Gradually_Adjusting, do games w suggest me some games!! avatar

I’m not a big “power gamer” as I also game on my laptop mainly and it’s a bit less powerful than yours. My suggestions tend toward retro graphics and indie titles; I have a type.

In no particular order, I’m going to recommend Ruiner, Make Way, and Hyper Light Drifter. Ruiner and HLD both have incredibly intense atmospheres and stylized storytelling with an emphasis on action. Make Way is heaps of chaos, totally unrealistic, and the AI can be brutally hard, but it’s extremely simple and unless you crank down the difficulty to zero, it’s easy to find a flow state in the rapidly evolving mayhem.

superkret, do gaming w Wish I could retire now actually

Everyone I know who retired is at least as busy as before.
The notion that without a job, people just sit around bored, is capitalist propaganda.

sibachian, avatar

It’s insane to me that people think they will somehow go braindead the minute they don’t have a job. Is that how they act once they get home after a long and exhausting day of labouring? Just sit down in the couch and die, staring at the white wallpaper until they collapse? From my only related experience with actually existing in this life, I fucking hate how I don’t have time for anything, ANYTHING, ever, because work work work, only to go home and work work work some more as an adult with actual responsibilities. Retirement ya, i might get a quarter of my shit in order, at best, but I’d probably just stock it with more responsibilities that I really don’t have time for, but a window of more time means a window of thinking about more shit that has been neglected or needs doing because things always do.


A decent amount of people really do just park their ass on the couch and cease existing. I’ve watched more than a few people retire and die shortly after from having nothing to live for.

teagrrl, avatar

What tying your entire purpose in life to how much you can enrich capitalists does to a motherfucker.


No kidding. When your whole identity is how hard you work, what do you have left in life?


I noticed over covid that many people were telling me that they were happy to be working again after being furloughed (temporarily paused employment in the UK) because they’d been losing their minds with nothing to do. I couldn’t understand it, I was busy and really happy.


Here in Canada we had a similar system and I had friends on CERB for some time. Many of them didn’t know what to do with themselves. The ones who took it well were already accustomed to finding their own fun in the world, and did everything from DIY renovations to prototyping products they want to sell.

I wouldn’t know personally, I was working the whole time. Longest I’ve been off for was 3 months and I was more concerned with survival than keeping busy. But I’d like to think I have a lot of projects to work on. I’d love to move out of the suburbs into the country proper and have a workshop. Making custom furniture and electronics is so fun but I barely have time for it.


Thanks for sharing. You’re definitely right about the divide. I just found that I had so much time I could do everything I needed and wanted to do (granted, within the confines of social distancing at the time). Housework was joyful because I could do a good job of it, and have time for hobbies, and have time to relax from both. Aside from all the suffering and madness in the world at the time, it was a genuinely satisfying experience at home.


I had a kid and was working at the office 5 days a week during COVID so my experience wasn’t nearly as peaceful lol. But I could see how much some people thrived from it and I hate so much that our societies have taken that back from them.


Haha yes that’s fair! I am extremely grateful to not have had kids during that time.


To be fair, that is exactly what I do some days after work because this shit is needlessly exhausting. I think I need like a year of sickly Victorian style bedrest because I have been so burned out for so long that I don’t really have much of a sense of self at this point.

UltraGiGaGigantic, avatar

Me too, thanks.

comfy, avatar

Is that how they act once they get home after a long and exhausting day of labouring? Just sit down in the couch and die, staring at the white wallpaper until they collapse?

Replace the wallpaper with a television and this is awfully familiar in my neighborhood.


I somehow end up busier whenever I have long stretches of time off. Idle hands create hundreds of projects.

Ulrich, do gaming w Want to socialize? Send me a steam messege. avatar

Who are you

PanArab, do gaming w Wish I could retire now actually avatar

Finally, I will get to finish my backlog


Lies, you’ll keep buying new games every fall steam sale

SuperApples, do gaming w Wish I could retire now actually avatar

Day 3170 here… that’s still what I’m doing… But in Athens, and mouse+keyboard.

LordGarmadon, do gaming w Wish I could retire now actually avatar

Parkinson’s disease in 3,2,1…


No, but there was time now…


Grandpa’s got an extra twitchy trigger finger, better watch out!

altima_neo, avatar

Gonna be kicking ass on dynasty warriors!


I can finally replay that game for the first time again. /s


Helps my APM

Clinicallydepressedpoochie, do gaming w Wish I could retire now actually avatar

Sorry, no SS for you. Back to the office.

__nobodynowhere, do gaming w Wish I could retire now actually avatar

Good thing we invented glasses.

Krompus, avatar

Cataracts has joined the server.


Ahh, sorry, I assumed living in 1st world country where there are medical procedures to remove them (one of the most common procedures in medicine). The procedure is free where I live.

Krompus, avatar

Well la dee dah look at mister first world socialized healthcare over here.


Don’t worry, we have other afflictions here which we can not cure and only bottle up. Depression, be my mistress tonight.

UltraGiGaGigantic, avatar
southsamurai, do gaming w Wish I could retire now actually avatar

Legit though, it isn’t as cool as its cracked up to be.


Guess everyone’s different. I’m a stay at home dad with a wife that works and I’m incredibly happy doing chores for a couple hours then indulging my hobbies until school pickup. I have time to exercise. I have time to cook good meals (and learn to do so). It’s been 13 years and no sign of getting sick of it yet. She has a high paying job that she’s happy in and is someone that would tell me if she had an issue. This was suggested by her.

I don’t know how anyone can get bored without work. There are 1000 things that you can do as “work” that surely there must be some that any given person would enjoy. Learning music, language, gardening, coding, makeup, design, art, games, woodwork, exercise I could go on and on and on.

I could somewhat understand 50+ years ago. But we have the INTERNET now. We have unprecedented access to entertainment and knowledge. Anything you could ever want to know or learn or watch is available to you. And if you find the online resources inadequate for learning to play that obscure instrument or practise speaking that language, I bet you you can find someone to teach you over video call.

Judge away but I’m happy and don’t know how anyone could find working better. The only thing working truly gives you is money. Any sense of fulfilment or purpose I guarantee can be found elsewhere as well.

That’s not to say work CAN’T be fulfilling or meaningful though. Just that it’s not the only path or unique to working like people like to make out.

southsamurai, avatar

Nah, no judgement at all!

I think part of that gap is whether or not the retirement is a choice, and how much you can engage in life.

See, for you, you actually still have a “job”. You have a shape to your life, a purpose, a structure.

As people get older, there’s less of that. And, sometimes less ability to engage in the fun stuff.

It’s all situational, really.


That’s true. I think the best thing anyone can do for themselves is mitigate as much of that as you can. Obviously you can be dealt a shit hand and get a physical or mental impairment as you get older that’s out of your control. But if you can stay as mentally and physically healthy as possible you can definitely raise your chances of being one of those 70 year old tanks you see destroying the rock climbing walls and stuff.

And unless you get severe parkinsons or something I still think there are many fulfilling things you can do at home.

But at the end of the day it’s about working with what you have. I understand it can be a huge adjustment when someone that has done the same thing for 40 years is forced into retirement and their world is turned upside down. I know it’s not all simple. But I’ve seen a streamer that can only move their head playing COD with a mouth controller. I think just about everyone can find something if they try.

southsamurai, avatar

Heck yeah! I got taken out of work by physical stuff, and finding ways to make a fulfilling life is what kept me going for a long time.


I always wanted to be a stay at home dad. My wife’s a gig worker and tried branching out on her own business and quickly realized she didn’t like the actual business aspect. Which is fine, I genuinely love what I do most days and make enough to where she can mostly stay at home.

I’m about to go on a 3 month paternity leave and oh boy am I excited. After the first few weeks once my wife recovers from surgery it’ll most be my oldest and I hanging out while my wife is with our second. I bought stuff for my son and I to record our guitars (he’s 3 but he gets so into it), have a little list of science experiments that he loves, plenty of home renovation projects that he gets surprisingly into, a bunch of seeds and a few more raised beds for the garden, and of course, foam baseball bats to hit eachother with.

I’m getting git just thinking about it.

I don’t see how anyone could get tired of that, I’m already dreading going back to work and my break hasn’t even started.

PS: not to say that it’s all fun, I know a lot more goes into being a stay at home parent that baseball bat fights.


Enjoy it man. Truly. Mine are 10 and 13. 5 years until she’s an adult. I remember when she started school at 5. I know it’s cliché but time does go by. Make as much of it “all fun” as you can. Within reason of course haha.


Idk I’ve been unemployed with enough savings to not go straight into job hunting. I had a blast spending most of my time gaming. Just helps to have a few other smaller hobbies.

southsamurai, avatar

Yah, that’s fun. But that’s also short term. Long term, you end up having to find stuff to do more than just drift.


Agreed, I took about 10 months off after quitting my last job, and ended up moving about 4 months into it. I never got bored and the only downside was that I had to find a job eventually. It was the best 10 months I can remember.


Yep, I imagine it’d get bad if I let myself rot in my room all day. I spent time with family, worked out, went for walks, watched some new shows and movies, read some manga, did some hobby projects, but I still spent more time gaming than anything else.


It’s great for the first few weeks , maybe a month or two.

I graduated in September, job searched through December, finally signed a contract, but I don’t start until April. I am counting down the fucking days, my dude.

catloaf, do gaming w Wish I could retire now actually

You ever actually spent most of your time just playing video games? It gets old real quick.

spankmonkey, avatar

Yes, and it was a lot more fun that working.

Maybe you played shitty games?

Alk, avatar

I don’t know, I was unemployed for a while and literally spent every waking hour gaming for many months straight. It was the happiest time of my life. I’d give up a lot to be so financially stable I could do that again.

Fizz, avatar

If you mix video games and diy projects it can be satisfying and fulfilling for years.

For me the social aspect is the hardest because i don’t make friends online and am bad at keeping in regular contact with my real life friends.


I substitute socialising with small streaming channels. Like the ones that have less than 5-10 people watching ever. You can come and go as you please and no one cares, and you can make real connections and have actual conversions with both the streamer and other viewers. People with channels that small aren’t doing it for the money, they’re doing it to have people to chill with while they play.

Some would say they aren’t real friends but I think there’s a point you can get to where I would disagree.


I have a friend with a small stream and she definitely considers a lot of the people she’s met in chat friends.


Having one thing be your only hobby will get boring for the majority of people, so just have some extra hobbies. I could definitely spend 75% of my time gaming and the rest on other hobbies and feel great.


During the lock downs I got furloughed for a week. I spent most of it playing Dwarf Fortress.

UltraGiGaGigantic, avatar
PattyMcB, do gaming w Wish I could retire now actually

I’m never going to be able to retire. It must be nice

Cruxifux, do gaming w Wish I could retire now actually avatar

Walking dog, feeding homeless, getting drunk, magic the gathering and dnd with my other retired friends. That’s what I would do if I ever retired, which I probably won’t because of everything.

Agent641, do gaming w Wish I could retire now actually

Factorio here I come.

UltraGiGaGigantic, avatar

The factory must grow.

son_named_bort, do gaming w Wish I could retire now actually

What’s retirement?


It’s a carrot on the end of the stick that’s tied to your back

Zorsith, avatar

That really big bill when they run out of rubber to patch on your car

MNByChoice, do gaming w Wish I could retire now actually

Me and the homes in the old person dorm. Playing games, watching movies, doing community service.

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