
Schal330, do games w Day 45 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots

I have 3,400 hours in this game. What I enjoy is that I’m not expected to dedicate my life to it. I pay for 30 days at a time and play when new content is released every 3 months.

I know the last expansion Dawntrail is being slated on Steam reviews, but gameplay wise it was great. The music was solid as always, the Arcadion content was fun and the new zones looked great. Given how good the story has been in the past expansions I can understand how hard it must be to write a whole new story arc and make everyone happy. Some people want something entirely new, while others want to keep it all the same.

@MyNameIsAtticus@lemmy.world avatar

I can understand how people can sink 3,400 hours into it. I alone sank 14 hours into it yesterday. I will say I personally don’t like the idea of paying a subscription for my time after buying the standard edition, but I do understand they need to make income somehow and for live service games like this that is hard without a subscription.


The subscription fee imo is warranted given they release new content every 3 months, which includes voice acting, new dungeons, and new raid content. If it was a monthly sub with nothing released between expansions it wouldn’t be acceptable imo. Highly recommend not having a recurring sub

@Dremor@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t forget the servers cost. Those things cost a lot. I have a pretty good gaming setup, 2k€+, but my home server costed me more in the end.

Karyoplasma, do gaming w Just one more time

90% of gamers do not stop pre-ordering games.

Zomg, do gaming w I've never seen a company squander as much goodwill as Blizzard.

It’s a shame, I liked OW1, even with the tired meta and 6v6 more than I liked OW2.

The loot boxes weren’t predatory, allowing unlocking of skins and content without spending anything extra was a nice balance in my opinion that I wish more games did.

They took OW1 and bastardized it, it deserves the rating it has. It used to be that new versions of games were better.


It used to be that new versions of games were better.

I for one am very interested to see the quality differences between worker owned game studios and corporate studios. But last I heard they had only just started unionizing.

And a programmer friend I talked to couldn’t comprehend why he would want to be in a union.


But last I heard they had only just started unionizing

Who is/are “they”?


Tech workers in general have been finally making baby steps with unions trying to form at goog and maybe a couple others. I think kickstarter got a union a couple years ago as well… There are some other examples too which is a big change from just a few years ago


Word I just wasn’t clear if you were talking about a specific studio or blizzard or something.


World of warcrafts team and Bethesda recently unionized.


unions are a harder sell in an industry like tech where it’s common to have a diverse skill set spanning work that could arguable each be it’s own union. does a full stack dev have to join the database admin union before they can write sql queries?

those diverse skill sets also make the individual value of workers fluctuate a lot more as well.

I still like the idea of unions but I just don’t know how you can make them work for tech;if anyone has any good resources on the subject I’d love to read more about it


And a programmer friend I talked to couldn’t comprehend why he would want to be in a union.

I also had a programmer friend that was anti-union. He was like “If the place I’m working at sucks, I’ll just find another place.” Very short sighted and optimistic.

@The_Picard_Maneuver@lemmy.world avatar

It really is a shame. I played so much OW1, and then suddenly it changed to be like all the other modern games with sleazy monetization that I avoid.


The loot boxes weren’t predatory

Ehhh, they were basically the same thing as a slot machine. The battlepass is certainly worse, as it just encourages rampant (not so) microtransactions, but just because the current battlepass system is really predatory, doesn’t mean the old loot box system wasn’t predatory at all. It was just less predatory.


Well I guess what I mean by that is that loot boxes were free to obtain AND open through leveling and weren’t exclusive to forking over money.

No lootboxes at all is the ultimate goal, but I’d take OW1 lootbox style over nearly any others.

LEDZeppelin, do gaming w I've never seen a company squander as much goodwill as Blizzard.
dinckelman, do gaming w I've never seen a company squander as much goodwill as Blizzard.

It’s a cultural issue.

People at Larian had one objective the entire time - making a genuinely good D&D based game. If the money comes, that’s incredible. And it did come.

People at blizzard make games with the goal of making money. The era of making something fun has been long over in this studio

@The_Picard_Maneuver@lemmy.world avatar

It seems that publicly traded game companies simply can’t help themselves from becoming this (e.g. Activision/Blizzard, Ubisoft, EA).

It’s very sad, but at least there are still a few private AAA companies and indies who seem to make fun games for the sake of fun games.


Once you go public, you’ve practically forced yourself into aiming for infinite growth. “Just enough” revenue is not in the vocabulary of these people


That’s what happens when MBAs start making too many product decisions at a tech company, and game companies are no exception.


I don’t buy or play their trash any more. It ain’t the 90s or 00s any more. Blizzard is ass.

Ea, ubisoft, Blizzard. The games aren’t even that good


Yeah, pretty much. A lot of their games appear on a 80% sale half the time, and even then it’s still not worth it. It’s not even about the money, it’s about being disrespected by the dogshit they continue to release.

I would rather give my time to a passionate indie studio, where the people put together a genuinely unique experience


It’s an ownership issue.

Larian is privately owned by Swen Vincke. They can concentrate on making good games because they don’t answer to anyone but Swen.

Blizzard is publicly owned. It has to answer to greedy and short-sighted shareholders.

snekerpimp, do gaming w I've never seen a company squander as much goodwill as Blizzard.

I miss the Warcraft II and StarCraft days. You could tell they were serious by their cutscenes, but also knew they were having fun, and wanted the player to as well, by the gameplay and Easter eggs. “Line must go up” took over, now it’s all cash grabs. I will not buy a game from them at full price again.


It hasn’t been the same company that delivered that gaming magic in the 90s since, well, the 90s.


Their cutscenes still go hard honestly


Meh, they are what I expect from a company that is that profit centric. Looking good is top priority for selling, after all.

Phegan, do gaming w I've never seen a company squander as much goodwill as Blizzard.

Blizzard is dead. At the time they were Activision. Now they are Microsoft. The blizzard that existed to make StarCraft, warcraft and diablo only exists in name.


I don’t know, the World of Warcraft dev team recently unionized and got Chris Metzen to return as creative director. And, personally, as a current WoW player (War Within is great so far btw) the whole feel of the studio is so much better than during Shadowlands when things were bad and I quit the game. I think that Warcraft at least is having a bit of a comeback now.

Overwatch 2 is awful tho


Chris Metzen

I don’t really know details about who does what at Blizzard, but isn’t he the guy responsible for the utter train wreck of Diablo3’s writing? Whoever wrote and approved “How tastes your fear, Nephalem?” did a bad job.


He wrote the setting for Diablo, Warcraft and Starcraft. He developed the story for Diablo 1 - 3 as well as most of the lore for the first 3 Warcraft games I believe.


There was no story for Diablo 1. At exile con the creators of Diablo talk about how there was no story and the execs at Blizzard tacked one on. Chris Metzen had nothing to do with it.


What? I played Diablo 1, it literally had a story? Chris Metzen co-created the setting for the franchise with David Brevik and Bill Roper in 1996. The changes Blizzard wanted made from the original concept of Diablo was to make it real-time rather than turn based and to add multiplayer as part of the publishing agreement. I don’t see anything about a storyline being “forced” on the developers.


Basically David brevik said that there was no story and the cut scene on the end was added by blizzard south. They had no intent to add that.

I stand corrected though. Metzen is credited as a writer on Diablo. But not Diablo 2.

I suspect Metzen wrote the ending that was tacked on according to Brevik, since at that time blizzard north was a completely different team at the time.



This is the interview. I don’t have a timestamp but the whole thing is compelling.


One game was all it took for Big Red to turn from an epic “Not even death can save you from me” into a cartoon villain. Fucker wouldn’t shut up throughout Act 4…


Right?? “Not even death can save you from me” is a little corny but on the whole solid. All the shit he says in the 3 is just bad.

Lemminary, do gaming w I've never seen a company squander as much goodwill as Blizzard.

If you think that’s bad, wait 'till you hear about the working conditions.


In their defense their just keeping up with the standard in other publicity owned companies. Don’t wanna rock the boat you know.

(This is a joke, please join a union in your field. Union strong motherfuckers!)


It’s hard to make a good game when you’re too busy trying to rape your coworkers.

CheeseNoodle, do gaming w I've never seen a company squander as much goodwill as Blizzard.

CDPR? admittedly they’re really good at gaining it back again, kinda homer simpsons vibes where they repeatedly fuck up but then make an honest attempt to make things right only to repeat the cycle all over again.


CDPR mistakes can be corrected, but blizzard games are designed from the ground up, with purpose, to be fuckup games in order to milk as much money as possible from it players. There is no correcting the boat for blizzard because for the managers of blizzard the boat IS correct


Hopefully their transition to unreal engine 5 gets away with a lot of their launch issues I genuinely love all of their games but their release dates being “game launch +1-2 years” hurts me.


CDPR is still on my “probably pass” list after cyber punk. I read the launch news, stayed faraway. I picked it up this year, after all the patches and work and… yeah it’s still fundamentally broken.

Not in terms of balance or bugs, but it didn’t have the magic. To start, I really don’t like fantasy games. They’re just not my thing. Witcher 3 had bad combat mechanics, could be terribly grindy and YET is one of my top five games. The story telling, from the plot itself the tiny immersive details in the world, hooked you. They nailed the big things, but it was the little things like sometimes you’d free someone, and realize they murdered a bunch of dudes who were minding their own business, and none of this was mentioned in or affected any other plot line, it was just a random detail in the universe.

Cyberpunk has a semblance of the big stuff, but exactly none of the soul. I cared about some of the main characters (emphasis on “some”) but exactly none about the world. It never felt like more than a backdrop.

A loss and misstep is ok, particularly given a growing studio, the problem with CDPR is they think they fixed cyberpunk. With that mentality I’m giving their next game a huge berth.

And if you liked cyberpunk, enjoy. There are parts to be enjoyed. There are some neat plot threads, some nifty side quests, if you enjoy it don’t let people ruin it for you.

IsThisAnAI, do gaming w I've never seen a company squander as much goodwill as Blizzard.

Review bombs are stupid and pointless. Especially in this case since most players are going through bnet and not steam.

24M active players.


Review bombs and “boycotts” are frustrating because it seems like the average player has the willpower of a hungry toddler. “Hey, don’t buy this game. They make their developers work 20 hour days.” -> “Oh yeah fuck them! …ooh, but there’s a shiny angel wing skin if I preorder? Well mmmmmmm well sure it’s just $90 what does it hurt”

But I don’t know. I’m kind of in a mood lately where I feel like I’m surrounded by overgrown toddlers.

garretble, (edited ) do games w Day 45 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots
@garretble@lemmy.world avatar

There’s a community at !finalfantasyxiv if you guys have any questions.

I’ll also say that if you are using KB/M to try a controller for a little bit, too. You’ll be surprised at how well it works. I can’t even play this game with a KB/M setup it’s so foreign to me.

@Dremor@lemmy.world avatar

I played 2.0-7.0 on KB/M, and now I’m learning to play on Steam Deck (so a controller is mandatory). It is surprising easy for DPS and tanks, but I’m still struggling with Healers.

@MyNameIsAtticus@lemmy.world avatar

Steam Deck was how I chose to play it too for my first time yesterday (though I played on the dock with PS3 controller). I chose arcanist, and it’s really smooth sailing for me.

@Dremor@lemmy.world avatar

I started with the Arcanist too, then Scholar. I really liked the gameplay.

Then I changed main class almost every expansion, starting with the Dark Knight, then Dancer, Sage, and now back to Dancer. None of the new classes caught my fancy this time 😅.

Do you use XIVLauncher?

@MyNameIsAtticus@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah. XIVLauncher was the only way I could get it to boot on Steam Deck

@garretble@lemmy.world avatar

Healing is definitely its own little animal. My main job is Scholar, so I’ve had to create a couple of mostly healer specific things to help out. (You may already do some of this, so forgive me)

I don’t really use any macros for casting spells or anything like that, but what I have found helpful are three really simple ones that help with targeting.

The first being simply a focusTarget one that lets you set up, well, a focus target: /focustargetSince as a healer you are most oftes worried about the tank, I generally set them as the focus target. By itself that doesn’t do a whole lot, but then…

…I have two others that help. One that when you use it it selects whatever your focus target is: /target <f>So no matter where you are, you can get to the tank (or other focus) super quick for heals.

And the last one is one that jumps to whatever your current target is targeting. Kind of a mouthful, that, but pretty helpful: /target <tt>So in practice if you are doing damage to the boss and just need to quickly swap to whatever the boss is targeting, you can hit this, swap to a party member, heal them, and then press it again to go back to the boss.

Along with these are some settings that you might look into if you haven’t already. Control Settings -> Filters -> Filter Customization. In this section you can filter target groups by hitting LB + [one of the face buttons]. I basically 100% of the time use one that targets only enemies because you can always hit up and down to select party members. That lets me always use right and left for bad guys and there’s no confusion.

Lastly for targeting, pressing LB + up/down will select just enemies on your enemies list (this is obviously super handy for tanks). And LB + right/left will target Alliance members on other parties. So if you see that some healers are down on another team, that’s the shortcut to cycle through those members to help.

And then lastly lastly: there are some extra crossbars you can put up on the screen at all times under the Custom tab of Hotbar Settings. You may already know about these at this point, though.

So anyway, again, if you already know these things, then obviously feel free to ignore. But I hope at least some part of that helps a little.

@MyNameIsAtticus@lemmy.world avatar

I ended up choosing to play with a PS3 controller for my first time. My friends all say I’m crazy, but honestly I love the controls more than the standard MMO “Hit this numpad key and then switch hotbar, then hit this key”

TacticsConsort, do gaming w I've never seen a company squander as much goodwill as Blizzard.
@TacticsConsort@yiffit.net avatar

Even if Blizzard games haven’t had a high note since 2016, I would like to remind everyone that the company still had absurd amounts of goodwill and customer loyalty for a large and corporate studio at the time, with fans owning and actively collecting literal decades of merchendise.

Things only really truly collapsed for Blizzard and saw their goodwill vanish when they openly supported and endorsed the chinese oppression of Hong Kong.

Specifically, the winner of a Hearthstone tournament was interviewed after his win and gave the pro-Hong Kong slogan “free Hong Kong, the revolution of our times”, which there was absolutely no rule or stipulation against. China demanded that the company not endorse that (because authoritarianism), but Blizzard ACTIVELY WENT THE EXTRA MILE to strip the player of his prize money and ban him from all future events alongside other punishments, specifically in the name of appeasing the chinese government.

It wouldn’t be fair to expect a game company to singlehandedly stand up to an authoritarian regime that loves to make people disappear. But it is absolutely fair to recognize that Blizzard’s actions very clearly demonstrated that they weren’t just doing this because they were threatened into it- they were more than happy to actively endorse the chinese government’s oppression of Hong Kong. And THAT is what we should always remember about Blizzard’s morals and principles, or lack thereof.

@CountVon@sh.itjust.works avatar

That’s the event that gave me the push I needed to request deletion of my account with them. I won’t give them another dollar for as long as I live.


Same! Still kinda miss hearthstone but in the end it was just a game.


Same, was just starting wow classic with my partner as she’d never played wow before, that made us both cancel immediately and never give them another cent.


There are a couple of VERY GOOD classic pservers out there which are not only better maintained than the Blizz servers, these have also much less bots and way healthier populations and economies.


Reminder that that event happened IN TAIWAN.


I’d forgotten all about that.

All the sex pests felt like a “good” reason to quit WoW but I’d say my real reason was it had become a piece of shit that didn’t value my time, and I’d honestly been looking for a reason to quit for a long time.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

The removed a bunch of portals from WoW in order to “make the world feel big” (make you waste more time traveling instead of doing fun things).


That’s exactly where they lost me forever. Truly a despicable bunch of assholes.

Coelacanth, do games w Day 45 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots
@Coelacanth@feddit.nu avatar

The game kind of lost me eventually, but I’ve had some amazing experiences with it and it has a lot of good qualities. The music is fantastic, especially the parts where Soken is riffing on themes written by Uematsu like Coils and Stormblood.

Despite my reservations about the game of late, the stretch of post-ARR into Heavensward into Stormblood and post-Stormblood patch quests was amazing. And the community is unreasonably lovely for being an MMO.


Only mmo I have ever played with music on constantly

@MyNameIsAtticus@lemmy.world avatar

I’m in love with the base game (haven’t touched any of the expansions yet). I love the music, it’s graphically gorgeous for a game of its age, and I like the characters. I will say I don’t personally care for the combat, that’s mostly because I don’t really care for MMO combat in general. But my issues have been somewhat alleviated by using a PS3 controller to play

@Coelacanth@feddit.nu avatar

The combat gets better, FFXIV has a massive issue of most classes only playing the way they’re supposed to on max level. I guess that’s common for many MMOs, but it’s especially bad here imo. I also stopped playing during Endwalker, so I don’t know what’s been revamped since then.

Even if they’ve continued to simplify and homogenise the classes, the dungeons and raids will get better. Once you get into the expansions you’ll start having more fun mechanics to play around.

Linktank, do gaming w I've never seen a company squander as much goodwill as Blizzard.

They lost me before this line, but I will never forgive and never forget:

“What you guys don’t own phones?”


It was evident that they had completely lost touch with their player base at that point


They made me sad with Diablo 3. But they lost me at StarCraft 2.

D3 got better after years of updates. StarCraft 2’s story was hot garbage and they turned a single full game into three smaller games.

Seeing Blizzard fuck over Overwatch fans was not a surprise to me.


Blizz was salty about not being able to sue their way into a cut of all of the professional Brood War revenue in Korea, which is why SC2 didn’t launch with LAN support (except when played at an Official Blizzard Event).

It’s a shame 'cause SC2 had some genuinely awesome ideas, like the Allied Commander mode. Probably the best casual online gameplay of any RTS, which frankly every other RTS ever made should copy.


It’s a shame 'cause SC2 had some genuinely awesome ideas, like the Allied Commander mode. Probably the best casual online gameplay of any RTS, which frankly every other RTS ever made should copy.

Unfortunately every other RTS only tries to copy the sweaty multiplayer 1v1 experience. Like playing guitar hero on expert mode on your mouse and keyboard while also doing strategy at the same time.

Even more unfortunately no one seems to be able to execute even that part half as well as Blizzard did.


Since we’re talking RTS, do you have time to talk about my shameless plug for beyondallreason.info?

This style of RTS appeals much more to me in recent years. Feels less like you need to perform like a speedrunner.
So much QOL compared to the APM spamfests other RTS can become.


The story was absolute crap, but the campaign levels were still really fun.

Also, each campaign did feel like a full fledged game from a content perspective. I can give blizzard shit for a lot, but how they handled sc2 (beyond dropping it completely) is low on the list.


SC2’s esport and competitive scene was incredibly successful. We got 14 years of incredible tournaments, content, personalities, streamers, etc… Seems like you are just a casual player that just missed the boat.


“You think you do, but you don’t!”


unpopular opinion: this phrase is right, sometimes. In that context, at that conference, bad call. But sometimes… people think they want something until they get it, and then they realize they don’t want it.


How you phrase things is also important. Never having played WoW, but they came across as arrogant and out of touch. Something that’s only been reinforced by their further actions. The “Do you guys not have phones?” comment is just the sequel. The issues only be more and more serious since then.


Makes me think of that Reddit post where the guy thought he was into shitting and ordered an escort to shit on him, only to realise he was in fact not into shitting

frezik, do gaming w I've never seen a company squander as much goodwill as Blizzard.

Just wait until GabeN retires and the inheritors of Valve start to enshittify it. Unless GabeN had a good succession plan in place, or GoG can swoop in and become the new standard, things might get rough. I might stick to retro games from then on.


Luckily BG3 is on GOG. I don’t think I’ve bought a new game on steam for years, granted I don’t play a lot of games nowadays.

Dave, (edited )
@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar

I bought BG3 on GOG simply because it was on GOG, otherwise I would have waited a few years. I want to support AAA games being release on GOG at release because it doesn’t happen much. GOG isn’t gonna take over Steam, because largely the industry isn’t going to support DRM free AAA games.

@The_Picard_Maneuver@lemmy.world avatar

I’m seriously concerned about this, yet I keep using steam because of the convenience.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Steam is currently a good company so I am happy to support it. If it enshittifies then I will stop using it and sail the high seas if need be.


Steam is privately held, so there’s plenty of reason to be hopeful. The recent rapid enshittification of what feels like every company is mostly due to US laws that require publicly traded companies to squeeze every last dollar out or face severe penalties. Privately held companies are not subject to those laws, and so they can stay actually decent and care about their customers without threat of legal repercussions. An example is Lego Group - there’s some valid criticism, but legos have stayed a top quality product for nearing a hundred years - and show no signs of suddenly degrading in quality. So, I wouldn’t worry unduly about this until Valve announces an IPO. Then you should start worrying.

@ivanafterall@lemmy.world avatar

Ugh, the thought of some generic investment company swooping in and running Valve hurts my heart.

!deleted6508 avatar

My hope is that Gabe actually gets direct brain connection technology off the ground and he uploads his consciousness into an everlasting machine so he never has to retire.


Perhaps one encased in a giant stone bust of himself. With lasers.


Why should they enshitify a service that is printing money with minimal effort? Right guys 🥲.


because they don’t understand why it’s printing money


Because they could make it print even more money, and make the line go more up for a very short time!

That looks good on the CV you know.

@ikidd@lemmy.world avatar

Because most of these MBA fucks don’t understand the concept of piracy being a service problem. They have run perfectly fine systems into the ground because they insist on making it infinitely harder to use legit services than to just rip shit off.


Like the 28. Streaming service, so that I can’t find what I want anymore.


I don’t think he’s really that involved into Steam or Valve proceedings anymore


Need someone to track videogame piracy rates and if steam gets enshittified make a graph and mark each of their bad decisions against it


it’s a very closely held private company, gaben absolutely has someone to take his place with ideals similar to his.

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