I don’t really. I don’t keep up with AAA games, most of them don’t interest me. There’s a looooot of games out there and only a fraction of them interest me.
I also don’t really watch YouTubers and stuff in general, I find it hard to watch.
I use to play multiplayer games in the office with co-workers many many years ago. Then when everybody scattered to the four corners of the earth, I’ve mainly just been jumping into single player games that I can pick up and drop easily. I then started getting back into multiplayer sessions with my kids, but they soon transitioned through that period where their studies or other hobbies take precedence to our occasional DRG sessions. So I’ve now been going on Deep Rock runs with strangers. On the one hand, it’s a nice quick fix, but as most users seem to use the text chat if at all, it’s not as much of a social event as it was when I was playing with my kids and we all had open mics. You can get on the DRG Discord to try to team up with regular players, and I may try that some day to see if there are older players who don’t mind shooting the breeze while riding Doretta. But for now, I’ll have to make do with jamming that V key.
Start revolution and overthrow dictator and put myself in as dictator. Build up military and gather nukes under guise of protecting country, but it’s really to protect me from copyright trolls.
To i to jest wadliwe, zależy co przesyłasz. VPN przesyła twoje dane przez określony serwer gdzieś na świecie, przez to możesz udawać że z tamtego miejsca jesteś podłączony.
Tor to z tego co pamiętam, sieć której stajesz się częścią i dane przechodzą przez ciebie i innych użytkowników. Więc samemu stajesz się jednym z węzłów sieci, przez co niby łatwiej o anonimowość, ale też przez twoje IP mogą przechodzić niezbyt legalne pliczki.
Sam jakbym miał wybierać, to wolałbym TOR, jest wolniejszy, ale wydaje się bezpieczniejszy niż te wszystkie szemrane VPNy.
When you were deciding for this processor, Intel's similarly priced i5s were no match for it, so if you were looking for Intels as well, you likely would have had an eye on the i7 processors of that time (for a minor performance benefit at a heavy price tag). So maybe that is where your 7 is coming from.
Good Old Games. They sell lots of old PC games that you can’t find anywhere else and since many old games can’t run in modern architecture, they will usually package the games up in a way that they can run without you having to run your own emulators or virtual machines.
They also sell modern games and have their own game library software similar to Steam except unlike Steam it is DRM free.
GOG but I don’t because despite my 12 game library, I can’t gift because none of the games were over $15 and if I buy a game over that then it’s a 3 month waiting period
I like Steam’s Linux push but I don’t like their support and I don’t like their monopoly