
_sideffect, do gaming w Oh trust me. I know your frustration better than you do.

I don’t give a shit who or what I play as, as long as they’re bad-ass

@emptyother@programming.dev avatar

Idk, I don’t feel like I can relate to some bad-ass. /s


Then just relate to the ass-bad characters

Guajojo, do gaming w Oh trust me. I know your frustration better than you do.

Am I supposed to be offended now because I had to play a RC car in ReVolt? Please… Games are about having fun, not to make a political statement


I kinda like political statements in my games, and honestly I’m actually fine with fighting a meme war with the super-straights.

Admittedly I’m bi so can enjoy anything but I’m confident queers have enough creativity and talent to create some genuinely amazing narrative gaming experiences. we should be collaborating on open source homoerotic experiences and immersively gay open worlds in a way that puts the corporate friendly triple a studios to shame.

I haven’t been inside any triple a gaming studios but I’ve talked to a lot of catboys and daddydoms online who have decades of experience in the tech industry so I know we have the expertise and intelligence to make it happen if only we can as a community find the will.


I like political statements in my X sometimes, and sometimes I want to use my interest or hobby as an escape from all that shit explicitly. Neither is wrong imo, the only thing I don’t like is when they suddenly switch (most often an apolitical comic or band suddenly releasing a political issue or song, it’s usually not the other way around, and for some reason breaking my escapist immersion irks me more than a political comic suddenly doing some apolitical issue or artist/song), but of course it is their right to do so, as is my right to hold my opinion and not listen to the song or read the issue.


Funny thing about re-volt is that you really are playing as an rc car, not even a person piloting the rc car. Iirc from the lore the cars are sentient.

v4ld1z, do gaming w God I feel so bad for y'all
@v4ld1z@lemmy.zip avatar

FPSs are especially bad

antidote101, do gaming w God I feel so bad for y'all

The Fediverse is designed to skew male too. No women here, too much porn for that.


Porn is not the issue. Incels are.


How would you define incel ?( that s a real question )


I think the commonly accepted definition is the only definition there is. The term isn’t open for interpretation.


Incel = involuntary celibate. A person (usually a male) who acts in a way and believes in things which potential romantic partners (usually females) find repulsive. For example, alt-righties, tankies, wannabe rapists, etc.


Do incels have to be asshole with women or the simple fact that they are in celibate again their will is enough to be an incel


No, those people are just a virgin?!

Incel comes with a certain ideology. They normally believe they are some kind of sub-human, held in that position by women, beta males (men with female partners) and chads (very attractive men with female partners).

They put a huge emphasis on being sexless, kissless, handholdless, etc. and believe all their problems and behaviour issues stem from this problem. That women won’t be their romantic and sex partners.

From there they enter a spectrum of hatred for women. The majority of incels is probably just writing really really awful stuff about women online. But many boast how they “get back” at women in their day-to-day life. Spitting on their food as a waiter, ignoring their female classmates and talk over them in class are two examples I found online.

Some have plans on how to murder women and some already did.


OK thx for the clarification. Yeah with this definition I completely agree with the original comment. Lot of people are toxic against women especially in competitive fps


You added your view of the issue to the definition. In-cel only means involuntary celibate, and there can be many more reasons why someone is, than appearing repulsive to potential romantic partners.

@sour@kbin.social avatar


@iquanyin@lemmy.world avatar



The porn part of that is irrelevant and you have either a distorted or a weird, old-fashioned view of women. A good amount of women love porn


Most women don’t wank over furry cartoons and still images of nude women. Eg. The majority of what’s on /all.


If you think women don’t watch loads of porn I have a bridge to sell you.

Shit, Tumblr collapsed when they removed porn content and women could no longer go there to have a cheeky wank. Women get horny, same as anybody else.

Lemmy skews male because it’s a techie-dominated subset of ex-Reddit users, and Reddit was already 65-70% male to begin with.


The porn on Lemmy is mostly weird furry stuff and still images of nude women. Most women don’t regularly look at the kind of porn that is prevalent on Lemmy.

Wild_Mastic, do gaming w I'm the fifth one. The One Who Stares.

I’m more a 6th option, alt-f4 -> uninstall -> never install again

Zugyuk, do gaming w God I feel so bad for y'all

You can be the change you want to see. Tell them they’re being creeps, and don’t white knight


I think in a lot of people’s books you’d be white knighting just by doing that.


I see what you mean, but I think that the lack of follow-up, or call for attention to yourself puts it in a different category.


The solution is for everyone else to act like school kids and treat the guy like he has a crush and make fun of him. No one likes to be told they’re sitting in a tree.


That sounds tiring.


Probably only by people who don’t want the status quo to change


Sorry girl, but we’re all dudes in here so you’re kind of a creep for hanging out.

( I know what you meant :P )


If I still played multiplayer games, I’d just start a kick vote and leave it at that.

ahornsirup, do gaming w I'm the fifth one. The One Who Stares.
@ahornsirup@sopuli.xyz avatar

The “fuck it, God mode”.

(I primarily play single player games, so it’s not like it messes with anyone else’s game.)

rjthyen, do gaming w God I feel so bad for y'all

But it’s actually a 7 year old boy…


Mr Epstein is getting his jet ready!

_Sprite, do gaming w I'm the fifth one. The One Who Stares.
@_Sprite@lemmy.world avatar
Oszilloraptor, do gaming w I'm the fifth one. The One Who Stares.

Roll a joint
Take a walk
“Launching game…”

edgemaster72, do gaming w I'm the fifth one. The One Who Stares.
@edgemaster72@lemmy.world avatar

I’m a variation of the keyboard smasher, controller yeeter

Resol, do gaming w Oh trust me. I know your frustration better than you do.
@Resol@lemmy.world avatar

I’m not trans at all, but sometimes I choose to play as a girl just to make real men mad, such as in laser tag (that’s a very obscure TheOdd1sOut reference). The fact that I can’t do that in Pokémon Red, Green (the Japan exclusive one), Blue, Yellow, Gold or Silver is kinda silly.


I usually choose to play as the girl because devs typically make girl characters have much better customization options or just character designs. Not always but has been a trend i noticed a long time ago.

Like choosing outfits or hairstyles.

Theres usually a lot more options to choose from and also your choices usually are more noticeable when you use your character in game.

Im happy that devs seem to like to give lots of beard styles now so that helps me find more options that i like for male characters


I wish all the options were just available to whatever body type you choose instead of being restricted.

Also, forgot to say theres almost never make up choices for male characters. By choosing the female character/bodytype, especially in less fancy games, the way a characters face looks is usually a lot easier to finesse if you dont like the default options you get. And im refering to just basic bone structure/sallowness of face.

A lot of preset male charactures just look lifeless or hungover

@Resol@lemmy.world avatar


Also, not enough downvotes.


Keep your autogynephiliac Pokémon fantasies to yourself.

frefi, do gaming w I'm the fifth one. The One Who Stares.
@frefi@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Quickly start doing anything else, pretending that it never happened.

Kolanaki, do gaming w Oh trust me. I know your frustration better than you do.
!deleted6508 avatar

Are most video games protagonists straight? Cuz I have played way more games where the protagonist is mute and doesn’t show sexual interest in anything at all.

Like… Is Gordon Freeman straight? Doom guy? Kirby? Capt. Olimar? Red? The Prince of All Cosmos? 🤔

I’d say that video games have the most asexual representation of all forms of media.


Kirby sucks like a nanny goat.

@GladiusB@lemmy.world avatar

That statement has more to unpack than a therapist’s office in Trump tower


The prince of all cosmos will fuck anyone who wishes to fuck him.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

onlinepersona, do gaming w God I feel so bad for y'all

TL;DR you aren’t being targeted because you’re a woman. It’s because you game

I explained this to another person before: many gamers are too competitive for their own good. That means they want to win at nigh any cost. A simple “tactic” is make the other team make mistakes by influencing them. The best way to do so at a distance is by breaking their spirit. So you act like any attacker: you find weaknesses, attack vectors, ways to inflict psychological pain.

Most of the time there are very few things you know about the enemy besides their pseudonym. So you attack them with bog standard things, generic things, because they are generic. However, every tiny thing you find out about them increases the attack surface. Their location, their voice, typing speed, character choice, character set (colors, theme, items, …), etc. Perceived gender is just on other thing to add to the list.

Of course, if the gamer is losing, they are never the problem. Fault lies in others. Hence, even team mates become the enemy and the same rules apply. “If only everyone were like perfect like me, we would win”.

It doesn’t help that online gaming is just another digital activity. People behave worse when they can dehumanize the other party and that’s what the internet does. It makes it easier to act worse. Additionally, gamers who spend a lot of time online, are not good at socializing, hence the chance of them having a partner is lower than average. To make matters worse, spending so much time in such toxic communities only propagates the behavior.

Even if the sex split were 50/50, each gender were represented equally, or the gaming space were dominated by non-males: they are just as human and I bet the problem of toxicity would persist. Humans are nasty, disgusting, and evil. We are mostly egoistic, self-centered beings that socialize because it helped us survive for millennia. However, that need to socialize is dwindling quickly.

If we want to tackle toxicity in gaming, there are many, many things outside of gaming that play a role which make it impossible to conceive a gaming only solution.



I think your point of view is interesting but flawed. It’s very obvious you’re not a woman, frankly. I’ve been playing video games since I was a child, and the absolute truth is, women absolutely face more harassment than male counterparts. That’s a blog, but it links multiple studies, and you’re welcome to review them yourself.

I’ve often found the argument that you’re making is usually the Call of Duty defense (“it’s not that gamers are racist, it’s just that once we know your race, that’s what we attack”) and it’s often used by the privileged to try and claim that everyone is a target, everyone is a victim, if you can’t handle it then stop playing.


Oh no, there are definitely racist and misogynist gamers out there, no doubt. It’s just that women are easily identifiable by their voice (or being confused for 10 year old kids), which stands out. It’s the same as having another skin color, get-up, car, that the majority of your area - it stands out.

The article you posted doesn’t mention (nor link to a study) about how harassment changed with voice changers, which I would be interested in. My guess would be that it becomes comparable to that experienced by male or male sounding gamers - which the article doesn’t mention either.

It’s very obvious you’re not a woman, frankly.

I actually quit playing online games with people who aren’t friends and when I did, the mic was mostly off + other players were muted very often. Do you still think I’m not a woman?



The research examined how gamers reacted to female versus male voices in an online game. Using statements designed to be neutral and inoffensive, female voices were found to receive considerably more negative reactions, resulting in three times more negative comments than male voices.

This is a massive problem and isn’t somehow equally terrible to the idea that harassment will happen towards anyone based on what others can discern when they hear you. Women’s voices are targeted in a way other statistical data is not.

As for voice changer information, I found some with a cursory google search, but I realized that wasn’t the point I was making, it was information you’re interested in, and you’re welcome to find that. It’s equally damning to what I’ve said.

ETA; I don’t think you are. If you’re a woman, you should probably disclose in your post challenging people to use a voice modulator to sound like a woman. Because it reads like a man posting it as an interesting challenge, and not a woman challenging men.


Some male pro Valorant players did an experiment with voice changers. They basically came to the conclusion that the came is almost unplayable as a woman.

Male Valorant Pros Experience Misogyny While Using Voice Changer

Link to Youtube Video (Native Language is Spanish)


Did the same thing for CS:go 2 not mich oft a difference tbh lotsa Slurs either way lol


I can’t speak for the CS:Go version. Haven’t seen it. But I will say, part of one Valorant player’s complaints wasn’t just the things others call you, it’s also the fact that they aren’t willing to play with you at all. Your teammates are actively hostile with you and aren’t willing to even try to cooperate in a team based game.


And i thought CS Bad the biggest incels

@uis@lemmy.world avatar

Well, in CS:GO swearing is native language


I referenced the same thing in another post! :)



I play video games for over 30 years now. To believe there is no targeted harassment against women in gaming is frankly ridiculous.

LANs back then were a nightmare. I got a voice modulator a few years in after starting playing online, just to make it stop. I got death and rape threads and multiple stalkers, one who followed me throughout Steam and one who even tried to dox me. I had to change Realm on WoW because of a stalker from my previous guild.

And that’s only the obviously bad stuff. Microaggrssions and sexist behaviour is rampant in many communities. You really have to search for a community with people who make an effort to not engage in that behaviour. Lots of women in those.

@tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’ve seen this harassment all the time in non-competitive games though. Even on the PS3 playing GTAIV, when my character was a woman, people would follow me, two different times people added me, no one had when I was a male character. One of them messaged me asking if I was actually a woman lol. Obviously this is just anecdotal, but there are plenty of stats about this sort of thing.

If your view is that most people are self-centered and nasty I think you maybe need to socialize with different people. Like you said the anonymity of the internet dehumanizes people and encourages more toxic behavior, I don’t believe most people really are so toxic though.


If your view is that most people are self-centered and nasty I think you maybe need to socialize with different people. Like you said the anonymity of the internet dehumanizes people and encourages more toxic behavior, I don’t believe most people really are so toxic though.

It comes from real life experience. Growing up where I did was eye-opening to human misery and cruelty. Sadly, other people had it even worse than I did. I’ll stop there before I get too negative.



It’s because a lot of incels are gamers.

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