
Ultraviolet, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

Almost every AAA release has pulled the same trick for at least the last 10 years if not longer. Don’t announce the PC release until after the console release, that way some people buy the game twice.

Graphine, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

Honestly I do understand why PC gamers are upset. But this isn’t exactly news. They’ve done this with every PC port. And given the clusterfuck that was GTA IV on PC I’m fine waiting another year for a GOOD PC port.

Again I get it. But I personally bought a Series X when PC gaming was too expensive to get into so I take it that’s who they’re gonna go for as well.


I doubt waiting any amount of time would warrant the port to be good. See: GTA:SA


The new one was amazing.


That was almost 20 years ago.


I obviously meant the recent remaster.

@HerbalGamer@sh.itjust.works avatar

that is not obvious since most of us don’t count it.


Hah, good point.


With mods it’s workable


You mean the Hot Coffee mod right?


Heh. Maybe

ExfilBravo, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

I’m actually ok with this. It will keep online hacker free for at least a year.

GiddyGap, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

Looks very Florida.


Almost as if Vice City is based on a very large city in Florida.

Son_of_dad, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

PC gamers are the biggest Pirates in the game industry and then get mad when studios don’t care to release a PC version.


Hey. I found a brain dead take.


PC gamers do indeed pirate more, they’re also unpleasable, so why bother


Hey look, I found another one!

A_Random_Idiot, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

I bet its because console players are far more likely to dump their life savings into Shark Cards 2.0 in massive fits of hysterical FOMO, than PC players are.



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    @konalt@lemmy.world avatar

    Some PC sales are better than none.


    What does PC piracy have to do with console sales?

    @Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    They want a year of solid sales on consoles before they release on PC


    Is this type of comment helpful for you? Are people supposed to follow-up with some comment about PC players are sheep and will be buy the game for consoles and then buy it PC when it releases there?

    This platform war nonsense is tiring.


    GTA5 PC players usually play on modded servers that don’t use shark cards. I think that’s what they meant.


    Yeah, I’m unconvinced that PC players don’t purchase micro-transactions.


    Good thing no one said that


    Yes, my post was hyperbole, I should have been more accurate.

    You didn’t address the topic though, are you just here to score points?


    "Hyperbole" is just a euphemism for strawman. No one said PC players don't buy shark cards. You made their argument look ridiculous by misrepresenting what they said. That isn't a good faith argument to begin with.


    I bet its because console players are far more likely to dump their life savings into Shark Cards 2.0 in massive fits of hysterical FOMO.

    …isn’t an example what I would consider a “good faith argument” to begin with, but I do apologize if my responses come off as blunt.


    I never said they didnt. But PC can be modded and exploited much easier than consoles can, Which can impact their sales of blatant bullshit ripoff micro transactions.


    Can impact, but likely not a huge one. Just like how most people playing Skyrim are playing without mods, most people playing GTA games aren’t going to bother with mods and modded servers.

    @Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    I’d rather mod myself game money than spend on MTX with T2.
    And the majority of minimal tech literate gamers are nearly the same.


    Just like how most people playing Skyrim are playing without mods


    Edit to expand: I honestly don’t think I would’ve played it if it wasn’t for mods. The interface is so blatantly consoley and clunky that every action takes way more effort than it needs to.

    @Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    The likelyhood of a console player buying MTX and a pc player buying MTX is IMO more likely biased towards console.
    There certainly are whales on all platforms but mobile doesnt count right now.


    mobile doesnt count right now.

    Why not? It’s the biggest market.

    @Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    In this argument…
    Mobile eclipses probably all platforms combined.


    my friend, you need to have a nice refreshing bowl of chill the fuck out.

    Cause you are literally just inventing narratives to be pissed about.


    Just calling out nonsense when I see it.


    Think of your family and calm down and stop getting irrationally angry at your own imagination


    It’s OK if someone disagrees with you on the internet, you know. Your world isn’t going to end, haha.


    Says the guy raging and inventing narratives to be angry at.


    You seem just as angry as I am? Why else would you still be responding? Just downvote me and move on.


    Lol, every pc gamer I’ve ever encountered has to have the latest video card due to FOMO. The thought of only getting 59 FPS keeps them up at night, keeps them from playing the games they’ve already paid for.


    Wow, I’m amazed that you’ve met literally every PC gamer on the planet.

    how many years did that take?

    @BigBananaDealer@lemm.ee avatar

    actually all it took was one discord call. they all answered


    Obviously not, since I have no recallection of this, and have zero interest in the latest overpriced bullshit video cards.

    @BigBananaDealer@lemm.ee avatar

    well, we didnt talk to random idiots so maybe thats why


    we didnt talk to random idiots

    every gamer on the planet

    So what’s the truth

    @BigBananaDealer@lemm.ee avatar

    his username. look at it


    I’m aware, I just couldn’t miss the chance to call gamers idiots. Because we are.

    quams69, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

    It looks pretty mid anyway, unless they announce dedi servers and rp support I really don’t care about rockstars played out boomer ass writing


    I just can't get excited for gta anymore. I know some people are very excited and can't wait, but can they keep the train going for two years (or probably 4)

    TORFdot0, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

    The PC version will come out with the PS6/Xbox whatever ports come out. Rockstar has figured out exactly how to milk the most sales out of their games


    Xbox 2 maybe


    The fifth Xbox being called Xbox Two is such a Microsoft move


    My prediction is Xbox Series 360 or they might skip that and call it the Xbox Series One.


    Not just sales. Rockstar is getting paid to launch exclusively on consoles.


    Unless it’s either PS5 or Xbox exclusive (not both), I don’t think that’s true. Sony and Microsoft wouldn’t collude to prevent launch on PC. That’s extremely illegal, even for companies that are masters of dodging antitrust laws.

    The most realistic explanation (IMO) is that Rockstar did their research and found that most PC players also own a console, and will very likely buy the game twice in the long run.

    Or if we’re being charitable, maybe the game needs more optimization work before it can run well on the Steam deck, and they want that working before launching on PC.


    By both consoles? How would that make any sense?


    With GTAV, the original release was 2013, the next gen was 2014 and PC 2015 so I forsee it being the same and being even later.

    The upside was that the PC port was really good at release and I’m pretty indifferent to if I pick this game up in 2030 when it’s actually a good value on PC.


    Yeah I’ll take a delayed PC port over a broken one. It sucks but I’d rather wait


    According to the Microsoft leaks, that would be 2028.

    gmtom, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

    Now imagine people wrote an article every time a game came out on PC but not consoles.


    some game matters more than others


    Only in personal opinions. Some people only play EVE or flight simulator


    PC is typically easier to develop for because of the lack of strict (and frequently silly) platform requirements. Which typically makes game development more expensive and slow than it needs to be when just targeting PC. If that barrier to entry was reduced to that of PC, you’d see a lot more games on there from smaller developers.

    With current gen consoles, pretty much every game starts as a PC game already, because thats where the development and testing happens.

    Rockstar here is the exception in that they are intentionally skipping PC - something that should be well within reach of a company their size while clearly being capable of doing so.

    If another AAA game comes out with only PC support I’ll be right there with you - but most game developers with the capability release for all major platforms now. But not the small console indie studio called Rockstar Games it seems.

    bioemerl, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

    Why would you buy GTA 6 after 5 became a live service game? Fuck rockstar.


    I mean, if the single player is still good, which 5's was too imo


    I am afraid they will make the whole game subscription based. You won’t even be allowed to own the single player experience

    @Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar



    I don’t think he needs a source - it is a fear. And not an entirely unreasonable one. Hell, car companies are chasing subscription payments for seat warmers in actual cars… the guy is a bastion of sanity.


    Support bullshit and you'll eventually get what you supported.

    When GTA loses its single player or riddles it with more mtx and live service crap, you'll only have yourself to blame for continuing to buy their crap.


    So, in order to maybe not want to play future GTA titles in some theoretical future, you shouldn’t play current GTA titles in order to discourage Rockstar from releasing these theoretical games?

    The logic doesn’t add up here, haha.


    All titles. Not just GTA.

    Every live service game that makes money helps establish an industry standard. I'd rather Rockstar go out of business and have no GTA games if it means sending that message.


    “Live service” games have existed almost as long as gaming has been around, so I doubt that message is going to be sent anytime soon.


    So long as people like you keep on buying their games, the trend will continue.


    the trend will continue because people like live service games

    @Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    If you buy a SP game and they add MTX after thr fact, did you support the implementation of MTX?
    If we get a SP campaign and don’t play MP it will certainly be reflected in their data.
    And believe: They will abso-fucking-lutely track the telemetry data out of it.


    GTA V’s single player was worth $60 even if it never got any DLC. I don’t touch GTA online.

    @AnUnusualRelic@lemmy.world avatar

    If it hadn’t been for reddit, I wouldn’t have been aware that there was an online mode.


    The amount of work and passion Rockstar brings into their single player experiences is by far worth the money. Bethesda needs to take a lesson from them.

    Yes, they milk the multiplayer online experience for as much as they can get, but they are still working on new games in the meantime.


    honestly not a lot of people care game is still fun

    Starkstruck, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

    Yeah if I ever were to play this game, it’d probably be a long time after release and the inevitable slew of bug fixes etc

    Odo, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

    I’m confused why Kotaku mentioning next gen in the title when Rockstar only commented on current generation PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.

    Because they’re still referring to PS5 and XSX as “next gen”, which is ridiculous this far into a generation. I’m glad even their own commenters are calling that out.


    It almost seems like a bait and I fell for it 🫣

    The only reason I clicked on the article is because I thought next gen launching late 2025 with GTA6. Ps5 came out over 3 years ago so 4 year generation sounds about right.

    It’s not the first time either. Time to pop Kotaku into the block list.


    The last few console generations have been around 6-7 years, and this gen may be longer:



    Yeah, we’ve not had a generation run short for 20 years. Even then most last 6 years historically and I think people’s perception is skewed because Microsoft rushed out the 360 quicker than normal.

    What would new consoles even be at this stage? They’re still fast, can do 4k, some ray tracing etc. and yeah they compromise on things but you need to spend more on a graphics card alone to get more on PC. The cost vs benefit isn’t there yet not to mention (anecdotally) the “general public” talk about current consoles as if they’re new, so I don’t think there’s an apatite or need.

    @Exusia@lemmy.world avatar

    The general public didn’t have access to them for almost 2 years. Ps5 and Series are functionally 1 year (maybe year and a half) into wide adoption.

    @wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    A lot of games are still doing dual releases on last gen and current gen.


    I’m not saying it’s necessary but “some raytracing“ is very little, the next hardware refresh will be a lot more raytracing.


    apatite is a mineral

    @CleoTheWizard@lemmy.world avatar

    They’ll run longer for sure. We will get slim versions here in a couple years or pro versions like with the PS4 pro.

    Next gen won’t happen until ray tracing is truly established and AMD has a solution to ray tracing and frame generation technologies.


    I think this gen is good for a while yet.

    We’ve only just got to the point where games don’t run on PS4 any more.

    Current gen has good SSDs, 16GB RAM, fast CPUs and 4K (or at least scale to 4K acceptably) graphics. Most stuff runs at 60fps (with an option to turn on the graphical wankery and drop to 30-40), and when it doesn’t there’s VRR to paper over the cracks.

    The only area it’s really lacking is RT performance, and only nVidia are there right now. The pricing for cards capable of dropping old lighting paths entirely (e.g. for Cyberpunk Overdrive mode) is obscene. Frame generation is a red herring. It won’t make games feel more responsive. Only real frames can do that. We’re a long way from dropping traditional lighting.

    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    4 years is the typical halfway upgrade, not a new gen. Gens are usually 7-8 years.


    Nah there’s not rules for “gens” it’s all bullshit that could be anywhere between 3 to 7 years looking at wiki release tables. Now especially new generation is super easy to release as consoles are just PCs.

    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    I didn’t say there was a rule for it.

    Four years isn’t enough time for technology to develop and make a significantly more powerful console, that would be like buying a new 1100 dollar phone because they made the camera slightly better and the battery not as shit.

    Consoles aren’t just PC’s, their physical architecture is completely different. Even if it was the same, I wouldn’t go out and build a completely new PC every four years because that would be a waste of money. I wouldn’t even notice a difference on most games.


    We have no idea what kind of hardware will be released, tech can go through all kinds of spikes even if seems to have leveled out. So while I agree the next generation or even future generations for awhile after that won’t significantly improve in 4 years, I disagree with the sentiment. Also:

    Consoles aren’t just PC’s, their physical architecture is completely different.

    Lol, no.



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    Not at all, there is no PS6 or… whatever Microsoft decides to call the next Xbox


    XBOX 1NE Series X mark II

    @Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    They should switch to pokemon gen naming scheme aka 5th gen consoles.

    UndercoverGranny, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

    I know when the PS5/Xbox Series X/S came out they were referred to as “next generation” while the previous consoles were “current generation” when talking about games that were released on both consoles, for example NBA 2K.

    I can see why you’re confused and I agree that enough time has passed that we can start calling the PS5/ Xbox series X/S current generation.

    @Voytrekk@lemmy.world avatar

    I think that calling them next gen was okay up to the point that they became readily available.

    dinckelman, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

    They’ve done it with every generation of GTA recently. It will probably not come out at launch, people will buy the console version, and then suddenly it comes out on pc a year later. We’ve seen the tactic before


    Capcom cuntrags get me with monster hunter every time… They do the same bullshit and I hate it.


    I got bullied into buying World on release, and then another time on PC :|


    GTA V was 2 years later and it even came out after the next-gen release. But I waited patiently, I skipped any spoilers for 2 years and it was well worth it. Also, GTA has such a long lifespan that the wait really doesn’t matter

    @Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    RDR2 with almost 2 years.
    I can wait. Still have plenty of backlog.
    Or I could play GTA5 and try to reach 1.5k playtime of loading screen :p

    SplashJackson, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

    Too many games exist to be played in one lifetime now, who gives a shit, the series stopped being good after GTA 2 anyway

    @higgsone@lemmy.world avatar

    The fuck?


    Gta is still kind of a great game. But i wouldn't touch it with a stick because of the people playing it. I swear dota is a jolly old time compared to playing some gta online. So i could not care less about the game anyway.


    What? GTA 1 and 2 are terrible.


    What? Those games were fun for their time


    Terribly awesome!!




    lol pick the worst of all of them

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