SheeEttin, do gaming w Baldurs Gate 3 (That's crazy commitment.)

Honestly, blacksmithing isn’t that hard. And the video in the article looks like it was cold sheet steel work over a form and a few rivets, so a few hours’ work for a beginner. Even basic forge work is something you can learn in an afternoon.

demonsword, avatar

Honestly, blacksmithing isn’t that hard

it’s well beyond the reach of most people, specially considering the price of the tooling alone

SheeEttin, (edited )

For cold work, you need a hammer and some hard object. That’s it. Anvil, swage block, piece of rail, random scrap steel, or even a hard rock. That’s it. It’s really not expensive at all, unless you’re buying a whole bunch of brand new unnecessary stuff.

I started out with a rail-anvil I bought for $67, a few hammers and peens for $40, tongs for $20, and a forge for $140. That was more than enough to get started. If you live somewhere that that’s a lot of money, you probably also have a guy in the area who does similar work and has extra tools, and your biggest expense will be fuel for hot work.

demonsword, avatar

We live in a world where hundreds of millions of people are literally starving, dude.


Someone should gift them all copies of Baldur’s Gate 3 so that they too can experience the premier sound design in the latest installment from Wizards of the Coast® Dungeons & Dragons™.

ampersandrew, avatar

We're on a forum to talk about video games, where the entry price is about the same as what that person just listed out.

BnjmnBanks, avatar

For me, I don’t care how easy or difficult it is. To me, it’s about them doing it. I don’t remember hearing about other sound designers actually learning the skill to help his creativity with the sound design. Everyone can get online and learn to code, do graphic design, and even study to be a lawyer. Not everyone does. That’s what I mean in terms of commitment. I think it’s dope.

smallaubergine, do games w Team17 hit by redundancies - UK firm latest to suffer layoffs

Why do the British call it "redundancies". Seems like a weird way of saying we're laying people off

TheOneCurly, avatar

I think it implies the company is continuing on but that job is no longer a position at the company. Redundant or unnecessary as opposed to a position that they intend to fill again, as you would with a firing.

Lay off is weirder imo.


Yeah, layoffs feel temporary (like furloughed government employees). I dislike both terms though, I prefer “downsizing” or something like that to clearly indicate that it’s not temporary and your job wasn’t worthless, it’s just that the company needs fewer people employed to meet budget targets.


Something that is redundant is not needed, it’s a descriptive term. Layoff is a relatively recent US euphemism meaning relax or rest which became associated with non-working periods for seasonal work then evolved to cover redundancies. The US term is the weird one here.


Interesting! I see your point, appreciate it


They’re both poor terms.

To me, “redundancy” means someone you don’t need, as in, their job is worthless, and “layoff” means the company can’t afford to keep everyone, so they’re temporarily reducing the workforce. What we see so often isn’t either of those, it’s just headcount reduction or downsizing.


Redundant doesn’t mean worthless. It means that you have a duplicate or something, or someone is already doing the job that you are doing. Your work still is worth something, it’s just not needed anymore.


In IT, redundancy can mean reserve, or back up; something extra in case something broke.

Seytoux, do games w Team17 hit by redundancies - UK firm latest to suffer layoffs

Release Blasphemous 2!


I’m confused, since I’ve already completed the game. What do you mean?


Look for blasphemous 2 trailer in YouTube, it is in the making and should be released soon. Was announced more then a year ago I think.


As I’ve said, I already played through Blasphemous 2, it was released a couple of weeks ago (August 24th).

dylanTheDeveloper, avatar

Release Blasphemous 3!


I’d be up for it! Though I hope they do some more grotesque bosses. They were the coolest parts of the first one, and the second one was a lot more tame for the bigger bosses.


Oh sorry, I misunderstood your comment and apparently totally missed the release.

Cool, as soon as I return to my home city I’ll buy it. Thanks!


You’re welcome, and have fun!

NOT_RICK, do games w Team17 hit by redundancies - UK firm latest to suffer layoffs avatar

I’ve been wondering what’s going on over there. Ghost Town Games have been radio silent about Overcooked for quite a bit now. I hope the issues are just limited to their publisher

dwindling7373, do games w Riot pulls off rare positive PR move, adds Make-A-Wish winner to League of Legends canon

Since when are such kind of product placement moves valid argument about the reality of a company?

By the way this isn’t even a PR move, this is Branding as in actions meant to change the sentiment associated with the brand Riot Games.

jerome, do games w Riot pulls off rare positive PR move, adds Make-A-Wish winner to League of Legends canon avatar

" make a wish winner" …yikes.

remotelove, do games w As the WGA writers' strike looks set to end, a massive video game strike could be just around the corner

There needs to be a strike and a boycott of video games. I believe everyone is absolutely sick of being beta testers for unfinished AAA game releases.

I have been a Diablo fan for years but my last straw was Diablo IV. Not only is the game incomplete, Blizzard is going to charge for yearly expansions. If there was actual content in D4 to start, I would have gladly bought an expansion later. If future seasons anything like Season 1, Blizzard can fuck right the hell off.

What is sad is that Blizzard threw so many employees under the bus by having them lie about the game as well. That is seriously fucked.


I don't think a strike really has anything to do with that. It has to do with treating the workers better.

Now if that also came with extending the time for releases (yes, even the really long AAA development cycles) that could probably improve the quality of said games.


My comment was more about adding fuel to the fire. Devs need to strike and we need to boycott.

My last example of how Blizzard threw devs to the wolves over the course of many interviews is just another reason for employees to strike.


Devs need to strike

Proof of exactly how important unions are. I never got into gamedev because of its well-earned reputation of being a meatgrinder full of underpaid, overworked devs who never get credit and are the first to be laid off.


It’s for voice actors’ IP rights for AI and non-existent residuals, according to the article. It’s basically about the same issues as the writers/actors strikes.

Though it’s interesting because games have a legitimate use for AI voiceovers. I hope they can negotiate for per-title AI training and residuals, and not just eliminating AI altogether. The potential situational and reactive voiceover seems amazing for games - or even just having an NPC speak your unique name.

IMO the devs could stand to unionize and strike too. God knows gamers all have a backlog and many would hopefully support them for the long haul.

FaceDeer, avatar

"Eliminating AI" would probably just mean that game studios would stop using SAG actors entirely in the future. There's limits to the power of unions like these.


Not everything is about you.


I agree.

However, my point is that we can boycott and employees can strike.

Kaldo, avatar

my point is that we can boycott

Unfortunately, that has been proven false many many times. Even if by some miracle online communities manage to organize to that extent, and they manage by some miracle to actually follow through with it... it is still a drop in the ocean compared to the casual market that doesn't care at all.

Tibert, (edited )

I think 180k people disagree with you each day playing starfield.

Tho I myself agree that lots of recent AAA games don’t value their 60$ price or whatever. The low effort and quality put into them at launch is just not worth the money.

Maybe sometimes in the future when they are fixed and on discount they could be better value.

Tho hogwarrs legacy for example did not see any update since 4-5 months. And it’s still cursed with bugs. Maybe it’s what we could see with other recent releases too.


I think 180k people disagree with you each day playing starfield.

As a developer myself, I consider Starfield to be a fairly finished product in terms of quality. The outstanding bugs I’ve seen are uncommon and the type I would expect to end up in a production product.

My complaints about Starfield are fairly specific. I don’t like how they built the bounty and forgiveness process, as it’s a bit unpredictable and simultaneously gamable. I can pirate a ship and rack up a $650 bounty, or get a $30000+ bounty pirating the same ship. The way stealth works is comical (if not buggy) in that it’s stealthier to be seen throwing a grenade into a room and running than to shoot someone from hiding. But those (presumably) aren’t bugs or incompleteness, they’re side-effects of the designed systems working as intended.


I’m not a developer, for the record, but I was also pretty impressed with Starfield’s lack of bugs. It’s still got some, but it’s definitely at the ‘normal and acceptable’ level. Not how Bethesda usually releases games.


It’s not about the bugs. I have no idea what bugs are in the game.

The game was advertised as “next gen” priced as a high quality AAA, then it’s just not next gen, it’s last/previous gen with s* optimisation, and bad physics on many parts. And not delivering well on the rest either.

NikTek did some videos on starfield. The channel is mostly news as meme or similar things :

It’s a bit extreme, but we can see the care put into the character, weapon and static object physics and interaction is nothing. It’s year 2000 type of quality, even then there was maybe better character physics.

They didn’t even bother to add a brightness control in the game. No hdr (even if I can’t run it, is a f 60+$ game !). And the start screen could have just been a style, to be “empty”. But with all of this, it’s more likely they just didn’t bother.

And there is plenty more complaints on the game quality.

I don’t call such a game “finished”.

abraxas, (edited )

The game was advertised as “next gen” priced as a high quality AAA

I mean, they were very clear that it was Creation Engine 2, a new iteration on the Creation Engine. What were you or anyone expecting except another iteration on the Creation Engine?

it’s last/previous gen with s* optimisation, and bad physics on many parts

This is a surprise or a disappointment? Nobody plays a Bethesda game for the physics.

And not delivering well on the rest either.

What “the rest” did they not deliver well on? Consensus seems to be that if you like Bethesda games, you love Starfield. If you don’t, you don’t. I mean, I don’t buy the fancy new Madden Football. You know why? I don’t like Madden Football. When Madden 2077 comes out with a new “throw the ball” engine, I’m not getting all amped up that this is finally the Madden Football I’ll want to play. They promised us Skyrim in Space. They gave us Skyrim in Space. The only let-down is that it didn’t have nearly as many “signature bugs” as I would expect from Skyrim in Space.

It’s a bit extreme

Extreme is an understatement. I love CP2077, but they made terrible design decisions and most gamers would have been happier if we got a little less “physics realism” and a lot more game at release. Call me old school, but I feel like “Realistic Physics Simulation” is something that doesn’t belong in most games, and it’s often the cause of bugs and detracts from the game itself.

but we can see the care put into the character, weapon and static object physics and interaction is nothing

You probably want to separate all those other things from interaction. You kinda shoehorned that in at the end of the rant about physics. Even that Nik guy focuses on physics mostly (and drugged out people dancing).

It’s year 2000 type of quality, even then there was maybe better character physics.

I’m thinking you’re a fairly young gamer. You clearly don’t remember year 2000 quality. Morrowind came out in 2002 and Vampire Bloodlines cames out in 2004… Starfield definitely feels like a game 20 years newer than those.

They didn’t even bother to add a brightness control in the game

…full tilt, here? Sounds like you’re looking for a year 2000 game. More and more games leave out brightness control the last decade because you can do it at system level on tv or computer. When I see one of those brightness control gauges, I think “early-mid 2000s”. Bioshock 1 comes to mind.

No hdr (even if I can’t run it, is a f 60+$ game !).

That’s a very cherry-picked feature. HDR is not “the big buzzword of the future of gaming” or some shit, it’s just a color range technology. Big deal? The lack of native RTX/DLSS (otoh) is a bit disappointing, but not exactly unique to Starfield. Most new games don’t have it, and it generally has to do with vendor/API lock-in (something I can respect)

And the start screen could have just been a style, to be “empty”. But with all of this, it’s more likely they just didn’t bother.

Or it was just a style to be “empty” since that was a signature of Skyrim and they were trying to give us Skyrim in Space.

And there is plenty more complaints on the game quality.

Go on. None of your complaints have had to do with game quality so far. They were that it isn’t a Physics Simulator, and that it doesn’t have certain vendor-lock video features you admitted you can’t even run on your system.

I don’t call such a game “finished”.

I think you need to look up what “finished” means. None of your complaints are about an incomplete nature to the game, but for decisions not to include things that were unnecessary to the game’s vision. This isn’t “they left out major questlines halfway through to save money” or “they were 6 months short on QA time”. This was “I want a physics simulator with my cheesy poofs!”

EDIT: Just to add a bit more. I find it interesting everyone wants Bethesda to be a physics simulation. Nobody expects that of a Diablo, or a Baldur’s Gate, or even a GTA. A few FPS games added it. So what? Truth is, people are falling into this “FPS rut” where every game is expected to have (and lack) the features the a few FPS franchises spearheaded. I literally spent my entire life avoiding FPS games because I hate them, and everyone bitches at the good and original games for every time an FPS has a feature they don’t.

You know what else doesn’t have a physics simulator built in? Microsoft Excel.

Tibert, (edited )

I’m just gonna comment on some things :

Sounds like you’re looking for a year 2000 game. More and more games leave out brightness control the last decade because you can do it at system level on tv or computer.

I’m sorry, but not everyone has a high brightness display. Adding a brightness gauge can be very useful for those people.

The rest is just nonsense and Bethesda fanatism. Like

if you like Bethesda games, you love Starfield

Is one of the worst take possible to save your wallet.

Like if they come out with a broken game at 150$ you are going to buy it because you like Bethesda? I cannot agree with this, and lots of steam comments neither. People are complaining about issues with the characters, broken launch mission launch bugs and bad quest variety.

And maybe you need to take a new look at what “finished” means in a dictionary. Because quest breaking bugs and missing features don’t seem to mean “finished”.


I’m sorry, but not everyone has a high brightness display. Adding a brightness gauge can be very useful for those people.

Sure… but that’s not an indicator if a game is complete or if it’s “like a circa 2000 game”. I don’t fault you for wanting a feature that’s not present. But that’s not an objective measure of the game.

The rest is just nonsense and Bethesda fanatism. Like

You know how you can tell someone is approaching toxicity? They fault people for liking things. I disagree with you, therefore I must be a stupid fan who would accept anything.

if you like Bethesda games, you love Starfield Is one of the worst take possible to save your wallet.

Not sure what you mean here. Bethesda flagships are equational games. You expect “X”, so if you want “X”, you give them money for “X”. I dunno about you, but I used to “demo pirate” games because you never knew what you were getting and nothing sucks like blowing $50+ hoping for “X” and getting “Y”.

<span style="color:#323232;">ME: "I want Skyrim in Space"
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Them: "Here you go, Skyrim in Space"

I call that a breath of fresh air. You’re actually holding that against them and me. Why? Have you never bought a game that surprised you unpleasantly?

Like if they come out with a broken game at 150$ you are going to buy it because you like Bethesda?

That’s the opposite of what I said.

Let’s put it this way. I don’t like McDonalds. But I know people who do. When they order a Big Mac, it is exactly the same every single time. So if you’re craving a Big Mac, you will never be disappointed when you buy a Big Mac. I’m not saying a McDonalds fan should drop $150 on a flaming bag of crap. I’m saying that you don’t get a “flaming bag of crap” when you order a Big Mac. You get a Big Mac.

Bethesda didn’t come out with a broken game at $150. They came out with Skyrim in Space. If you don’t like McDonalds, don’t buy McDonalds. But stop treating people who happen to like McDonalds like there’s something wrong with them, or like they’re zealous superfans.

People are complaining about issues with the characters, broken launch mission launch bugs and bad quest variety.

Do you know what moving the goalposts is? It starts with the line “It’s not about the bugs. I have no idea what bugs are in the game.”. Make up your mind, because we’ve had a fairly heated discussion where you chose to make no meaningful statements about bugs. You don’t get to just drop that line, now. And you were smart to do so, because overall consensus seems to be that Starfield is overall less buggy than the new Gold Standard AAA (BG3). I’ve been playing it since release, and have found exactly ONE frustrating bug (related to outpost building), significantly lower than my gaming expectation of ANY game over the last 20+ years.

And maybe you need to take a new look at what “finished” means in a dictionary. Because quest breaking bugs

Let me reiterate your words: “It’s not about the bugs. I have no idea what bugs are in the game.”

…and missing features don’t seem to mean “finished”.

As a developer, someone whining to me that my product isn’t “finished” because it doesn’t have this silly feature they want that was never on our roadmap is annoying as hell. Can you imagine that? Is your house “finished”? I don’t see an indoor pool or sauna, so it can’t be.


First, you can disagree with my opinion and it’s totally fine.

Not sure what you mean here.

Sencond stop commenting every line out of the context of my answer. It makes your answer extremely long to say nothing.

I was saying that the arguments didn’t make sense other than “buy it and ignore the issues” mentality, now maybe I understand better your point.

For my my point? It’s on the Niktek channel.

Whatever the game is. It could cost 60$ whatever I don’t care if it’s bad or not, it’s just a game. What I care about is if the game is worth that amount of money. And in my opinion it isn’t, or maybe if you just want to play a sandbox with loading screens.

If you want game faults it’s mostly on the technical, immersion + developer implication in story telling.

Just look at the latest video on that channel (don’t if you don’t want to get spoiled) : It presents a part of the game where you get chased. You are supposed to get fast to your ship with your crew. The crew does run, but it stops at tables, people… Like everyone is chill jogging. And there is just some cries just for “ambiance”. The run is interrupted by 4 loading screens. When in the ship it’s like nothing happened outside and everyone is chill around the chaser. And keep in mind it’s a f story mission!

I myself cannot call such thing exciting (for a chase part) or something good quality.

Nvidia issues were present on “lower” spec cards with plenty enough vram. Not even sure if they fixed anything. ( Nvidia could also have been at fault (nvidia deivers aren’t always perfect).

Starfield is overall less buggy than the new Gold Standard AAA

Call finished whatever you want, but a game slightly better than others recent releases isn’t “finished” just because it’s better. It’s a company experimenting at what extent they can screw you before they get hurt. And companies have been doing this for a lot of time, each time, screwing up people’s preorders and hopes.

Now if starfield has everything you need, it’s fine. But if it doesn’t have everything someone else needs to play it at a good quality, the it isn’t fine by my standards of quality.


I’m sorry to feel that way. Looks like sticking to the topic isn’t working. Cheers.

One point, though. You punctuate your point with a statement that sounds like you think no game is to your “standards of quality” if there exists a gamer somewhere in the world who doesn’t get what they want out of it. Seems a weird type of measurement. I usually consider “mostly positive” on Steam a fairly decent bar for quality. But you can consider whatever you like, of course.


Hate to break it to you bro, but the Blizzard you knew and loved is dead and has been for a good while…and it fucking sucks 😑


And maybe don’t look into what went on at “the Blizzard you knew and loved.”


Yeah so money talks and that’s just not true.

BnjmnBanks, do games w Riot pulls off rare positive PR move, adds Make-A-Wish winner to League of Legends canon avatar

That’s actually really dope.


2be 68

greenskye, do games w As the WGA writers' strike looks set to end, a massive video game strike could be just around the corner

Given how little I play AAA games, I’m not sure a strike would affect me at all


Is it supposed to affect you?

Destraight, do games w As the WGA writers' strike looks set to end, a massive video game strike could be just around the corner


  • Loading...
  • MrBusiness,

    I don’t care?

    CryptidBestiary, do games w As the WGA writers' strike looks set to end, a massive video game strike could be just around the corner

    Good, I hope so. Heard a lot of horror stories of working conditions for game devs.

    NigelFrobisher, do games w As the WGA writers' strike looks set to end, a massive video game strike could be just around the corner

    If this delays Silksong again I’m taking the rest of the afternoon off in protest.


    The metroidvania games where saved by hollow knight. And now there are so many good options, even recent releases (some. May not have the tag).

    Get yourself something else in the meantime.


    Metroidvania Month on ended a couple weeks back.

    canis_majoris, do gaming w Starfield enemy ships used to be too smart, so Bethesda had to make them "really stupid" avatar

    This is the second article today where I saw Todd Howard talking about severely nerfing aspects of the game. Earlier this morning I read an article saying similar things about the space suit system - initially they were going to be a lot more punitive on what you can and can’t wear based on environmental conditions, so you’d need a suit for cold, a suit for toxicity, a suit for radiation, etc.


    Turns out people wanted a fun game not a real life simulator!

    Quentinp, avatar

    Also read about the spacesuit thing just today. The planet thing at least would’ve made more sense to all the spacesuit bits. It’s pointless and a bit confusing now, I just ignore it and repair whatever damage I receive which the spacesuit article made it sound like that is intended. The little hazard UI thing is so bad, and why doesn’t the aid section use the same icons as the status section. Hate having to dig around to find the right treatment in my inventory (slowly just grabbing snake oil whenever i find it)

    Ah well still enjoying it at around 100 hours played, but you can see where they’ve had to cut back on systems all over the place.

    canis_majoris, avatar

    Yeah the hazard warnings are pretty useless now, because they’re not actually that dangerous or meaningful. I didn’t even know that it caused damage, I guess I haven’t been on a severe enough planet.

    Quentinp, avatar

    The annoying one is Frostbite, especially on some story missions where you keep getting it while the characters blab on and on. Other than that i’ve either run thru a steam vent, broken my lags boosting wrong, or sometimes sandstorm lung damage.

    WeLoveCastingSpellz, do games w As the WGA writers' strike looks set to end, a massive video game strike could be just around the corner


    Potatos_are_not_friends, do games w As the WGA writers' strike looks set to end, a massive video game strike could be just around the corner

    Strong doubt.

    While a large chunk of game developers are in America, it’s still a small fraction compared to worldwide.

    A video game strike would probably slow down a few triple AAA projects. But rather than 10,000 games being released in a year, it might be 9,000 games.

    I’m not anti-union or strikes. I just believe that if say Ubisoft America strikes, nothing will really change perception-wise as indie devs will fill in the blank, and Ubisoft shifts to Canada/Europe branches.

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