weeahnn, do games w Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding avatar

Very nice. This money will enable them to make it better. One day when I might start learning how to make games I hope that Godot will be one of the best choices out there.

blindsight, do gaming w Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding

This is really exciting to see. Enshittification is generating increasing backlash against incumbent monopolies, and encouraging more movement toward sustainable open source software.

See Blender, too.

savvywolf, do gaming w Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding avatar

Honestly, one thing I’m seeing frequently in comments about this is a bit frustrating. That is, people saying that they vow never to buy any games in Unity ever again on principle.

Vendor lock-in is a real thing, and part of the reason they actually tried this play. Many of these developers likely want to switch to a different engine, but don’t have the time or resources to do so. Honestly of all people hit by this situation, they probably need the help most.

Incidentally, if you are one of those devs reading this and feel you don’t know anything other than Unity, go learn something else. Diversify your portfolio. Learning a new engine isn’t hard if you know the fundamentals.

Also, can we get more love for Bevy. :P


Unity dev here. Will switch on our next game, but don't have the choice for the current game that we've already invested 4 years into.
Also, bevy looks nice code-wise but it desparately needs a proper editor and GUI to make it artist friendly


Hopefully Unity doesn’t disrupt your current project too much.

But yeah, I think this is the most extreme case of a company burning trust with their users overnight in recent years (worse than Twitter IMO). It’s especially bad because many Unity users/devs have their livelihood depending on Unity, so of course they are going to change once they get a chance. The risks of not switching now massively outweigh the risks of switching.

It will just take a lot of devs/teams some time to transition. Unity will probably go under in 2-4 years, they can’t recover from this.

I’ve played around with Godot a bit, and in my view it actually makes more sense than Unity. Probably has more limitations, but hopefully those can be overcome in the next couple of years.


Thanks. We're fortunately still on 2022, so it won't really affect us at this point.
I've been keeping an eye on godot for a while, it seems like a very interesting engine. I'm not sure if it's ready for prime time for the scale and rendering quality we're usually looking for, but it might be a great option for 2D and smaller-scale projects.


There is the blender_bevy_toolkit which aims to serve Blender as an editor for Bevy. I haven’t tried it myself, but definitely will when I get to more artistic phases of my projects.


That looks like an interesting project, but it seems it hasn't been updated in over a year, and is only compatible with bevy 0.6. The current version is 0.11 or something. I've had my ass kicked before by relying on projects that didn't have a lot of support available, so I would stay out of this one.


That’s a valid point. Games released in the next 2-3 years should be probably be given a pass. My admittedly layman’s perspective is that any indie game deep enough into development that switching engines isn’t feasible most likely wouldn’t require another 4 years to ship.

pgetsos, do games w Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding avatar

Just started lessons myself for it. Looks easy enough for basic gesture like the one I want to do!

brunofin, do gaming w Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding

That’s pretty cool and I am actually a little excited to try and learn it just for fun. I did very little unity before and godot sounds very interesting

elouboub, (edited ) do gaming w Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding avatar

That's pretty impressive! It'll pay for at least 50 full-time developers at 100k/year! They can make some really big changes with that kind of money!

Rewrite in Rust? :P

Edit: kekw, been on the internet too long and NA-maffed that

astrsk, avatar

I think you math is off.

elouboub, avatar

Indeed, missed a zero '-_-

Moonrise2473, do gaming w Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding

I love how unity went from “we have a tech that can distinguish pirated copies with 100% accuracy, and also we exploit android and iOS sandboxing with 0-days to track reinstalls without fail, trust our numbers” to “we have no idea about the install numbers, you need to tell us”

They can’t be trusted.

Secret300, do games w Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding

I really hope Godot will become as good for games like blender is for 3D modeling


Oh god. Please aim higher than that. Not saying that Blender ain’t powerful, because it clearly is, but it’s UI is just plain shit. (Unless there have been some massive improvements over the last few years.)


Most certainly have been. Worth another look.


I might have to one of these days, but man do I doubt it’s UI is usable after being such hot garbage over so many years. Such a shame too because fuck everything about Autodesk and I know Blender has some incredibly powerful tools.


Blender used to be basically unusable for me, the UI made no sense and attempting to use it after learning 3d through maya and 3ds it just didn’t work. Then they made it good, I spent a few weeks learning it a few years ago and it’s great now. What you’re describing is exactly what they went and did


I don’t think anyone would be able to comprehend how much the UI has improved without seeing it themselves. Please take a look sooner than later.


So you’re not gonna try it like everyone is telling you to. I have no idea what they’re talking about because I don’t use blender but uh…me thinks you should try it instead of being stubborn and not. Seems kinda dumb.

dunestorm, avatar

Go and troll somewhere else, it’s clear you won’t change your opinion even though you’re wrong.

altima_neo, avatar

I mean I’m coming from maya and Max, I taught myself blender last year, UI seemed pretty nice.

I remember messing with it 10 years ago, and really hating it. Nothing like that now.


The intuitive UI is the best part of Blender for me so that’s weird


it is, I think he’s talking about the old ui


That was Blender 2.9, and we’re on 3.6! It has gotten fairly good, I love it.


Blender 2.79 and earlier was super-unintuitive. 2.8 gave it a fresh coat of paint it’s easier and more featureful with each version (Now 3.6, 2.8 was years ago!)

AdrianTheFrog, avatar

They massively changed the UI in 2019, in version 2.8. Hasn’t changed much since then though.

If you remember Blender having a bad-looking light grey UI and no support for multiple workspaces, that’s the old version.


There have in fact been massive improvements over the last few years


The… UI in blender is really good. Have you used any other equivalent software or know how complicated it is?

It’s not “good but it’s a hard problem to solve”. It is more “great and it’s a hard problem to solve”


It WAS shit. Now it’s the best UI (and UX) of all 3D software.


I know right! I keep wishing all software would adopt some of it’s amazing features, like hover copy-pasting, being able to right-click any button/option to set a custom keyboard shortcut for it, being able to type maths into any numerical field, etc.

AdrianTheFrog, (edited ) avatar

I keep going into Google slides and being annoyed I can’t just use G R and S to manipulate objects

Edit: And I love how in Blender, ctrl-z will undo/redo selection. I hate spending so much time selecting things just to misclick in other programs.

Koordinator_O, avatar

Selection beeing part of the undo/redo is sooo good. One of the best things in Blender.

ilmagico, (edited )

I tried learning it some time ago (months, not years) and I never cussed so much in my life… maybe I’ll just get the hang of it eventually, but let’s just say, first impression on the UI is not good.


Being intimidated and lost is completely normal given that it looks like this, and there’s probably not a single person on the world to have ever used all of Blender’s features.

Watch the whole Blender 2.8 fundamentals playlist, things get way easier once you know what to ignore and what UI conventions blender uses as well have a rough overview of the feature set – because that allows you to ignore even more stuff. Then figure out what you want to do, figure out a workflow, customise the UI to make that particular thing convenient (remapping a couple of keys when you need something often, leave other things you need twice a day in the menus, etc), and bob’s your uncle.

Last, but not least: Unless you come from another 3d program and absolutely can’t be bothered to re-train your muscle memory use right-click select. Your index finger is going to thank you, it’s also a better UI convention in general as it leads to way fewer misclicks (selecting instead of manipulating or the other way around). Personally, I use space bar for the context menu (the default is play video which I rarely use, and if then shift+space isn’t exactly awkward). There’s also plenty of extensions focussed on particular workflows, e.g. F2 is very common if you do mesh editing, I also use machin3tools, especially for mode switching.

All major general-purpose 3d packages have a feature set so large that it can’t possibly fit onto keybindings, and you can’t pick them up like picking up a word processor. At the same time it’s professional software used by professionals who want to be fast and efficient, so the optimal UI isn’t “intuitive” (as in: dumbed down) but flexible and customisable. Blender’s defaults aren’t bad for some basic work but ultimately you will find them lacking, that’s not because the defaults are bad but because they are a compromise between 10000 ways to use the program. Ask three blender users how they use blender and you’ll get fifteen answers.


Thanks for the pointers!


They updated it to really good stuff with 2.8 like 3 or so years ago.

kadu, (edited ) avatar

I wish GIMP had a full UI redesign like Blender, it could work as a Photoshop replacement for many use cases but… Jesus it’s non intuitive, flawed and it mixes opposing design principles all the time.

There was a project that renamed it to a less controversial name and updated the UI to more closely resemble modern photo manipulation tools, but they’ve stopped working on it before a major release.

EDIT: There’s PhotoGIMP by Diolinux, a Brazilian Linux YouTube channel with a really nice host. This is a set of plugins and configuration files that try to ease the transition from Photoshop to GIMP for newcomers. It’s certainly good, but as an add-on, it can’t actually fix all issues with GIMP.


Seriously just let GIMP finally die. At this point the whole branding has become a running joke with anyone who works in graphic design. Better start a new project that hasn’t that much negative baggage.

kadu, avatar

Are there other open source projects near feature parity with GIMP, though?

There are certainly other commercial software, like Affinity, and certainly some shady Photoshop clones like Photopea (and it does work really well) but nothing like GIMP, as far as I’m aware.


No sadly not. Krita is great for digital artists but otherwise not a good gimp replacement. I personally still have my Affinity Photo 2 copy that I bought on Windows and use it in a VM. But I have the feeling that even huge parts of the Linux community have given up on GIMP. A lot of people that I talked too rather use Photopea instead. That’s why I think investing in GIMP is pointless. It has been seen as a joke for almost two decades, that the branding will never undo the negative connection. That’s why I think people should start a new project and if they have a clear vision and appear competent, rise a crowdfunding campaign in the FOSS movement.


Stuart Semple’s company has something cooking. I have Affinity pirated, and I’m going to see which one I prefer before spending the money on either.

captain_aggravated, avatar

It’s been my understanding that the general populace has been asking the developers of GIMP for years now to overhaul the UI and make it much friendlier to use, and the answer came back, “No, stop asking.”

dannoffs, avatar

The biggest problem with a GIMP UI overhaul is that the core team is only 2 people.

captain_aggravated, avatar

That’s fairly common with open source projects. How do those two people treat contributors? How do they react to pull requests?


Gimp’s problem is not so much the UI, but that it has fallen way behind Photoshop in terms of features. Fixing up the UI wouldn’t hurt, but you’d still be stuck with a graphics app that’s 20 years behind the competition. It would need a heck of a lot more work to catch up.


You’re thinking of Glimpse o believe. And yes gimp really needs a change. Krita isn’t bad but not good for more graphic design oriented tasks. It’s type tools are awful.

mrsgreenpotato, do games w Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding

That’s impressive and amazing. Let’s hope they will put it to good use and speed up the development.

elscallr, avatar

Unity’s recent fuck up is a massive boon for them, I really hope they can capitalize on it. This is one of those moments that only happens once, if they push their development and marketing over the next 12 to 18 months they can snag a really significant share of the market and use it to vault themselves to the next go-to engine.

WindowsEnjoyer, do games w Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding

This is the way!

SoleInvictus, do games w Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding avatar

Oh man, this is so beautiful to see. Unity can get fucked.

librechad, do games w Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding

I’m donating $5, not much but I love to see companies like Unity burn.


Unity’s take is 2.5% past $1m in revenue.

I’m never, ever going to hit those numbers, but if do, I’d rather willingly commit that 2.5% to Godot.


Unity’s take is 2.5% past $1m in revenue.

Is that before or after they backtracked?

The point isn’t even whether the terms are acceptable anymore. They tried to change the deal retroactively because they felt they had a strong position in that game developers are already invested into their ecosystem.

They may have gone back to saner terms for now but unless the entire management structure resigns, there’s no reason not to say they won’t try again in the future.

You can’t go good business with bad people.

Chailles, avatar

It doesn’t even matter of their management as a whole changes. No matter who it is, what matters are their actions going forward. The only way to get out of the hole they dug themselves in is years of sitting around being good.

CosmicCleric, avatar

They tried to change the deal retroactively because they felt they had a strong position

I’m honestly surprised that I have not seen by now a meme pic of Darth Vader telling Lando that the deal is being changed, but the face of Darth Vader is instead the CEO of Unity.

fne8w2ah, do games w Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding

The power of open source!

Zealousideal_Fox900, do games w Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding


pyromaniac_donkey, do games w Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding




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