Pretty sure a lot of people will embrace this mode if it exists. When you are an adult with responsibilities, beating a “challenging” game simply isn’t a priority.
This isn’t a new game only issue tho. Plenty of games waste your time wether it came out this year, 10, 20, 30 years ago. It can be moreso worse in the past due to limits in game design such as only saving at set checkpoints (or even saving at all if you go back far enough)
I’ve heard it since the mid 2000s when EGM (Electronic Gaming Magazine) couldn’t keep up with what was coming out for reviews with Xbox push for indy’s (which lead to more tools and more flooding) plus AAA games. That was before phone games were even a thing. So everyone started to move to podcasts like real early circa 2005 and video reviews like gamespot would do. Same time Steam was slowly roasting in the background. Few years go by Epic also starts do some moves. 2011 Twitch basically becomes the place to review a game by watching someone play it. That feeling almost felt like you didn’t even to play the game because you watched it. 2012 Steam gets early access. The Market has been flooded for a decade not to mention so many games became templates of each other. What’s my point? There’s a ton of great things to play in many different genres that go back to the inception of games. Find what you like and enjoy it. There’s so much media today, one of the reasons save states changed over time. I will not watch every show or every movie nor all the books, comicbooks and manga or put in time with all my other hobbies ie drawing, painting, sculpting. Hard trying to keep up with your friends, some might be better off than you or have more time than you. You get older shit changes, people schedules change, you are more tired and sleepy and probably have more responsibilities. This is life, go for a walk outside come back in and do something you enjoy. That being said I do enjoy quality of life changes in some games but in others it might lose the soul of the game. TLDR There’s too much of everything and it’s overwhelming.
This is how gaming dies. Easy mode should be forbitten as default and game should be always at hardest diffuculty and focus on challenging content and not grind. Hard challenges keep everyone busy, dosnt matter if you have infinite free time if you suck gaming. That should be the direction of a real game and not this no sense cringe “don’t have time to farm, here pay 80$ for your season-extraExp-bigEzRewards”. Fucking ridicoulus. Fucking Devs should actually rewarding the player who spend little time that the fucking no life grinder. Damn make % base drop chance -10% chance of legendary loot for each hour of the day log inside the game and gg.
I've googled and couldn't find this anywhere, and this user's comments are quite in line with what they've posted now, so I'd go for stupidity and gatekeeping over copypastaing
They will find the way to complain even for that. Cutscenes too long please nerf. What? I need to press button during the scene? Everything is screw in a big pretending because be a gamer is cool, goddamit.
Damn make % base drop chance -10% chance of legendary loot for each hour of the day log inside the game and gg.
Man, for someone who wants things to be “hard”, you really want to be rewarded for time spent, as opposed to skill. Hilariously, you’re the target audience for those $80 content skips: people who want to feel like they’re good, whether or not they’re actually good.
You’re out here talking about “no sense cringe” while posting nearly illegible drivel about how you feel entitled to success because you have more hours to kill. Step back, get some perspective. Most people have made their time valuable. It’s not on them if you’ve failed to do the same.
I think you missed the minus sign there and misread this, I will translate it: "The chance for rare loot to drop should be continuously reduced by 10% for every hour you log inside the game. I.e., you should receive rewards for completing difficult challenges rapidly, that is, skillfully." The implication seems to be that if the challenge is hard and you are not good at it, and are just throwing yourself at a wall repeatedly, or the challenge is non-existent/mindless (chore simulator), if you are repetitively doing either and grinding hours away, they are one and the same, and neither is a meritorious achievement. I think this is an interesting angle, as very few games reward skill expression or eureka moments as a momentous achievement. The vast majority, genre and budget irrespective, rely on the (easier to implement) crutch of locking progression behind pointless tedium, so given enough hours sunk in, everyone can win. It is interesting to think about how, whether, and under what conditions games could reward the above.
I actually agree with what you’re trying to say about microtransactions cheapening competitive games. It’s why I stopped playing competitive games altogether, but introducing proper casual modes for singleplayer or PvE co-op games for no additional cost to increase accessibility only helps increase the number of potential players. The existance of casual modes does not have any correlation with competitive games or takes away from another player’s time invested into the same game, and it will not cause the “death” of video games. The reason why people are disagreeing with you is because you’re blaming other players as the cause when it’s actually corporate greed with overinflated MTX and excessive season pass shit that’s truely killing the industry.
Corporation actually make their decision on how players approach the videogames, this greed is accept and even need it by exactly this kind of consideration about making game relativity easy. Competition isn’t the only enemy as mine opinion, it’s this approach to gaming that makes everyone want to win easy and fast because “it is fun” till the next game, because games dies in weeks, even days, after realise. The best game of this lastest years was Elder ring, not an easy game but still love by all. People are hypocrites who cries about having bad games and when you ask them what they want you realize that actually they wanna the bad garbage they deserve. I’m sure what a good game needs for be fun, and its the challenge, something we will never find by keep accepting trash or telling others to be gate keeping of stuff, that mean never understand what actually a gate is, looking for quality dies on this and always will.