ulkesh, do gaming w Report: Unity considering revenue-based fee caps, self-reported install numbers avatar

I think we could have done a lot of things a lot better.

No shit, Sherlock. Not fucking over your client-base, for one. One would think he’s not fit to be CEO of cow shit after this douche was previously in charge of EA during some of the worst years of that company.

There are alternatives to Unity. Time to move on if possible.

BluJay320, do gaming w Report: Unity considering revenue-based fee caps, self-reported install numbers avatar

They did too much damage already. They’ve lost all developer trust, and deserve to crash and burn for this

hedgehog, do games w Judge issues legal permaban, $500K judgment against serial Destiny 2 cheater

For something like cheating and streaming your exploits on Twitch, it makes sense for a suit like this. Bungie’s reputation would suffer even more due to his audience being much more likely to seek out cheating tools, to associate the game with cheating, and to spread both those pieces of information themselves.

In a case where the damages are real and not contrived, copyright feels a bit more legit.

$500k feels extreme, though, even in this case. Is this based off real sales, stock prices, or back of the napkin math? Maybe mark it down to his scale of income. So they have $100 million in annual ebitda (and excluding any funny business like stock buybacks) and he makes $50k before taxes but after living expenses. That $500k is worth 1/600th of their annual income and so should be 1/600th of his: $250. Multiply that by as much as 10 due to the severity of his actions (or divide by as much as 10) and you’ve got $2500 in damages. Much more reasonable.

Bit rough going the opposite way, but fair’s fair.

xcxcb, do games w Judge issues legal permaban, $500K judgment against serial Destiny 2 cheater

I just hope “injected code” and “overlays” don’t become somehow actually illegal because of these rulings because there are plenty of valid uses too.

platypode, avatar

I’m curious what uses you have in mind–anything that’s an online competitive (i.e., you compete against other players–doesn’t need to be esports sweaty) game I don’t think there’s a strong case for allowing injected code, since that’s an avenue for gaining an unfair advantage and thereby worsening other players’ enjoyment, and anything offline I can’t see it being worth a company’s time and money to prosecute.


Destiny 2 isn’t really online competitive for starters.


It definitely has elements though.


No, it really doesn’t at all in a sense that anyone cares remotely about.


It definitely has elements in it.

Void, solar, arc, strand and as stasis.

You should learn more about the game if you’re gonna criticize it.

Haui, avatar

I agree. Competitive games and code injection don’t mix but for those that are not competitive (i.e. minecraft), code injection is important.

Maestro, avatar

I think the problem is that the ruling now establishes that overlays and injected code are a copyright violation. Therefor any overlay or injected code is now illegal unless you have permission from the authors if the game.


Well Nintendo are very litigious they already DMCA’ed a Zelda Breath of the Wild multiplayer mod. (As in it made the single player game multiplayer)

I really wouldn’t want them to have more power to hurt their fans.


The solution is to not be a Nintendo fan.

No, seriously. You support their draconic practices by buying their games.

PeterPoopshit, (edited )

This. Nintendo is one of the least ethical videogame companies out there. Even when they come up with something new and innovative, it’s so locked down you’re better off waiting to play someone else’s copycat of it.

RiikkaTheIcePrincess, do games w Judge issues legal permaban, $500K judgment against serial Destiny 2 cheater avatar

[Very sarcasm] It's nice that copyright just means a copyright holder gets to do literally anything they want as long as a relevant work is involved. Wouldn't want anyone to get away with any kind of local modification, tinkering, tweaking an old piece of software to work in a modern environment, some forms of modding... All obviously reprehensible violations of a wank gesture, eyeroll Copyright Holder's right to control distribution of their work!

IP law is so fucking vile, and yet proves it can continually get even worse :|

Edit to preempt, just in case: Also, no I don't need another bullshit lecture on how "IP law isn't a real thing, it refers to separate segments of law blah-blah-blah" but somehow can't be used as a term because some wankstain feels like being condescending.

!deleted6508 avatar

Like… I don’t disagree with the sentiment here when it comes to most things that have to do with copyright and modifications; but if you’re using the modifications to get an unfair advantage in a multiplayer game, you’re a piece of shit and deserve punishment.

psycho_driver, do games w Judge issues legal permaban, $500K judgment against serial Destiny 2 cheater

Damn. That seems excessive. Then again, online cheaters are vermin.


Sounds like it was because of they were selling cheating software (and maybe versions of the game that allowed cheating?)

So the amount might be related to how much they made from doing that

xcxcb, (edited )

They way it reads is that they were actually playing and circumventing bans, possibly selling accounts too maybe. They were streaming their exploits on Twitch too.

charonn0, do gaming w Judge issues legal permaban, $500K judgment against serial Destiny 2 cheater avatar

Leone […] tried to “opt out” of the game’s license agreement as a minor in an attempt to do a legal end run around Bungie’s multiple account bans.

Interestingly, this seems to have worked, even if it didn’t work out the way he intended:

  1. Defendant disaffirmed the license agreement that licensed him to download and play Destiny 2, rendering that license void ab initio.
  2. Thus, Defendant’s download and use of Destiny 2 was unlicensed and Defendant infringed Plaintiff’s Copyrights each time he opened the software
HidingCat, do gaming w Volition (Saints Row developer) shuts down

Descent doesn't get mentioned enough, along with the true gem, Descent: Freespace. Long and storied history there.

Faydaikin, avatar

I doubt any of the guys that worked on Decent or the Freespace games are part of Volition at this point.

But damn are those games good.

If any game deserves a remake/remaster, it’s Freespace. Doesn’t need much, just bring it up to par with Freespace 2 mechanics wise and polish the graphics a bit.

No reason to change anything else.


Have you tried FreeSpaceOpen?

Faydaikin, avatar

A looong ass time ago, I did. I don’t think I ever got it working right.


Not sure if anybody of the original team is left, but Red Faction Armageddon had a little Descent tribute level, though that was already 12 years ago.

Some of the original devs made Overload.


I honestly did not know Volition was Parallax.


Some of the original developers made a modern version with Overload.

There is also Miner Wars 2081, a criminal underrated Descent-like game from the makers of Space Engineers, has great story campaign, destructible environments and a lot of other really nice touches. Failed however on the mulitplayer aspects that were promised in the EarlyAccess thus lots of negative reviews.


Freespace 2 with a force feedback joystick. When you got a bit too close to a capital ship’s beam weapon and the whole joystick started to shake. One of my most immersive experiences in a game.

BlinkerFluid, do gaming w Impressions: Starfield’s sheer scale is already giving me vertigo avatar

I just… man, this isn’t my first rodeo with Bethesda, or the 25-year-old game engine they’re still using.

If there’s more than one major town and five different things to do, I’ll be surprised.

Madison_rogue, avatar

No doubt...

Are we going to get 25,000 planets with repeating assets and only one town? I'll have to take your word for it, I don't have a platform to play it.


Maybe the planets are more like asteroids, just as Skyrim’s cities are more like neighborhoods. ;)


25,000 planets, but only 10 faces and 5 voices shared among all the inhabitants of the universe.

BlinkerFluid, avatar

“Is that Patrick Stewart?”

“Yes, and so is he, and him, and that guy, and that dude, and those guys, and that lady…”


Yep same. I’ll wait till I read reviews from gamers I can trust if it’s worth playing.

I really hope it is.


I enjoyed them through Oblivion, then Skyrim gives us generic fantasy land with generic fantasy lads and watered down gameplay…

… Then nobody shut the fuck up about it for 12 years. 🙄

alternative_factor, avatar

As someone who started with Morrowind, I prefer Skyrim over Oblivion. The Oblivion setting is better but the scaling just made it SUCH a slog.
However, I hated Fallout 3 and didn't even bother with 4 so I agree bethesda games have become less interesting over time.


It doesn't use the old engine.

Tarte, avatar

Unreal Engine is a 25-year-old game engine, too.

BlinkerFluid, avatar

One’s a company’s pride and joy and the other is a crutch because they don’t want to spend the money to move forward. Good comparison of a bad example.

*Apparently they actually modified Creation for this game. Color me surprised.

pixelle, do gaming w Volition (Saints Row developer) shuts down avatar

PlayStation Plus is dropping the recent Saint’s Row reboot on their free games for September.


“Dropping” as in discontinuing, or “dropping” as in releasing?

pixelle, avatar


ogeist, do gaming w Volition (Saints Row developer) shuts down

Wtf, this is the 3rd game studio shutting down this month.

EnglishMobster, avatar

Yep, it's been a trend all year. My studio got canned back at the end of January. Publisher called us into a studio-wide meeting scheduled during lunch with 1 hour of notice, only to say "The game you spent 6 years on is canceled and all 150 of you are fired. The media will know in 30 minutes, don't say anything until then if you want to keep a severance package." (I have since landed on my feet elsewhere.)

These studios are owned by big publishers and generally work for years at a loss. With the costs to borrow increasing, we're seeing cuts on long-term investments that might not make their money back (like movies and games).

Volition was owned by Embracer, which is now struggling with funding. So anything that isn't a sure bet is effectively canned - and in turn you see these studios shut down left and right, plus big layoffs from studios that are still open.

twistedtxb, avatar

There’s your problem. Hiring an entire team for 6+ years and then cancelling the project. That’s hundreds of thousands, if not millions, down the drain.

The current AA / AAA gamedev industry isn’t sustainable

EnglishMobster, avatar

That's all game development.

Baldur's Gate took 6 years to make. Starfield has been in development since 2015 - that's 8 years. As gamers demand more, games have grown in scope. The ones that stayed behind have gotten punished.

If a AAA game doesn't have at least 8 hours of story and realistic graphics in the modern era, it gets panned by reviewers. People's expectations have been raised - and are continuing to be raised - and in turn, that inflates how long it takes to make a game. People will say "Why should I spend $60 on this game when I can spend $60 on this game that gives me more stuff?" (See: Immortals of Aveum, which itself has been in development for 4-5 years.)

The games that don't take that long are the stale yearly franchises - the FIFAs and CODs of the world. Even COD alternates between studios, with each installment taking 1-3 years. Some franchises (like Pokemon) have multiple teams within a studio that operate independently of one another; Arceus was made by the Let's Go team, while Scarlet/Violet was made by the Sword/Shield team.

If studios stop betting on long-term projects, you're going to wind up with stale yearly iterations - or half-baked games rushed out the door to meet a deadline. If it's true that you say AAA (and even AA!) dev isn't sustainable, then that's effectively calling for stale franchises pushing out cheap content for quick cash grabs (see also: Hollywood movies over the last decade).

It's also not just games this is happening to. Disney recently canned a 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea show that was ready to go. There's the Scooby-Doo stuff that Max recently pulled before release as well. That stuff isn't my industry; I don't know how long it takes to make those things... but I know it costs about as much to make as a AAA game does.

There's probably a reckoning to be had for both industries, but I don't think the correction should be that drastic - and I think it will be bad for people who consume that content.


With TV/movies that are made for streaming this seems to be some classic Hollywood accounting. They are taking the write-offs in the cancelled content, while keeping subscribers strung along with the promise of new projects. The question is how long until consumers stop buying it.


I wish studios like Bethesda would adopt a more stylistic art style and games that were smaller in scope. I don’t need to explore 10 000 planets with realistic graphics. I just want a tight RPG with good world building.


games that were smaller in scope

I think this is the crux of the issue. There’s been a trend for AAA to push for bigger and more ambitious games, which leads to long, expensive development cycles. But pretty much everyone who is passionate about gaming can point to a game that stuck with them not because it was huge and ambitious, but because it did one thing really well. Games don’t have to be huge to be amazing.

TwilightVulpine, do gaming w Volition (Saints Row developer) shuts down

Embracer group is terrible. It came with big promises of reviving dormant franchises but it's just closing studios with not a single game announcement to show for it.

Vordus, do gaming w Volition (Saints Row developer) shuts down

A shame, but the writing has been on the wall for a long time. Volition was never quite the same after the THQ bankruptcy, and that was still several years before Embracer took over.

technologicalcaveman, do gaming w Impressions: Starfield’s sheer scale is already giving me vertigo

So, I love Daggerfall. Daggerfall is one of my favorite games, I still haven't finished the main story mostly because I keep getting distracted doing side quests and personal goals. Daggerfall is also ridiculously big, I believe it's one of the largest games ever. It's also got some very bland towns outside of the major cities. I'm ok with that, because it kinda makes sense that this random town I wandered into is 6 houses and a tavern. That works for a medieval fantasy game, especially because Daggerfall is so damn charming with everything it does. Thing is, Daggerfall is pretty far removed from today's Bethesda. And if Bethesda promised what Daggerfall is, today. I wouldn't believe them. I see Star Field as a sci fi Daggerfall, but I just don't believe they'll nail it in the way necessary for that largely empty space to be charming like Daggerfall is. I say this mostly because of how bland I felt their recent games characteristics are. I'd be happy to be proven wrong tho, and maybe I'll try it out some time in the future.

CIWS-30, do gaming w Volition (Saints Row developer) shuts down

Sad, because I was a fan of them and bought all their games from Saint's Row 1 all the way to Gat out of Hell (although not in chronological order) and got Agents of Mayhem for free somewhere, but think they've made some bad moves lately.

I think it all started going downhill from Agents of Mayhem, and them screwing up with the reboot of Saint's Row was probably the nail in the coffin. I wish they'd just made Saint's Row 5 instead, with wacky time travel shenanigans and a more polished set of superpowers.

At the point where they decided to "reboot" to something old school and grittier (TOO old school, imo) they really didn't get what their fanbase wanted, and what new players who'd only heard of and experienced Saint's Row 4 would get excited about.

They could've probably taken Saint's Row up to 6 entries if they'd just iterated on the formula from 4 and possibly Gat out of Hell (I wouldn't know, I got distracted and didn't play it after I bought it, ironically). Similar to how United Front Games (the developer of Sleeping Dogs) could've probably stayed in business if they'd just made Sleeping Dogs 2 instead of that horrible "free to play" multiplayer asset flip of some of the least interesting elements of Sleeping Dogs 1.


I’ve never really understood the hate for Agents of Mayhem. It really captures “playable action movie” perfectly. I’d say my biggest complaint is that it is very poorly balanced such that most characters are unusable at the highest difficulties.


That’s what happened to Sleeping Dogs? Lame. I loved that game!

I agree with Saints Row. I didn’t think new younger audiences would take to a restart of the formula, or that old fans would want to start from scratch so to speak. Meanwhile ramping up from 4 would sate the old fans by somehow getting even more bonkers, and younger gamers would have this insane shit show of a sandbox even if they aren’t familiar with the brand (and would probably boost sales of the old ones too.)

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