
Damage, do piracy w Rockstar selling you cracked copies on Steam

Vestigial DNA

tun, do piracy w Rockstar selling you cracked copies on Steam

It means cracker fixed the issue for the developer, right?


It means the publisher was too lazy/greedy to remove their ancient DRM themselves and just nabbed the work someone else did, slapped Steam Stub on top and sold it.

ninjan, do piracy w Rockstar selling you cracked copies on Steam

I love the implication here, that they don’t have the proper source (or skills left in the company) such that they can remove the DRM which doesn’t play nice themselves so they rely on a cracked copy of the game instead. Been quite a bit of news lately about how game companies have failed to keep the original source code for their games. Diablo 2, the Transformers games etc and those from active companies, there’s bound to be 1000s of games where the source is lost due to publishers closing down studios.


It’s a complete crapshow IMO.

I still have the source code for the simple stuff I developed over 12 years ago, but these organisations don’t think it’s important to hang on to source code and assets for something they plan to make money from?

Really telling about the attitudes towards software outside of the FOSS space and datahoarder communities, and more importantly how little the management/publishers actually care about the product.

Although to counter that, I’m aware of at least one situation where the opposite has happened. One of my simulation games for example is really buggy and isn’t able to receive more updates because the studio behind it voluntarily disbanded, leaving the publisher without access to the source code (I believe the publisher Aerosoft has tried to get a copy of the source to provide further game fixes, but the individuals behind the disbanded studio could not come to an agreement on this)


I’ve had teams not bother to keep proper history when moving from subversion to git and I’ve also had a DevOps team entirely wipe the history of a new project just because cloning took a long time (and refused to attempt shallow cloning).

So the idea that a company just lets their code “rot” to the point of not even having it anymore because it’s just some legacy thing from over a decade ago is totally unsurprising to me.


Just to pile on. I’ve seen devs throw out the entire git history when moving between repos for ongoing projects.

@Teppic@kbin.social avatar

Logical next step, hacker sues the developer for copyright infringement?


The crack might not actually be protected by copyright, unless there’s substantial new code added.

@VieuxQueb@lemmy.ca avatar

I mean, they didn’t even bother to remove the signature!


I don't know about Diablo 2, but Blizzard is so shady and messed up nowadays that I wouldn't be surprised that they "lost the source code" to prevent modders being able to port games, etc.

As for transformers, it was never lost (PCGamer, if you don't like Xfire). Hasbro claimed they wanted to provide access to legacy games, but completely made up that the source was lost. Now that we know that the source is still available... well, Hasbro clearly hasn't tried to rerelease those games.

(note: I know this is the same company, Activision Blizzard in both cases. For anyone reading who doesn't know, they were not the same company for the release of Diablo II, and a good amount of time afterwards.)


I’d say they probably still have the source. It looks like they did the same thing for Manhunt and Max Payne, but then pulled older, pre-SecuROM exes from their archives when they got busted.


Even if they have the source, they may not have all the build tools anymore.

Or they have the build tools but the wizard that set up the build system back in the day no longer works there.

Or they have the build system archived and documented but it doesn’t run because some license expired, and the tool vender doesn’t sell that version anymore.

In the near future, there will be another possibility - SaaS cloud tools that are impossible to preserve so they are forever lost.


Very true, and even if they could replace/remove libraries and dependencies that muck up the build process there are no guarantees that it’ll play the same. So many games rely on strange quirks to function the way they do that would be nigh impossible to replicate purposely.

Ganbat, do piracy w Rockstar selling you cracked copies on Steam

Better than their in-house attempts to remove anti-piracy measures. The Steam release of Manhunt has had all of its bullshit triggered for over ten years now. It’s literally impossible to play without community patches.

Edit: Lol, as it turns out, Silent’s discovery of this was triggered by the recent revelation of this about Manhunt!


I spent hours trying to get that fucking game to work…

Ganbat, (edited )

Sad fact is, Rockstar doesn’t give a shit. They got busted using a cracked EXE in the Steam release, so they just tried to cover their asses by using an old EXE without SecuROM. I expect the same thing from this game before long.

Couple lucky things for the players, though. First off, the Razor 1911 crack is still in the files, they just renamed it to testapp. Second, old RS games have a dedicated community that give way more of a shit about them than Rockstar ever will. Silent and Fire Head have both released major patches for Manhunt that not only get it running right, but fix a bunch of other broken shit that Rockstar never cared enough to deal with.

SternburgExport, do piracy w Rockstar selling you cracked copies on Steam

Doesn’t even surprise me anymore. Rockstar has gone to shit.


cant even play their legitly purchased SINGLEPLAYER games without internet connection.
I fucking hate rockstar

@Infiltrated_ad8271@kbin.social avatar

Sometimes there is a trick that allows to play offline (I guess to bypass tags and restrictions), things like adding a line of text to a file, always a hassle and poorly documented.

Btw, I feel like telling that I deleted my rockstar account quite a while ago, they asked and re-asked nonsense, waiting from weeks to over a month between email and email, and the worst thing is that sometimes they were in chinese. It took me more than half a year to delete that crap.


Sometimes there is a trick that allows to play offline (I guess to bypass tags and restrictions), things like adding a line of text to a file, always a hassle and poorly documented.

Pirating the game is a lot easier. The people getting punished are the ones who give Rockstar their money


Wait… WHAT?


I’m already angry enough that they don’t let me spawn certain vehicles in singleplayer but this is too much. Time to get a cracked version and uninstall that Rockstar Launcher crap.

XEAL, do piracy w Rockstar selling you cracked copies on Steam

Source’s source: https://twitter.com/_

wallmenis, (edited )

The nitter link: https://nitter.net/_


Might wanna fix that


Fix what? Link works fine for me. Sometimes Nitter doesn’t load though, hit refresh a few times and you’ll get it.


Because it’s a bare link, some apps interpret the underscore as the end of the link.


Ah right I see. Surely that’s the app developer’s responsibility to fix?

pjhenry1216, (edited )

"I see a problem I can easily fix but obviously it's someone else's problem."

Here's the full link.


Edit: to lemmy users, this link looks no different. To third party app users and Kbin users, etc, the previous links all cut out after the first underscore.


I mean sure, but that’s a bit more involved than just pasting a link with no code and having the renderer make a link, which lemmy is supposed to do. The app is failing to meet the lemmy spec, the developer should fix that.


So, it's actually more a Lemmy bug. Lemmy stores the comments just fine but the API displays it with markdown. The double underscore is screwing up other apps abilities to display it and there's really no way to avoid that. A third party app can't tell if it's supposed to be interpreted or not.

So on Lemmy, all the URLs look fine. On Kbin or any other apps, they'll all get cut off after the first underscore.

TWeaK, (edited )

and there’s really no way to avoid that.

Yes there is, the way lemmy avoids it. _ might be usable as a tag in mark down, but it shouldn’t be used to break out of a URL.

This is definitely a kbin bug lol. Edit: not kbin, but whichever app people are browsing with. Both lemmy and kbin websites work.


Lemmy avoids it by having the source content and then translating output to markdown. Any third party reader needs to sanitize that output.

Lemmy basically does not output safe content for third parties. It's absolutely a Lemmy bug from any developer's perspective.


I’ve just checked on kbin and the link works just fine. Kbin doesn’t display the full link, but when you click it on the website it works.

Are you using an app to browse kbin? In that case it’s your app that’s not doing it correctly. Possibly kbin doesn’t give it the infomration, or maybe it just reads the text of the link and misuses that.

Either way, the problem is nothing to do with lemmy. However lemmy apps have their own little bugs to work out (eg instance agnostic links from v0.18) so we’re all in the same boat of fedeverse development.

pjhenry1216, (edited )

The link works for me. I was helping other folks who may have an issue with bare links as pointed out by the other commenter.

Either way, Lemmy is the reason non-lemmy readers can't actually properly parse the information. The information is not what's stored in the database. Only Lemmy can display it properly since it wraps it up in a bunch of markup that is then provided to third parties. As a developer, I don't know what reasoning you still think you have to believe it's not Lemmy. Everything you've said so far does nothing to backup that point.

Edit: also, I'm done here. I'm not interested in convincing a non-developer their favorite platform isn't perfect.

TWeaK, (edited )

Edit: to lemmy users, this link looks no different. To third party app users and Kbin users, etc, the previous links all cut out after the first underscore.

The link works for me.

So which is it? Did it work or not?

When I checked, it worked. Before the link was edited, when it was just a raw url with no markdown code. Lemmy dispayed the full link with the underscores. Kbin displayed a shortened version, but it linked to the same url.

You’re being incredibly pretentious with this “I’m a developer” nonsense. A developer of what? Be specific. Which app did you actually see the problem in?

Either way, you’ve been the one trying to push the blame on lemmy and users, right from the start. I’m not really sure what you’re playing at here, but it seems like you’ve realised your mistake and are now trying to save face.

The issue is with your app. Both lemmy and kbin desktop websites parsed the url correctly.

Here it is again for testing: nitter.net/_

Edit: Works fine on lemmy and kbin websites, doesn’t work in Jerboa. So it’s yet another problem with Jerboa (or whichever app) text processing, nothing to do with lemmy and certainly not the user’s fault.

“I see a problem I can easily fix but obviously it’s someone else’s problem.”

Incredibly pretentious. Sort yourself out mate.


Before the link was edited, when it was just a raw url with no markdown code.

It's always with markdown. Lemmy is the only web app that can access it without markdown. I explained it like four different ways now. If you don't understand it by now, you never will.

It worked for me and it's why I provided a full link. Since it was created on Kbin, it was escaped by Lemmy as well. So lemmy will display the app just like Kbin would. But anyone who creates a link on lemmy, it will always look wrong in every other web app or third party app. It's simply not possible for a third party app to display a link properly that was created by a lemmy user. Same goes for code boxes. They can only be displayed properly by Lemmy and no one else. It's not possible for third party apps to display them properly.

Lemmy is the only one that can display links and code boxes created by Lemmy users. Links and code boxes created by every other platform displays properly everywhere.

You're literally hand waving it away because it still works even though it's impossible to parse by any other app. Just because it is only aesthetic doesn't mean it's a bug. The bug affects jerboa more than Kbin. I still helped those users instead of your pretentious ass by saying "oh well, not my problem."

When there's a problem that only exists with lemmy, it's lemmy.

Do you need me to explain it yet another way? Do you need an ELI5?

You're the pretentious one speaking from some authority without having any clue what the fuck you're talking about.

I'm done. You're blocked so I won't be angered by any stupid replies from you.

TWeaK, (edited )

Same goes for code boxes. They can only be displayed properly by Lemmy and no one else. It’s not possible for third party apps to display them properly.

Except Jerboa displays code tags just fine. There’s also the view source function.

There are ways to solve the problem, they just haven’t been implemented yet. That’s up to app developers.

I’m done. You’re blocked so I won’t be angered by any stupid replies from you.

Shock horror. Something tells me they don’t need me to get angered.

Edit: So, thinking on it some more for the benefit of anyone else, it would be perfectly possible to fix in Jerboa for lemmy. Jerboa just breaks out of the link but still shows the full url, only the rest of it is text and the bit in between two removed _ is italicised. Jerboa is failing to inhibit for the link and applying markdown to it.

Maybe on kbin apps it can’t work, because kbin shortens the link in text and doesn’t have a view source function. But kbin is not lemmy.


Thank you! Now it’s clickable for me.


How? I read the comments and I can’t replicate the issue you are experiencing. The original link is causing the problem for me (but I can still access the page).

@CorrodedCranium@leminal.space avatar

I’ll just stick to 🏴‍☠️ old games with DRM, why should I give a company 🤑 for redistributing a cracker’s hard work?


You gotta do a workaround url when the URL breaks like that.


Thank you! Imma fix it right now.

user224, do piracy w Rockstar selling you cracked copies on Steam
@user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

It’s not really a crack, it’s the corporate activation script. But yeah, MS don’t care about sales anymore, they’re all about stealing your data.


The information the OS collects is not worth more than keeping you in the ecosystem itself. That's the more lucrative reasoning. Can't easily sell other products if they're not in Windows. The information collection is just gravy.


They just want everyone to have Windows at home, so that it keeps being the “normal” OS for corporations. They make so much money… Windows+ CALs, Office, Exchange, Sharepoint, M365, Azure… it’s easier to keep paying them, than to change vendors.


So counter point. Active directory is a god send for managing endpoints, user accounts, endpoints, etc.

No you don’t let windows act as a dns server outside the ad subdomain, no you don’t use windows to admin your root private ca, and for all you hold dear do not enable that God forsaken web server. But for what it does well, it’s the best solution out there.


Or Ubisoft. A colleague of mine was super hyped for Far Cry 2, both the collector’s edition but it wouldn’t start on his PC. He contacted Ubisoft support and they gave him an actual scene crack. There were other reported cases of Ubisoft support handing out scene cracks to go around their shitty DRM.

“A” for effort for the support people in finding ways for customers to be happy and play the games they paid for. But a Steam release for a humongous corporation just straight up using the crack and releasing it as is, that’s a new low.

nosurprises, do piracy w Rockstar selling you cracked copies on Steam

I wouldn’t be here if I wanted to go on reddit. Moreover, the reddit post is not even the initial source of the information.


The initial source (or at least the one linked to in the reddit post) is the vastly inferior microblogging version of xvideos though, so skipping reddit would have been even worse 🤷

@z3n0x@feddit.de avatar

enshittification all the way down




True, every time I click one of those links it tries to make me make an account


I technically have an account, but I haven’t logged into it since a month or so after Musk started destroying it.

The final straw was getting banned for a full week for “hate speech” just for pointing out that Bill Burr probably wouldn’t want to participate in a Tucker Carlson “special report” about how “humor isn’t allowed anymore”, nor give permission for clips of him to be included in a promo for it 🤦


I would be content with a screenshot of that xvideos microblog


Make it a screenshot from the xvideos microblog posted on reddit and then screenshotted again.



azerial, do piracy w Starfield has been cracked

Awe as a dev this kind of bums me out a little. I wonder that they used for DRM. Those sales go directly to the devs in way of raises and retention.

Granted this is not EA where i worked, but if you enjoy the game, i encourage you to buy it.

Also NOTE: I DO NOT SUPPORT DRM, just the pay checks of the devs as i was one for quite some time.

@loudWaterEnjoyer@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You realize this is a forum, actually a whole instance, that centers around piracy, right?


Yeah! You also realize this is a group full of intelligent people right? It’s the whole reason why i chose this instance.

@loudWaterEnjoyer@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Intelligent enough not to pirate?


What do you mean? I’m a contributor to saltbox. Lol

@loudWaterEnjoyer@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

What do you mean you’re a saltbox contributor? How does that fit into context?


I agree with you, but I think both of us about to be downvoted by these cheapskates lol


I’ve thought about this. I think that happened was because of timelines, they released a super early build, fuckin producers.

It’s not the worst thing for an early access game to be cracked, honestly. If the game is has more eyes, that’s great. I am curious about what is out now however.

I am also curious about if the cracked version can be updated with content once the game goes live. Like i have no idea when that is or if it has already happened.


Totally agree on the paycheck. However we need to stop acting like piracy is bad only. Buy the things you really enjoy and support the creator(s).

Back in the days a friend suggested i buy Skyrim and i was like: “Uuh not sure if i want to spend that kind of money on a 2yo game”. But since he was quite a fan, i pirated it. Soon after I bought the LE version and today it is still my most played game.

NGL: i also pirated many things of which i never bought the original version. But because of the bay i also bought some things i most likely wouldn’t have without.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar


I was vaguely interested in Dark Souls for years, but every time I tried, I bounced right off it. I went through a cycle where every year or two, I would pirate one of the souls games, try it out, give up on it after an hour or so, and do it all over again the next time I was sufficiently compelled to give the series another shot. This happened until several years ago when I tried Dark Souls II, and for some reason it finally clicked. I played my pirated copy of Dark Souls II for about 10 hours, before a random crash corrupted my save file.

After that happened, I immediately bought the game on Steam and proceeded to play it for the next month and a half, until I eventually beat it. I've since purchased every souls game plus Elden Ring on Steam, and recently imported a copy of Bloodborne GOTY edition after spending $700 on an exploitable PS5, just so I could play it at 60FPS. None of these legitimate purchases would have ever happened if I hadn't been able to repeatedly pirate Dark Souls for about five years.


I don’t think piracy is bad lol i do think mega corporate publishers have bad practices for sure. Like cool, the one i worked for is publicly traded. Awesome. Every action is greed motivated. I hate that.

Every time i loose hope in games i just play undertale and ignore the world. >.>

KevinDeRodeTovenaar, (edited ) do piracy w Starfield has been cracked

I got installed the game, when i start it steam opens up and give a “no license” prompt

I forgot to tick a box that copies the crack install dir


you probably didn’t copy the crack over

@mara@pawb.social avatar

Install the crack on top of it

FxSoap, do piracy w Starfield has been cracked
@FxSoap@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Is there a torrent somewhere…?

@_TK@lemmy.antemeridiem.xyz avatar

resources in the Megathread link pinned to the community can lead you there.

cows_are_underrated, do piracy w Starfield has been cracked

Can anyone give me a full guide on how to get this to work on Linux(Arch btw), since I have absolutely no clue on how to do this stuff.


There are endless guides already written out there, just search for “Lutris” or “Bottles”.


It’s super easy. I just added it as a non steam game in my library and it worked. It also works on Lutris using a default wine context. I’ve been playing it and I’m on EndeavourOS (Arch)

@mara@pawb.social avatar

Did you run into a case where a RX5700 was detected as unsupported?


No I didn’t face that. And I’m running an AMD 5700 XT

iturnedintoanewt, (edited ) do piracy w Starfield has been cracked
@iturnedintoanewt@lemm.ee avatar

Hol-eee shit. My GTX 1070 doesn’t meet minimum requirements…and it just won’t boot? Oh wow.


Gamers nexus had gtx 1070 in their starfield performance review, so it can work on a 1070. 30fps on low settings I think though.


Who the hell are they expecting is going to play this game? Only trust fund kids?


Like have you seen hw prices lately? The prices of these class of card simply crashed through the ground. 1070 are very cheap, the rx470-480 is barely sellable trash. A lot of time had passed since the 10series…


Steam system requirements say RX5700 minimum. Recommended is RX6800XT, which was ludicrously expensive last I checked. Also I need a much newer CPU.

In this economy, that’s gonna be a no from me.


We knew the game would be demanding when MS announced 30FPS only on both consoles. And this time it isn’t a CPU bottleneck


But the 5700 is not an expensive gpu to buy second hand. Cpu asks for an ancient 6core or a 2nd gen ryzen. These aren’t unreasonable specs in 2023. Time has moved on. Sorry.

Mind you I have an ancient 6core and a 1080 class card.


Dude, the 1080 came out in 2016, that was just… oh.


Adults with jobs?


I’m an adult with a job, and I don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of affording the recommended system requirements for this game any time soon. RX6800XTs do not grow on trees.


It runs like absolute crap. I have a 2070 with i9-12900k and 64gb ram and get 30fps on the LOWEST settings. That’s it.

I run Elden Ring at 120fps and just got done with Armored Core that ran at 144fps rock solid medium settings all the way through without a single blip.

The performance is unbelievably atrocious.


I was legitimately impressed at how well AC6 runs on my machine. FromSoftware’s come a long way from the original PC release of dark souls 1


Yeah it runs rock solid. I get the impression FS must have good employee retention and have very good methods for building employee skills, so over time they’ve only improved. On top of hiring and acquiring some of the best staff that must have existed in other Japanese studios. No idea how they actually treat the employees, could be like shit because it’s Japanese work culture, but something about them is producing content that is consistently a cut above everything. They’re getting up there like Rockstar in terms of quality but based in Japan instead of the UK.


It’ll burn your house down


If you’ve got windows 10 try updating to 22h2 (no, really; a consequence of Bethesda being acquired by Microsoft, I suspect), and update your GPU drivers.

That got it running on my 980ti, so it should also work with the 1070.


Or it’s a consequence of the fact that all earlier windows 10 (non enterprise) versions are end of service.

I highly doubt it’s done intentionally. 21H2 probably misses a feature or they just didn’t care about 21H2 because why should they.

@iturnedintoanewt@lemm.ee avatar

Yeah, I think it’s probably having to do with how Wine/Lutris emulates the Windows version, that makes it think it’s an older version. I’ll try on a real Windows partition…


Did u try adding it as a non-steam game directly on Steam and not using Lutris? I’ve tried both on my EndeavourOS PC and find that for whatever reason, it runs much better via Steam vs Lutris.

@Double_A@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

The 1070 is the official minimum requirement.




Been trying to run it on an rx480 and it hiccups and crashes so much lol

ICastFist, do piracy w Starfield has been cracked
@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Eagerly waiting for the videos of every Starfield’s fade-to-black screen transitioning back into Skyrim’s opening

JasonHears, do piracy w Starfield has been cracked

I love that pirate groups still use ascii text art in their release notes. It’s like a little piece of the world that hasn’t changed in 30 years.

TheCaconym, (edited )

And still include cheesy mp3s playing too loud in retro-futuristic-looking installers

@CosmicApe@kbin.social avatar

The music in the installers is the best part about installing cracks

@SaltySalamander@kbin.social avatar

The track included in the Rune installer for Starfield was actually a banger


I need to find out how to make these. Mostly just cause I like it.


On Linux, you’ll want to install figlet and toilet (both available in the debian repos)

Alternatively you’ve got this online frontend

If you really want to get weird with it you can also play any video in ascii art through libcaca and mplayer. Looks like this


I use Arch btw Endeavour OS so don’t have Debian repos but I will definitely check them out. I especially like the fancy dark mode.


I just checked and figlet at least appears to be in the arch repositories as well


Thanks, I will check it out tomorrow. I uave used pyfiglet in the past tbf so I figured it woukd be available either via the official repos or the AUR.


On Linux, you’ll want to install figlet and toilet

I know you’re 100% serious, but this sentence sounds so made up and hilarious

@Wilker@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

it’s typically just a kind of pixel art with monospaced fonts¹. any characters you see that’s not typically shown on your keyboard (e.g a filled square) can be found in a character selection program in your OS. anything else related to texts, templating and line breaks you can probably find a program somewhere on places like crates.io or gitlab or write something of your own without much trouble.

¹ a monospaced font is a font where every letter and character has the same spacing from each other, and are the easiest to do ascii art. (ascii is just one character table, but you can also gather unicode chars all you want)

@ComradeLove@hexbear.net avatar

Somehow I expect hackers to do cooler stuff these days. I want hackers to release a Switch version of the game.


It can barely run on a gtx1070 man what kind of black magic do you expect a hacker to cast to make it run on a Switch

@mara@pawb.social avatar

I love that the installer has a cracktro, that’s the real good stuff.


I bopped to that shit for ages.


I pirated a cracked version of Adobe Acrobat Pro recently. First thing I had to crack in years. It had a sketchy crack installer , with music and everything. Like it was back in the 90s. Of course it worked perfectly lol.

@violetraven@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Chiptune/tracker/keygen music will all hold a special place in my heart.


Oh my too!

@loudWaterEnjoyer@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I really like the chip tunes, but I think they are not creating them anymore in the authentic way

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