I’ve been mostly playing Risk of Rain 2, but over the weekend I finally beat it after about 30 hours lol. I honestly didn’t even try to beat it, I was just having fun killing a bunch of things. I think it’s one of the only games where I don’t feel bad losing a 1hr+ run
After finishing this game, I think I might have the confidence to go back and try to finish Enter the Gungeon. This time I might just look up a guide on how to finish it since I’ve been strictly trying to beat games without outside influence in recent years and I have no idea about anything outside of what I have discovered in the 15+ hours of gameplay I have so far
Hey! The first half was actually really good. The second half didn’t happen.
Seriously, I remember replaying Fahrenheit like 2 or 3 times and always stopping at the halfway mark. That very first level in the diner promised soooo much, and the game never delivered.
The early God of War games were so unbelievably brutal for these. On harder difficulties, I would often master a boss only to have to retry it again a few more times because the quick time events to actually finish them off would be kicking my ass.
The fear mechanic in games like Diablo is really obnoxious to me. Having my character run halfway across the screen uncontrollably over and over during a fight is super fun!
Pretty much any mechanic that just takes away control from the player is a bad one. It’s much better when the player can affect a negative event in some way in order to lessen the event, or just bring it to an end. I bet a fear mechanic that at least allowed you to steer your panicking character would make it a lot more palatable.
I'm trying to make a game in this genre though I describe it as a base-building/simulation/survival game, other favourites include Oxygen Not Included, Timberborn, Factorio and Satisfactory.
It’s free, optional IAP to get stuff faster but not in a P2W way. Everything is possible to get free if you sink in time and/or be social and trade/sell stuff for premium currency so you still can buy stuff you want.
Game is loaded with content. Steep learning curve but when the game ‘clicks’ you’re sucked in. There is a story that will make you go “wtf?” and that part is widely known as the “you completed the 30 hour tutorial. Now the game begins”.
It’s playable solo, recently added cross play which makes playing with others more easy and there are parts that are public where you can interact with everyone there. That makes it feel as an MMO.
The devs are active on Lemmy warframe@dormi.zone is the official Lemmy page since they moved from Reddit.
Not really… paid items aren’t stronger than free items.
For example to get a new Warframe (your armor/character with unique abilities)
Find/grind Blueprints for head, chest and legs
Find components to build the parts (building takes time like 12h real time, you don’t need to stay online/play the game)
build Warframe (takes 24h real time)
Buy blueprints
Find components to build parts
Buy away the wait time
Build Warframe
Buy away the wait time
End result:
Exactly the same Warframe. You only need to grind less and wait less.
Every item/weapon/Warframe needs to be mastered. Either paid or free you’ll need to play missions to level up your gear so you can attach mods to make it stronger. Mods are found in game or can be bought. Mods also need to be levelled up by gameplay to be better.
So in the end you only get the base stuff faster but everyone is required to play to get better.
Als some paid items are simply for more inventory space like extra weapon/Warframe slots. That way you can keep some more stuff instead of dumping/selling it to make room for new stuff.
To level up in Warframe it’s necessary to keep using stuff you haven’t used before. When you stay on your own gear you’ll never really progress. But leveling up with new gear enables you to power up older gear as well.
And since it’s mostly PvE you don’t lose or miss out on paying players. If you solo stuff or are playing with friends then you’re pretty much never in contact with a paid player.
If you play with random players then it is possible to have a higher skilled (either free or paid) player in your team that might make specific missions easier to do. But still that’s totally up to you.
From all the F2P out there I personally believe Warframe to be the best game that handles their premium paid stuff without hurting free players.
The game seems complex, in the beginning it feel overwhelming. But don’t be afraid to ask for help and search the Warframe wiki. The community is very friendly and the Wiki will guide you as well.
I don’t consider myself a gamer but I have had a couple long stints in pay to win games and a lot of the things where you say they’re minor, become major as time goes on and since I’m competitive, I’ll likely get sucked all the way in trying to get an advantage.
That said, you’re an absolute legend for the time you’ve taken to write everything out. I cannot thank you enough.
Absolutely, I would still play DA:O and even the storylines of SWTOR over some other games that bloat the main story with unnecessary parts because otherwise the game is not long enough.
Grid-based, dungeon crawler RPG (a mouthful, I know). The most recent titles in this genre I remember are the Mary Skelter trilogy, but the first game is about 10 years old already.
I don't mind necro as long as it isn't obvious spam, so don't worry. =D
(besides, Reddit also had a lot of this, where pertinent replies would only appear a long time after the posts were made)
But thanks! The game looks pretty interesting, going by the promotional materials, and the store page also mentions it has both English and Japanese, so likely at least texts will be translated.
Do you have thoughts on the WadjetEye games? I’ve found a few of them quite engaging, particularly the later Blackwell games though I’ve heard good things of Unavowed.
If you're looking for the Quake brand of arena shooters, I feel like you're getting a lot of those these days. If you're looking for the era just after that, which Halo would fall in, I'm also looking for that type of game, so the nostalgia that fuels indie game design is probably only a few years away from delivering us that sort of game again. Maybe that new TimeSplitters or Perfect Dark game will be good.
There's been a huge resurgence of boomer shooters and arena shooters in the last 5 or so years. Off the top of my head I can think of Dusk, Ultrakill, Gunfire Reborn, Nightmare Reaper, Roboquest, Warhammer Boltgun, and new Doom (2016/Eternal), all of which get at least an 8/10 from me. There are many more of various quality.
Ah, yeah, PvP shooters. Gotcha. Those aren't really my domain, unfortunately, I don't have a ton of recommendations there. Overwatch was pretty good for a while, but wasn't really an arena shooter, and now can't be recommended.
Anybody else remember the game Sauerbraten? Or was that all just a fever dream I was having round 2012?
I would also like some class based hero shooters that aren’t Blizzard or Paladins TBH. I enjoy being the healer/support more than getting kills (though shooting stuff is also fun) and Valorant or Apex don’t quite scratch that itch
you can actually still find like 4-5 people playing sauer at most times lol, but its only insta ctf. still a great time to load into every now and then if there are enough people on of course
Since you haven’t mentioned Ion Fury, I’m going to add it to that list. Not interesting for PC since they wanted PvP but it’s a great Build engine shooter.