RecklessBoon, do games w Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people? avatar

I’m currently playing V Rising right now with my wife after Divinity 2. We are LOVING it. Definitely give it a try!

psmgx, do gaming w Is it worth upgrading from a Ryzen 7 3800X to a Ryzen 7 5700X3d?

GPU improvement would do more for you.

Do you do a lot of VM work? Other stuff that’s CPU heavy?

AMD open source drivers are great on linux tho I used nVidia for a long time with Fedora and had no issues

Infernal_pizza, avatar

Not really, I do use VMs but not normally just 1 or 2 at a time, and I don’t think I’ve ever run into cpu issues with them (usually it’s disk usage if anything) Maybe the occasional bit of emulation but nothing that’s caused me any issues so far.

I’m still struggling between Nvidia and AMD on the gpu side, I’m looking at the 4070/ti/super vs the RX7800 XT, and the Nvidia cards seem to win in everything except VRAM and Linux compatibility. And there’s not much of a price difference between the standard 4070 and the RX7800 XT

PhlubbaDubba, do games w Mafia: The Old Country will offer voice acting in Sicilian

There are some sicilians who are about to be horrified listening to all the characters suddenly sounding like their third cousins from America who insist they can speak “italian”


Lol I can imagine, it’s often the same with shows and movies trying to do Dutch and then it ends up being the most incomprehensible and cringe attempt with an insane accent.

Hopefully they just hire legit Sicilians to do the voice acting. Otherwise they might just as well not bother.


I was talking more about how Italian Americans that are native speakers tend to speak a dialect that largely derives from Sicilian and other southern dialects that have since fallen out of use in favor of common italian, which is technically an entirely different language based on a northern dialect.

The joke is that these sicilian speaking mafiosos will sound like the american cousins because the dialect the Americans speak is closer to sicilian than the modern italian Sicilians are more likely to use in their everyday right now.

It’s actually a pretty hilariously documented phenomenon across the old world and in multiple places within the new world, where countries that endured a nationalist unification period adopted a common tongue, and in doing so diverged the language from native speakers that had migrated to the Americas.

Similar sitch with “inauthentic” ethnic cuisine being criticized by others in America and elsewhere in the Americas, it’s not different because it’s inauthentic, it’s different because it’s a preserved cultural artefact which predates a prescriptionist change dictated from the elites (who tended to be from a single language/culture group) to the common public, while the forms seem in the Americas are those predating cultures and traditions.


I don’t know about Italian but I can tell you Greek Americans plainly can’t speak Greek.

Same with ‘ethnic’ cuisine, they don’t put lettuce in “Greek” salad because that’s how it was originally but because that’s what was available and accepted in the US.

Its also far more likely that very regional or even just family traditions/customs/recipes got attributed to whole nations rather than an elite managing to wipe it out from the original group.

JustEnoughDucks, avatar

Wait wait wait, can you give an example? I have to see this 😅


One recent example that comes to mind from recently is a scene in Oppenheimer where apparently there’s a bit of Dutch during a lecture, but nobody can really tell what they’re even saying lol

bionicjoey, (edited ) do games w Mafia: The Old Country will offer voice acting in Sicilian

For added authenticity, they should exclusively employ members of Cosa Nostra as voice actors


But that’s what we did with “Gomorra” the TV series!! But it was people from the Camorra not the Mafia


Didn’t they do this with Yakuza?

Dagge, do games w Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?

I couldn’t find it mentioned already, but I really loved Vagante.

crapwittyname, (edited ) do games w Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?

Has nobody mentioned Barotrauma? Had a few hundred hours of fun with this, my buddy and I. Especially if you don’t mind shit being not very shiny. It is unique, and it keeps on giving.

primarybelief, do games w Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?

You should give Journey to the Savage Planet a try. It’s a 2 player 3D platformer metroidvania type game with upgrades and good humor.


The sequel is on the way as well, with local co-op.



bblkargonaut, do games w Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?


Duamerthrax, do games w Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?

Prodeus is still EA, but it has a solid first episode with good Co-op gameplay if you’re into retro style shooters.

If you really want to go old school, OG Doom from 1993 and Bungie’s Marathon Trilogy(1994-96) support co-op. I haven’t tried Doom yet, but you do need to be technical to figure out Marathon co-op.

Blackmist, do games w Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?

Grab a PS2 emulator and give Kuri Kuri Mix a go.

It’s by FromSoft of all people and it seems hardly anyone has heard of it.

mechoman444, do games w Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?

Og halo was so much fun!


I’ve used split screen Halo to learn some completely unaware buddies about simple military strategy, such as “QUIT STANDING IN FRONT OF ME WHEN I’M HURLING GRENADES!!1!”

fmstrat, do games w Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?

Outriders. And a bit more tame but Unravel 2 for in-person.

Mikesomething, do games w Can anyone suggest some good co-op games for two people?

Remnant 2 is sweet!

ShinkanTrain, (edited ) do gaming w I don't hate Body Type replacing Gender, I hate laziness


Fucking Saints Row 2 had this shit figured out

PS: I like when the game just shows you a bunch of presets and says “pick one”. It’s more elegant than “which of the two body types do you want”


^ This, I much prefer this… I mean something about “Body Type A/Body Type B” just feels too “corpo” for my tastes… but Saints Row sliders not so much.

Heck Pokemon even figured this out by just showing you pictures of characters and saying “Hey, which one of these do you wanna play as”, didn’t even have to use words.


What if you found a portal to a parallel universe? What if you could slide into a thousand different worlds? Where it’s the same year, and you’re the same person… but everything else is different? And what if you can’t find your way home?


I get this reference

chloyster, do gaming w I don't hate Body Type replacing Gender, I hate laziness

While I agree having more options is always a better thing, I really can’t see body type A and B with pronouns choosing anything other than more inclusive, a good thing, and not something that deserves getting up in arms about.

I don’t really see how it could be seen as not more inclusive. Sure it’s not more inclusive than having full blown sliders that let you change every bit of a character’s body, but it’s adding more pronouns and not forcing those pronouns on a certain body type. If we look at number of options, it is more than the previous “male and female” options. Thus including a broader set of people


My issue is how half-assed the measure is. What’s the point of letting me pick between “He/Him” and “She/Her”, if it’s going on a character that looks like a stereotypical brodude or a model in a fashion magazine? Is it really doing anyone any favors?

Would anyone in good faith, with only two options “Stereotypical Brodude or Fashion Magazine Cover Girl”, is going to play the former with she/her or the latter with he/him? If there was more variety or perhaps something like Cyberpunk 2077 or Baldur’s Gate 3 where you can have a masculine build with feminine features or vice versa, I could see the point… but for most games that are only going to give you the most common denominator as your only two options?

It just feels like throwing a coat of paint to make it look like the studio cares about making their product more accessible, when really it’s just trying to check a box to appease HR.

It’s a step in the right direction, but it’s so small that it’s insulting to everyone involved.

chloyster, (edited )

Would anyone in good faith, with only two options “Stereotypical Brodude or Fashion Magazine Cover Girl”, is going to play the former with she/her or the latter with he/him?

I think so. Why not? There are as many valid genders and identities as there are people in the world. Who am I to judge what people want to be referred as? Also even if there wasn’t people like that, I can almost guarantee there are people who would want to put a “they/them” to those body types, which seems to be the main point of this body type trend.

I don’t see it as a bad faith thing to be like “hey, we should include the ability for NB people to have their preferred pronouns”

Again, I agree that having more options would be better, but why does perfect have to be the enemy of good?

Edit: I also want to say that NB does not equal androgenous. Sure many NB people may desire or have an androgenous look. But I also know people who like to look and be feminine but are still NB, and the other way around


The reason why perfect is an enemy of good in this particular circumstance because the message it gives off now is “We care about buzzwords”, with just a little more effort, it could be “We care about inclusion.”

As it stands now, I’m just left rolling my eyes because game studios see me as not a woman, but as “Body Type B”, but if we had some more androgynous options alongside itl, it’d come across more… “Oh I CAN have a feminine build if I WANT to.”

It’s that little bit that goes a long way.


I guess I just really don’t see it that way. Man and woman and “she/her” and “he/him” are so much more than the way a body looks. Like someone could be the most traditionally culturally masculine looking person and go by she/her. That’s valid, that’s fine.

I don’t see it as the studio not seeing you as a woman. I am somewhat confused by that statement. Like you get the ability to choose she /her with a couple body options. The she / her is the woman here no? They recognize it as a thing. You can look however. I mean fuck I certainly don’t have a body type B, but I’m still a woman


Thing is I definitely don’t look like the “Type B”, but my other option is “Type A”, which is something so blatantly masculine in every way that it would be insulting for me to represented as such, and I guarantee any other trans woman would feel that same in that scenario.


As another trans woman, I just have to say you do not speak for all trans women. I have met sooooo many trans women whose idea of transness are much different to my own. It’s so broad and expansive there are no absolutes here

chamomile, avatar

@HawlSera @chloyster I mean, I absolutely know people who use she/her but present very masc, and vise-versa. They may be relatively uncommon, but so are trans people in general and we're still worth representing. Not to mention non-binary people who have relatively binary gender presentation. Your experience is absolutely not universal.


I am a tomboy, I present very masc, and it does annoy me when as a consequence people mistake me for a guy despite the fact that I obviously have breasts… But that is what it is…

But what I’m getting at is most Body Type A options don’t allow me to play a masc-presenting woman, but a masc-presenting man as in “Someone who looks like Leonidas on Steroids”. If Body Type A regularly allowed you to play as a masc-presenting woman I’d see your point.

The option to play someone like Zarya rarely if ever exists, whereas the option to play as someone who looks like Kratos is overwhelmingly what Body A refers to.

chamomile, avatar

@HawlSera I do recognize that tomboys, buff women, etc are worth representing, (and we should push for their inclusion) but that's not what I'm talking about - I mean people who look like "men" but use pronouns other than he/him.


In agile development. You do a little, release. Otherwise it is too big and may never be done. The fact they committed resources to improve this is a positive. The hope is they build on it and add more options.

However, if they get trashed for trying, they and many other companies may not try. Why spend money to get a bad reputation when the spending nothing creates less I’ll will to the company. That is ultimately the decision Product Owners and Designers will weigh up.

I think for progress, the best approach is maybe “positive first step but more options are needed for non-bonary for this to really make players feel comfortable”.

From a technical perspective, separating pronoun hard coding from the models gives more scope to give more options in the future, however, as someone mentioned, there is a lot of art work needed on assets and animations so the new shapes function the same in all cases.


Don’t you know what a he/him lesbian is?


Outside of a very offensive thing to call a heterosexual FTM individual, I legitimately do not.


Pronouns don’t necessarily = gender. Someone can identify as a woman. Be into other women, and still prefer he / him pronouns. It is a real thing


Huh… well how about that


To be clear, your stance is it’s such a small step in the right direction, you’d prefer no step at all? Keep it cis-only or invest time/money in extra character models?


I’m not saying keep it cis-only, I apologize if that’s implied, pronoun selection is fine and I don’t have a problem with that. My issue is if we’re not going to offer more options than simply two body types, both based on super idealized and gender stereotyped versions of the male and female form… Can we have a less awkward thing to call it than “Body Type A/Body Type B”?


Would anyone in good faith, with only two options “Stereotypical Brodude or Fashion Magazine Cover Girl”, is going to play the former with she/her or the latter with he/him?

Not sure what you mean by “good faith” here, but I can assure you there are some he/him dudebros that play female characters bc if you’re gonna be staring at someone in 3rd person the entire game it might as well be someone attractive to you.

Also it’s perhaps a minority of gamers, but people with fewer identity issues don’t need to see themselves as a self insert for their character, so why not play someone totally different from you?


I basically mean, who intentionally picks an overly masculine character unambigiously male character with female pronouns? Because that’s really only a thing in transphobic far right political cartoons.

I could see people picking the “female” character with he/him pronouns if they wanted to play a femboy and there wasn’t really an option to make the male character look “pretty”, but the “male” character with she/her, I dunno about that one chief.


WhatbI don’t get is why they are using body type A/1 and B/2. One is clearly feminine and the other masculine, regardless of the gender of the character, why not use those words? They are describing the physical form of the body, it says nothing about gender.


Unless you’ve installed some very particular mods, the body types in most video games do not contain genitals, and therefore are not definitively male nor female.

I have boobs and a butt. My body looks like “Body B” from these games. It is not a female body. It does not have a vagina. I have a surgery planned, and that surgery will not result in a vagina. What I’m hearing right now is that you think my body is female. And that makes me feel uncomfortable because I do not want a female body. A feminine body, I am happy with, but not female. I choose “Body B” in these games because it looks like my body, which I am happy with. I do not choose it because it’s “female”. I feel a little bit of pain every time I have to click on female.


A feminine body, I am happy with, but not female.

…they literally said “feminine” and “masculine”, not “male” or “female”. Specifically using language you say you’re okay with, but still prompting this response. What exactly is your problem with what they said?


No, but we still see models that largely either have bulges or camel toes.

Seeing a buff, hairy, bulge-having individual labeled “she/her” is typically only done in transphobic alt-right political cartoons and it feels a little tone deaf that game companies actually expect transpeople to unironically go with that…


What I’m hearing right now is that you think my preference to have a character that looks like me in video games isn’t worth pursuing because of camel toes, and because a troll might conceivably use the same features that help me, to make a character you don’t like. I already told you the nonbinary perspective on this issue. I’d just like to take a moment before I offer counterarguments to ask… what on earth is your intention with offering these arguments?

Now, as to camel toes: I cannot remember ever seeing a visible camel toe on a character in a video game. Maybe this is just because I don’t make a habit of staring at the crotches of women and femmes in games. But if I did notice a camel toe in a video game that was not about sex, my first thought would be “what the fuck game developers” and I would immediately be on the look out for misogyny in other aspects of the game. Maybe I’m completely off base here and I’ve actually been playing characters with camel toes this entire time and not realised it because I’m not a creep. But in that case, revealing this information to me would increase the gender dysphoria I feel in these games. Why do you want to do that?

And as for trolls? I saw someone in this thread respond to you say they like bearded ladies. You might have read that as a joke, but it wasn’t. Popular streamer JoCat is also a fan of bearded ladies, and I know this because he was cancelled by a bunch of TERFs for playing one in Baldur’s Gate while singing a controversial song. He decided to quit making his YouTube videos because of the harassment. JoCat is not a transphobe. He’s used his platform to raise money for LGBTQ charities in the past, and he was previously embedded quite firmly in the queer D&D youtubers community, friends with a lot of queer people who had nothing but positive things to say about him. I think that you’re confusing your trauma around transphobic representations with other genuine queer people who just wanna live as themselves, and you’re circling back around to transphobia as a result.


OP simply doesn’t believe in gender nonconforming people and thinks we’re all alt-right trolls. It’s a very privileged take.


While I don’t personally agree with OP, I still believe that they are discussing in good faith. I see nothing here that says they think NB people are “alt right trolls”. Our rule here is to be(e) nice. Please don’t resort to unfounded personal attacks


Actually if you read what I said, I’d say part of my problem is that having two character models one that is “Unambiguously Male” and one that is “Unambiguously Female” while claiming “Oh you can just choose your pronouns, and we didn’t actually say Male or Female! So it’s fine” is a lazy solution that does more to annoy than to assist.

And that if they were actually serious about being more respectful to the wider gender spectrum that exists in real life, they’d have more than just those two options. But the concern dev studios have is not in helping gender non-conforming individuals be more immersed in games, it’s to say “I’m with the current trendy thing, upvotes to the left.”

We need to be critical of what’s called “Rainbow Capitalism/Pink Capitalism” or we’ll be stuck without any real meaningful change.

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