I have an order in that I placed last August. I’m hoping to get it by the end of the year, but who knows, they are really slow at manufacturing the devices.
A game like Hunt Showdown, an extraction based game set in 1895 Louisiana, fighting other hunters on the same map to get to the bounty (a boss that everyone goes after) and extract.
Imagine that game, but set in something like in the Star Wars world, With lightsabers and blasters in dagobah or tattoine, going after a boss like Darth Maul or Yoda, while every other bounty hunter is going for the same target.
Games that lets you explore beautiful and fictional worlds in VR. Kinda like Minecraft but not with voxels, not a survival game but have some sort of game loop to keep you going. Or a puzzle game like Myst but with bigger and explorable maps, perhaps a “home” to decorate with trophies you found in other worlds (ACNH style?) I just want a chill game in VR…
This might not be what you’re looking for, but Real VR Fishing is a really nice looking game and really relaxing. I have made some open lobbies and some of the chillest people join and we just talk until one of us has to log off
There is also a web browser in the game and I just watch youtube or listen to music while playing. It is really fun and relaxing after a long day
A “legacy” game, where your contributions to the game continue even if you’re logged off, meted with an mmorpg
It could be anything, but my idea is something like cities:skylines. Interconnected cities or areas each with a mayor or admins that direct the goals of the area..
Then the 2nd aspect of the game is more like GTA, where people interact with the areas.
The areas could be like San Andreas, but then you could walk to the edge and it becomes more like a village from Warcraft. Or maybe an area is filled with ghosts and most of the goals in the area are delivering packages. Or maybe there’s an area like Sanctum 2, fallout, or any other idea. It would be up to the admins/mayors to figure out how to design it.
The game would fill in gaps in city creation for random encounters, etc. the in-game players actions would have some effect on the area itself.
I would expect the game to support itself through a combination of ads and subs. Companies could pay to have more control over what advertising exists in their area.
A hybrid of dagger fall and Minecraft. Open procedural generated world rpg with npcs that give quests but a semi hand designed main quest. Crafting with loot found in dungeons to either kit out my character or sell for profit. Sell me a plot of land in town I can build on or a house I can modify. With real rpg mechanics
Welp, I tried to find the video for like an hour with no luck. But I think it was made by the Rocket Jump guys at some point. It was a live action video of a video game like fps where there are two teams. One person spawns on each team and goes on to the map, trade gun fire until one dies then time resets and another person spawns on each side, BUT the other player still does what they did last round, runs out and trades gun fire. But the newly spawned guy kills the enemy that shot tge first spawn guy before that happens. Breaking the first spawn guy out of his preset loop, and they are now coordinating.
Very cool concept. If anyone knows the video please help me find it. Told a friend about it yesterday. Must have been filmed at least 8 years ago now.
I have a real knack for finding amazing games that will die soon or just died. I’ll add this to the pile of hellgate London, runescape chronicles, and that 3v3 moba that you could play on any web browser.
Yes similar, but not entirely. SimCity is more macro-economics, I was thinking more about micro-economics, like the demand and supply within the city, similar to Factorio where one factory needs resources from another to work, but in this case prices would fluctuate depending on the supply and demand of certain resources within the city, then you could use these differences to make money for your sims, or create a business to fill an unsaturated market, for example producing sweaters in the winter to fill the clothing demand while having to repay a loan you took to begin the business without going bankrupt. This has always been what I wished I could do in the sims, Sims 3 came close with shop ownership, but it didn’t really simulate the accompanying economies.
I've been thinking about an ARPG based around World of Warcraft's mythic dungeons.
Scalable, multi-player, enhanceable instances where completion of more difficult versions of the instance rewards in better gear and crafting options.
The idea is that the content is created for a 5-man party (1 tank, 1 healer, 3 dps) but you can try solo it, or bring up to 20 people to massively increase the difficulty and the rewards. Instances would follow WoW dungeon's formula of trash mobs (which drop crafting materials and have rare drop chances for certain gear) pathing you towards a succession of bosses with very different, complex mechanics with stages, signaled abilities, and skill requirements.
This would include a character levelling system to unlock new class abilities and mechanisms, a party finder system, certain dungeons locked behind character level and the completion of other dungeons at a certain difficulty level. Perhaps you could extend it to add in "world bosses", massive 200-man bosses with a chance at particularly unique loot, but of course that would require a certain level of infrastructure and a game population making it justifiable.
I don't think so, the ARPG I have in mind wouldn't be open world, would have no campaign and much less focus on story overall, a much more detailed crafting system akin to Path Of Exile but perhaps less punishing, and much more focus on stacking up as many extra modifiers as possible rather than being limited, push your team to get the best rewards.
No timegating, no daily/weekly quests you must log in for, the only limitation is your skill.
I really like XVI, but could do with a different combat system. I’m really not great with super fast-paced, twitchy button mashers, so combat in XVI has been kind of frustrating for me. I might need to step back and revisit XII for a breather when I finish this game.
I’m still playing through it, but am nearing the end. I like the combat system. At least for bosses and mobs that can be staggered, it’s not just button mashing. I’ve been playing with the various Eikonic abilities to find combinations and “rotations” that I like or are appropriate.
I will say, I think FF7R’s combat system is better. FF7R actually keep a vestige of the old turn-based system – which I’m a fan of – where you can at least pseudo-pause and think about what spell or ability to use, or whether to switch to another character, or just think about what the next move should be.
That said, right away, I thought FFXVI is middle of the road as well as others are saying. Is it my favorite entry in the series? Absolutely not. But is it my least favorite (FFXV)? No way.