Murvel, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

Oh no, but what about the boycott…

Neato, avatar

When has a boycott ever worked? For the most part people don’t have principals unless their very livelihoods are directly threatened.

rab, avatar

Never, it is just free advertising

muse, avatar

What about it? None of us are surprised that people chose a childhood memory over respect for trans people as human beings.

ahornsirup, avatar

What a ridiculous take. First of, outside of certain parts of the internet most people aren’t even aware of the issues surrounding Rowling, secondly you can very much acknowledge that she’s a terrible excuse for a human being while still enjoying a game she had nothing to do with (yes, she gets royalties, but she has the kind of fuck you money that multiplies by merely existing anyway).

ada, avatar

Your profile has “Nazis can fuck off”, but you’re here calling out people who have issues with Rowling, a bigot who stans Nazis like Kellie-Jay Keen

ahornsirup, (edited ) avatar

I’m not. I’m calling out people who call me a bigot for not living up to their standards on ethical consumption. Personally I avoid Nestlé and their billion subsidiaries wherever humanly possible, but I am not calling everyone who doesn’t pro-slavery. That’s my issue, not the warranted labelling of Rowling as a bigoted piece of shit.


It’s genuinely amazing to me how some people are obsessed with the idea that buying a videogame based on the works of an author that wasn’t even involved in making the project makes you transphobic.

Would it shock you that 99% of corporate officials are bad people? I guess we should stop buying anything ever because some percentage of money can go to people I don’t like.

muse, avatar

She's literally said that people buying her shit proves she's right.

I'm sorry people have some more morals with their money and have trouble giving it to people who have made it their entire focus to shit on them and be called rapists and groomers by their former childhood heroes.

simple, (edited )

Your morals are fine, what isn’t fine is that most of the people boycotting the game are harassing people that buy it.

She’s literally said that people buying her shit proves she’s right.

So what? Why is everyone giving some dumbass writer that hasn’t been relevant in 10 years so much attention? Who cares what she says? Tons of people say terrible, stupid things on the internet. Sorry I’m not joining your crusade to call everyone that wants to enjoy a video game a bigot.

rab, (edited ) avatar

My girlfriend literally was bullied by coworkers for playing the game. And she is the absolute sweetest. It is completely ridiculous

If I cared, I could easily go into the above dude’s post history to find an example of his money going towards some bigot to prove he’s a hypocrite. It doesn’t matter what you buy, your money is supporting bigotry, because at the top of the human social hierarchy are bigots. Welcome to the world. Picking on fellow peasants for something out of their hands is wrong.

I don’t even have to dig come to think of it, dude is typing to us on a device assembled by slaves or maybe even child slaves.

Lileath, avatar

They may not be bigots themselves but they happily give their money to a person well known for being bigoted that also actively tries to make the world a worse place for trans people. It is like buying a burzum album; you don’t have to be a nazi to do it but the nazi still profits.

rab, avatar

Why care about what a writer has to say about gender politics? I don’t. I don’t even know what she said specifically because it means nothing.


Because she’s actively using her money to make trans people’s lives worse, and she’s influencing people by spreading her hateful views. It absolutely doesn’t mean nothing - she’s literally lobbying with the money you gave her!

rab, avatar

Ok, but I mentioned this above, it’s literally impossible to live in society and not have your money funneling into a billionaire’s pockets who’s lobbying against your best interest.

Just in the realm of video games, probably buying the majority of games results in your money going to an objectively bad cause. Most rich people are scum.


Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. Sure, some of your money will probably always end up with bad people, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to prevent that. There are different kinds of bad, and those who try to hurt minorities have to be broadly pushed back against by broader society, or it will have negative effects on those who often already face undue hardships.

rab, avatar

Of course, my issue is the people bullying others for their choices when they themselves could be doing better. I can’t stand hypocrites.

I bet all the people in this thread calling people bigots eat meat for every meal which to me is straight deplorable behaviour. But I’m not here to judge, I have my own faults too.

rab, avatar

If you stand by what you preach you should basically stop buying anything. No matter what, a billionaire is getting your money, and they are all pieces of shit I promise.


Tons of people worked on the game who aren’t bigots. Artists, programmers, designers etc. Buying the game supports them, too.

Also, someone decided to make the owner of the Three Broomsticks trans.

xkforce, (edited )

Ah yes the “I cant be racist, I have a black friend” defense. JKR is still a TERF and she still financially benefits from hogwarts legacy and no amount of tokenism is going to change that.

Vespair, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide


newthrowaway20, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

It’s honestly amazing how well this game sold considering how mid the gameplay actually is. Having a popular IP really helped.

gAlienLifeform, avatar

Eh, people don’t buy for the gameplay mechanics most of the time, they buy for what they see in the trailers and read in the descriptions. Being the only videogame available for this IP, having the WB marketing juggernaut behind it, releasing at a time of the year without much competition, coming out on every single platform - it would have been weird if this game wasn’t the best selling one in 2023.


Exactly. You don’t know what the gameplay is until after you buy the game, unless you are savvy and watch reviews or something, which hardly any consumers do.


Also, it’s not like the gameplay was mind bogglingly terrible, just some bland questing and a serviceable combat system. The main thing the game had to do to sell well imo was sell the environment and vibe which I think it did decently.


Are you saying that marketing works?!


My wife, whose entire history with video games is Sims 3, Animal Crossing: NH, and Pokémon Go, played through this game start to finish and loved it. It wasn’t really made for “gamers”, it was made for Harry Potter fans that wanted to play a Hogwarts game. It didn’t succeed as a gaming revolution, it succeeded in bringing non-gamers to buy it.

Personally, I love that she got into it whether it’s mid or not, because it introduced her to a lot of the mechanics necessary to play “real” games in the future. And she had a lot of fun.


I’m both a gamer and HP fan.

I thought the game was great, and I didn’t really realize the depths of people’s distaste for it, I guess.

Was it crazy revolutionary? No, but it was fun.


Fellow HP fan, I was kinda weirded out by the whole “free access to unforgivable curses” and “canonically killing people” and the honestly kinda disheartening stance on goblin personhood but man flying around the grounds is so fun

HerbalGamer, (edited ) avatar

Oh yeah me too. There are a lot of moments in the writing that make me go “wait… what? are you sure about that?” and some of the game design was iffy here and there but the main attraction is just the fact that they’ve given us a “full-scale” Hogwarts and surroundings.


Oh no kidding, I loved how they handled the curses. For the most part at least. Like, I would’ve been pretty disappointed if they weren’t usable in-game at all, but was never sure how they could introduce them in a realistic way. So HL literally having entire side quests devoted to you discovering the curses and learning how to use them honestly blew away my expectations.

My only issue with them is being able to use them in front of others so casually. They should’ve just made them unusable if you had another character accompanying you.

BigBananaDealer, avatar

the last video game my mom played before hogwarts legacy was like…pac man in the arcades. it was amazing to share our progress together and bond


Haha! That sounds like so much fun!


What can you say gamers love anti-Semitism.


The IP was my only interest. Games like this I get bored with so I generally avoid. But the views of the school looked great and I’ve always wanted to walk around it, like the fantasy version of it. I’ve been to the real set and walked around that which is cool. My only complaint is I bought it on PC so I didn’t get to see Azkaban.


What do you mean? I played on pc and went to Azkaban, what very little there was to see anyway

Carighan, avatar

Azkaban is not based on platform but house, join Hufflepuff to see it.


I thought that was a PlayStation exclusive


I thought the gameplay was awesome. To me, a really impressive entry to a potential series. What did you feel were the weak points in the gameplay?


I found the combat to be serviceable, and at some points I had fun with it. But it kind of got repetitive really quick. Like once you learn the core mechanics, they didn’t really introduce a lot after that to keep you on your toes. But the main problem I had with the game came from the quests, they just felt so monotonous. I love exploring the castle, but finding every little collectible just felt tedious and didn’t really seem to have any payoff.

All things I hope can be improved with an eventual sequel, I’m definitely glad I picked up the game. But it’s not something I’ve ever considered revisiting once I beat it.


Yeah, agree with these points. It had that first entry vibe to it, similar to the Outer Worlds. Lack of enemy variety was a pretty big one, once you were a few hours in.


Just seen they’ve uploaded this pretty funny video 😂:

MrGerrit, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

Completed both 100% and they’re such great fun games.

Hogwarts was awesome to walk through the wizardry world. Battling wizards, poachers, spiders, etc. Finding all the secrets and going through the story. Finished the game in a week, I just couldn’t put the controller down.

BudgieMania, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

If you are WB, I can't see how you compare the performance of this game vs the performance of Suicide Squad (which had similar development time) and not rethink your approach to future licensed titles

muse, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide avatar

Hasnt Nintendo like, not released digital sales for TotK? I remember reading that recently.

Not a cope post, I don't care if you play the terf game, just actually curious.


The terf game?

The owner of the Three Broomsticks is trans… ?

Tattorack, avatar

That’s not what “TERF” means.


Theyre trying to argue that JKR being a massive TERF is fine because theres one trans character in the game. The “I cant be racist, I have a black friend” defense.


I don’t care for JK. But JK didn’t make the game. Hundreds of designers, artists and programmers did. And you think those people should be boycotted because one person is a TERF.


Those people were already paid, and you can make a game about wizards and magic without licensing the Harry Potter IP and further enriching JK Rowling.


She collected royalties from it. It doesnt matter if she had any input or not. Buying that game results in some of that money going into her pocket and I dont want to give her a dime. If she didnt get a dime for it that might be different but as it is she does and she revels in the shit stirring that shes done that resulted in blow back. I cant justify giving that troll the satisfaction of buying products that benefit her financially.


The people who mattered dont get paid based on sales. So, fuck em, they got their bag just fine?

yamanii, avatar

Maybe in your fantasy world, but in real life when a game bombs the studio gets cut down, downsized, etc. Volition was recently closed because of the bombing of the Saints Row reboot. Avalanche is great studio and I wish them to continue existing.


I dunno what fantasy world youre living in, but here in reality you get downsized and laid off regardless of how good your games do.

Unless youve missed the game trends for the past 4 months?


The artists, programmers etc have already been paid as much as they’re going to get for it.


The “I can’t be racist, my book has a black guy AND an Asian woman!” defense too. Just don’t think too hard about what they’re named lol


Thank god tokenism is here to save the day again.


When the series creator is vocally advocating to marginalize transgender people and financially supporting other members of the hate movement, it takes more than a token NPC to make up for it.

Most likely that character is an insincere PR move from Warner Bros, but some trans people also pointed out that naming her Miss Ryan was probably done in bad faith. If anything, sounds exactly like the kind of tasteless thoughtless naming that JKR is infamous for.


don’t care


That’s a good way to get yourself blocked. Bye.


don’t care

HerbalGamer, avatar

Most likely that character is an insincere PR move from Warner Bros,

There was a lot of that shoehorned in that made me wonder if it would’ve made sense in 1800s wizarding world.

001, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide avatar

I absolutely loved hogwarts legacy personally. Any other year it would have won more awards, just that Baldurs Gate and Alan Wake were even better. We really were spoiled in 2023

ada, avatar

Yeah, lucky us, the largest transphobe in the world sold the most popular game in the world. As a trans person, I feel so spoiled and lucky!


Boo hoo.

ada, avatar

Didn’t take much to make you go mask off…


I don’t know what “mask off” means, sorry. I’m sure it was clever, no doubt.


She didn’t sell the game, she only lend the IP.

Avalanche Software nor Warner Bro’s are anti-trans. As shown in the game where you can make a full fledged trans protagonist with your pronouns.

ada, avatar

She makes money, directly and indirectly from the success of this game. She increases her relevance and thus the weight of her voice with the ongoing success of the game.

HerbalGamer, avatar

Meh I wouldn’t be so sure about that… a lot of it was absolutely forgetable.

AbsurdityAccelerator, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

I wonder it’s because it attracted a bunch of people who weren’t into games, but are huge Harry Potter fans.

samus12345, avatar

It’s also on every platform, including the Switch, while TotK is just on the Switch.

Shadywack, avatar

I think you just nailed it, this is exactly why.

garretble, avatar

Yeah this feels like a Look What They Have to Do (release on every system) to Mimic a Fraction of Our Power (be Zelda) meme.


More like: Even a bland game will sell more if it is released on multiple platforms, no matter how good the other game is.


Yep it’s an unfair comparison. If Zelda was available on all platforms then it might have been a different story.


But it isn’t, and that is the problem.


Honestly it was just a good game. I saw it attracting both Potterheads and non-Potterheads. (I would not consider myself a Potterhead).

Does it have a bunch of replay value? Not really (neither do a lot of games). But man, that initial playthrough was just really good. It also looks like I clocked 113 hours on the game, so that’s a pretty decent return to me.

Also, despite the source material and the author, it had a lot of very inclusive elements, which were a nice touch.

good_girl, avatar

if you seriously think this game was special, I have a far cry themed bridge to sell you

Toneswirly, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

Millions of people have bad taste. Shocker


Smug gamer thinks what others like is wrong. Shocker.

ada, avatar

Supporting transphobes is wrong. Millions of people supported a transphobe. For me, that’s not being smug, it’s being terrified


The developer and people that worked on the game aren’t transphobes. Get a new bit.


We just have different ideas of what it means to be transphobic.


Enjoying the game doesn’t mean you are supporting the author.

Especially if you pirate it.


No smugness here, just disappointment.


Why does it matter to you what others play?


Financially supporting a crusade against a minority group (trans folks) is one of my pet peeves


So. You’re saying the developer and everyone that worked on the game are part of a crusade against a minority group?

Or is it just that you’re delusional enough to think that because the creator or the IP is a blowhard hag of a human being, everyone associated with her IP should be thoroughly punished?


Nah thats not what im saying. But the millions raked in by harry potter enterprises goes in to Rowlings pockets. Also, i dont weep for the devs, they were paid already…


So? People like the game. They’ll play it. It’s not for you to decide what they spend their money on.

She gets paid or not. Shouldn’t matter to you. Maybe find something to occupy your time better.


So? I dont like your arguments. I will refute them. It is not for you to decide the tenor of discussion on this topic.

Transphobia will be discussed. Shouldnt matter to you. Maybe find something to occupy your time better.


lol… okay! Enjoy the crusade. I just bought a copy of the game to support the developer in your honor.


Lol, this guy. If you got 60 bucks to throw away because of an internet comment I cant really help you.


$41.99 on sale. And I wasn’t asking for help from you.


The game allowed you to create a trans protagonist (male voice/female body, pronouns, …). It isn’t a crusade against them at all, it is empowering them. No matter what the author said.

rab, (edited ) do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide avatar

The people who tried cancelling the game are the reason it sold so well and that is hilarious. Everyone was talking about it, any advertising is good advertising

PS I pirated my copy


Brain dead contrarians that have no thoughts and opinions of their own beyond “how do I piss people off?”

rab, (edited ) avatar

The boycotters or the people who played the game?

The downvote button doesn’t answer my question, I actually have no idea what you meant…

FunnyUsername, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide avatar

I’m playing this game right now and it’s honestly a six out of 10. The only reason to launch the game at all is because of the world design which is top notch. So top notch it scores all of those six points, because the plot characters story and gameplay are all a let down otherwise. This is the type of game that will disable the controls for your magical flying broom and then tell you that you need to climb a wall. I wish it wasn’t so successful so they didn’t think this formula was so good, because if they made the game actually good AND a Harry Potter property, that would have really been something special. But as it is now, it’s just an uninspired video game painted in a pretty coat of a popular franchise. I’m sure we’ll get a sequel.


I would have loved to have this game as a kid. It may be a 6 out of 10 but most of the other harry potter shovelware they shit out when the movies were coming was at best a 0.2 out of 10. The only arguably not that bad one was the prisoner of azkaban movie based game.


IDK. Most of the early games were actually pretty entertaining. I fairly recently played sorcerer’s stone on the gbc, and it was still pretty fantastic.


I’m curious, what open world games do you rate as a 9 or 10? I’m not saying Hogwarts did anything revolutionary, but it did most things pretty solidly. It’s been a while since Ive played an open world game that does a good job on making the world actually feel alive.


Witcher 3 I’d rate 9/10.

FunnyUsername, avatar

Subnautica gets a 9/10. Fallout 2 and 3, if we’re specifically going RPGs. NieR: Automata for action RPGs. Look at Persona for school influenced RPGs. I’d have geeked out so hard if we got even Persona-style class experiences in Hogwarts Legacy. Instead, all we get is completely contextless montage cutscenes.


Yeah I wish Hogwarts Legacy had taken more inspiration from Persona. Having a schedule, working on social links, engaging in fun activities outside of school, it all lends itself incredibly well to a Hogwarts game.

Unfortunately it sounds like the creators haven’t ever even touched a Persona game. I remember before the game launched they were asked if there’d be romance options, and they seemed almost offended by the thought since the characters are kids, despite Persona doing the same for literal decades.

Going to a ball in Hogwarts Legacy, or going on a date in Hogsmeade, would’ve been so much fun too.

yamanii, avatar

Imagine that, teens dating… What a wild concept, they didn’t even had to play Persona, our own culture is filled with teen drama series, even DC made gotham academy.

Carighan, avatar

Not the person you asked, but for me personally to rate some open world games:

  • Hogwarts: 4-5/10. It’s pretty damn bad IMO, beyond the fan pandering.
  • Avatar Frontiers of Pandora: 5-7/10, it’s a slightly worse Far Cry (which is already damn tepid) but looks insanely pretty which makes it a good braindead time waster.
  • Cyberpunk 2077: Originally 2/10, laughably underdesigned and so buggy it felt like industry-criticizing sarcasm. Nowadays 7/10 if including the expansion, still quite buggy but not in a bad way, and the redesigned combat and character systems feel artificial but pretty fun. City still too dead and underdesigned, sadly.
  • Skyrim: 6-7/10, damn impressive at the time, but only briefly as the game was shallow as all hell, even in its best moments. Still impressive but it’s all on the mods and hence the players, not the game designers.
  • Witcher 3: 8-9/10, essentially same design flaws as modern CP2077, but given its fantasy world suffers much less from it, of course the empty countryside is, well, empty.
  • Subnautica: 10/10, amazing horror vibes, good progression, not too open and not too confined, focus on exploration.
  • Outer Wilds: 10/10, completely open and pure exploration, reductive game design done perfectly right.
yamanii, avatar

the redesigned combat and character systems feel artificial but pretty fun

What do you even mean by this? Artificial gameplay?

Carighan, avatar

No like… it feels pretty obvious they weren’t that way originally, if that makes sense? That this got changed after the game was already out for a while, this wasn’t how it was designed at first?

Flaky, avatar

I got Subnautica for free twice (PlayStation and Epic), I should really look at giving it a proper try. I have the feeling it’d be really good in VR, played No Man’s Sky in VR recently and I immediately loved it while on flatscreen it didn’t click with me as much.

FunnyUsername, avatar

Subnautica is a masterpiece.


Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 are both up there for me.

thorbot, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

Very curious. I played for about 10-15 hours and was just bored, but I’ve never been a huge potter head. Glad people like it though

Harbinger01173430, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

Serious question. Who’d win, wizard trying to cast a spell or sovereign citizen with a gun?


If the sovereign citizen’s gun is as real as their documents, then the Wizard.

dangblingus, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

Culture wars sell games. If not for all of the noise surrounding JK Rowling, the right wing contingent of the internet probably would have passed it over as “a game for kids”. If comment sections are any metric to go by, everyone that played it either thought it was completely mid or bought it to own the libs.


Why you downvoted? You’re right. They’re mean fucking trolls with the character of a child. They’re obsessed with triggering others. This is their MO.

I came here to write something along the lines of “fuck that Nazi terf piece of shit” but saw your comment first.


What’s hilarious to me is that, while the downvotes mean nothing in the long run, I’m hardly sharing a unique opinion, even on this thread.

yamanii, avatar

Because they are wrong? You don’t actually think everyone that bought it is a trumptard do you? Please touch grass, twitter drama isn’t relevant to the real world.


I don’t get the whole “this game isn’t even good, there’s no way it was the best selling game of the year without rightoids overwhelmingly buying it simply to own the libs” idea when year after year after year the best selling games are Call of Duty X+1, Madden X+1, and FIFA X+1

A game doesn’t need to be good to be popular, and I’d bet probably 99% of the owners are just normal people who aren’t even aware of the controversy


Right, but COD is good. Good in the sense that it’s been refined over the years to give gamers the ultimate fast paced arcade FPS experience. The controls are tight and responsive, and the game is easy to understand. It’s essentially one of the hallmarks of the genre. But yes, the political controversy surrounding the game was above and beyond the controversy surrounding yearly COD releases. The sales numbers speak for themselves.


Correct. I’ve never bought a video game in my life and I ain’t about to start but everyone had a take on that shit, it was so tiresome, I imagine for a lot of babytrans/babylgbt it might’ve been a shock that people will choose a game of their beloved childhood corporate intellectual property over being allies and that being allies was to a lot of people always virtue signaling, but I was far too cynical to let that bother me at that point.

hal_5700X, (edited ) do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide avatar

Hogwarts Legacy is a 7.5 of 10. It’s a fun game. But it’s not revolutionary or break new ground. I hadn’t played Tears of the Kingdom.

The two things the boycott did is to make the trans community look bad and made people hate them. The final thing was to give the game free advertising.

Here’s a video about the Harry Potter IP. Like who owns the rights to the games, books, plays, and so on.


…boycott did is to make the trans community look bad and made people hate them.

I was talking about the harassment and doxing of people who played/streamed Hogwarts Legacy during the boycott.


If you hated trans people because some people online told you to boycott the product of a piece of shit celeb, not gonna lie dude you were a shit person and it had nothing to do with seeing the backlash to the game.

No joke, if this drama in any way altered your opinion of “trans folk” as a concept, you need to sit yourself down in front of a mirror and not get back up until youve fixed the rot in your personality. Utterly brainless take.

hal_5700X, avatar

I was talking about the harassment and doxing of people who played/streamed Hogwarts Legacy during the boycott.


If some completely anonymous random strangers doxxing people you dont know made you hate trans folk as a concept, it had literally nothing to do with the doxxing and you know it.

What a stupid thing to say. Invest in therapy asap.

hal_5700X, (edited ) avatar

When did I say I hate trans people? All I did is to point out an problem with the boycott. You had a group of people who harass and dox people. That group made trans people look bad. Keep on looking the other way. That will totally help the trans community. /s


It didnt make trans people look bad, because trans people arent a hive mind.

If this made trans people look bad to you, you are just a bigot looking for an excuse. You already hated them, this did not magically change anything

hal_5700X, avatar
cottonmon, avatar

Honestly surprised that people seem to have forgotten about the harassment. It was really bad for some streamers and was inexcusable. It’s like how gamingcirclejerk tried to deny that the harassment even happened.

hal_5700X, avatar

They didn’t forgot about the harassment. They’re playing dumb.

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