If it's a fast-paced action game, 60 is a must. If it's turn-based, or otherwise just slow enough to not matter, I'll sometimes accept a stable 30 - but only if it's truly stable, any dips below that are not okay.
If it’s not 60 or higher, I can’t stand it. But it has to be consistent. Even constant fluctuations between 120-140 are felt even if not necessarily seen. I generally just try to get 60 since my display is 60hz. What’s annoying is that I could be doing 1440p at 60 with my specs, but for some reason setting the display to that specific resolution locks it to 30hz.
The display is 4k, and has 60hz available at 4k and every other resolution. My PC can’t handle 4k @ 60 for most things, though.
When I play it’s usually solo games, and I never had an issue with 20fps+ . If performance drops below that, I’m visually ok with 16fps, but usually at that range my system is struggling with game mechanics and that’s the deal breaker for me
I feel like 20 FPS would be OK for me if I had absolutely no ability to get at least a 25. But 15? 16? That’s like very jittery. I remember that happening on Alan wake 2 and it was playable, but to be honest I was kind of annoyed with it.
My monitor dynamically adjusts it’s refresh rate to match what my GPU is spitting out within reason. Anything above 40ish is fine, though competitive stuff does benefit from more. Below that even if my monitor is matching frame to fame I definitely notice.
Newegg has gotten some 5080 stock around 4:30 PST the past few days. They’re only in stock for a few minutes so mash F5 and buy whatever is in stock and figure out the rest after checkout. Most are bundled with a PSU, but the ones I’ve seen aren’t crap PSUs they’re trying to get rid of like the 40 launch. www.nowinstock.net/computers/…/full_history/
I manage to get a 5080 at launch with a bundled PSU, then sold the PSU and my old 4080.
I’m old enough that I remember when 28FPS @ 320x200 was considered a target, and my vision isn’t as hot as it used to be. So long as I’m not noticing any obvious issues, I don’t really care enough to check.
Yeah, a Sonic metroidvania with gameplay akin to Ori and the Blind Forest would be absolutely top-tier. Ori was largely focused on movement instead of combat, just like the side-scrolling Sonic games typically have been.