TheHotze, do games w What's your favorite game through the ears of Original Soundtrack?

Mine are Subnautica, I’ve put myself in danger in that game just for the music. Honorable mentions include horizon (zero dawn specifically, but I am currently playing through forbidden West for the first time, so I still might prefer it), Halo(CE), and Skyrim for me as well.


+1 on Horizon Zero Dawn! Listening to the album I faved these ones:

  • Aloy’s theme seems pretty obvious
  • Years of Training was really epic and the matching cinematic was awesome to watch, xou really feel empowered
  • Homecoming no spoilers but damn, still giving me goosebumps

City on the mesa is my personal favorite! Also, looking at the album again, something needs to be said about how big that soundtrack is. It contains eighty songs.

sub_, do gaming w What is something (feature, modes, settings...) you would like to see become a standard in video games?
  • Dual subtitles, aka polyglot mode. Doubt that it’d ever happen, probably I’m the only one who wants it. Sometimes I’d just merge 2 subtitles with python script and upload it to my Plex.
  • Fast forward and save states especially for classic remaster. Some have this, some don’t
  • Bigger subtitle fonts

I don’t think I count as a polyglot (Native English, Spanish proficient, learning Japanese and German) but what is that even useful for? I feel like it’d be really confusing to have two subtitles for the same dialogue.

I just watch, in whatever language I want to practice.


I think the term came from polyglot books, i.e. books that are written in 2 languages on each side.

Often times for me, the spoken foreign language can be quite fast or filled with colloquials, so I prefer to have subtitles in that language, and also English subtitles. Or in some cases, such as for Japanese voiced games, I’d prefer to have a Japanese subtitles to help me recognize the Kanjis, and additional English subs for translation.

I tried this method on Plex, uploaded dual subtitles for some movies, and it helped me a lot in acquiring new vocabularies. I think Netflix allows users to do the same thing too.


I could see it being a lot more useful for Japanese or other no Latin alphabet languages. Especially for the kanji. I’m too early in Japanese to watch content.

bungle_in_the_jungle, do games w Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Review Thread - (92/100 OpenCritic)

Man I chose a terrible time to be broke 😭


Do you have a computer? ;3

darkpanda, do gaming w Lords of the fallen. Are you finding it very difficult or not? Let's try understand why

Been playing these games since DeS on the PS3 when it first came in 2009.

Overall, I’m enjoying it. Multiplayer that doesn’t require consumables and rituals like placing signs or ringing bells is such a QOL improvement. After 14 years of putting down summon signs and ringing bells and gaining insight, I just want to get to it these days. A few thoughts:

  • Bosses initially seem challenging until you get a grip on their movesets and then realize you can defeat them with just a few moves. I beat one boss using nothing more than a running R2 attack over and over again.
  • Perfect parry windows seem huge.
  • A few control decisions and whatnot are bizarre. Someone else mentioned filling the quick items with apparently random items when you deplete another for instance. Most of the time I don’t even equip any other quick use items, just my estus/healing plants/flasks/whatever.
  • visuals generally are good on PS5. Am playing in performance mode for the FPS.
  • umbral mechanics are pretty neat.
  • short cuts and area connections feel good and natural, DS1-like.
  • only been invaded once and haven’t tried an invasion yet. Battle went back and forth until my invader went in for the coup de grace and I dodged while they went sailing over the edge of a cliff. They probably would’ve had me had it not been for that cliff.
  • dodging feels like a mix of Souls and Bloodborne. Stamina meter might be a bit too forgiving, as it feels like you can dodge over and over through pretty much anything.
  • weapons feel like they have weight to them. Movement is a tiny bit floaty but generally the weapon movesets and decent and feel like they have impact
  • inexplicable missing sound in some instances. Sliding down ladders for instance happens in dead silence.
  • being able to watch the host continue playing while you’re dead is nice. Nothing worse than helping someone almost defeat a boss and then not being able to watch the end result if you happen to bag it near the end.

Anyways, a few thoughts. Hope they continue to support the game with patches for a while to come and fix up a few odds and ends. I’m not all that far into it, but this feels like it has legs.


One thing I haven’t figured out is if perfect parry wither damage is variable.

Sometimes it feels like I take a lot of wither, othertimes not. I’m using a shield and 2hing a lot so I wonder if it’s a shield vs weapon parry thing? Or if it’s timing based like partial parry damage mitigation in ds3.

I was too engrossed to do testing so far, have you tried at all?

What weapons are you using btw? my wife uses a giant axe and seems to yeet herself a lot. Are the certain weapons with lots of lungy movements that might be tripping people up?


I haven’t been 2hing much and haven’t tested much on those sorts of things yet. I did notice that I don’t think you can die on a perfect parry even if you have no health left, though, as I seemed to be in that position during a boss earlier today.

Started with a ranger who starts with an axe, went to a spear, then a halberd, most recently using a hammer. The spear was quite lungy which caused some issues around open air vertical areas with a lot of narrow paths, while the halberd was just too slow. Hammer is feeling good, and has a good set of running attacks.

grte, do gaming w Do you prefer playing with Keyboard or controller more, and for what type of games?

Different tools for different purposes. Strategy game, or a game where precise pointer control matters? Mouse and keyboard.

Racing, platformer, fighting game, that sort of thing, controller.

Flaky, do gaming w What unusual genre mixing video games would you recommend to try? avatar

Hi-Fi Rush mixes DMC-style combat with rhythm gameplay, and has a great soundtrack and charming personality to match.

thelosers5o, do gaming w Buggy games should be 100% allowed to be refunded.

I just wanted to comment to say that I find the game just as buggy as you say. I do think that some people are more sensitive than others. I’m playing couch coop and my gaming partner doesn’t notice any of the bugs until I call them out for him. Unless they are game breaking. Within 11 hours of play I have encountered 3 bugs that warranted a game restarts and countless other bugs that ranged from minor to frustrating.

This is typical larian though. Divinity 1 + 2 were the same for me. If anything this game is even buggier.

ono, do gaming w Current PC is too bad for Cities Skylines 2. Can anyone judge the PCPartPicker list I've put together?

Ohhh! Thanks!

sculd, do gaming w How to let my kids find quality games on Android? Right now they only find the pay to win / ad riddled games.

One thing you might need to pay attention to is your daughter would want to play the same game as their friends do.

You may want to reject games base on your criteria, but if your daughter feels isolated because she can’t play with her friends, that could be a bigger problem.


I’m not too worried about that tbh. It’s the same thing that when she gets a mobile phone it will be very limited, only call, text and messaging. No social media until she’s 18. Thanks though for checking.


Good luck. We tried that rule too, it has led to so much stress and fighting. I’m certainly not suggesting to not try and hold the line. I’m just wishing you luck with it.


I don’t even see how it’s possible to stop someone from using social media until they’re 18 unless they truly don’t want to.


After watching The Social Dilemma and seeing that people who worked high up at eg Facebook also didn’t want their kids on there, I’m going to try to do the same.

kratoz29, avatar

That… seems a bit too extreme, I honestly don’t think you can achieve that… unless you get her a dumb phone and assuming she never gets her own by her own means.

Working with your kids to have a decent social media experience? That I can see!


With Family Link everything can be locked down.

Yes it may sound extreme but based on The Social Dilemma and presentations at our school from people who did a lot of research into this topic, I’m going to go with their recommendation to keep them off social media until 18. Probably won’t be easy indeed.

lenan, do games w how do you have fun even a game have a grading system?

IMO, just ignore the grading system and have fun. Once you’re hooked enough and actually want to improve, that’s when you will want to start paying attention to it.

teawrecks, do gaming w What type of game you want to see that doesn't fully exist yet?

The WoW raiding experience, but without the MMO, and possibly the addition of rogue lite elements (each raid is a run with its own progression, but wiping would be allowed and embraced).

The format of DRG or Gunfire Reborn is pretty close, but 1) I prefer the high fantasy setting of warcraft to the gunplay, 2) I’m not interested in procedural levels, and 3) I want the focus to be on polished boss mechanics.

Dungeon Defenders is also close, but 1) you’re defending instead of delving, and 2) it is also focused on killing waves of trash mobs rather than boss mechanics.

Destiny bosses are sometimes well designed, but 1) don’t care for the gunplay, 2) classes hardly matter, 3) it’s a max of 6 people, and I think closer to 10 is the sweet spot.

Gauntlet from a few years back was probably the closest, but still far from the mark. It could have used more mechanic heavy bosses, more meaningful gear, and a larger party size.

Ehoalid, do gaming w What type of game you want to see that doesn't fully exist yet?

A Microsoft Flight Simulator game but for cars.

I just wanna drive around the world and see shit I can’t otherwise see, but in real time drives. I got the inspiration from those Trucker Simulator games.

We’re almost there with Street View and satellite images, and the developer could do hand-modeling for certain cities and landmarks like MS FS does.

SugarApplePie, avatar

Yesssss, hard agree with this. I’ve been playing a lot of Euro Truck Simulator and I keep finding myself wishing it was 1:1 like MS Flight Sim. A woman can dream…


It’s not what really you’re looking for, but there are some really good open world map mods for Assetto Corsa that probably make it the closest feeling thing right now. They’re based on real places, so while it doesn’t give the touristy sense, it does a good job of capturing the vibe of just cruising around some beautiful scenery.


This. I remember playing Test Drive 3 as a kid, and being memorized with the choose your own route thing (which was huge for a game back then), and thinking how cool this sort of thing could be, if we could make the graphics realistic and basically make it like driving in the real world but it isn’t the real world.

Well now we can make the graphics realistic. And we certainly have the data, the imagery and the technology.

kromem, do games w What games can you recommend that didn't get the appreciation that they deserved?

Uplink - A hacking sim game that’s actually quite addictive in a playthrough. Will make you feel like you’re in the movie Hackers.

Spycraft: The Great Game - An adventure game that had as consultants CIA director William Colby and KGB Major-General Oleg Kalugin.

I don’t know a lot of people that have played these, but they definitely rank up there for me as some of the more interesting and unique games I’ve played over the decades.


Shoutout to Uplink! Not something you look to for realism, but it’s a really well designed hacker sim. Lots of fun!


Played Uplink as a kid, later learned about fragmentation for computer memory. Was cool to find out the inventory system wasn’t just a cool game mechanic but was based off how actual memory works.


Heyyy time to see if the benefit of 10 years helps me complete Uplink.

thingsiplay, do gaming w Two games free on Epic Games - Model Builder and Soulstice avatar

Free games on Epic Games store. Meanwhile at Epic: laying off over 800 employees, because company spending more money than they earn.

MossyFeathers, do games w What games can you recommend that didn't get the appreciation that they deserved? avatar

Hylics 1 & 2. There’s actually a sorta sleeper cult around the games where it seems like a lot of people know of them or have played them, but no one ever talks about them. Pretty standard action-rpg but everything’s claymation. Oh, and the second game changes genre multiple times.

Cruelty Squad. Amazing immersive sim. Looks like trash, best gameplay I’ve encountered in a while. That game goes hard.

Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. I thought this was more popular, however considering how many people give me a “what’s that” when I mention it, it makes me think it wasn’t as popular as I thought. It’s a very well made spiritual successor to Jet Set Radio Future. Even has JSRF’s composer on a few tracks.

QT deserves more eyes on it for being an incredibly cute and wholesome parody of PT. There’s a free “demo” version on, and if you like that then I’d highly recommend buying the full version on Steam.

E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy. This game is… hm. Basically it started off life as a Warhammer 40k game, but got released as something else due to the studio failing to secure the licenses they needed for WH40K. It’s a much older indie game from back when Valve had standards regarding what made it onto steam. It’s also kinda special because it’s one of the few times the Source engine was used commercially outside Valve. It’s also pretty jank, but overall pretty fun. It’s got some pretty decent RPG mechanics on top of a first person shooter, complete with classes. You can hack basically anything but also anything can hack back. A door can hack you.

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