For some reason all fighting game communities seem to be split down the middle between friendly, chill people who want to help you learn and complete, uncompromising psychopaths
if you ever end up getting a steam deck, outer wilds runs well on it. you won’t get 60fps on highest settings or anything but I played through the whole thing with the frame rate limited to 45 and it was a great experience.
Not exactly what and nowhere as detailed as you’re asking for but possibly the closest thing to it. The site aims to provide pertinent information before you start a game. This can be tips, background info, general info, easy to miss quests/vendors/NPCs and more.
Note: Due to the nature of the website, sometimes there are spoilers. They are usually fairly minor.
I’ve been wanting to create a “catch up” resource for any sort of media, but I don’t have the time nor the skills to do so. I imagine, though, that within a few years you can tell Chat GPT the last thing that happened in the story and it can bring you up to speed.
I can’t say I agree. It’s more likely they see the money they’d be leaving on the table and it helps that this makes them look more amiable for future acquisitions.
Most MOBAs are pretty notoriously bad, though Heroes of Newerth was definitely the worst one of those i had played.
Anecdotally, my personal worst experience was with FFXIV, which was probably exacerbated by how much praise that community gets otherwise. The Novice Network system they have is a mess, new players are put into a channel with a bunch of “mentors” that don’t really want to help anyone, at least on the server I was on. They either wanted a global chat channel for their own use, or just wanted the cosmetic rewards mentors had on offer. I remember one actively trying to get new players to quit if he found out they had come from WoW. The channel is entirely self-moderated, and mentors would kick people out just for fun. It’s an AWFUL first impression for newer players.
One thing WoW definitely does better with their Guide channel is giving literally no tangible rewards to guides, if somebody is opting into being a Guide it is only because they want to help new players, they get nothing else for it.
To offer an alternative view: nothing! It sounds like you had a great time with the game, and it’s sometimes nice to end on a high note instead of after trudging through a bunch of side content. Besides, I’m sure you have some other games you’ve been meaning to get around to 🤔
I’m surprised not to see any of the Monster Hunter games yet! Maybe that’s because most MH soundtracks are more a collection of individual themes than a unified soundtrack for a world, but a lot of those tracks are pretty great.
I don’t know whether it is considered polite to link to youtube recordings of tracks here. My particular favorites from World are all zone themes: “Rulers of the Wildspire”, “Dancer in the Coral Highlands”, “Roars across the Hinterlands”. You hear these tunes a lot - whenever you’re fighting something in that zone that doesn’t have its own theme - so they’d better be good. Fortunately almost all of them live up to that standard!