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CorrodedCranium, do games w Sid Meier's Civilization VII | Review Thread avatar

I’ve done zero research into the new release. Does it add much in the way of major game changing alterations? I’m thinking along the lines of how the district systems dramatically the feel of the game


I haven’t delved into it much but the big change this time is that as eras change, so do leaders. So you can change from one leader to another mid-game for different bonuses and strats.


Yeah. Lots of changes. They reduced the number of ages down to three, Antiquity, Exploration, & Modern. In each age, you play a different civ. For example, you could start Antiquity with the Romans, transition into Spain for Exploration, and finish as Mexico in Modern.
Leaders and Civs are detached, so now you can play as Benjamin Franklin of Egypt or Napoleon of Japan. Leaders stay with you the whole campaign.
Settlers create Towns now instead of Cities. Towns are like puppet cities from Civ 5 in that they act autonomously. They mainly serve to harvest and send resources to your Cities. If they grow enough in population, you can spend money to convert them into Cities. District system has been reworked. Now there’s only two types of districts, Urban and Rural. Rural districts take the place of resource improvements, since there are no more builders. Urban districts get two building slots, and from what I’ve seen some buildings do get adjacency bonuses.
There’s a new unit called Commander that lets you stack your other army units on top of it and transport them across the map. Still have to unstack your army to engage in war.

There’s more changes, but these are main ones that jumped to mind in terms of dramatically changing the feel of the game.

mox, do games w EA releases another shameless IP flip with Sims 1/2 Legacy
DuckWrangler9000, avatar

Yes, I’ve used both on Windows 11. Unfortunately, does nothing for the User Interface size. But that’s exactly what I had to do to get the original games to run before this shameless flip.

CorrodedCranium, avatar

I wonder if the Clean UI mod would help with your issue. Have you tried just adjusting your resolution though? I’ve heard 720p is the optimal resolution to avoid various bugs

SolidShake, do games w EA releases another shameless IP flip with Sims 1/2 Legacy

How is it a scam? It’s $30 for the game and all DLCs of $40 for both games and all DLCs. No one said it was remaster or a remake. No one said it would have extra content. It’s a 25th anniversary sale. That’s all. Everyone knew that ahead of time. If you own the games no one is like “oh well you have to buy this version actually, your old game won’t work”

And sims 2 is still a better deal than sims 4, even being free.

I think you’re just mad at EA just to be mad at EA. Like on of those forced Ubisoft haters. Doing it for clout.

TheFeatureCreature, avatar

Not sure if you are aware, but selling a product that literally doesn’t work is illegal in numerous countries. That’s fraud.

Also charging this much for a nearly 30 year old game without doing a damn thing to make it even slightly functional on modern systems is bullshit.


The product does work. Wdym? Lots of people got it and are playing it.

ChairmanMeow, avatar

There are a lot of bugs that crash the game. It’s barely functional for most. Just look at the Steam reviews.

These games were free before, and with a community patch were still playable. This rerelease somehow got a worse patch than the community patch and costs 40 bucks.


I filter my reviews for over 10 hours on steam

ChairmanMeow, avatar

You lose out on the reviews of people who tap out after a couple hours of constant crashing and bugs.


But I also lose out on fake reviews like “👍 game” or “👎 ea” which is A LOT of fucking people. I also skip out on “no one will see this so I’m gay” or whatever. People use steam reviews as a social media app now to get likes and awards. It’s fucking trash


The release is broken. There are several complaints that folks aren’t even able to get the game to launch. Considering that it isn’t a remaster or remake, just the same game with a copyright update, that’s ridiculous.

The Sims 2 + all expansions was available for free on Origin for years until it was removed. Most fans already have that version, and most modding guides are going to assume that version. One wonders if the community launcher will even work with the new releases - or mod compatibility. The Sims 1 has been considered abandonware for a while and I imagine most who want to play it already acquired a copy online.


The issue is probably denuvo related. Or people can’t get it to run because they pirated it not know it has denuvo and are trying to playing off as a bad launch lmao.


Why would they even add Denuvo to a 30 year old game anyway…


They didn’t, the listing was wrong and has been updated


The denuvo note on steam was a mistake, it doesn’t have it and the note was removed


Thanks for informing me. I heard that through other people on reddit and here as well.


Funnily enough, the Sims 2 shipped with SecureROM which really pissed the community off then. A literal root kit which could interfere with legitimate software. I get a desire for anti piracy measures - but the game was offered for free officially for like 5+ years.

I distantly remember a guy who was dying of cancer, but kept up an absolute tirade against EA. There was so much ill will then, it would be funny if they made the same mistake.

The Sims series is itself a story of how fucking shit EA is. Killing Maxis, driving off the original creators… even in Sims 2 days you had the IKEA and H&M expansion packs - ads that you paid for (even if tbh the furniture and clothes are good). Sims 3 had features stripped and added back in expansion packs. Getting all of the expansions is ridiculously expensive and running all of them at the same time will wreck your game. Sims 3 also started putting micro transaction ads into your fucking build/buy mode.

Sims 4 shipped without toddlers and every expansion pack seems to have made the game actively worse. The base game is so bare that it isn’t worth playing, but the expansions and stuff are often released entirely broken, and then never fixed. “Wedding Stories” was so disastrous even the Pollyanna YouTubers were pissed.

And now - folks realizing that there is nothing to be had in the new garbage game, that the Sims 5/Project Renee is never going to come out (or be some kind of mobile shit) - they try an easy cash grab of rereleasing two games with zero improvements and even more broken. When the Sims 2 had been legally available for free for the better part of a decade and you could download and install a Sims 1 iso in less time than I’ve spent writing this comment.


I distantly remember a guy who was dying of cancer, but kept up an absolute tirade against EA. There was so much ill will then, it would be funny if they made the same mistake.

I don’t know if you are talking about Total Biscuit, but you’ve reminded me of Total Biscuit.


The Game doesn’t even have Denuvo, what are you talking?

LunarLoony, avatar

As a lifelong TS2 fan, even I would be hard pressed to pay what they’re charging.

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qarbone, (edited ) do games w Sid Meier's Civilization VII | Review Thread

I don’t understand why we let Civ get away with amputating gameplay from the end-of-lifecycle previous game to repackage as new DLC again? If they hit upon great ideas in an expansion, why is that not folded into the core product like most decent games do with sequels?

They started with a triangle for 6, slowly carved it down to a semi-smooth, functional circle, then turned around for 7 and said “how about a cube this time?” Stop reinventing the wheel and finish refining it.

Honestly, the development mirrors my playthroughs of 4Xs: start with something funky and a lil different, struggle to make it work, and then restart when I’m close to done.

uninvitedguest, do gaming w Demo: FreeSpace 2 Open with head tracking from Viture Pro XR glasses IMU data avatar

Amazing. I will always be excited by FSO news. The Hardlight forums still send me my annual birthday email.

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