
underisk, do gaming w I may have said this before...
@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

He’s right though.


For me, every single FF game took me a couple hours before I really hits.

FF3 was so incredibly hard for me to get into because it just seems like one trope after another. Then it just clicked and now it’s one of my favorites.

umbrella, do gaming w I may have said this before...
@umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

one piece fans be like

JoYo, do gaming w I may have said this before...
@JoYo@lemmy.ml avatar

I got 650 hours in and I’m only about halfway through the MSQ.

I just can’t anymore.

It’s too much.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

If you’re halfway through the MSQ then you’re already well into the parts people widely regard as good. If you’re not having a good time yet you probably never will.

HolyDuckTurtle, (edited )
@HolyDuckTurtle@kbin.social avatar

I'd go as far to say Heavensward may be the benchmark for whether people will enjoy the rest of the game. It's where the voice acting and general presentation upgrades to a level that, to me, remained consistent throughout the rest of the MSQ.

Most importantly, at least to me, you get new plot twists to some earlier events which tells you A LOT about the narrative structure going forward. There's a reveal during the middle of Heavensward that basically killed narrative tension for me throughout the rest of the MSQ.

It's not that their direction there is bad, I had just gotten swept up in the "omg it gets so DARK" hype so I was dissapointed when it consistently walked back major events. It took me until the middle of Endwalker to realise "oh, right, that's not the kind of story and experience they want to tell".


What part, if I may ask? Unless it’s in Endwalker, then don’t tell me.

HolyDuckTurtle, (edited )
@HolyDuckTurtle@kbin.social avatar

Keeping details minimal because I can't for the life of me get spoiler tags to work on kbin:

In the middle of Heavensward we learn that a very dramatic death sequence that led to some major events was a ruse. The character is alive and things will quickly return to normal.

I get what they wanted, but big fakeouts like that are not my thing. It felt like the consequences were walked back so I could never take the rest of the story seriously. Anything bad that happens could just be reverted.

Endwalker has a point after a lot of stuff goes down where I was thinking "Yeah this is edgy and all, but they really held back from doing anything actually substantial" then we get introduced to a bunch of cuteness and silly things. It took until then to really settle with me that they mostly want to tell fun and uplifting stories, so making stuff look dark and dramatic but keeping the lasting impact down is more of an objective of theirs than a narrative flaw.

I can appreciate that, and a lot of other things about the game and its story, but that in particular is just not for me.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

Heavensward is definitely the part where I said “ok maybe all that was worth it”. Specifically, the Amphitheatre.

MagnyusG, do gaming w I may have said this before...

I feel like this complaint only applies to other mmoheads coming from endgame in WoW or some other MMO, or already established gamers with little to no experience with MMOs that are trying it out for the first time.

Every MMO is a slow burn at the beginning because you have little to no skills and they’re just trying to introduce you to the characters and the setting.

Meanwhile the literal thousands of newcomers fall in love with the game as soon as they start even when it’s “nothing but fetch quests” or “boring as hell” according to the aforementioned vocal minority.

BeigeAgenda, (edited )
@BeigeAgenda@lemmy.ca avatar

Yep WoTLK on free servers for me is questing and a bit of farming to get some gold for necessities.

Back in the day I painstakingly (while having fun) managed to level up to 60 but hadn’t paid for the expansions, and then I took a break to finish a project in school, when I finally came back to WoW Cataclysm happened and everything changed, then I lost interest.

@solitaire@infosec.pub avatar

One of the reasons I really liked SWTOR, despite the many things I dislike, is the class stories give you something to keep your interest really early on. I’ve never really been able to get in to other MMOs that are mechanically similar because I’m bored out of my fucking mind with only a promise of potentially interesting end game content.

Every few years someone talks me into trying WoW and I spend one miserable night leveling then wondering why on earth anyone does this.


I came from WoW (after leveling every class through Shadowlands), and when I started FFxiv, I was thinking “it’s not amazing, but it’s better than WoW at this same level.” It was still fun to play, and it wasn’t a straight slog, the whole story ramped up over time.

And then I hit the first expansion, and it was better than most of WoW except maybe Legion (my favorite expansion). There was a moment, right before a trial, where you’re on a bridge and the music ramps up (anyone who has played probably knows what I’m talking about), and I had to just sit and let it wash over me for awhile before queueing up. Just standing on a bridge, hearing a song telling the whole story I had learned over an entire expansion.

And then it just continued ramping up. So it starts out about equivalent to WoW and then gets better at a much faster rate. And then, when you finish the main story quest, instead of the choice of “mythics or raids, that’s all you get, hope you like dungeons,” You find there’s more to do outside of the main story quest than in. There’s so much to do.


If a game isn’t interesting from the start, then the game is badly designed.

MMO’s are made for people who can put multiple hours a day into it. To them having to grind is part of the course. For everyone else it is a waste of time.

Just imagine having to grind 8 hours for a specific item. To someone who can only play a single hour a day after the kids are asleep, that is an entire week of playtime. It just isn’t worth it when they could have spend that same amount of time on a different game where they got to kill like 5 bosses.


It is interesting from the very start though. My point is that players from those two camps are biased in thinking that it’s not because there either too accustomed to having everything or they’re not aware of how the genre works.

Maybe some MMOs are made for people with all the time in the world, like no-lifers and teenagers, but the topic is about FFXIV. XIV has been designed with the working man in mind since at least ARR, it is very much expected to be played in short bursts (people with jobs generally play video games about 2-4 hours a day.) In that span of time you can easily progress a fair amount through the Main Scenario Quest or do dailies which would be the equivalent of “killing 5 bosses,” if not more. Each expansion averages at around 40-50 hours of MSQ, so even assuming the least amount of gameplay time, it takes about a month to complete, barely any different than any other major video game release, for example, Tears of the Kingdom takes approx. 55-70 hours to beat.

Not sure what you’re referring to with the grinding “8 hours for a specific item” thing, unless you’re talking about savage raiding which is endgame, not the beginning/middle (the story) like we’re all talking about and isn’t required to do the story. Even then, there’s plenty of people with jobs that will dedicate upwards of 6 hours to raiding.


Came here to say this, the complaint has no idea how MMOs work (not to mention how much better and more story XIV has, even in— and sometimes especially in— all the side content)

weariedfae, do gaming w I may have said this before...

I didn’t mind the story, it was fine. Not anywhere near like… a Final Fantasy game… but it was okay for an MMO.

What my antisocial ass hated was mandatory dungeons in order to progress the story.


You’re in luck then. All dungeons can be done with ai now.

Dagnet, do gaming w I may have said this before...

FF14 has an insane amount of filler in every quest. Sooooo many times you need to travel to whole different area just to have some completely inconsequential chat with an npc or they break a simple task into 10 steps with a long ass cast time that doesn’t show your character doing anything. I will say the story is (after a while) quite good.


“Pray return to the waking sands” PTSD intensifies


At least they give new players aetheryte tickets to teleport directly to the waking sands now. No more teleporting to Horizon and taking public transit like some kind of peasant.


It’s just so much clicking. Go here click this guy click that guy.

It’s not that bad of you stay current at all times, you can do a bit of story here and there, its released in chunks outside of the large expansions.

But if you take a break for a year. Fuck me. It’s just never ending. I just want to raid…


It’s just so much clicking. Go here click this guy click that guy.

It’s not that bad of you stay current at all times, you can do a bit of story here and there, its released in chunks outside of the large expansions.

But if you take a break for a year. Fuck me. It’s just never ending. I just want to raid…


Yeah, the barrier for entry for new players is insane too. This guy once bought the game and he is like “Gonna rush through the story so lets play some dungeons next week”, yeahhh… nah, you are gonna play with us in a month maybe more. Also, you posted this comment twice, might wanna delete the other.

Infynis, do gaming w I may have said this before...
@Infynis@midwest.social avatar

Hey, they released a patch to fix that! It only takes 80 hours now! Lol

Rayspekt, do gaming w I may have said this before...

While I loved those games as a teenager with infinite free time, I now hate games that don’t respect the players time. I mean, come on? Which adult has the time to play multiple 80-hour-long RPGs a year? How does one keep up with the influx of good games these days?


The fun thing about FFXIV is that it’s free to play up to level 70. You’re only gonna be missing the last 2 expansions and then the one this summer. So you get 1/2 at no actual cost to you.

You only put in as much time as you want to get out too. There’s no real downside to taking longer beside things not being “relevant” anymore.

Gradually_Adjusting, do gaming w I may have said this before...
@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

I think I know that fucker

franklin, (edited ) do gaming w I may have said this before...
@franklin@lemmy.world avatar

FF13 needed a good 30 hours, it truely is mind blowing they keep getting away with it


I waited for FFXV to get good and it just kept getting worse lol


For me it was the opposite. I had low expectations and the longer I played it the more it grew on me, especially with the sheer amount of content. It’s actually probably in my top 5 FF games.

@VindictiveJudge@lemmy.world avatar

I tried 13 multiple times. Steam says I have more than fifty hours in it. I know the last time I got all the way to the open world segment. But I just can’t get into it and was mostly making myself play because I bought the entire trilogy on a sale. The game’s insistence on putting all the plot in a menu made it much more difficult to follow along or to get attached to any of the characters. I know I read everything as it became available and I honestly have no memory of the vast majority of it. I’m not even sure I could name the fully party.

On top of that, the gameplay itself just wasn’t great. Party composition was almost always dictated by the plot and character growth was completely linear, so there was very little opportunity to experiment with the game’s systems. And when I did get to experiment with it, encounters were so rigidly structured and my characters’ levels being capped by plot progression meant there was no wiggle room to actually experiment. Throw in traditional FF problems like debuffs being useless and new ones like AOE attacks being heavily luck based and it didn’t even have fun combat to fall back on.

@franklin@lemmy.world avatar

Agreed on all counts.

The open world fights while easily cheesable offered enough spectacle to keep my attention, the trails were interesting to me (at least by comparison to the rest of the game) and the final boss was decent but given how little of the game that takes up it’s absolutely unacceptable.

It’s a shame too because all the elements of a potentially stellar game are in there but never given a chance to shine due to the reasons you mentioned.

Tarogar, do gaming w I may have said this before...

Imagine a game that’s fun right out of the box… Boring right? Yeah… Let’s put 150 hours of filler at the start before it gets fun.

Some business exec somewhere.


Well I mean, it’s not really like that in this case. Every story expansion just requires you to have cleared the previous parts of the game.

The base game/before the first expansion isn’t bad per se, I had a fun time with the game at that point. But there happens to be a remarkable step up in quality starting with the first expansion, and the game pretty much keeps getting better from there.

Also during the last few years they have been revamping the early-game extensively, adding modern visuals and refreshing the design of the dungeons and boss fights. But having played before these changes, I still wouldn’t call the beginning of the game “filler”. I found it quite charming, and the multiplayer aspect is also fun in its own respect at that point.

Just my 2c, I’m not one to defend large corporations but I don’t think the trope really applies to XIV


It’s always funny when you see the exact personification of a meme in the comments.


Not a big fan of nuance, I presume?


Bet they didn’t even play for 100s of hours before making up their mind smdh

Carnelian, (edited )

Perhaps the confusion is my fault for acknowledging that the game did indeed improve over the course of its ten year run, which is…obviously…the best possible case scenario.

But if you read my comment again, you may notice that my point is the exact opposite of what you’re joking about. I don’t believe there really is a multi hundred hour “rite of passage” to get to “the good part”. Not only is the beginning already pretty good, but, as I said, they are actively modernizing it to bring it more in line with the later parts (which are even better).

Is there a subtlety here that I have simply failed to convey? Is the idea of a decent game becoming a masterpiece really indistinguishable from the idea of a fundamentally worthless game dangling the hope of a better game out in front of you like a carrot on a stick? Really help me out here


If someone says to you that they tried playing the game for a couple hours, but it was kind of boring and the quests have a lot of filler, what would your response be?

The meme pokes fun at the idea that many people who love the game would encourage that person to continue until they reach the first expansion so they could experience that, as you call, masterpiece.

It’s not so much that they find the first part fundamentally worthless, just even if you don’t like it, you should maybe keep playing because it gets so much better.


If someone says to you that they tried playing the game for a couple hours, but it was kind of boring and the quests have a lot of filler, what would your response be?

At the end of the day we are talking about like a 600 hour story driven RPG, the actual structure of the game doesn’t change much as it goes on so you can tell pretty quickly if you’ll like the game in general (hey, that kind of sounds like, the opposite of what the meme is saying, right?).

With that in mind I would say if you aren’t thrilled with the story straight off but you otherwise enjoy the game, you may as well keep playing, and if things pick up later then hey, bonus. If you don’t like the moment-to-moment gameplay I am here to tell you that it does not get better lol. So no worries, the free trial is the way it is for a reason.

In summary, I understand what the meme is saying, but have I said that? Let’s step away from such massive games for a second. I believe the best part of Horizon Zero Dawn is the ending few hours, by far. Story just really hits for me then, as it should, because we want things to get better as we play them. Is this perspective, “the best is yet to come”, the same as, “it’s worth slogging through the boring part until then?” Have I called the beginning boring, actually? Have I suggested anyone should slog through it?


600 hour story driven RPG?

How many of those 600 hours are actually story?


That’s my personal estimate for the game if you simply sit down at the beginning, and progress the single-player* storyline from start to finish, up to the end of the current expansion (a new one is coming out in a few months actually lol). Reading the dialogue and cutscenes, playing through the required quests, dungeons, and trials, and also playing through some of the optional (but also story driven and highly recommended) content.

So I guess it depends on what you mean by “story”, there’s dialogue and important story content happening during the actual fights most of the time. But in general I would say the vast majority of that time is pure story, to the point where I wouldn’t recommend the game to someone who didn’t like visual novels. Some players probably could do it in like 300 hours if they skim or even just read really fast, and I know many players who have taken well over 1000 hours as they took their time and did lots of side content.

*the vast majority of the game has optional multiplayer. I think the best way to play is with others but many people feel the opposite lol


It’s just that OP has a funny joke and you are acting out the joke, which is funny to some


Yes I can see how funny it would be were it directed at somebody who embodied in any way the sentiment of the original meme. It seems to me that I have repeatedly argued the opposite, care to share any insight as to why you so easily imagine otherwise?


Maybe me and the other guy are the only ones but you feel like the person from the OP to us. The extremely serious attitude about a joke just adding to the humour of it.


Oh, well, as long as that’s just how you feel, no worries. The heart wants what the heart wants. Others have read and engaged with the actual words that I said, which is normally why I comment, so it seems like everyone gets to walk away with something today



@GladiusB@lemmy.world avatar

The game started 10 years ago. It was a different game back then.


Oh I see you have met my ex-wife

Ryzen01k, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion

Deltarune Chapter 2

Essence_of_Meh, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion

Just finished Drakengard 3 and feeling empty - both because the final boss fight took me 4 days to beat and because, despite many issues I have with the game, ending still managed to hit pretty hard. I love this shitty game.

Schadrach, do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?

Patient gamer activated. I might revisit it when they’ve improved performance and released an ultimate or definitive edition that includes everything.

iAvicenna, do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?

“all you have to do is learn how to have fun while role playing as a person without any clothes (or pay five bucks)”

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