YeetPics, do games w Cyberpunk's storytelling makes Starfield seem ancient avatar

Lemon juice makes oranges seem sweet.

Shialac, do games w Cyberpunk's storytelling makes Starfield seem ancient

well, yeah. It’s a Bethesda game, of course their storytelling is bland af

Xanthrax, avatar

I know everyone says it, but FUCK they should let Obsidian do the writing, and they need to drop that ancient game engine. Microsoft has probably killed this company.

Fallout: New Vegas had some of their best story telling. The Outer Worlds had awesome lore too. I’m really surprised they didn’t bring them along.

jmcs, do gaming w CD Projekt Red devs unionise after its third round of layoffs in three months

*Devs working in Poland. Unions in Europe are per profession or economic sector not per company.


Unions don’t work the same way in all european countries.

In France, the union I belong to is organized by local company and public service, with a spawling system of dual cascading federations by geographic sector and economic sector.

And there are several competing national union organizations which overlap. I don’t know exactly how the other ones are organized


Austria has basically one big union (ÖGB), in which there are specific unions for different industries.

So, yeah. Every country has their own history and different approaches to unionization.


This is the difference between a trade union and an industrial union. You can join an industrial union elsewhere in Europe or even in the US, such as the IWW.

ninjan, do games w Cyberpunk's storytelling makes Starfield seem ancient

Mass Effect and Dragon Age makes Cyberpunks story telling feel ancient as well in my very firm opinion.


You’re welcome to your opinion but those are some old games. Are you sure it’s better or is it nostalgia?

Shalakushka, (edited ) avatar

I just replayed DAO last year. It holds up in a way Cyberpunk didn't manage on its first play through. The rest of the series is a trash fire though. Mass Effect is forgettable outside of the excellent world building of the first game.


Yeah nobody knew how to tell stories 10 years ago, it’s only thanks to new storytelling technology that cyberpunk can tell such a boring story with barely any variations. (YOUR BACKGROUND WILL SHAPE YOUR STORY! lol)


Barely any variations? Did you even finish the game?

There's several significantly different paths you can wind up going down in the end. Like, incredibly different endings. And your actions do influence how those endings all play out, too.


I hear this argument from people who played the background prologues and thought those were the major decisions in Cyberpunk. Mild spoiler alert to anyone who hasn’t played: they are essentially short tutorials, not major storylines.


I didn’t say anything like that. I’m asking you if you’re judging newer games against your nostalgic view of how good those games were. But you’re weirdly defensive about it so go jerk off to female Shepherd and come back with that post nut clarifty


I am not the same person


mass effect 3 story was shit

dylanTheDeveloper, avatar

We got like 3 colors

dylanTheDeveloper, do games w Cyberpunk's storytelling makes Starfield seem ancient avatar

I think what starfield is missing is full body animations that go along with conversations, seeing NPCs pick stuff up or pace around while talking and communicating through body language

MossBear, do games w Microsoft expected to finally buy Activision Blizzard next week

Please bring back Overwatch 1 the very next day.

dylanTheDeveloper, avatar

Halo Watch

I_Comment_On_EVERYTHING, do gaming w CD Projekt Red devs unionise after its third round of layoffs in three months

Good for them! My union did massively right by me so far and as far as I am aware there have been zero downsides.

Blake, (edited )

For workers, unions are 100% upside.

The extent to which you are arguing against overwhelming evidence cannot be understated. You are arguing against something less controversial than evolution.

We know that unions promote economic equality and build worker power, helping workers to win increases in pay, better benefits, and safer working conditions.

But that’s not all unions do. Unions also have powerful effects on workers’ lives outside of work.

High unionization levels are associated with positive outcomes across multiple indicators of economic, personal, and democratic well-being

Unions raise wages of unionized workers by roughly 20% and raise compensation, including both wages and benefits, by about 28%.

Unionized workers are more likely to receive paid leave, have health insurance and pension plans.

Unionized workers receive more generous health benefits than nonunionized workers.

Unionized workers receive 26% more vacation time and 14% more total paid leave

How unions help all workers

Workers get significant economic benefits from labor unions

Unionized workers earn 10.2% more than their non-union peers

Supporting workers’ right to organize is a key way to help boost wages and support quality jobs.

Unions provide major economic benefits for workers and families

gmtom, do games w Microsoft expected to finally buy Activision Blizzard next week

I know this isn’t a popular opinion but I’m actually pretty optimistic about this. Blizzard has been shit for a while and this will at least change things, even if it might be for the worse. Also give me their entire catalogue on gamepass pls.


Blizzard’s only game worth playing is HOTS and it’s a prime candidate for being trimmed out

But I don’t expect this to improve the rest of Blizzard


Diablo 4’s foundation is pretty good in my opinion.

Cosmos7349, do games w Microsoft expected to finally buy Activision Blizzard next week

Now: “Don’t worry! Call of Duty will remain on the Playstation! We have a 10-year agreement!”

Next week: “leaked: internal memo, Microsoft renaming to Call of Doods, to be Xbox exclusive”


Coming soon to a Microshaft GameBox™ near you!

Call of Dookie: Modern Shartfare™


Anyone who still cares about CoD to the point where this is a concern is probably not an adult.


The sad thing was that CoD Mobile was the last decent game in the series. Just think about that for a moment: a freaking cell phone game is better than any CoD title to come out on actual gaming systems in practically a decade.


Compare the power of your average phone today to the 360

ProfessorProteus, avatar

I agree that it’s probably mostly children / teens that play those games, but I’m sure a non-insignificant portion of their player base is the type of person who is A-OK with listening to nothing but pop music.

Nothing inherently wrong with that, but they are either afraid of trying something new or they aren’t interested in discovering what they may end up enjoying more than the same derivative time-wasters.


children are people, too.




Are they though? Children have very little autonomy and human rights. They’re essentially property of their parents.

UndercoverUlrikHD, avatar

Over 1 million PlayStation users solely plays CoD on their system, and 6 million spend 70% of their time playing CoD. It also represented 1,5 billion dollar in revenue for PlayStation worldwide.

Anyone dismissing CoD because “I’m an adult and too cool for Call of Duty” should really question how mature they actually are.


CoD is mostly an adult game because it was popular with kids back 10-15 years ago

It’s Minecraft and Fortnite that kids play


Minecraft first released 15 years ago, call of duty modern warfare was 17 years ago.

The “games that kids play” very rapidly becomes “games that adults play”



Nipplecreek, do games w Microsoft expected to finally buy Activision Blizzard next week

The smallest of companies

mindbleach, do games w Xbox Series X/S players feel forgotten by Rockstar after Red Dead Redemption 60fps PS5 port

Consoles don’t exist anymore. It’s blue computer versus green computer, fueled entirely by bribes.

Cylusthevirus, do gaming w CD Projekt Red devs unionise after its third round of layoffs in three months avatar


Fisch, do gaming w Hands-on with AMD FSR 3 frame generation - taking the fight to DLSS 3 avatar

What I’m really excited for is being able to play games that are locked to 60 fps (like on emulators) at 120 fps, since I have a 144 hz monitor


I thought emulators usually didn’t have access to the motion vectors you need to implement stuff like this or DLSS? I seem to recall hearing about it at some point.
If that’s indeed the case, it’s probably not happening anytime soon because the article mentions FSR3 needs a FSR2 base to work with.

Fisch, avatar

Emulators translate the shaders and then render it the same way every other game does, so they do have access to the motion vectors


I looked it up properly and I think takes such as this one, by the yuzu dev team, are what I was thinking of. Meaning, sure, some representation of the info is always available somewhere technically but it’s not usually usable information.
That all said, I’m sure better heuristics and techniques will become available so here’s hoping it gets easier in the future!

Fisch, avatar

Would probably be possible on a game by game basis tho which would be a lot of work but technically possible


I dont believe fluid frames reuires motion vectors as a hard requirement, else the driver level option where you force a game to use the function would never work (which is a feature).

However so far, fluid frames is only available on DX11 and DX12 titles, so many emulators would not have acess to the option. Switch emulation, and PS3 emulation which would need it the most, dont use directx


Ah, fair. I forgot that driver level option was a thing. Hopefully they manage to make it work with Vulkan eventually.


so far, fluid frames is only available on DX11 and DX12 titles

Given how similar Vulkan is to Direct3D 12, it seems likely to be supported before long.


I think the flags exist, its just not implemented yet as AMD is being pushed to get it out sooner than later due to the long delays. But in a state where it isnt an abysmal feature (e.g DLSS 1.0)

Pregnenolone, do games w Cyberpunk's storytelling makes Starfield seem ancient

Neither Cyberpunk nor Starfield are rushing to win any awards for their writing. I’m playing the expansion for Cyberpunk at the moment and it’s average at best.

_waffle_, do games w Xbox Series X/S players feel forgotten by Rockstar after Red Dead Redemption 60fps PS5 port avatar

Anything Rockstar and Sony related I’d assume would be shitty for Xbox people. The bonuses that PlayStation players could get for GTA Online was ridiculous, so this is nothing new unfortunately.

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