Hillock, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

Can second Mechabellum. It's super fun, the right mix of casual but still competitive. The match duration makes it great for squeezing in a game or two. And I love how the game has weekly tournaments built in. They even have one for each timezone. The built-in competitiveness without having to register on external sites really reduces the entry barrier.

SevenSwell, avatar

I can third it. It totally feels like you’re playing an RTS but without having to study build orders and practice your micro.

Xariphon, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

"I Was a Teenage Exocolonist" continues to be an experience; I haven't seen all 29 endings yet, partially because I can't bring myself to screw over some of the characters in the ways I would need to to get some of them.

mojo, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

Just like you, Tears of the Kingdom. I played for 140 hours before attempting the final boss. Man, was it worth it. That ending was one of the best and most satisfying endings I’ve ever had to a game.


I’ve played for 150+ hours so far and haven’t even gone to do my first “divine beast” yet (idk what they’re called in TotK), I’m too busy mining in the depths for Zonaite so that I can max out my batteries, and of course, gathering materials for making OP elixirs and stuff lol.


Get as many hours as you can before the ending. It’s worth it!

bermuda, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

I think the number one was DUSK. I initially put it off as just another boomer shooter trying to “ride the wave” of the trend, but after giving it some time to get past the first few levels, it really is more than that. It’s sort of a combination of the “badass” gameplay of Doom but with a horror story and atmosphere. There were truly some terrifying moments in the game, and a lot of the levels a pretty nightmare-fuel. The low-poly aesthetic sort of turns this up a notch in a way.

It has this very refreshing gameplay loop where part (or multiple parts) of a level will be a typical boomer shooter focus on gunning down hordes of enemies or even a boss fight, while in the meantime you’re navigating a labyrinthine environment with some pretty terrifying imagery. A lot of the story is implied during the levels and then explained in between levels through text, so the player is really left guessing for a lot of the game, and the story opens up far more than one could ever expect.

A lot of people may go into DUSK expecting Doom or Quake or even a more modern game like UltraKill, but I think it’s a lot more than those three combined.

charles, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

Do you have a guide or something to reference to setup EFT Single Player as you’ve described? I haven’t played in a long time (last time was right around when the first versions of the SP mod was made public) because I got fed up with the online experience. I’d love to jump back in to SP eventually to see what’s changed, I definitely miss the EFT gameplay.


Its actually really easy to set up.

-install the bsg launcher, update, install the base game

use this, following its instructions >…/672-spt-aki-installer/

IF there is a version mismatch with live, which happens, this is a really easy patcher that downgrades

thats it, really easy. As for the mods and changes ive listed, here

KMC server value tool. read instructions, you have to run it first to make it work right. This is the main tool for tweaking the games settings, and there are a lot of options. Be sure to make your own profile and save and load it, its a bit of a weird set up. Here are my current settings.

If a tab isnt shown then i probably havent changed anything in it.…/379-kmc-server-value-modifier…

Amands graphics, unfucks the game visually. defog, makes it less grey.…/813-amands-s-graphics/

More checkmarks. gives you way more on the fly info about what items you need, what they barter for, etc.…/1159-morecheckmarks/

SAIN, AI rework. Has two dependencies, be sure to get them. This is my prefered AI option, there are others but this one makes the most sense with the least problems imo.…/1062-sain-2-0-solarint-s-ai-m…

Amands hitmarkers. nice to have, not necessary at all, but i like it for the immediate feedback.…/798-amands-s-hitmarker/

Visceral dismemberment. Really over the top and gross but fun.…/1092-visceral-dismemberment/

ammo stats in description. shows you what the actual fuck ammo is without sitting on eft monster or wiki. color coded too.…/284-ammo-stats-in-description…

gunsmith, not technically up to date with SPT but it works anyway.…


Thank you so much for the detailed guide. I finally got around to finishing the setup yesterday but only had time for a very short raid to test everything out. Definitely looking forward to playing around some more, seems like nearly all my annoyances with Tarkov are mitigated by the various mods you listed (especially KMC). I understand why it’s impossible but private coop would really make this perfect.


Have fun! it really does fix such a ridiculous amount of annoyances. I agree that making private co-op and running the server itself on another computer are the two things i want most from it, both of those may be possible with little work but AKI has to be very careful to avoid any ire from BSG

PerogiBoi, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences? avatar

OP if you liked Project Wingman VR, you absolutely owe it to yourself to try out VTOL VR.

As a combat flight simulator enthusiast I can’t recommend it enough. Virtual joystick so you don’t need to set up a HOTAS (it works surprisingly well), online multiplayer with a very active modding/custom scenarios community, and a good balance between realism and arcade.

I literally rebuilt my pc with this game in mind 🤪

philpo, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

Minecraft and Civilization VI.

Sounds bland? Somewhat. It’s more the fact that I started playing them with the kid and the wife for the first time effectively. The kid got a Minecraft account when it was three days old, both the wife and I played it heavily during the (horrible/stressful) pregnancy as she got sick from other games for some reason. Now playing it together was fucking wholesome and easily one of the most memorable experiences. We now run a small private server for us and some friends and it is an absolutely fantastic bonding experience - even more so as I can easily join when I am on one of my rather frequent business trips.

Civ6 is a bit similar experience wise but it also started a absolute transformation in the kid - it has read all (literally ALL) the childrens and adolescent history books in our rather well equipped local library and we now have to very carefully have to choose which adult books are appropriate - and therefore are learning a lot about history we never figured we would need to read about. (Scythian history? Really,kiddo?)

SevenSwell, avatar

If anyone out there has never played Minecraft with a group you have got to give it a shot. Exploring and building together is really so much fun, it can’t be understated!

Usually I get a few friends to play on a realm or something but they always lose interest after a couple weeks. I just joined a more regular playgroup with a well maintained server, though, and it’s some of the most fun I’ve ever had in Minecraft.

Still, avatar

the 2 week Minecraft binge is so much fun, tho it only lasts for like 2 weeks then everyone gets bored, but that happened like once or twice a year

Crankpork, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

For a game that somehow missed my radar entirely, Anno: Mutationem is almost everything I want in a game: compelling story, fun characters, simple but engaging gameplay, and the visual style is just… I don’t know if it gets any better than that.

Conyak, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

Elden Ring and Dead Cells stand out to me the most.

LucyLastic, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

That’s easy for me, the Snowrunner Year 1 expansion pack. Specifically Lake Kola and Imandra, when coaxing a heavily laden truck through the deep snow, day slides to night and the northern lights come out. A borderline spiritual experience because to get there you have to have got through things that seemed impossible.

PerogiBoi, avatar

Fr Snowrunner has made me appreciate getting through obstacles through constant perseverance a little better.

It also gave me more confidence to go on more off-road trails with my bike. This had negative consequences as I got almost stuck in a bog.


Well, you had an adventure!

What sort of bike do you have?

PerogiBoi, avatar

Surron Lightbee X. Is a zippee lil guy


Ah yes, IIRC they’re quick, light, but lack the sort of pulling power one would want in mud … kinda hard to find that outside of a full-blown motorbike!

PerogiBoi, avatar

I find it has more than enough power and torque than I’d ever need. The problem is there is no rear tire. It runs on two front tires so you don’t get a thick knobby tire at the back to spin you out of deep mud.

I went overboard after and bought super aggressive off-road tires for when these wear too far down 🤓


Cool, what sort of range are you getting?

PerogiBoi, avatar

Truly depends on how I ride it. For mostly on road travel at 60-80 km/h I’ll get about 40km range but if I drive it off-road with hills I can get about 3.5 hours of runtime and 60+km.

These are all estimates as I’ve never ridden it long enough to fully drain it from 100% to 0.


Thanks for replying - I’m always dubious of the claimed ranges on anything electric being shown on youtube!

At the moment I use a small petrol motorbike, at some point though I’ll make the switch I’m sure :-)

PerogiBoi, avatar

Ya these things are quite highly variable so claims will be all over the place.

They’re way more expensive but very worth it. Zero maintenance (except for brakes when I’m not using regen and tires) and just normal chain degreasing/lubing you’d do on any bike.


It is the cost that’s holding me back now, I paid €2700 for my 2021 Tango a year ago and it has an expected lifespan of about 10 years at my current rate / style of use. There are other factors, but that’s the main one … I figure it will be the last petrol bike I buy.

PerogiBoi, avatar

Do you have a link to the bike? I’ve never heard of it and I’m curious now haha


The marketing for it is dire, it’s basically a slow, lightweight, farm bike that can get pretty much anywhere off road, which is ideal for where I live

PerogiBoi, avatar

Oh whoa that’s a very interesting looking bike. Looks like a mix between dirtbike, scooter, and older Yamaha cruiser bike with that headlight. I dig it!

How fast and far can it go?


It cruises at about 80km/h and on road the range is about 300km (I get 2.5L/100km but my other half gets 2.2L/100km because she doesn’t ride as agressively).

The original version was made as a cheap farm bike for Spain, but the new facelifted version is … a cheap farm bike in a new hat, lol

PerogiBoi, avatar

Very cool!!! You get slightly better mileage than my car ;)


I’m guessing your car was quite a lot more expensive

PerogiBoi, avatar

A fair bit more haha 😂

GadgeteerZA, avatar

Snowrunner for me too. I nearly gave up in frustration at the beginning though, as the trucks are near useless at getting through any mud or water. But the stunning physics and landscapes etc kept me going. Once you have your bearings and get a decent truck, the whole experience changes.


It’s interesting that different people take different things away from the game, I love the base game with small trucks - team Fleetstar!

Mambert, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

To the moon. Man, what a roller coaster of emotions.

Gibdos, avatar

Oh yeah To the Moon is an absolute masterpiece. I’ve had the sequel in my steam backlog for ages. Should really replay TTM and then finally get around to playing the sequel…


god I remember that one fucking me up. that game made me cry so much

Secret_Duck, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

Hades really is a banger. I cannot wait for Hades 2, my goodness.

Another perfect game for me is Outer Wilds. It’s hard to really get across the emotional impact it has on you.

Unfortunately due to the nature of the game, you can only really ever play it once. You are able to complete the game immediately, but the whole point is you discover clues as you explore that eventually build up to a point where it all clicks together, and suddenly you know what you must do.

Go in completely blind. Play on your own with your headphones on and get truly immersed. Try not to look up any guides. If you can get there on your own it’s truly satisfying.

When people say videogames are stupid I think of this game and feel sorry for what these people miss out on!

Edit: Oh mechabellum too - great shout. It’s criminal how small the player base is for such an addictive and fun game.


I’ve already told my wife that if I suffer a brain injury and lose all memories, to not bother showing me pictures of our wedding day or any of that guff. I want to play The Outer Wilds again.

Although having said that she might take the opportunity to pretend she never met me.


Hahaha, that got a good chuckle out of me

TipRing, avatar

Outer Wilds is top of my list for most profound video game experiences. I have never went from joy to thinking "Oh. Oh..." so fast in one game. Plus, the music and graphics are so well done and support the narrative themes and mood. Just a masterpiece game.


I need to play Outer Wilds. I think I actually own it already, but I’ve not got round to it. You’re like the fourth person I’ve seen in this thread mention it

Mythnubb, do gaming w Modern "Arcady" Tactical Shooter

You didn’t list it, but what about Doom?


Maybe I am wrong, but I wouldn’t consider Doom as a tactical shooter. But thanks for the recommendation!


Doom Eternal is definitely more tactical than the 2016 remake


It is tactical in the sense that the combat arenas and enemies require you to think about what weapon you’re using and when, but all of the decision-making is “in the moment”. I think OP is looking for games that require you to think about your approach to encounters before you start them, but where the game is “arcadey” in the sense that it isn’t a full-on MilSim.

dQw4w9WgXcQ, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 30th

Satisfactory. Been progressing my last save for a few weeks. I’m in the last (but largest) phase. My factory took a lot longer before turning into spaghetti comparred to my previous attempts. Now it’s slowly getting complex to the point of considering going mass dissassembly and make something more pretty.

VonReposti, do piracy w Pirating Microsoft Office 2019 on Linux?

This might be a stupid question but now that you’re on Linux, why not use something like LibreOffice or Collabora?

_comfortablyAverage_, avatar

Libreoffice is the most atrociously structured piece of software I ever encountered. not only is the UI absolutely dated and god awful trash, it can fuck up microsoft office formatted documents. i possess a special hate for it since it decided to crap out on me when I REALLY positively needed it.

don’t know about collabora, will look into it


If you dislike the UI, you can turn on an MS Office-like ribbon design in the settings

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