Stormyfemme, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

I miss wintermaul in wc3. Nothing quite like it.

dualtex, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

Hack and Slash DMC type games. I want linear games with stages! (I know Bayonetta exists)

themoonisacheese, do piracy w Arrrgh what am I doing wrong? avatar

Rutracker is very specific in what emails it allows. Emails on my custom domain were already banned, I think they have a whitelist of email domains. I just ended up using my Gmail address, but yeah if you have a protonmail or own domain address I’m guessing you won’t have much success. You also might need to click the email validation link that ends up in spam.


Tutanota and work with Rutracker

Mothra, avatar

I tried tutanota and didn’t. Sorry for the late reply

birdm, do zapytajszmer w Chciałbym sobie zahostować jakiś serwis, np. Funkwhale, żeby strumieniować swoją muzykę - jak?

Możesz postawić w domu serwer i dbać o niego. Nie ma z tym aż tak wiele pracy. Zarówno system jak i dockera można aktualizować automatycznie. Do tego można robić automatyczny backup na dowolny nośnik/serwer/chmurę. Można również skorzystać z jednego z wielu VPN’ów(openpvn, wireguard) czy iść o krok dalej i użyć np. cloudflared. Wszystko łatwo do postawienia na dockerze.
No ale do muzyki możesz oczywiście wykorzystać soudcloud’a - nie lepiej tak?


No ale do muzyki możesz oczywiście wykorzystać soudcloud’a - nie lepiej tak?

Nie mogę, bo nie mam sklepu google, soundcloud w przeglądarce mobilnej to totalna porażka.

FlashMobOfOne, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate?
!deleted7243 avatar

I’ve never gotten over how annoying the food / injury system in Metal Gear Solid 3 was. I almost didn’t play it because 30 minutes in it pissed me off so much.

Silviecat44, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

I spy games


Like, hidden object games? Alawar and Artifex Mundi still crank several of them out each year I think. They’ve gone from only having hidden object scenes to being point and click adventure games with hidden object scenes. For thr most part pure hidden object games have all but vanished.

edit: you might like hidden folks, hidden through time, and looking for aliens. I think it’s all the same company but they are true hidden object games with large areas to search.


When i typed this comment I think I just wanted to playthis game again. I played it years ago and it has a lot if nostalgia

townfox, do gaming w Games that have stuck with you?

I’ll never forget loading Myst on my performance 5200 and getting lost

liminis, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 30th

Just finished Yakuza 3, started Yakuza 4. Enjoying the visual bump, and some refreshing changes to the combat, though I loved the story of Y3. Also playing through BotW for the first time (very late to the party).

Trying not to get sucked in too deep by my return to OSRS on top.

Hellebert, do gaming w I hate how much my brain starts remembering interesting stuff when I finally sit down to play a video game

Ha, mine does this when I lay down and want to go to sleep, it’s pretty damn annoying.

Video games have always been a great distraction from things for me instead.

Reocken, do piracy w Have you considered IRC?

Since RARBG shut down, I been using IRC more often for 2160p releases that are tougher to come by. Also, I never stopped using it for chatting. You won't ever catch me using that bloated Discord garbage.

garret, avatar

Could you tell a resourse for 2160p releases? Did not know IRC could be used also for such “big files”.

frankivo, do gaming w I hate how much my brain starts remembering interesting stuff when I finally sit down to play a video game

You should probably wind down more often


what do you think gaming is?


I didn’t deny that

ddnomad, do piracy w Any way to get courses for free. avatar

They are pretty poor courses anyway, why would you want them?


Okay, and your alternative is?

howsetheraven, do gaming w Let's talk about Remnant 2

Curious to hear what your thoughts are of the “punishing death penalty”. For Demon’s Souls, sure, if you’re not great at the game it can be rather intimidating. Dark Souls has an equivalent system to Elden Ring where you can become human to enable multi-player, where dying just means you can’t co-op (or even be invaded). For all the others, it’s just a bit of health that you lose if at all(you can avoid it with items for tough spots).

But if it’s souls being on the ground that’s the issue, that’s also in Elden Ring so I’m confused.


I consider losing all the money and XP you’ve accumulated since the last save to be extremely punishing. Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t begin to express how much I hate losing progress. Everything I just did for the last X minutes since the last save was completely undone. Nothing to show for it, no XP, no money, no progress toward my next goal. Just a complete fucking waste of time and X minutes of stress I’ll have to repeat. It’s like I lost power and corrupted my save file. It’s the worst feeling in gaming for me.

Yes, I realize you can get that XP/money back but it adds a level of stress that makes my stomach roil even thinking about it right now. No amount of suggestions on how to think of it differently has changed my perception of it significantly. I dealt with it in Elden Ring for a while but it’s probably the main reason I stopped playing that game.

Playing a game with similar mechanics but without the death penalty makes me realize how much more fun Elden Ring would have been without it. IMHO of course. YMMV


Your mistake is thinking dying is failure in those games when it’s literally just learning. It’s why Dark Souls is called “Prepare to Die”, it’sjust part of the game and it’s why there are checkpoints every 15m. When you die to some enemy hiding in a corner, you then know exactly where that enemy is next time.

It’s hard for me to grasp how new players approach the game at this point because it’s just ingrained, but it seems like you had the wrong idea about the mechanics and kinda entrenched yourself in that belief. Hope you come around.

worfamerryman, do gaming w Games similar to Ship of Harkinian?

I’ve heard of a few but I honestly can’t recall I think maybe link to the past was decompiled. Maybe one of the sonic games.

I used to ai to the regames subreddit which was all about reverse engineering.

Thorandor, avatar

Ah that’s interesting, I’ll definitely have a look at what I can find about those, appreciate it. I’ll also check out the subreddit

cupcakezealot, do gaming w What's the age cut off for socially acceptable gaming avatar

So the question, there must be some sort of cut off age at which video games are no longer an acceptable pastime.

When you no longer enjoy it

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