Cruxifux, do games w Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered has a warning about racial and ethnic stereotypes

Imma just be pissed if her tiddies ain’t triangles.








If that thumbnail is a screenshot of the remaster, then they’re looking rather round to me.


The collection has both a remastered graphics mode and an option to switch to the original graphics.


Well I’ll put the torch and pitchfork away for now then

KingThrillgore, do games w Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered has a warning about racial and ethnic stereotypes avatar

This is perfectly fine, its how they did it for the old Looney Tunes DVDs.


And is what they should do rather than trying to delete it.

Provide context so that future generations can enjoy what’s good about the media and acknowledge how parts of the content/media are problematic and not appropriate.


Something I and probably everyone else forgets is that Looney Tunes was made in the 1930s and 1940s, not the 1990s.

OmnipotentEntity, do gaming w Phil Spencer has reportedly reassured employees Microsoft ‘won’t stop making Xbox consoles’ avatar

“We’re listening and we hear you,” Phil Spencer wrote on X earlier this week. “We’ve been planning a business update event for next week, where we look forward to sharing more details with you about our vision for the future of Xbox. Stay tuned.”

If I understand corporate speech correctly, this means that XBox is essentially doomed. This is far more damning than anything that he is responding to could possibly have been saying.

navi, avatar

Xbox. XBox is what my mom typed out 10 years ago 😂



FunnyUsername, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide avatar

I’m playing this game right now and it’s honestly a six out of 10. The only reason to launch the game at all is because of the world design which is top notch. So top notch it scores all of those six points, because the plot characters story and gameplay are all a let down otherwise. This is the type of game that will disable the controls for your magical flying broom and then tell you that you need to climb a wall. I wish it wasn’t so successful so they didn’t think this formula was so good, because if they made the game actually good AND a Harry Potter property, that would have really been something special. But as it is now, it’s just an uninspired video game painted in a pretty coat of a popular franchise. I’m sure we’ll get a sequel.


I would have loved to have this game as a kid. It may be a 6 out of 10 but most of the other harry potter shovelware they shit out when the movies were coming was at best a 0.2 out of 10. The only arguably not that bad one was the prisoner of azkaban movie based game.


IDK. Most of the early games were actually pretty entertaining. I fairly recently played sorcerer’s stone on the gbc, and it was still pretty fantastic.


I’m curious, what open world games do you rate as a 9 or 10? I’m not saying Hogwarts did anything revolutionary, but it did most things pretty solidly. It’s been a while since Ive played an open world game that does a good job on making the world actually feel alive.


Witcher 3 I’d rate 9/10.

FunnyUsername, avatar

Subnautica gets a 9/10. Fallout 2 and 3, if we’re specifically going RPGs. NieR: Automata for action RPGs. Look at Persona for school influenced RPGs. I’d have geeked out so hard if we got even Persona-style class experiences in Hogwarts Legacy. Instead, all we get is completely contextless montage cutscenes.


Yeah I wish Hogwarts Legacy had taken more inspiration from Persona. Having a schedule, working on social links, engaging in fun activities outside of school, it all lends itself incredibly well to a Hogwarts game.

Unfortunately it sounds like the creators haven’t ever even touched a Persona game. I remember before the game launched they were asked if there’d be romance options, and they seemed almost offended by the thought since the characters are kids, despite Persona doing the same for literal decades.

Going to a ball in Hogwarts Legacy, or going on a date in Hogsmeade, would’ve been so much fun too.

yamanii, avatar

Imagine that, teens dating… What a wild concept, they didn’t even had to play Persona, our own culture is filled with teen drama series, even DC made gotham academy.

Carighan, avatar

Not the person you asked, but for me personally to rate some open world games:

  • Hogwarts: 4-5/10. It’s pretty damn bad IMO, beyond the fan pandering.
  • Avatar Frontiers of Pandora: 5-7/10, it’s a slightly worse Far Cry (which is already damn tepid) but looks insanely pretty which makes it a good braindead time waster.
  • Cyberpunk 2077: Originally 2/10, laughably underdesigned and so buggy it felt like industry-criticizing sarcasm. Nowadays 7/10 if including the expansion, still quite buggy but not in a bad way, and the redesigned combat and character systems feel artificial but pretty fun. City still too dead and underdesigned, sadly.
  • Skyrim: 6-7/10, damn impressive at the time, but only briefly as the game was shallow as all hell, even in its best moments. Still impressive but it’s all on the mods and hence the players, not the game designers.
  • Witcher 3: 8-9/10, essentially same design flaws as modern CP2077, but given its fantasy world suffers much less from it, of course the empty countryside is, well, empty.
  • Subnautica: 10/10, amazing horror vibes, good progression, not too open and not too confined, focus on exploration.
  • Outer Wilds: 10/10, completely open and pure exploration, reductive game design done perfectly right.
yamanii, avatar

the redesigned combat and character systems feel artificial but pretty fun

What do you even mean by this? Artificial gameplay?

Carighan, avatar

No like… it feels pretty obvious they weren’t that way originally, if that makes sense? That this got changed after the game was already out for a while, this wasn’t how it was designed at first?

Flaky, avatar

I got Subnautica for free twice (PlayStation and Epic), I should really look at giving it a proper try. I have the feeling it’d be really good in VR, played No Man’s Sky in VR recently and I immediately loved it while on flatscreen it didn’t click with me as much.

FunnyUsername, avatar

Subnautica is a masterpiece.


Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2 are both up there for me.

newthrowaway20, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

It’s honestly amazing how well this game sold considering how mid the gameplay actually is. Having a popular IP really helped.

gAlienLifeform, avatar

Eh, people don’t buy for the gameplay mechanics most of the time, they buy for what they see in the trailers and read in the descriptions. Being the only videogame available for this IP, having the WB marketing juggernaut behind it, releasing at a time of the year without much competition, coming out on every single platform - it would have been weird if this game wasn’t the best selling one in 2023.


Exactly. You don’t know what the gameplay is until after you buy the game, unless you are savvy and watch reviews or something, which hardly any consumers do.


Also, it’s not like the gameplay was mind bogglingly terrible, just some bland questing and a serviceable combat system. The main thing the game had to do to sell well imo was sell the environment and vibe which I think it did decently.


Are you saying that marketing works?!


My wife, whose entire history with video games is Sims 3, Animal Crossing: NH, and Pokémon Go, played through this game start to finish and loved it. It wasn’t really made for “gamers”, it was made for Harry Potter fans that wanted to play a Hogwarts game. It didn’t succeed as a gaming revolution, it succeeded in bringing non-gamers to buy it.

Personally, I love that she got into it whether it’s mid or not, because it introduced her to a lot of the mechanics necessary to play “real” games in the future. And she had a lot of fun.


I’m both a gamer and HP fan.

I thought the game was great, and I didn’t really realize the depths of people’s distaste for it, I guess.

Was it crazy revolutionary? No, but it was fun.


Fellow HP fan, I was kinda weirded out by the whole “free access to unforgivable curses” and “canonically killing people” and the honestly kinda disheartening stance on goblin personhood but man flying around the grounds is so fun

HerbalGamer, (edited ) avatar

Oh yeah me too. There are a lot of moments in the writing that make me go “wait… what? are you sure about that?” and some of the game design was iffy here and there but the main attraction is just the fact that they’ve given us a “full-scale” Hogwarts and surroundings.


Oh no kidding, I loved how they handled the curses. For the most part at least. Like, I would’ve been pretty disappointed if they weren’t usable in-game at all, but was never sure how they could introduce them in a realistic way. So HL literally having entire side quests devoted to you discovering the curses and learning how to use them honestly blew away my expectations.

My only issue with them is being able to use them in front of others so casually. They should’ve just made them unusable if you had another character accompanying you.

BigBananaDealer, avatar

the last video game my mom played before hogwarts legacy was like…pac man in the arcades. it was amazing to share our progress together and bond


Haha! That sounds like so much fun!


What can you say gamers love anti-Semitism.


The IP was my only interest. Games like this I get bored with so I generally avoid. But the views of the school looked great and I’ve always wanted to walk around it, like the fantasy version of it. I’ve been to the real set and walked around that which is cool. My only complaint is I bought it on PC so I didn’t get to see Azkaban.


What do you mean? I played on pc and went to Azkaban, what very little there was to see anyway

Carighan, avatar

Azkaban is not based on platform but house, join Hufflepuff to see it.


I thought that was a PlayStation exclusive


I thought the gameplay was awesome. To me, a really impressive entry to a potential series. What did you feel were the weak points in the gameplay?


I found the combat to be serviceable, and at some points I had fun with it. But it kind of got repetitive really quick. Like once you learn the core mechanics, they didn’t really introduce a lot after that to keep you on your toes. But the main problem I had with the game came from the quests, they just felt so monotonous. I love exploring the castle, but finding every little collectible just felt tedious and didn’t really seem to have any payoff.

All things I hope can be improved with an eventual sequel, I’m definitely glad I picked up the game. But it’s not something I’ve ever considered revisiting once I beat it.


Yeah, agree with these points. It had that first entry vibe to it, similar to the Outer Worlds. Lack of enemy variety was a pretty big one, once you were a few hours in.


Just seen they’ve uploaded this pretty funny video 😂:

anamethatisnt, do games w Helldivers 2’s concurrent Steam player record is PlayStation Studios’ highest yet

Sounds like removing couch co-op didn’t hurt their sales. :(

beefcat, avatar

What percentage of PC players care about couch co-op?


What percent of PC players have friends. Let alone come over to play on the couch?


I much rather fix up some burgers and drink a few pints at home while playing helldivers 1 with friends than sit at the pub eating worse burgers and paying too much for the pints.


Those of us who live with fellow nerds, obviously!


I don’t know of any popular games that have it anymore. It’s not something I’d actually expect to exist in a game anymore.

I think it used to be a feature in games back when computers were expensive, but these days that’s not so much the case and if I want to with my partner, well she has her own computer.

It’s not like only nerds have computers now. Basically everyone comes with at least a laptop.

anamethatisnt, (edited )

Definitely rarer now, but four people sitting in the living room with controllers is still as fun. Helldivers, Magicka, Overcooked, Totemori, Gang Beasts and Genital Jousting are all great fun with some being easier to get into than others.

zecg, avatar

I really always prefer local coop but it doesn’t work well when it’s 3rd person over the shoulder and you have to split the screen into two different viewports.


I agree that their choice of perspective makes local coop harder to implement due to needing splitscreen, it also means I wouldn’t want to play it with a controller.
I just hope that they keep their Helldivers 1 servers up and about, or release a patch that makes the game work offline if they don’t.

ninjan, do gaming w Phil Spencer has reportedly reassured employees Microsoft ‘won’t stop making Xbox consoles’

They’d be dumb to keep making consoles as we know them today. A much better long term business move would be to make a “cloud gaming Chromecast” a la Stadia but, if they want to retain their fan base, a disc player that mearly reads and validates your disc and then runs the game from the cloud. Thus letting Xbox fans still have access to their games. That in turn would allow them to have the base subscription have a library that changes to a great degree every month and you only get “permanent” access if you buy the games. Hell if the “buy” cost is lowered then people would by and large applaud them for it.

The hardware has almost always been sold at a loss but with how many datacenters they have now, how long they’ve been refining the game pass and the Xbox Cloud gaming service it seems like the only way to wrestle away Sony and PlayStations dominance in high end console gaming.

Now don’t get me wrong, I absolutely hate the whole “you will own nothing, rent everything, and be happy” paradigm were in now and refuse it for a lot of things. But I also understand business and I’m reasonably sure the average consumer will actually love it. “Console” for like $100, the subscription say $15 at base, $25 for the full month and you get all the games you could ever play. It would be a no-brainer for any non-gamer parent. The kids will love it, no more begging for that new game, they’ll have it day one and so will all their friends. Hell parents will probably also love the blanket, one time, parental action of setting which ESRB ratings are allowed instead of having to vet it game by game while the kid screams that Johnny gets to play it. Now they can just say ‘no if the Xbox won’t let you see it and play it then there’s nothing I can do honey’ and it’s just enough deflection that it might pass.

It’s really only when you zoom out that it becomes a shitty deal. But that’s not something the majority ever cares go do.

shinratdr, avatar

Yeah because PlayStation Now, OnLive, Stadia, xCloud, GeForce Now & Luna were such rousing successes.

When are people going to realize that the AAA gaming crowd just isn’t interested in Cloud gaming? They have oodles of disposable income, “cost” is not a real barrier to entry for this group.

Microsoft should abandon the Xbox and offer some kind of BC program, I agree with that. But any box is as good as the next. Offer xCloud and game streaming on everything, stop making hardware, and publish games for PS5, PC, and Switch where it makes sense.

Maybe it’ll take off, maybe it won’t. But the actual console part of the business isn’t doing them any favours, they’re just PCs sold at crappy margins now.

Eggyhead, avatar

As inclined I am to agree with you on a personal level, kids these days are trained to think games just come with MTX, and all bonus content in a game that isn’t a loot box is just paid DLC. All Microsoft has to do is just make this the easiest way to get Xbox games, keep it going long enough, and people eventually won’t know any better or even care anymore. Then they ratchet up the price to make it feel like they’re still profiting from console sales as well.

ampersandrew, avatar

Latency is enough of a thing that even a child raised on it will recognize the benefits of running the game locally, not to mention mods and other privileges that come with having a local copy of a game.

Eggyhead, avatar

I’m probably just getting pessimistic with age, but corporations just see dollar signs with subscriptions and reduced expenses with digital distribution. Then they will outlive you and me.

It may be objectively better for players to have physical copies of their games installed on hardware they have dominion over, but we are unlikely to be around to prove that to our great grandkids. We can’t even guarantee even our own children will care enough to try to tell theirs. I’m almost certain owning physical copies of digital content is going to be for niche hobbyists in the future.

ampersandrew, avatar

People always talk about this being physical versus digital, but I'd say this is about DRM. Physical media decays. DRM-free games can be perfectly copied over and over again, and it comes with the bonus of not taking up space in my apartment. If a game requires a server to connect to or stream from, that's often just a fancy form of DRM.

YuzuDrink, avatar

My 7yo was upset the other night because I’d been playing FF7R (wanted to finish before the new one hits) instead of joining him in Minecraft or Fortnite or Parkitect or whatever.

He literally thought that FF7R didn’t have an ending because I guess in his mind all games are just live service/hobby things. Even I guess the ones that are story things.

SpectralPineapple, (edited )

I’ve played Xcloud on a good wired connection. It’s impressive but IMHO opinion far from ideal. Input lag is getting better but it’s still noticeable. Resolution varies but it’s never as good as the real thing. Noticeably worse, actually. Loading a game takes longer than locally. For me? It’s not enough. That said, before I was around, my mother-in-law spent years watching everything on the wrong aspect ratio. On a good TV. So I can totally see a lot of people streaming games for years without realizing how much better gaming can be.

darkphotonstudio, do gaming w Phil Spencer has reportedly reassured employees Microsoft ‘won’t stop making Xbox consoles’

Whenever a company addresses a something like this, like insisting a thing that is rumoured to be happening isn’t happening, it is almost certainly happening.

ampersandrew, avatar

To be fair, the rumor isn't that Microsoft is getting rid of consoles. The rumor is that they're making decisions that will, in a handful of years' time, almost certainly result of getting rid of their consoles.


So, the distinction is that they are getting rid of consoles… later? Wow, thanks. That was fair!

ampersandrew, avatar

The distinction is that they're making a decision that will likely result in not making consoles anymore. It's like how governments don't decide to increase traffic; they decide to expand freeways to more lanes, but the only thing that can come from that is that they increased traffic. They think they're solving a problem, but they're actually, usually, making it worse by those actions that we have a historical record for how they play out.

YuzuDrink, avatar

Haven’t there been some pretty flagrant cases where someone said “we are not doing XYZ” and then like 3 months later there was a big press announcement stating “guess what? We’re doing XYZ, and think you’re going to love it!!”?

BautAufWasEuchAufbaut, avatar

Can’t decide whether you’re talking about Google shutting down Stadia or the Berlin Wall /j

bekopharm, avatar


Haha, this also came to my mind :D


3 months being exactly one financial quarter. They probably weren’t lying, they were committed… for that quarter. When they read the numbers next quarter, well that’s completely unrelated to today’s commitments!

ours, do games w Helldivers 2’s concurrent Steam player record is PlayStation Studios’ highest yet

The game looks great. I guess they fixed the more glaring issues with their initial release.

People seemed to have issues logging in, matchmaking or CDT randomly. I’ll wait for a few trusted reviews but it looks like something I’ll enjoy.


I had a bug where the obstacle you’re meant to crouch under spawned in at a height too low even for crawling. I had no idea it was a bug because I had never seen the tutorial before. After leaving and re-entering the tutorial it spawned in at the correct height.

Game is awesome though. If they smooth out the experience it will be my shooter of the year.


Good to hear. Sounds like a must-have.


I refunded on day 1 because their anti cheat was preventing it from launching on Linux. They had a fix out Friday night, so I repurchased and have put maybe 6hrs into it.

I’ve been playing the early access Starship Troopers Extermination over the last 6 months, and after 30 minutes of Helldivers I told my friend “they’ve made a better Starship Troopers game than the Starship Troopers game.”

There’s a couple bugs here or there, but just playing 4-man with the homies seems to have avoided all the matchmaking issues.


I have Starship Troopers Extermination as well but I feel it has a long way to go still. I’m really tempted now to get Helldivers 2 and keep Extermination on the side as it progresses in Early Access.

toxicbubble, do games w Helldivers 2’s concurrent Steam player record is PlayStation Studios’ highest yet

i hope they remake magicka, dunno if they still own the rights

Boingboing, do games w Helldivers 2’s concurrent Steam player record is PlayStation Studios’ highest yet

Now do Bloodborne

NigelFrobisher, do gaming w Phil Spencer has reportedly reassured employees Microsoft ‘won’t stop making Xbox consoles’

They’ve still got to make the Xbox X Series One 360.


I heard they’re doing a 180 on the 360

Computerchairgeneral, do gaming w Phil Spencer has reportedly reassured employees Microsoft ‘won’t stop making Xbox consoles’

It's really been whiplash inducing to go from reading about how Microsoft was going to dominate gaming because of the Activision buyout to reading about how Microsoft is going to be the next Sega and are possibly exiting the console market. And it all happened in the span of a few months.

gamingdexter, do gaming w Phil Spencer has reportedly reassured employees Microsoft ‘won’t stop making Xbox consoles’ avatar

Nothing like wasting my money buying digital Xbox since Xbox One days to have it turn into a subscription based company. I’ve enjoyed my Xbox, but really sucks. Still hopefully, but highly doubtful they will continue to make consoles. I’m guessing sub and cloud base allowing access on PS and Nintendo. Good for them, but no reason to keep on supporting Xbox. Move on over Sega, Atari, and whoever else, another one coming aboard

ampersandrew, avatar

If Xbox disappears and leaves only PlayStation at that tier, I think it's more likely we're looking at the end of consoles altogether in as little as 15 years.


As consoles moved to be closer and closer to custom PCs, I think it was only a matter of time. But, wasn’t that the point?

YuzuDrink, avatar

I could see Xbox becoming just a Windows PC preconfigured to launch essentially a Big Picture mode version of the Xbox app or something. And then maybe Sony goes ahead and makes their own store/launcher to sell a PS6 or PS7 that’s just a PC as well. But if you have your own PC, that’s fine too.

With them releasing more of their library to PC, this wouldn’t surprise me.

ampersandrew, avatar

Sony will hold on to that kicking and screaming, because once they're just selling a PC, they lose money for each third party game sold, and they lose PS+ revenue.

gamingdexter, avatar

I think the reason for consoles was, you pay X dollars (normally the same price as a decent video card), and you are guaranteed that any games that come out with it works. All you have to do is plug it up to a TV with HDMI and boom, working video game box with smart capabilities. It is/was a good idea, but I’m guessing MS is looking back at their Xbox One always online days and say you can hook up this $100 cloud base console and stream your games (that you pay a subscription for) with little to no degradation. Honestly they could go so far as offering it alongside select or premium TV brands, they are already doing that with LGs. The next battle will be game ownership, Ubisoft has already started that battle. Looking bleak, may be pulling out the old pirate hat

spacedogroy, do gaming w Phil Spencer has reportedly reassured employees Microsoft ‘won’t stop making Xbox consoles’

I can imagine them carrying on making consoles this generation but long-term Microsoft is a services company and over successive generations they have failed to recapture the lead from Sony since the 360. Ultimately, they just want to make more money and struggling in the hardware business is not an exciting place for them to be in.

I say this as a Series S owner: the writing is on the wall. I will likely not be purchasing another Microsoft console after this, though I’m not sure they’d be interested in releasing one. I want to buy and own games I can play locally on a piece of hardware, which probably means I have to return to Sony or go back to the humble PC. For anyone currently on the fence seeing this news, I don’t know why they’d consider buying into the Xbox platform and tying in all their gaming purchases.

Che_Donkey, avatar

I mean…I’ve had every one up to S series. I just don’t see any groundbreaking whatever to make me go beyond X since most of what is being produced is getting either the microtransaction treatment or becoming a subscription based game.

I want to buy a game and play it. period. Very few choices and I will probably get a steam deck at some point.

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