AceFuzzLord, do gaming w Best PS2 games?

I personally think racing games like Cartoon Network Racing and Sonic Riders are some pretty good PS2 games.

I’d suggest games like Ratchet & Clank, Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, etcetera, but they’re probably the first games brought up almost immediately.

Dequei, do gaming w Best PS2 games? avatar

All the ratchet and clank

stewie410, do gaming w Best PS2 games?

Bit of a boring answer, but Gran Turismo 4 on the PS2 has stolen many hours off of my life.

Another honorable mention would be the rhythm game “Frequency”.

A third, which isn’t a game, is eJay Club World; though that’s more of a DAW than anything.

DdCno1, do gaming w Best PS2 games?

Worth mentioning that almost every time, the PS2 is the worst platform for multiplatform titles, simply due to how weak the system was compared to both other consoles and contemporary PCs.

There are a small handful of exceptions. GTA San Andreas has complex lighting and effects (which took advantage of the unique hardware and were not possible on other systems at the time, not even PCs), as well as many details that are completely lost on every single other version. The downside is that the PS2 version has primitive shadows, poor frame rates, a low resolution and a very short draw distance. Thankfully, you can mod the PC version (which was actually downgraded even further several times over the years) to add in all of the missing effects and details, making it the best of both worlds. Don’t underestimate just how much of a difference this makes. The lighting alone turns this otherwise bland-looking title into a game that can provide surprisingly atmospheric and even stunning moments, despite the low poly count and low-res textures. The more recent remaster tries to unsuccessfully emulate this look, but I would stay away from it as far as possible.

Another example is Need for Speed Underground 2: Only the PS2 version has complex lighting and color-grading effects. They were never ported to other platforms, because just like with GTA SA, they were not technically possible elsewhere at the time.

If anyone knows more games this applies to, feel free to reply.

I should add that due to the low resolution of the system, it’s usually a far better idea to emulate PS2 games than to play them on native hardware. On PC, PCSX2 is the gold standard and on Android devices, AetherSX2 is near equivalent, provided you have a beefy enough phone or tablet (lower-end devices might struggle). This also makes it far easier to explore ROMhacks (or should we call them ISO-hacks?), like this upcoming one of Gran Turismo 4:

If you want to stick with original hardware, make sure to use a Component cable instead of Composite cable, if you aren’t already. The difference in image quality is massive, even if it’s rarely ever great due to the messy, highly aliased output of the system in in all but a small handful of titles.


Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 was best on PS2 because it was made by a different developer (Black Box) who then went on to make all the NfS game up to Undercover as well as World.


Ah yes, the confusing world of ports that aren’t ports, but entirely different games. There were a number of those on PS2, especially late in the system’s lifespan, during the cross-gen days, when it was lucrative to cater to the huge existing install base.

On top of my head, Splinter Cell Double Agent was a completely different (and according to some, better) title on sixth compared to 7th gen consoles and PC, although I have played neither version myself.

Test Drive Unlimited on PS2 and PSP had the same enormous game world as the 360/PS3/PC-version, the entire island of Oahu at full scale, but ran on a different engine with very different driving physics, which feel bouncy and direct, nearly identical to Gran Turismo 2 of all games, making it more fun to play than the “next-gen” version, which attempted more realistic physics that feel flat by comparison however. I consider GT2 to be the peak of simcade driving physics and thus am a huge fan of this version’s driving physics as well. Graphics are obviously much worse than on seventh gen, customization features, game modes and many vehicles are missing and the GPS is buggy, but it is nonetheless a very interesting and enjoyable version. In my opinion, the visuals have actually aged rather nicely, on PS2 at least, where it even has pleasant-looking car reflections and surprisingly detailed interiors. It has a low-poly charm to it, with just the right amount of detail. Both versions are outstanding at just randomly going on a relaxing drive, since you’ll never run out of twisty roads to explore.

That was a good example. A bad, but fascinating one is the Alone in the Dark reboot. The next-gen version was by the same developer as the next-gen version of Test Drive Unlimited, Eden Games, an attempt at using the latest tech and tons of innovative and immersive mechanics as well as scale never seen before in a horror game. It didn’t work at all and fell flat at practically everything it tried, from physics to narration, not to mention, it manages to be a horror game that isn’t scary at all, except for the terrifyingly bad controls, but it’s a very interesting train wreck to behold. By comparison, the PS2 version, by a different studio, feels like a demake made by someone who got the rough outline of every scene over a bad telephone line and then tried to cobble something vaguely similar together in six to nine months on a budget of whatever was left from the catering bill of the developer of the costly next-gen version. Sometimes, it just uses screen-recordings of real-time cutscenes from the PS3/360 version. It’s awful to play, but also very interesting, especially next to the overambitious next-gen version.


These days there are mods, such as SkyGFX, that let the PC version of GTA:SA match the PS2’s graphical effects, but these obviously rely on GPU improvements that didn’t exist back in 2005.

NoLifeKing, do gaming w Best PS2 games?

The first call of duties where good.

Especially Call of Duty: Big Red One

FeelThePower, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 3rd

Finally remembered my login for PokeMMO after 7 years so I’ve been finally going back and finishing the various regions. Starting the new (er… 1 year ago new) johto update soon!

SimplyTadpole, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 3rd avatar

I’ve been absolutely obsessed with Hypnospace Outlaw and Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath. The latter has gotten me interested in the retro shooter genre since its gameplay is genuinely really fun (but I don’t really know many such games outside of Doom), while the former has been keeping me in a perpetual state of hype exhaustion waiting for its sequel to come out, which won’t until next year…

kessleragain, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 3rd

Baldur’s Gate 3. I’ve never played anything like it, so I’ll be on the lookout for more games once I finish with it. That’ll probably be awhile since I can see myself doing a few playthroughs. Right now have a solo campaign and a multiplayer one going.

And in my attempt to get off social media some, I’ve gotten back into Slay the Spire.

Computerchairgeneral, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 3rd

I've been grinding away at Yakuza: Like A Dragon. Spent the last few days running up against the brick wall of the Chapter Twelve Two-against-four boss fight that still manages to make you feel outnumbered. I was suspicious of just how the insistent the game was about checking out the battle arena, but it kind of feels mandatory if you want to get through that fight. Also managed to get spoiled for that Chapter 14 boss fight while looking up strategies, so I've got that to look forward to.

Kbin_space_program, (edited ) do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 3rd

Automation and Beam NG. You can make cars in the former and it has tools to import them into the latter where you can drive them around.

I made a hot-hatch with a supercharged V6 that can go well over 300kph. Also have reproduced the Jaguar xj220 and an 1980s Camaro.

The former is insane, it's just raw power. I fiddled with it and now it is a mid engine supercar that does wheelies when accelerating.

The Camaro is just hilarious fun though.

ampersandrew, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 3rd avatar

I beat the base game of The Outer Worlds and started the DLC. This game ought to have more eyes on it in the wake of Starfield. It's just a better version of that game. Each settlement you come across might have about 10 NPCs in it, and each one of them is connected to the other ones via quests that help you form a picture of just what happened here before you landed. It's excellent.

I also finished Penny's Big Breakaway. When you hit a flow state in this game, it's so, so good, but a bit of jank in the physics and controls for the game hold it back. Like last week, my recommendation is still to wait a few months to play it, in hopes that patches can square away some of these issues.

And then there's my usual fighting game shenanigans in Street Fighter 6 and Skullgirls, trying to be the FGC equivalent of "swol". The Capcom Cup finals for SF6 were a lot of fun to watch despite there being too many Lukes.

CharlesReed, (edited ) do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 3rd

I've been replaying Dead Space (2023) on ng+. This game is my life now.

I found a fun little walking mystery sim on GamePass called Return to Grace. It had a pretty neat little story for it being only a couple hours long. The ending (or at least the one I got) was a bit obvious, but I had a good time, and there were some nice screenshots I got out of it.

Also of course have been playing Diablo 4: Season 3, but nothing notable is going on there.

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its_me_xiphos, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of February 25th

Enshrouded and Valheim.

I want to go on an OG RPG run with KOTOR, KOTOR 2(I admit, never played 2), then DA:Origins. But I need time to loose since I get too lost in the story.

Except the Fade in DA:O. Skip the Fade mod all day every day.

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