Every few months my friends and I pick up Deep Rock Galactic for a few weeks. And every time when we switch to a different game after that we always end up hitting "F" all the time all over the place. In DRG that's the button to throw a flare and you use it constantly when moving around. Very annoying when another game uses it for something completely different like a grenade toss 😄
Switch between GTA V and RDR2 and end up punching my damn horse every time I try to ride it because entering vehicles is F in GTAV but in RDR2 F is your dedicated melee button.
I’m playing Dungeon Drafters, a deck-building, turn-based, tactical rogue-like. (What a mouthful) It’s been very fun, the emphasis on positioning reminds me of some of the fun aspects of other tactics games I’ve played; and, the deck-building is pretty fun.
The game has some interesting tweaks on the formula, like you graveyard not being shuffled back into your deck except at special shrines in the run, so you have to deploy cards more tactically and individual cards are allowed to be much more impacfcul as a result. Status conditions are amazing in this game and I love using them.
The art style is charming and I really enjoy how clever I feel when my careful positioning and shuffling allows me to efficiently take out opponents.
I don’t have any recommendations, unfortunately. But this is very interesting! I have gotten into software-defined radio recently and radio astronomy seems like a good direction to continue learning. Hopefully someone has some good advice.
My usual strategy although still imperfect for me. Elden Ring has been in my active games for a while now, and it’s hard to properly try Hyper Light Breaker with my kid because of this issue.
Lunacid was an okay game, but ultimately I was disappointed.
It was sold as a King’s Field-like game when I bought it (which was in Early Access, before version 0.6 was released), and it shares almost nothing with King’s Field. Like, its a first person game and it has RPG elements, and thats pretty much where the similarities end. In actuality, it has more in common with Shadow Tower than King’s Field.
The weird slime ERP side quest really did not need to be in the game. I think it involved Patchouli ,(which IIRC is intentionlly a Touhou character name reference) but I could be wrong. Also, the anime character art clashed with the environment art style. I love anime, but honestly the anime characters didn’t fit. Should have been a bit more realistically stylized, more similar to the characters from King’s Field 4 or Shadow Tower.
Plus, the developer and I don’t get along. I won’t get into any details, because honestly I don’t care enough about it to explain it all, but they were pretty rude. I choose not to contact them, nor would I play any of their future games. This was before the Early Access update 0.7, in case anyone who has followed the game’s development is curious.
I really like the character design in Lunacid to be honest. It gives the game a unique vibe, lets it be something unique instead of being yet another uninspired parody on From Software games.
Thats what it stands for, yeah. Theres not any erp in the game. The poster above you references not liking kira (the game dev) because of something early access they dont want to explain about. I could be off on my timeline, but iirc thats about when they added pronoun options for the characters.
Doesnt like the game? Thats fine, despite it being my favorite indie game of all time I do think its niche. But I wouldnt hold this posters views with any merit.
Seems like a strange problem. I’d suggest playing more different games, and focusing on getting your hands in tune with the specific game rather than the type of game or perspective, and being more aggressive about remapping controls to fit how you want to play.
I switch games a lot and don’t generally have issues settling into a game just because its controls are off from another game, but if a dev puts something common somewhere weird, I’m absolutely going to move it to one of the places I expect it to be.
Damn, I’m surprised to see a Lunacid post on Lemmy
Edit: I recently did a playthrough with a vampire character. I kinda power-leveled some stats though, basically just running my way up and down the game’s entire map killing enemies over and over. I got into a decent rhythm for the combat because I had a decent enough Dex so I would just jump to dodge certain attacks if I couldn’t kite them.
Certain spells can be pretty OP throughout the game if you focus on your magic skills. Flame Spear can honestly carry you through most of the game if you focus entirely on magic.
All that said I actually liked the Vampire “class” as it felt a bit more forgiving for most of the game (except the sewer area). I’m kinda working on collecting all the items so I can get the last ending.
Damn, I’m surprised to see a Lunacid post on Lemmy
I didn’t see any posts about this game so decided to make the first step myself!
Certain spells can be pretty OP throughout the game if you focus on your magic skills.
On my first playthrough I had a magic-focused character, and yeah, magic is extremely strong in this game! That’s why on my vampire run I decided to ban any attacking spells, to focus more on weapons.
My main problem with vampires was taking damage when using holy water - it’s really important in some areas like the prison (fucking dogs…), and not being able to just use it whenever I want was… annoying.
I don’t regret playing as a melee vampire, I learned to use blocking effectively (I basically never used it on my first playthrough) and the quirks were neat even if not really that impactful gameplay-wise.
I’m kinda working on collecting all the items so I can get the last ending.
I tried out every weapon I could. I leveled each weapon that I could as well, cause I liked seeing what I would get and how I liked playing with it.
I ended up being pretty balanced in play styles and how I leveled my character. Last time I played I was like level 150-something, just to see how high I could go. You start getting very diminishing returns around 120 or so, getting only one point per level, and each of those points only increasing a fraction of each skill.
I stopped leveling when I reached 100 since I was already so OP I didn’t see a reason to continue (also a pretty number).
It still took me awhile to get all the endings on the save file but at that point I was just running around destroying everything with my seemingly neverending mana pool.
The controls are slightly different in the Soul Reaver remaster and I kept mixing up crouch and lock-on. It took until the end of the game before I got it worked around lol
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