Conyak, do gaming w I finally got a Switch! What now?

It might help if you give some examples of games you like. I’ve been playing Dead Cells and love it. It’s a side scrolling rouge like. Some others I would recommend are Metroid Dread, both of the Ori games, and Hades.

A lot of people will disagree but I did not care for BotW to the point that I didn’t bother with TotK. Not saying you won’t enjoy them but that’s a lot of money to spend on something you may not like. Nintendo does not do refunds after all.

noodle, do gaming w What's the most toxic game community you know of? avatar

It’s been years since I ever played CoD but my experience was that it is basically a racial abuse simulator with an FPS in it.

Nowhere near as bad, but I was shocked how intensely elitist and gatekeeperish Hollow Knight’s community can be. I’d already finished the game when I found the sub on Reddit but damn they are mean to beginners!

Lowbird, do gaming w Outer Wilds and BOTW/TOTK

Oi, careful with the Outer Wilds spoilers. That game is the last game people should know anything about before playing fpr the first time.

LemmyAtem, avatar


Okay but like whats the game about? What do you do?


But like, how do I know if it’s even the type of game I will li-


Pegatron, avatar

Ive seen so many posts by people who trashed the game after not even getting to the start of the time loop, calling it a bad walking sim with nothing to do.

Modern games have programmed people to be incurious and intellectually lazy


I agree that a lot of modern games hold the hand too much, but I found Outer Wilds to be the opposite for me, too obtuse and open to get a grip on the gameplay loop. If you dig that, more power to you, for me it was too much.


I tried outer wilds on gamepass. I went in blind knowing absolutely nothing. At first I thought the graphics made it look like a generic unity indie game. I didn’t like how the jumping worked. I was so close to closing the game but I figured “I haven’t even gotten past the tutorial. I should at least give it a try.”

Oh man. The second you complete the tutorial and you are set free to play I had the best “oh holy shit” moment I’ve had in years. It’s still not everyone’s cup of tea but I absolutely loved it. I hope they make a second.

LemmyAtem, avatar

I gave it the honest try myself and just didn’t have fun. I went to a couple different planets, died in some weird gravity reversing situation a couple times, died to the loop a few times, etc. It was neat but wasn’t for me. I can see how people would get really into it though.


Same. I tried once, bounced off because I just hated how the ship flew. Gave it another honest shot recently, found a couple of the explorers but really wasn’t enjoying it. Ended up watching the rest in a Let’s Play. Honestly not a bad way to experience it if the gameplay is just not vibing with you.

It’s surprising because “ancient progenitor civilization” is one of my favourite tropes in media, but this one really just did not do it for me.


I bought it, tried it for about 30 minutes. And got motion sickness…didn’t ever again. :/

pieceofcrazy, do gaming w I Played Road 96 AND the Prequel -- Yes, They Made a Road 96 Prequel (review, minor spoilers)

I think I only saw a trailer when it was announced. It looked kina horrible to be honest, but after reading this I’m imagining it like one of those games that are kind of bad by usual standards and that you can’t really recommend to anyone like you would recommend any other game, but that is just so unique and special in its own way that it sticks with you. Something like Pathologic maybe, but without the depression

zbych, do zapytajszmer w Gdzie można kupić jakieś niedrogie lniane męskie ciuchy? avatar

Polecam poszwendac sie po ciuchach, jak ma sie chwile. Od krótkich spodenek, przez spodnie, koszule, marynarkę po kapelusz lniany udało mi sie wyhaczyć. Oczywiście nie jest to jednorazowy szybki zakup, tylko loteria:) No i za całość pewnie wyszło 5 dyszek. No i może olxy i allegro?


nie lubię się szwendać, w lumpeksach nie widziałem lnianych rzeczy jak łaziłem.

!deleted2556 avatar

Poproś ludzi, którzy chodzą często po lumpach (a są tacy, którzy to po prostu lubią i traktują jako hobby. Niektórzy nawet wpisują to sobie w opisie na tinderze :D), żeby Ci kupili to, czego potrzebujesz. :)


Nie znam takich :(

!deleted2556 avatar

Jak mnie odwiedzisz, to Was zapoznam :)


ok, czyli do Zielonej Góry dołączam Wrocław za tydzień, jako kolejny przystanek wycieczki autostopem ^_^

Lyre, do gaming w What's the most toxic game community you know of?

For some reason all fighting game communities seem to be split down the middle between friendly, chill people who want to help you learn and complete, uncompromising psychopaths

JillyB, do gaming w Outer Wilds and BOTW/TOTK

We know we aren’t an advanced civilization because we don’t have a green or blue aesthetic and goat features.

flamingmongoose, do gaming w Outer Wilds and BOTW/TOTK

I desperately want to play Outer Wilds but that would involve spending money on modern machine


You have a console? It’s available on most of them (and eventually the switch… probably…)


Yeah just a switch haha. They announced that port a good while ago and not a lot has come of it

Leon, avatar

if you ever end up getting a steam deck, outer wilds runs well on it. you won’t get 60fps on highest settings or anything but I played through the whole thing with the frame rate limited to 45 and it was a great experience.


Try on the free Nvidia streaming thing, if you have a fast enough internet

clover, do gaming w What’s one of your favorite game soundtracks?

Command & Conquer: Red Alert

sadbehr, do gaming w What is the best place to get to know more about the game without getting completely spoiled? avatar

Not exactly what and nowhere as detailed as you’re asking for but possibly the closest thing to it. The site aims to provide pertinent information before you start a game. This can be tips, background info, general info, easy to miss quests/vendors/NPCs and more.

Note: Due to the nature of the website, sometimes there are spoilers. They are usually fairly minor.

itsgallus, do gaming w What is the best place to get to know more about the game without getting completely spoiled?

I’ve been wanting to create a “catch up” resource for any sort of media, but I don’t have the time nor the skills to do so. I imagine, though, that within a few years you can tell Chat GPT the last thing that happened in the story and it can bring you up to speed.


I think ChatGPT can do a decent job of this already. Example.

S0berage, do gaming w What games would you recommend for someone that only recently got into gaming?

@s0phia world of tanks and age of empires 2 DE

peter, do gaming w What is the best place to get to know more about the game without getting completely spoiled? avatar

Usually game wikis are quite good, I don’t think there’s a single alll encompassing resource though

Kolanaki, do gaming w Phil Spencer announces Call of Duty deal with PlayStation
!deleted6508 avatar


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  • MoonRocketeer,

    I can’t say I agree. It’s more likely they see the money they’d be leaving on the table and it helps that this makes them look more amiable for future acquisitions.

    Addfwyn, do gaming w What's the most toxic game community you know of?

    Most MOBAs are pretty notoriously bad, though Heroes of Newerth was definitely the worst one of those i had played.

    Anecdotally, my personal worst experience was with FFXIV, which was probably exacerbated by how much praise that community gets otherwise. The Novice Network system they have is a mess, new players are put into a channel with a bunch of “mentors” that don’t really want to help anyone, at least on the server I was on. They either wanted a global chat channel for their own use, or just wanted the cosmetic rewards mentors had on offer. I remember one actively trying to get new players to quit if he found out they had come from WoW. The channel is entirely self-moderated, and mentors would kick people out just for fun. It’s an AWFUL first impression for newer players.

    One thing WoW definitely does better with their Guide channel is giving literally no tangible rewards to guides, if somebody is opting into being a Guide it is only because they want to help new players, they get nothing else for it.

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