fakeman_pretendname, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate?

I hate not being able to pause a game, particularly a single player game. I think Elite Dangerous solidified my hatred of this, by not telling you the game is still running when you’re on the “pause” menu.

“B-B-BU-BUT it’s a simulation and you can’t pause real life so it makes it more real”

It’s a game, even if it’s a simulation game. It’s a toy for grown-ups. A very nice and fun and relaxing toy, but a toy nonetheless. It’s not more important than a phone call, call at the door, crying child, hungry cat, partner who needs a hand with something etc.

This probably extends to being able to save anywhere and rejoin later, but I think that one is covered pretty well by everyone else :)


The problem with Elite Dangerous is that it is basically an online game, even in solo play and they never bothered to figure out a way for solo players to pause.

Nanokindled, avatar

This is true for all of the examples of this problem that I’m aware of.


It also seems to keep cropping up in janky 3D Unity games, “We can’t allow pause because it breaks all the physics”.


Soulslikes can’t be paused and it has nothing to do with online play. Fromsoft just hates working adults.

Nanokindled, avatar

I think it probably has something to do with online play, though, since Fromsoft’s multiplayer model revolves around invasion. Granted you can turn it off, so obviously there should be a pause option, but I have a vague hunch that the two issues are related from a dev/engineering perspective.


Elite dangerous is a multiplayer game. If you want to go do something else and don’t have time to put your spaceship somewhere safe, you can always exit to the main menu. It only takes a few seconds and when you come back your ship is exactly where you left it.

The game definitely has issues, but not being able to pause isn’t really one of them


I never really bothered with the multiplayer mode in it - I know the game was built with a multiplayer back end, but they did promise a single player mode, and they do present the game as having a single player/solo mode.

Obviously different things annoy different people, and I do get what you mean about quitting and restarting etc, but it was enough for me to stop bothering to play it and play X4:Foundations instead. I did still get over a hundred hours play out of it, so I don’t exactly feel hard done by, but if quitting to the main menu works, then it’s clearly mechanically possible for them to let you pause it, they just didn’t want to.

gaytswiftfan, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate?

I hate when games are open world just cause. I only ever enjoy an open world when there’s an insane amount of lore like in Skyrim or Fallout, but in most games I prefer a linear gameplay or semi-open (Mass effect, Dragon Age)

At some point something happened and literally every game has to be open world now 😭


A Plague Tale is an incredible example of what can be done with a linear design. Both Innocence and Requiem were amazing.

Open world games like the Witcher 3 leave the player with this really weird interaction with plot urgency. I’m looking for someone but just barely missed them? Hurry to the next town so I don’t miss them again? But then zero consequences when I ignore that quest for twenty levels.


Agreed. Like the original linear Mirror’s Edge is way better than it’s open world prequel. It’s my go-to example for exactly this problem.


And that Halo game I can’t remember what it’s called, but there’s an open world Halo game and it’s awful.

The biggest problem in that game, and in general, is the fact that, yeah it’s an open world game, but there isn’t really a lot to do, so you have to run around through the level, which is usually boring, to get to the actual next bit of the game.

It wouldn’t be so bad if they just teleported you to the next bit. Then the open world aspect could be played around with on your terms, but you could also just ignore it if you wanted. But they never do that because they’ve made an open world, and they want you to look at it.


While I don’t mind openworld games, they definitely feel off, esp. with regards to the main quest. Can’t save the world, gotta get this granny laid.

One of the only games with a open world that actually REQUIRED it for the game to make sense is Paradise Killers. It’s a detective open world game on an island. The open world makes a lot of sense, because a detective has to find their clues. It’s not a detective game if there’s a counter of “clues found” or there’s a linear progression. The game never tells you that you’re done finding clues. Like a real detective in a real open world, you have to decide whether you’ve seen enough.

Faydaikin, avatar

I mostly dislike open-world games because of the lazy travel systems. Either you have to run everywhere or you free fast-travel from any point, too any point.

There is no middelground.

I miss games like Morrowind, where you not only had to pay for fast-travel, but it functioned more like an actual transportation system. Like, you had to go to this city and take a Strider to that town and then a boat ride to get to your destination.

Giving the world some infrastructur and natural money drainers helps with immersion and facilitates the need to go do some side-quests every now then. You get fast-travel, but you also get to see the world that was build for you. And you don’t run around as the richest douche in the world by level 10 with the best gear available because nothing costs anything.

Bethesda skipped this aspect entirely back in Oblivion and never looked back. Making your characters golden gods from the get-go, with no reason to interact with anyone or do anything except screwing around and collecting trinkets.

There’s more to it, ofcause, but this is the biggest pet-peeve I have.

gonta, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

Old Bioware stuff, aka action RPG games that put importance to story, lore, companions, and my not-so-guilty pleasure: romance.

I have a lot of emotions about the upcoming DA: Dreadwold.

!deleted6348 avatar

You and me both friend, they know how much is at stake, yet I never hear good news coming out of the studio

Pantoffel, avatar

You might like the game tyranny. Just finished playing it and it was quite enjoyable.

whysofurious, avatar

Absolutely, I would still play DA:O and even the storylines of SWTOR over some other games that bloat the main story with unnecessary parts because otherwise the game is not long enough.

Please DA: Dreadwolf, do not suck.

RobMyBot, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate?

Escort quests! Especially when the person you’re escorting moves incredibly slow (except when running toward obvious danger).

whysofurious, avatar

I agree that is clearly broken and overused in many games but if we were able to actually control the walking speed on PC with a keyboard similar to what is possible with a controller, it would probably be more bearable tbh.

GrayBackgroundMusic, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate?

limited inventories are kind of abused currently and that unlimited inventory systems would give more player choices.

In some sense that’s correct. You’d have more options, but you wouldn’t take them. Having a limited inventory forces you to make choices. Yes, you can use that scroll/potion/whatever, because you’re gonna run out of room, so feel free. On the other hand, I think that many devs don’t consider inventory management enough! I think that it’s often an afterthought and could use more dev attention.

What game mechanics do you love and hate?

Hate: instakills. Diablo 4 and Risk of Rain 2 are my current games that have this. ROR2 is not as bad, you can prevent this by getting enough defensive items. D4 is worse about this. You can be chewing thru trash mobs just fine but get to a boss and immediately die. There’s no ramp up to this.


Inventory management is one aspect of Diablo 1 that I liked a lot. If you played MP, you could either transfer your gear to mules… But if you wanted to play “as the game is intended”, you had very limited space to carry between games and had to choose which items you want to carry with you to the next game. I did a playthrough through the 3 difficulties with Warrior a few years ago and I loved having to make these choices.

ArtZuron, avatar

On the topic of instakills, I always mod them out of Fallout 4 and Skyrim, because it’s annoying as hell that I can be instakilled from full HP, when it would otherwise take several hits to even endanger me.

wizardbeard, avatar

If you play RoR2 on PC, you owe it to yourself to install some Quality of Life mods, like one that fixes or improves the game’s built in one shot protection. Also, auto sprint.


I do. Thanks! I didn’t even realize there were mods.


There are certainly many games that shouldn’t have limited inventories that have them, but I also think there are many games for which a limited inventory enhance the game. I do enjoy games that make me make decisions about what I want to take with me and budget my inventory space when it makes sense.

Ilflish, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate?

Slow grounded movement in open world games is so dumb. Why the fuck do you think I want to spend 5minutes walking across a plain or on a path I can’t that forces me to move slowly. I do appreciate how some games like this actively just take control for you so you can do a chore (Final Fantasy XIV autodrive, RDR2 lets you automatically move on a path while riding a horse) butIf your open world is that boring, can you just add a mode that brings me to my destination?

I’d much rather a more densely populated world on a smaller scale (Yakuza) some fun extreme forms of movement (Gravity Rush, Tears of the Kingdom). Heck even just have a faster option for mobility on basic terrain is better (Elden Ring). If there was a big desert and you gave me a dune buggy that goes 100mph, that feels way better then having to walk/trod around a hilly or mountainous landscape dotted with areas you have to move around or carefully move through.

Obviously if you lean into that mechanic as being intentionally frustrating, feel free.


In a similar vein for me, I really dislike cutscenes in a lot of first person games where you still have control of your character, but the only thing you can do is sloooowly move forward or move your camera slightly to the side. Just make it an actual cinematic so I can just sit back and watch instead of pretending it’s gameplay.


Death Stranding is a game completely about grounded movement, but it makes it enjoyable. Usually traveling in games is mostly about turning your brain off and moving forward. DS you need to pay attention to your environment and character and plan a path forward. It’s actually engaging. I don’t expect other games to do as well as a game where that’s 99% of what they were trying, but I’d hope they learn from it at least. I haven’t seen much, if any, of that yet though.

Toribor, avatar

Death Stranding 100% gets this right, although it’s a bit weird in the end-game when your optimal choice is typically some combination of vehicles and ziplines.

Paying attention to the elevation, pathing around rocks and trying to stay level is a lot more fun than it sounds. Some of the best moments in that game it just lets some chill music play while you carefully walk from A-B and it’s a ton of fun the whole time.

Then you finally reach your destination and the story feels almost entirely detached from the walking experience and characters with the dumbest names imaginable explain some made up bullshit to you for 45 minutes.


If you didn’t guess that last paragraph was specifically about Death Stranding. No reason to fault that game for what it is


This is one big reason why I liked Fenyx way better than Breath of the Wild. The Fenyx world is far smaller, but also more dense with actually interesting things to do. You have a horse in both, but the distances in BotW are still just pointlessly big, esp. when 90% of the things you can find are just the same two things: shrines and koroks.

Pyr_Pressure, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate?

“your choices matter”

Love the concept, but most of the time, they do not matter.


Cough cough Mass Effect cough cough Cyberpunk 2077 cough cough


I absolutely hate that concept, as even when, or especially if, it matters, it’s in the most cookie-cutter binary in-your-face kind of way, literally “(a) eat baby (b) safe baby”.

I don’t mind choice in games, but it should be actual choice, i.e. you do things because you want to do them, not because you think they will make the story go to the “good ending” or worse yet, be forced on you to stay on the good path, as the game is only build for good and bad path and everything in the middle is just mechanically broken.

The best choices in games are fully mechanics driven or just cosmetic, though that’s pretty damn rare in narrative games. In most games choice is generally just bad and annoying, as you aren’t focused on the actual game or story, but on what the writer might consider to be the “good way”.

That good old fragile “suspension of disbelief” gets shattered by choice systems very very easily.


I think the best I’ve seen it done is in Prey 2017. Lots of really good mechanics driven choices that are actually choices.


That’s why games like dwarf fortress, project zomboid, are more about taking proper decisions


I personally find the most important part of those choices isn’t the actual effect, but whether the game managed to immerse me enough so that I care.

For example, in Life is Strange, there’s a string of choices you can make that will get someone killed (or save them). The game invests enough time in the character before hand so when you come to the crossroads, the decisions FEEL very important. Do those choices have any big effects on the game? Not really. The character isn’t part of the main story line anymore after that, you only get some people referencing the difference. But if FELT important.

Think about the polar opposite: Choices that change the entire game, but you aren’t invested in. Would those be interesting choices, or would that just be 2 games in the form of one, and the choice is just a kind of “game select screen”.

dQw4w9WgXcQ, do gaming w Alternate ways of playing games

It’s a minor thing, but whenever I get into a pokemon game, I deposit my starter ASAP. I don’t want to rely on the pokemon which is spoon fed to me from start, it feels a lot better to play the game with whatever I’m able to catch along the path.


I tried to play Ultra Sun using only my starter Rowlet, and had to put it down when the game forced me into a double battle. I would have been okay with hatching a second Rowlet from an egg but it didn’t work.


My first time playing Pokémon Blue I did the opposite because I didn't realize you could change the order of the pokemon so my Bulbasaur was in my #1 spot and even if I knew the other trainer was going to use a fire pokemon i'd end up starting the battle and wasting a turn switching pokemon. Needless to say he was super overpowered by the end of the game from all the forced XP


I did the same way back when playing pokémon red. My Blastoise was up in level 60-70 when I approached the last gym. Being a small kid, I didn’t understand tactics of effective types - only that my pokemon was an awesome heavy turtle with cannons on its back. I never really tried to use other pokemon or switch out during battle.


I do the same!

I would love to hear people’s preferred early game alternate starters.

I usually go with the first non-Normal type Pokemon I encounter and build my team around it.


I try to stay open and switch out whatever seems logical to make a complete team with good coverage - both in types and atk/sp.atk distribution.

SevenSwell, avatar

I love me an underrated Bug superstar. In Black I used a Leavanny as mine and it cleaned house. When I played Omega Ruby my Masquerain carried my team and took me totally by surprise.

choco, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

Stealth games. The last one for me was MGS5, I loved it even with its shaky story line. Hitman is really nice but it feels more like a puzzle game if that makes sense.

ElmarsonTheThird, avatar

I concur. Hitman can be a somewhat true stealth game but the design steers you away from “free form” stealth with its mission stories. I like the idea but the puzzles are too small, few short steps to the goal.

I hope for Metal Gear Delta to succeed, not only because I have a soft spot for MGS3 but also to revive the genre.


Have you played Mike Bithell’s Volume?


No I did not, thanks I’ll look into it!

Turmbaumeister, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate?

Hate soulslike stuff other than combat, bonus points when there’s no checkpoint before a boss fight so you have to redo 50 fights just to die again and repeat the process until you’ve learned the boss moved… or shot yourself. Oh and you can’t pause so tough luck if you ordered food or kids want something. Fromsoft are masters or marketing to sell this bullshit as something great

Also hate unskippable cutscenes, good story like witcher, ffvii remake or kotor defends itself. If you feel the need to do it chances are your story is bad and so you shouldn’t. Just look at ghost of tsushima, good combat, great world and visuals. Easily an 8/10 or better potential but mostly bad story without skips makes it tedious and just not fun. A samurai fetching herbs for peasants 😂 Bonus points if you can’t even pause the mighty cutscene


bonus points when there’s no checkpoint before a boss fight so you have to redo 50 fights just to die again and repeat the process

DS1 I feel is decent with this (could be Stockholm syndrome) and Elden Ring removes the issue almost completely. But Jesus Christ DS2 was awful in this regard. At least they added the mechanic where mobs stop respawning after you’ve killed them N times; I removed every single enemy from along the Smelter Demon corpse run lmao

Kerb, avatar

im usually not to bothered by a few fights before the bossroom (probably because i started out with ds2)

but smelter demon was awfull until i learned the balcony jump.

pixelscience, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate?

The fear mechanic in games like Diablo is really obnoxious to me. Having my character run halfway across the screen uncontrollably over and over during a fight is super fun!


Pretty much any mechanic that just takes away control from the player is a bad one. It’s much better when the player can affect a negative event in some way in order to lessen the event, or just bring it to an end. I bet a fear mechanic that at least allowed you to steer your panicking character would make it a lot more palatable.


IMO reversed input is acceptable to me. If you were walking right you’re flee left. If you were fleeing left, you’ll walk right.

Adds fun strategy in multiplayer

clayalien, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 30th

I’ve got a brand new intel nuc 12th gen i7, 4070 graphics, 32 gig ram, Samsung 990 hard drive.

Cost me a pretty penny, and a lot of time to put together. Not to mention all the time spent researching parts and agonising over choices. Then the wait times for deliveries and redeliveris of the orders I messed up (had to return ram twice, once because I accidentally ordered the wrong ones, and once became a stock was faulty).

Eventually have everything set up.

So of course I’m using it to play ksp1.

liminis, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 30th

Just finished Yakuza 3, started Yakuza 4. Enjoying the visual bump, and some refreshing changes to the combat, though I loved the story of Y3. Also playing through BotW for the first time (very late to the party).

Trying not to get sucked in too deep by my return to OSRS on top.

SamPond, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often? avatar

Don’t see a lot of plain fast paced arena shooters these days. There’s The Master Chief Collection which kinda works but also isn’t, you know, new.

charlieb, avatar

Quake champions might be of interest

Edit lol just looked at the player counts, maybe not. Eh, I had fun with it for a while though.

ampersandrew, avatar

If you're looking for the Quake brand of arena shooters, I feel like you're getting a lot of those these days. If you're looking for the era just after that, which Halo would fall in, I'm also looking for that type of game, so the nostalgia that fuels indie game design is probably only a few years away from delivering us that sort of game again. Maybe that new TimeSplitters or Perfect Dark game will be good.

skulblaka, avatar

There's been a huge resurgence of boomer shooters and arena shooters in the last 5 or so years. Off the top of my head I can think of Dusk, Ultrakill, Gunfire Reborn, Nightmare Reaper, Roboquest, Warhammer Boltgun, and new Doom (2016/Eternal), all of which get at least an 8/10 from me. There are many more of various quality.

SamPond, avatar

I’m sorry, I should’ve been more specific: Multiplayer Arena Shooters. I’m a Ultrakill evangelist.

skulblaka, avatar

Ah, yeah, PvP shooters. Gotcha. Those aren't really my domain, unfortunately, I don't have a ton of recommendations there. Overwatch was pretty good for a while, but wasn't really an arena shooter, and now can't be recommended.

Anybody else remember the game Sauerbraten? Or was that all just a fever dream I was having round 2012?

SamPond, avatar

I would also like some class based hero shooters that aren’t Blizzard or Paladins TBH. I enjoy being the healer/support more than getting kills (though shooting stuff is also fun) and Valorant or Apex don’t quite scratch that itch

businessfish, avatar

you can actually still find like 4-5 people playing sauer at most times lol, but its only insta ctf. still a great time to load into every now and then if there are enough people on of course


Since you haven’t mentioned Ion Fury, I’m going to add it to that list. Not interesting for PC since they wanted PvP but it’s a great Build engine shooter.

Exec, avatar

Toxikk, but multiplayer playerbase died pretty quickly.

bear, do gaming w What game mechanics do you love and hate?

I strongly dislike ingame teleporting and pause menu quick travel. I’d much rather the game have more ways for me to get to where I’m going than simply materializing wherever I want to be.

Let the travel itself be part of the game instead of just a way to link the “real” parts of the game together. Make it fun and fast to move around, add unlockable shortcuts, add more in-universe traveling options. Let me get to where I’m going myself instead of doing it for me, and make it fun to do so.

Especially in open world games, not only is this the most true, but they’re the worst offenders. Literally what is the point of making an open world and then letting people skip it? You see everything once and that’s it. If you make an open world full of opportunities to wander and explore, and then players want to avoid it as much as possible via teleportation, you have failed as a designer.

zergling_man, avatar

Age of Wushu needed less teleport slots.


Time is limited. I don’t want to spend 30 minutes traveling from one side of a map to the next if I’ve already done that 15 times. Just let me get there immediately so I can talk to this single person and get this item I will never use.


Or just let me call them on a call phone.


How do you incorporate phones in Skyrim?


They never said Skyrim.


I’m honestly fine with traveling if it’s interesting. That’s what I disliked most about red dead 2 was even with the beautiful landscape and soundtrack and the random encounters, pretty much every one of your 50 trips to [insert nearby settlement] within a given chapter are going to be exactly the same, and you can’t go very fast because you’re on a horse.


I’m pretty sure Death Stranding didn’t have fast travel, and I think it worked quite well there. Part of the challenge is to learn the best route between the stations, so it’s well incorporated into the gameplay. There’s barely any enemies on your way either, and those that exist are easily avoidable.

ampersandrew, avatar

Traveling in Death Stranding is the game though. Enemies are only one part of the challenge; there's also terrain and how much cargo you can carry on the way, even if you've taken that route before.


Death Stranding is Kojima attempting to sell out by making a walking simulator and accidentally putting too much work into it.

ampersandrew, avatar

I found Death Stranding to be a game that, even though it has combat in it, it's a solid demonstration of how many different types of mechanics we could be building a game around besides combat, even with a story and high production value.


I would go as far as to say that the combat is the weakest part of the gameplay. I did not enjoy the boss battles and had to turn down the difficulty for them.

ampersandrew, avatar

I guess the combat was the weakest part, but it composes such a small part of the game that it made plenty of sense. From that perspective, I found it weird that it had any boss battles at all.


Absolutely. Those combat arenas made no sense at all.

If we're talking about those environmental bosses, I'm down for those cause running away without falling down is sort of core gameplay.

But damn, I did not ask to have to play mandatory Call if Duty

AnonymousLlama, avatar

Enjoyed the traveling in Ghost of tsushima. Never felt like a choir there


I don’t want to spend 30 minutes traveling from one side of a map to the next

I’m not talking 30 minutes. There should be options that let the player do it in a few, depending on the scale.

Just let me get there immediately so I can talk to this single person and get this item I will never use.

You’re encouraging bad design in order to facilitate bad content. There also shouldn’t be much if any mailman content either, that’s just filler.


Games that give you rapid and fun ways to travel have been ones that I've actually not found tedious to get from point a to point b. Methods I've like have been blink (teleporting short distances), grapple hook, super speed, flying, etc.

But, just old fashioned running or driving gets stale fast.


I am really conflicted on this, and I think there needs to be some balance or cost/reward. I mostly agree though.

An example I often use about this is in MMOs. WoW felt like a huge world, especially back in vanilla. You could fly end to end and never hit a loading screen, it felt awesome. If you gave me a map of Azeroth and asked me to label all the zones, I probably could. It’s moved a bit more to people teleporting place to place, but I still can fly end to end of a continent.

On the other hand, FFXIV is a series of maps with loading zones between all of them (a necessity because of the older console architecture, I understand) and teleports in every town. You never actually go end to end of Eorzea. If you gave me a map of Eorzea and asked me to label only the three majors cities on it, I doubt I could. It is definitely convenient to just be able to warp around place to place for a trivial amount of currency.

It takes a lot out of the feeling of “world” to just have a bunch of arbitrary areas, I admit. It’s a tough balancing act between player convenience and player immersion.

Nipah, avatar

Yeah, FFXIV makes is super convenient to revisit a place once you've already been there via the aetheryte, meaning you're probably not going to visit it on foot more than a few times. This means you don't really make that connection between zones (or at least, I didn't) and thus don't really view it as an interconnected world (the loading areas between each zone doesn't really help).

I'm struggling to give proper credit to WoW because I'm not sure if its the staggering amount of time I played the game, the time of my life when I played the game (younger brain retaining knowledge better?), or the seamless transition between zones which lends it to sticking in my memory so hard as a 'real, interconnected world'... probably a combination of the three, if we're being honest.


I think MMOs need fast travel because sometimes you just want to meet your friends in X dungeon and all the scenic travel is just an obstacle to that. There shouldn't be barriers to the social aspect of these games. MMOs have more than enough padding already, if people want the immersive experience they can choose to do that on their own.

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