Got moved to tonight at my spouse’s request, didn’t get out until 2100.
Seeing was good, not the clearest I’ve seen, but not bad. The stars seemed overall dimmer than usual, but not shimmering or twinkling. Light pollution was definitely slapping though
What I managed (using 12" f5 dob, 30mm wide field eyepiece in 2x Barlow):
M65 and M66. Took me two or three tries to starhop to them. I did not manage to visualize NGC 3628, but m65 and M66 appeared as vague foggy shadows, oval in shape, both tilted to point upper left and lower right, the right above the left. Very difficult to visualize directly, almost had to visualize exclusively via averted gaze.
Bode’s Galaxy: this involved more dumb luck than I’d like to admit. I tried to starhop here by using the bear’s neck stars to form a pointer to a dimmer bunching of stars that would point to the galaxy. I tried probably four different times until I got on the same group of stars and slewed a bit right and maybe a degree down. Bode’s Galaxy has a more circular appearance than 65 and 66, the core is brighter, and it’s beefy enough to tolerate direct gaze. Still a faint fuzzy, but it left me in less doubt about whether I was just imagining it.
What I missed:
Jupiter, Rosette Nebula, everything in Canis Major, Orion, Gemini, and Monoceros: just didn’t get out in time and my views got blocked =(
NGC 2419: The moon stole the show here, unfortunately. It wasn’t directly blocking my view, but it was bright enough to wash out my view in this area
M97 and M108: Tried maybe six different times and got nowhere fast. Not sure why, but trying to star hop here just showed me a bunch of fairly unremarkable stars and that’s all. Maybe I needed higher magnification?
But as regular people, gamers, Lemmy posters, why are we doing the same? How is it serving us? Are we all influencers in waiting, hoping to up our updoot count and build a following of… dozens?
Many people are rationalizing their purchase decisions. Not everybody can afford to buy (and play!) two games so if you have two highly anticipated games or consoles coming out in the same time, most people can only get one. And then they have to choose. Afterward, they don’t want to hear that the other game is better, that it’s also great and they are missing out on a lot of fun and that the one they didn’t get is totally awesome.
No, lol. I really dislike this mentality people have that wanting no DRM = “Pirate! Burn her at the stakes!”. DRM, first of all, makes games [defective by design] ( It’s an anti-feature which literally only harms those who pay, because pirates will always find a way around it. Additionally, DRM causes some more-than-noticeable performance issues. I can’t support a publisher who makes games with this thing they implement just to fuck us over some more.
It’s just the natural result of the sensationalizing of the news. Far more likely to get clicks or views saying something is fantastic or horrible. The grey areas don’t make $$$.
People generally don’t talk too much about stuff that things that don’t particularly stand out. If a game is bad, people will complain. If a game is good, people will praise it. If a game is middling, most people will just move on. Nobody’s going to start a discussion about a game that was vaguely enjoyable but not noteworthy, unless expectations were unreasonably high to begin with.