

    I thought it would never happen in my lifetime

    Rozauhtuno, do gaming w Baldur’s Gate 3 is Causing Some Developers to Panic avatar

    Oh no, if people remember that games are supposed to be good, no one will buy our lootbox-infested crap anymore.


    ampersandrew, avatar

    Loot boxes are so 2017. It's all about battle passes, engagement, and player retention now.

    !deleted6508 avatar

    You know what creates engagement and retains players?

    Making a good game that’s actually fun to play instead of focusing on how you’re gonna sell me hats and paint jobs and weaponizing FOMO.

    ampersandrew, avatar

    Sorry, but the other methods are demonstrably better at it. We didn't arrive at them by accident. There are outliers like Civilization keeping people hooked for years; the people still playing Skullgirls all these years later sure aren't doing it for any type of reward system. But the fast track to keeping people playing your game is to use all the scummy bullshit.


    I wonder why they haven’t tried the model airport books and comics use, though. We could do it with games at this point. Like, make a series of games that are low budget, relatively short, and easy to pump out very quickly, but with a distinct series identity and maybe a consistent writer/artist across games. Then make a lot of them and get people hooked on the series instead of on 1 mega game.

    Even just text adventure style games, wireframe arcade style games, bullethells, shooters like Vampire Survivor & etc, visual novels, syuff like Undertale, whatever? I think it’s clear that a low budget or small team doesn’t equate to unpopularity these days, if the game is made with care and attention to detail.

    We do have series now but they’re high budget and long and kind of also trying to be the 1 mega game at the same time.

    There’s also a lot of options for reaching new/underserved audience. Like. Make a high quality horse game for once, please? And profit off a bazillion horse girls who’ve been waiting for just that for decades.

    Or make games for other countries that don’t have a big video games market yet, maybe. Like sell a console real cheap, at a loss, and then sell games in an area where there’s less competition? Maybe.

    ampersandrew, avatar

    I wonder why they haven’t tried the model airport books and comics use, though. We could do it with games at this point. Like, make a series of games that are low budget, relatively short, and easy to pump out very quickly, but with a distinct series identity and maybe a consistent writer/artist across games. Then make a lot of them and get people hooked on the series instead of on 1 mega game.

    I think that's exactly what Fortnite and Destiny 2 do, even though I object to the way they do it for so many reasons.


    Like, make a series of games that are low budget, relatively short, and easy to pump out very quickly, but with a distinct series identity and maybe a consistent writer/artist across games. Then make a lot of them and get people hooked on the series instead of on 1 mega game.

    Urban Games currently does this with Transport Fever. They flat out said while hyping the release of Transport Fever 2 (which was their third transport tycoon style game) that their goal as a development studio is to make the best transportation tycoon game they can. So they intend to continuously iterate.

    N3V Games, who developes the Trainz simulator game was literally formed to buy up the property and talent from its original developer Auran and continue the franchise

    There’s a third example I was going to give but got distracted while writing this comment and forgot


    One example might be Fnaf (before security breach or help wanted), since they are relatively simple, short games made by one guy, not on high budget. Most of them launched like 3-6 months after each other, keeping up interest in the series.

    Something big aaa games also miss is the creativity, since a cool gimick can be implemented as a main mechanic in a 1-2 hour game, since it doesnt over stay its welcome.

    So yeah, most games are getting too long for their own good (like ubi sandbox games), not to mention the ‘games as a service’ games.


    a series of games that are low budget, relatively short, and easy to pump out very quickly, but with a distinct series identity and maybe a consistent writer/artist across games

    Telltale has entered (and exited) the chat.


    As much as I prefer this model that actually isn’t what creates engagement and retains players over several games and years. They don’t do it because it’s fun to make predatory things. They do it because it makes them heaps of money. If it didn’t work, they wouldn’t do it. That’s the sad truth here.

    Re: hats and paint jobs…hats dominated TF2 for how long? There was a black market and widespread scamming for cosmetics, that’s how nuts it got.


    I wonder if the TF2 “buds” item is still used as a game-trading currency.

    Valliac, avatar

    But however will the poor shareholders get their value this quarter?

    Someone think of the shareholders!


    Oh I am thinking of them… how to murder shareholders in various unique ways… could be neat game idea too!


    people remember that games are supposed to be good

    I’ve played a lot of great games in the past few years 🤷‍♂️

    rich, do games w Quake II - Official Trailer (2023)

    Been playing Quake 1 with the pc VR mod, which was an experience. Hoping quake 2 gets the same

    stagen, do gaming w Baldur’s Gate 3 is Causing Some Developers to Panic avatar

    Honestly I hope this does indeed set a new gold standard. Probably not with the whole early access thing, though. It’s a thing that needs to go away.

    pixel, avatar

    EA is an immensely useful tool for game devs, the issue is EA as an excuse to ship unpolished games or to leave games unfinished forever. Neither of which are problems intrinsic to early access, they’re just bad business practice that should be shunned like any other

    soulsource, avatar

    As a gamedev: Early Access was useful for devs, back when it was real Early Access. Think: Kerbal Space Program (the first, not the second).

    Nowadays it’s mostly a marketing tool, that allows to generate the hype for launch twice… Publishers and players expect “Early Access” games to be feature complete and polished before the “Early Access” launch…


    I liked what Daemon X Machina did, where they released a demo, sent out questionnaires to everyone who downloaded it, published a video about the results save how they were planning to act on it, and a few months later released a new demo with a new questionnaire.

    soulsource, avatar

    Yep, that’s probably the most helpful thing for devs. This sadly often conflicts with publishers’ announcement schedules. There are, however, companies that do NDA-protected play-tests, where you get the same kind of information, without publicly announcing the game.

    Appoxo, avatar

    Ubisoft did (does?) it to a degree with their Rainbow 6 TTS (beta) servers to test the sandbox and did so for a few technical alpha/beta releases acting as selected pewviews to see how the game is received and where bugs are.


    And again, Larian Studios used EA as intended, which allowed them to publish a good, polished game.

    !deleted7120 avatar

    As did Supergiant, with Hades. When Early Access is used properly, it can help make a great game.


    Early access worked well for them, part of the start of the game was able to be play tested, the community got to give feedback, and they actually listened, its how it should be done

    Appoxo, avatar

    Yeah but not how the remaining whole industry treats it.
    I saw literally no outcry regarding BG3 and early game bugs. Comparing it to CP2077 it was a stellar release in terms of PR.


    CP2077 didn’t have early access tho? How is this an argument against early access

    !deleted6508 avatar

    I don’t think Early Access should go away as it’s not inherently bad in and of itself.

    What’s bad about it is when it’s used to sell a totally unfinished piece of shit that stays an unfinished piece of shit indefinitely.

    jordanlund, do gaming w Baldur’s Gate 3 is Causing Some Developers to Panic
    !deleted7836 avatar

    Making bad developers panic maybe?

    I can’t imagine something like this makes the Redfall devs feel good about themselves.

    Actually Redfall likely doesn’t make the Redfall devs feel good about themselves.


    Such a shame, I was immensely sold on the initial trailer. I did not even end up playing it


    For what it’s worth, I thought it’d be horrible from the reviews and ended up trying it anyway, and I actually really enjoyed it. shrug Rather feels like I played a different game than everyone else.

    I’m sure it’s partly the difference between starting with rock bottom expectations vs starting with Prey/Dishonored expectations, but I think even without that I’d like it.

    Also, it has no micro transactions! Zero. Not even for cosmetics - those are just unlockables. Credit where credit is due.

    Anyway if you liked the look of the trailer and you have gamepass, it’s worth at least trying, imo.


    Wasn’t the whole thing with Redfall that it was Bethesda mismanagement? I’m not going to put that on the Redfall team. Does make me completely disinterested in buying any Bethesda games that aren’t mainline TES though.

    !deleted7836 avatar

    Looks like it went way deeper than that……

    !deleted6508 avatar

    That’s just part of the mismanagement.

    What worries me is that one of the leakers who was leaking shit about Redfall prior to release who was 100% correct about everything, also said he saw Starfield and it was in worse shape than Redfall was. It’s obviously coming out later, but not that much later.

    !deleted7836 avatar

    Starfield is a Bethesda game proper and it’s wise to have appropriate expectations. :)

    I forget, on launch wasn’t Fallout COMPLETELY broken for Nvidia cards? Or was it AMD? I can’t remember, it was one or the other…

    !deleted6508 avatar

    While true, the state of Redfall was far worse than the expectation for a mainline Bethesda RPG (comparatively), even as bad as they have been in the past. So saying Starfield was in worse shape still has some hefty weight to it, if the leak is true. It will have at least had more time in the oven for things to be fixed up a bit more in line with normal expectations. And that’s my hope.

    !deleted7120 avatar

    Plus, Microsoft needs a win, especially after Redfall. They need this one to be hit outside the park.

    !deleted7120 avatar

    That’s upsetting. I was never going to play Starfield, but I want games coming out to be good. We don’t need another dumpster fire like the CP2077 launch was.

    luthis, do gaming w Baldur’s Gate 3 is Causing Some Developers to Panic

    I might just buy this at full price even though I don’t have any intention of playing it any time soon, just to show support for a game studio that is still doing it right.

    Nitrate55, do gaming w Baldur’s Gate 3 is Causing Some Developers to Panic

    This reminds me of the time Ubisoft developers decided to have a bitchfit about Elden Ring because it didn’t have any of the same shitty monetization or trash formulaic design choices as their games.

    It’s like these developers think that because they’re painfully mediocre, every other studio is required to be as well.


    In similar fashion, EA/Dice woukd have desperately tried to ignore battlebit.

    4 devs made a game that is better in nearly every way than any of the last few battlefield games in their spare time.

    I hope AAA studios clear house and find a new formula that doesn’t ruin good IP.


    dice is the perfect example of a studio with the worst kind of incompetent people in charge of game direction

    they released a great game in battlefield 1 and went to shit after that chasing trends and monetisation strategies over everything else

    (shoutout to the guys who worked on base gameplay of BFV, they got fucked over by dumb decisions from higher up)

    Wahots, avatar

    Battlefield 1 is still good. God it’s fun to play. Though they left balance kinda weird on the last update. I wish standard issue rifles were better than the theoretical automatics that most soldiers didn’t have, or the ones that were invented in the last week of the war.

    !deleted7836 avatar

    Or Hogwarts Legacy, which did the Ubi formula without the nonsense.


    HZD is also extremely Ubisofty, but done right.

    Nitrate55, do gaming w Baldur’s Gate 3 is Causing Some Developers to Panic

    This reminds me of the time Ubisoft developers decided to have a removedfit about Elden Ring because it didn’t have any of the same shitty monetization or trash formulaic design choices as their games.

    It’s like these developers think that because they’re painfully mediocre, every other studio is required to be as well.

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