The whole Pokémon franchise on gameboy/GBC/GBA/DS…
Skullmonkeys on PS1
The Crash bandicoot trilogy on PS1
Abe’s Odysee on PS1
If you want to play them on an android phone, lemuroid is a great plug and play emulator. If you want to play on a PC, retroarch works well, but I recommend to follow guides on their website to get started.
Its f2p and you can explore all together, since every starting map gets unlocked no matter what race you pick at the start.
It is also very easy to learn and you can even outlevel each other if anyone wanna keep playing in private, since you get levelcapped depending what map you are in.
Brilliant game design all around and still one of the best multiplayer games out there IMHO.
Thank you for the suggestion. I think we want something with fast action and team competition. But I will keep this in my back pocket should the discussion steer towards these types of games.
It’s the only game I’ve got my wife to play that she enjoyed. It’s cute with simple controls. But there’s enough there to keep her entertained for awhile.
Still grinding away at Legend of Zelda for NES. First few dungeons lulled me into a false sense of security, because, damn, some of the later ones have hands.