Been playing a bit of Rocket League in the little time I have off work, I have a good game of Dropshot Rumble that I recorded recenty here, though I’m not sure the new Steam gameplay recording feature did such a good job:
Dividing my time between playingSTALKER 2 and modding it. There is a really great game underneath the surface - at least the potential of one - but it’s a shame it released in the state it did. The A-life offline simulation being turned off smells of console constraints and/or a forced release after they ran out of possibilities to delay further. I really hope they’ll be able to keep working on the game through patches because it has the potential to be truly fantastic.
Also still playing Deadlock, a game or two a day or so. It’s an often frustrating experience - as MOBAs tend to be - where matchmaking still has a huge impact on your fun, but the core gameplay is just so damn good. I just wish I was in a skill bracket where people are actually using mics and coordinating and communicating. Partly an EU problem though I’m sure.
“In the room ahead is a spider artifact. Take it! We will need it to reach the Santieri Crystal.” Also “There is but one gift I can offer that is equal in value to an Elder Scroll and my daughter: I offer you my blood. Take it and you will walk as a lion among sheep, men will tremble at your approach, and you will never fear death again.”
I heard from a game dev that UE isn’t an engine, but a framework. That means it doesn’t give you optimized, opinionated code, but gives you more “freedom” - yet forces each dev team to optimise by themselves.
unreal has, at least since the 2010s, an engine that focuses on AAA looks and advanced features. 5 amped that up with nanite and other gpu stressful tech.
I personally found UE4 to be a bloated dev environment, but ymmv.
My uneducated guess is that most of the time spent on any optimization has to go to console ports. With PC you can just tell people to get a better PC, but with Sony and Microsoft they will straight up refuse to sell your game if it doesnt run well enough (see: CP2077 on ps4 or BG3 on Xbox).
A friend of mine got me Gears of War 5, so I think that’ll be a good chunk of my game time this week. I haven’t really played Gears since the 360 days (I believe I may have played an hour or two of Gears 5 on my XB1 long ago before I moved to PC), so it’s great to get back into it!
As a plus, so far it seems to also run very well on my Steam Deck too.