Cris16228, do games w Overwatch Director’s Take: Competitive Updates for Season 12

They should focus on balancing teams, you can get 98% of one sided games and I mean it’s either you win because the enemy team doesn’t know how to play or you lose because yours doesn’t know how to play

miau, do games w Overwatch Director’s Take: Competitive Updates for Season 12

I don’t care for that new cosmetic drive thing. But the changes to respawn system could be interesting. Overwatch really needs to be played as a team and spamming “group up” can only do so much.

1984, do games w Overwatch Director’s Take: Competitive Updates for Season 12 avatar

I played the game when it first came out but it’s still there after all these years… Crazy.

AnonTwo, do games w Warcraft III: Reforged Patch Notes - Version 1.36.1

Did they ever fix the desync issues?

Lmaydev, do games w Warcraft III: Reforged Patch Notes - Version 1.36.1

I was so excited for this initially.

All they had to do was add higher res resources and release it.

Such a shame.


Basically they should have done what they did with the Starcraft remaster. But they fucked it up.


I don’t understand the hate for reforged. I played it a lot at launch and it was great for me. I honestly only stopped because the player base fell off so finding matches became a chore. The graphics had been updated, the multiplayer/networking had been reworked, and the custom games/world editor had been improved. As far as I could tell it was just an improved version of the game I loved playing years ago and it brought the player base back. People always shit on it saying it was trash but I legitimately don’t understand why or how. There’s obviously something wrong since everyone stopped playing, but I don’t understand what it is unless I just got lucky and didn’t see some crazy bugs or something.

_dev_null, avatar

Yanked from the “other” site, section 3.e:

3e. State of the Game FAQ

WTii’s videos Warcraft 3 Reforged ONE YEAR Later… and TWO YEARS Later… as well as THREE YEARS Later… goes over some of these points and makes a number of observations and highlights.

  • Why did Blizzard fail in the making Reforged? This article goes over some behind the scenes during the games development process.
  • Custom Campaigns? Is finally back. Before now were and are still able play them in normal map form, if they were updated/transformed. Or make use of the Campaign Splitter that was made to split w3n files into w3m/w3x. The Quenching is a mod that can be used with some CCs. Or just use it with the normal campaign.
  • Player Profiles? Yes, but it seems to mainly be ladder stats, W3C has more extensive ones.
  • Cross-realm hosting? Yes its finally back again.
  • Clans? Yes however in a glitchy state. And W3C has both custom made chat-rooms as well as clans.
  • Ladder? Yes as of 1.33 its out but not working without issues. And W3C still going strong.
  • Automated Tournaments? Not yet. Some communities have seasonal things going for both ladder and customs but nothing official yet. And should soon be a thing on W3C.
  • Old BNet Chat System? No and on Europe realm chat do not auto-scroll either, is also in the way of the map description but toggle-able. And no kind of chat log with joins or leaves that we had before or timestamp on messages. W3C has made their chats in this “old school” spirit.
  • Game Reconnection (GProxy)? No. In case of a player leaving disconnecting or crashing or desyncing that player is unable to rejoin. But it can be determined by looking at different things what the cause was, desyncs will have an UI glitch for the portrait, crashes might have a fatal/unknown error and DCs one can check the replay or logs.
  • Competitive Customs & Ladders? Not really. However with Community made wc3stats and in the future FLO-host enables this in a number of forms with replay uploading.
  • Hosting & BNet Commands? Yeah. But they are limited and do not work as they should or you’d wish. For example !ban is just a “long kick” preventing the banned player/user from rejoining that current lobby not all games you host, thus you can’t mange bans and need to black list them yourself. Commands found here. As well as a !stats and zoom via scroll.
  • Campaign Overhaul to fit in with WoW? No. Five missions were remade and a most were reworked and to some degree, some “new” characters were introduced but not to the scale people wish or expected, for good or ill. However the Reforged version of the Campaigns difficulty among other things was updated more details here. As of patch 1.36.1 this is no longer the case as campaign was reverted back to its 1.32 state.
  • Improved Cutscenes? Not like we saw during BlizzCon. This was aborted and as it looks now wont be a thing at all. What we had and have now is showcased in DailyWCRF’s Videos.
  • Reforged(HD) Vs Classic (SD)? Well that is up to you. Reforged has a few things in the campaign that Classic don’t. Aside from that it would depend on preferences and the maps you want to play as some work better in either version or only in one. Most do use classic and some swap between them so by popular vote Classic(SD) would win as for reasons or factors well most of those are personal.
  • Follow/Join or invite friends to lobbies? If you both are on the same gateway you can right click your friend and “Join Game”. However you have to restart the game to be able to do it again (keep in mind that Blizz-app server and Wc3 Gateway might not fully sync friend list and thus causing problems as well as not being online in Blizz-app). Invites seems to be fully-partly glitched and broken as of this moment(1.32.10).
  • Are we able to select more than 12 units/buildings? No, unlikely to be added to the base game too. Small possibility to be added into the editor if at all.
  • When will X be implemented? SoonTM. We do not know at this stage we used to have monthly patches and updates from blizzard but not atm. Some of this can be explained the Bloomberg article. Even though there is a team from Playside Studios out there working on the game again we still do not really have any ETA for things that is not mentioned in PTR or Patch notes.

The three biggest (note, not only ) points

-It was patched over previous versions. You can't play the non-reforged version anymore
-It removed features the previous version had. In particular networking
-It released with desync issues that would randomly drop players from the game. Wc3 doesn't support rejoin so this basically killed maps depending on how severely they were affected (and note, it even affected normal maps. But custom maps suffered tremendously from this)

Like just given those three points: Why don't you understand?

The fact you even say that custom games improved just makes me think you're being dishonest for some reason...because it wasn't some secret or even rare occurrence. 90% of custom maps were suffering it.


So the other comment pointed out plenty of things I was unaware of which was helpful especially since I admitted that I didn’t understand what I was missing considering the obvious lack of a player base now. I’m only replying to this comment because I didn’t expect to be called dishonest in a condescending way.

Regarding the lack of the original version, I was aware of that and while it was a bummer, I didn’t consider that to be a game breaking issue to me.

I legitimately didn’t know it removed features and until reading the other reply and watching the linked videos I wasn’t aware of a lot of the changes or even the existence of features like rejoining matches. If I ever got disconnected from a match I just played something else even back in the day. I don’t remember ever having an option to rejoin a match, unless that’s specifically a ladder games thing. I don’t recall getting disconnected from many games though, but I know it did happen. Definitely not enough for me to have been upset about it.

I’m assuming that’s what you’re referring to by missing network features because it still has multiplayer and I’m pretty sure it still has the chat lobbies although I never really used those back then and I don’t use them now either.

As far as me saying the custom games were improved I’d say you’re the dishonest one if you’re saying that’s not the case. They definitely improved custom games and while I don’t know all the changes, an easy one to point out would be the saved ranking system that exists for line tower wars now. That definitely didn’t exist back in the day. The other custom games I played that had reforged versions also had improvements although off the top of my head I can’t think of what those specifics were. They also improved the download speeds for maps in the custom game lobbies. That used to take forever back in the day and I remember people being kicked if they started downloading because nobody wanted to wait. I remember having to download maps from 3rd party sites to get around that.

I don’t play ladder matches so I wasn’t aware of those issues and I only played the reforged campaign a bit with the majority of my time in custom games where I had a blast going back to those old games. That’s why I was confused and understood there was clearly a disconnect in what I experienced and others had issues with.


I legitimately didn’t know it removed features and until reading the other reply and watching the linked videos I wasn’t aware of a lot of the changes or even the existence of features like rejoining matches. If I ever got disconnected from a match I just played something else even back in the day. I don’t remember ever having an option to rejoin a match, unless that’s specifically a ladder games thing. I don’t recall getting disconnected from many games though, but I know it did happen. Definitely not enough for me to have been upset about it.

Warcraft 3 itself never had rejoin as in you could not close WC3 start it up again login and rejoin, but if you were having connection issues it would pause the game and wait a minute or so to give you a chance to reconnect before dropping you.

Some private WC3 servers did a have better reconnection features added, like ENTConnect, but obviously those were obviously just for games hosted by their own bots (although you could still join these games from official lobby search until Blizzard nuked host botting a year or so before Reforged came out)

But if you get Desynced there’s no waiting for reconnection, you’re just dropped.

Because being Desynced means the game state on your client doesn’t match with the rest of the players, so to fix that the game would have to be rewinded until before the desync happened and no such feature existed in WC3.

And the patches leading up to reforged and Reforged itself added a ton of desync issues.

I’m assuming that’s what you’re referring to by missing network features because it still has multiplayer and I’m pretty sure it still has the chat lobbies although I never really used those back then and I don’t use them now either.

LAN doesn’t exist. Ranked Ladder & profiles didn’t exist until 2022, and it still sucks and everyone uses W3Champions instead anyway, and the auto hosted in game tournaments don’t exist.

As far as me saying the custom games were improved I’d say you’re the dishonest one if you’re saying that’s not the case. They definitely improved custom games and while I don’t know all the changes, an easy one to point out would be the saved ranking system that exists for line tower wars now. That definitely didn’t exist back in the day.

Regarding custom games, the custom games are not made by Blizzard, they’re made by players. However in the patches leading up to Reforged Blizzard did add a lot of new functions that modders/map makers could use which were great additions, thus allowing for new cool stuff in custom games.

One super obvious and huge change was that in version 1.30 24 player support was added, instead of the usual 12.

But that doesn’t change that Blizzard then also made changes in Reforged that broke basically every existing custom map and they had to be updated to fix.

There were some desync issues and saving games in single player was broken but for custom games version 1.31.1 (the last patch before Reforged) was the best patch, you had all the new functionality added to the map editor but a lot less bugs and problems from Reforged.

Also there still haven’t even added the ability to play custom campaigns to Reforged lol. The few single player campaigns you can play in Reforged are thanks to people independent of Blizzard coming up with a work around and they’re technically just a series of custom games you play (although that is what campaigns are so).

Quentinp, do games w Diablo IV Coming to Steam on October 17 avatar

Think I will wait for the new Grim Dawn DLC and Titan Quest 2 instead thanks

Sabata11792, do games w Diablo IV Coming to Steam on October 17 avatar

Can't wait to see the review dumpster fire.

korewa, do games w Diablo IV Coming to Steam on October 17

I can’t even get myself to finish the story mode, I fun know why it feels boring


I finished the story, quite liked it, thought it was great.

But THEN I join you where it just died and got so boring after. I had no problem “grinding” in D3, so what’s different? They somehow managed to make the core of the core game not worth doing.


It took Diablo 3 around 3 years to get to that stage though.


I feel like they’re on the right path with uniques and legendaries in D4. Sets in D3 provided huge bonuses and took up most slots, diminishing build variety.


I ultimately refunded D4 but I suspect I will pick it up again in the future on sale and when they game has improved quite a bit.


Yeah and Diablo III came out 10 years ago. There’s no excuse for Diablo IV.

Diablo III was (and still is) dumb mindless fun, it’s perfect at what it offers. Diablo IV is just boring, with a cash shop and paid seasons on top of it. Like oh sure, I’d love to pay to get a super nice transmog that nobody except me will ever see since the game is super dead.


Diablo 3 was a dumpster fire. D3 players have almost completely dropped off as people either play D4 or D2R.


Oh it definitely was a dumpster fire while the auction house existed. No doubt about it. But if you try it today, it’s a nice over-the-top ARPG.

D3 players have almost completely dropped off as people either play D4 or D2R.

I’m not talking about popularity here, I’m talking about fun. The popularity of a solo game absolutely doesn’t matter.


Yea d3 is on top of most hours.

I did play d3 on the first few weeks when it came out and downed Diablo pre nerf. I remember not liking the grind but that was when only DH could effectively farm, I built a full tank barb with life steal and heals


You could accomplish something in a 20 minute session of D3. You could get a rift done, maybe two, get enough stuff to upgrade something or find a better piece of equipment. You can’t get anything worthwhile done in D4 with only 20 minutes.

Dagamant, do games w Diablo IV Coming to Steam on October 17

Not worth it regardless of the platform. I loved the Diablo games and this game was the end of that love.


Diablo 4 isn’t that bad. Diablo Immortal is bad.


Being “not that bad” is still bad. It’s not worth the price.


As a person who bought it at $70 because the demo was really really good, yep.

Id recommend buying it for $20. Or waiting for all the content drops. Diablo 3 only got good with the expansion.


Diablo 3 got good much earlier.

The release of the console version was what spured them to make the game better it was highly praised so they imported all of those features to the PC version.

Every class having movement abilities, change in the difficulty format and Loot 2.0.

Right now, Diablo 4 is much better than Diablo 3 was on release. It just lacks an endgame.


It lacks so many more things than just endgame.

You comparing D4 to D3 at launch is just ridiculous. That’s the standard you have? For it to be better than D3 launch? I’ve seen flash games better than D3 at launch. It’s not exactly an achievement.

MentalEdge, avatar

Except it needed to be literally perfect for me to give Blizzard Activision another cent.


You know I really wanted to love it.

I loved Diablo.

I loved Diablo 2

Diablo 3 was sometimes amazing

I haven’t picked up 4 since I played an hour of the battle pass.

They ought to reimagine the game as the rogue like it was.

I want to be a warrior with fire bolt again, let me find book shelves too!

war, do games w Blizzard on Steam Overwatch 2 review bombing avatar

Corpo Parseltongue. Fuck this company.

Blizzard, do games w Blizzard on Steam Overwatch 2 review bombing

It’s funny that when there’s lots of positive reviews then it’s a success and everything is great but when there’s a lot of negative reviews then suddenly it’s “rEviEw bOmBiNg”.

mojo, do games w Blizzard on Steam Overwatch 2 review bombing

Honestly thought their response was pretty decent. They said they understand about the PvE. Of course they didn’t mention any anger towards the CEO or mismanagement. They did say they’ll deliver, but who knows, it’s probably just empty words… again.

1984, do games w Blizzard on Steam Overwatch 2 review bombing avatar

Companies who blame reviewers instead of their shitty product… Blizzard, reddit, etc.

nanoUFO, avatar

The PR guys are just trying to change the discussion around the problem notice they don’t talk about the microtransactions issue and talk about how adding them is some great value. There is no honesty in that message just corpo ass covering.

1984, avatar

Once the corpos open their mouths, the illusion that they care about player happiness very quickly disappears.

To them, we are just a resource to be exploited for money.

DrQuint, do games w Blizzard on Steam Overwatch 2 review bombing

Addressing it at all was a mistake. Because realistically they can only answer in one of two ways

“We hear you, but we’re gonna do nothing”

“We hear you, but we can’t do nothing”

Here they chose the latter, which means people will assume incompetence on their part. Like, look at that “turn back the clock” bit. Why can’t they? Why should the audience read that in any other way than “Oh, I guess, this Blizzard isn’t as ambitious or competent as the Blizzard of a couple years ago which would have delivered on it”.

They need some PR training. I seriously think one among whoever wrote, edited or greenlit this should have stopped and pondered what the goal of the text is.

MomoTimeToDie, do games w Blizzard on Steam Overwatch 2 review bombing


  • Loading...
  • StarkestMadness,

    While that’s true, what’s illegitimate is when the idiots set up bots to spam negative reviews, like what happened with Captain Marvel and Last Jedi. A person with a negative opinion is fine. A bot spamming the same negative reviews again and again in order to artificially bring down the score? Not fine.

    I’m not saying that’s what happened here, but reviewing bombing generally consists of more than a group of angry people writing honest reviews.


    A review bomb is a collective effort to lower the score of something, abusing systems meant to reflect an average opinion by gathering people who would not normally leave a review, often people who haven’t even played the game. It is intentionally creating sampling bias. “Review bomb” is a meaningful term being applied correctly here. I don’t like modern blizz, but Overwatch 2 is not the worst game on steam as its review average would indicate.


    Then I’d argue that reviews don’t give a complete picture, if that’s the case. Because it’s hard to argue that Overwatch is really the worst game on Steam.

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