harpuajim, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

I would say Pokerstars VR if you like playing cards or general casino gaming but the game has taken a shit in the past year. Still fun and extremely social but the quality has taken a nosedive on PC.

cptsmidge, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

I love GORN, but you need a lot of space. It’s the only game I’ve truly lost myself in, forgetting to pay attention to the custodian boundaries.

Piers, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

Depends what exactly your after. I suspect you’re looking for something to parallel flatscreen AAA titles in which case there’s only a handful and I think they’ve all been mentioned already.

On the other hand, Pistol Whip is one of the best games I’ve ever played. But it’s more the equivalent of a flatscreen hit indie genre title than a AAA blockbuster.

Clovermite, do gaming w What are you playing this week? avatar

I binged Tunic over the past couple days. I found it extremely rewarding

preppietechie, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet? avatar

Demeo has become the unexpected game of choice for my friends and I.

Lininop, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

Really depends on what you’re into, I quite enjoy H3vr and Blade & Sorcery although neither of these titles are story driven, more sandbox style games. Into The Radius is supposed to be good although I haven’t played it. I’d reccomend looking up Habbie on YouTube. Very wholesome creator that covers a lot of VR gems.

Silviecat44, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

Breachers VR is a really cool vr shooter in the style of rainbow six siege and it is getting many updates

Fermiverse, do gaming w What’s one of your favorite game soundtracks?

Dishonered, the drunken sailor cover goose bumbs still after all those years.

Krucian, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

The best VR experience I had was with Here They Lie. It is a very… unique game. But I think it is PSVR only.

inconceivabull, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

How far did you get into Lone Echo? My favorites parts are after you leave Kronos II - especially that shuttle ride to the ‘other place’ - one of the best VR experiences I’ve had, including anything in HL:A.


I started exploring the scary alien Labyrinth and got bored eventually.

TofuScramble, do gaming w Best "Lets Play" Series

This is a great thread, thanks everyone!

Linnce, do gaming w What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist?

I miss microvolts before surge, wish there was anything like that nowadays. I only played melee.

Mathusalem, do gaming w Good singleplayer games without any story? avatar

w40k Gladius?

inverimus, (edited ) do gaming w Best "Lets Play" Series

This will always be the best Let’s Play series.

This isn’t far behind, though.

CapedStanker, do gaming w Good singleplayer games without any story?

I hear ya, I hate when games have too much story. The stories are never any good and usually outright eye-rollingly bad. I particularly hate when they do “…”

Legend of Zelda, the very first one. Yoshi’s Island. FIFA.

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