sndmn, do piracy w Games

Have you tried looking under large rocks?

alphapuggle, do gaming w rip game storage harddrive

I did this to a PNY drive once and they RMAd it for me! I was up front and said it was 100% my fault and I had already had it for a few years. If you’ve got a laptop that has a mounted slot you can probably slide it in to get any data you need off of it

mustbe3to20signs, do piracy w (LINUX USER)What VPNs would you lovely people recommend?

Windscribe works for me. You can either use their software which is open source or create personal VPN configs on their site to use it with your distros network manager.

OverfedRaccoon, do piracy w Red Hat linux piracy?

The “enterprise” part is you paying for the ability to get support if you need it.

nickwitha_k, do piracy w Red Hat linux piracy?

Sign up for a free dev account, get a full free license. There’s really no point in trying to “crack” it, unless you want to try collecting bug bounties.

EmperorHenry, do piracy w (LINUX USER)What VPNs would you lovely people recommend? avatar

Mullvad or torguard

The only two that proved in court that they don’t log user activity

Private Internet access has been bought out by a different company since the last time they had to prove it

viking, do piracy w Couple of Questions about torrenting avatar

If you can’t afford a good VPN, you can’t afford to torrent.

If you don’t pay for something, you are the merchandise. And the last thing you want is a VPN that sells you out, when your primary use case is to do something illegal with it.

Pulp, do piracy w Netflix/Disney+ recording tips

Stop and take the time to learn how to WEB-DL.

simple, do gaming w rip game storage harddrive

Hopefully what’s on the disk could be salvaged from a computer shop or something. 4tb SSD though… Ouch.


Just my steam and GOG library, nothing valuable besides the hardware :/

elscallr, avatar

If you're assuming it's trashed anyway may as well try to fix it.

PerogiBoi, do gaming w rip game storage harddrive avatar

My sympathies that is painful.

DudeBro, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 13th

BG3, yes it’s as good as everyone is saying it is.

Also Pikmin 4. The game is a cozy puzzle/strategy collect-a-thon, I highly recommend it.

Thebazilly, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 13th

My life has been replaced with Baldur’s Gate 3. I’m partially into Act 2 but keep having to take breaks because the spooky atmosphere and crippling decision anxiety are stressing me out too much to continue playing long stretches.

Lojcs, (edited ) do gaming w What is up with Baldur's Gate 3?

Side question:

Is it worth playing if you’re not into dnd? I saw lots of replies mention how it perfectly implements dnd 5e but that has 0 value for me. Is the game itself good not counting the dnd association, lack of anti features, release anticipation etc?


I have no exposure to dnd but am loving the game. I like turn based games in general though.


If you like RPGs in general, I think it’s worth playing. No need be a fan of DnD.

casstr, avatar

You’ll be fine. It’d be different if you were familiar with and disliked D&D.


What of I’m of the unpopular but firm belief that 3.5 was the pinnacle of D&D and therefore am heavily boased against 5e?


I’m a Pathfinder fan with vague disdain for 5e as a ruleset and active loathing for Forgotten Realms as a setting. I love this game.


If you already don’t like 5e, I don’t know if the game will change your mind. It’s not a 1-to-1 adaptation, which might help, but there are also still some bugs here and there (such as the Lucky feat not working correctly).


tldr: This is a great game if you enjoy rich storytelling, compelling character arcs, and actual consequences. This is also a great game if you enjoy turn-based, environment-aware combat of the likes of Fire Emblem or Final Fantasy Tactics. Overall, it’s a well-oiled machine, with polish in all the right places to make it very welcoming to dnd newcomers and veterans alike. If you have played Larian’s older Divinity: Original Sin games (which was not based on the dnd ruleset), there’s a lot of quality of life updates that fix a lot of the gripes that I had with those games.

My wife and I are loving it (individual saves, although co-op is supported in this game). We are not dnd tabletop players; the extent of my experience is the recent dnd movie that came out. I don’t know the difference between 5e and 3e, but I do know I’m having an (eldritch) blast playing this game. I bought it on a strong recommendation from my friends (although, these friends do have dnd experience), and I can confidently say it’s a fun game.

The most overwhelming experience you might have as a newcomer is during character creation, where a healthy amount of reading is involved to understand what classes, races, subraces, spells, and cantrips are (among other things). They provide very neat tooltips that provide the information you need, when you need it, without getting in your way - there is no pause-every-5-seconds-for-a-tutorial-notification deal here. You can get involved as much (or as little) as you wish. If you’ve ever made a character in a game like Cyberpunk 2077, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, or Dragon Age: Origins, and messed around with the relevant skill trees, it’s around that level of involved.

If you do get overwhelmed with character creators, fret not - you can choose one of the pre-built characters that come packaged with their own personalities, builds, and stories. Speaking of stories: I personally feel like the writing is compelling and is leagues better than previous Larian titles, if that means anything to you. Make no mistake, this is a fantasy story and you’ll have your fantasy tropes in this game, but I’ve yet to encounter a moment or twist in the story that feels cheap or unearned. It depends on how much you like this sort of genre. There are times when it takes itself seriously and times when it doesn’t, but it has never felt out of place.

Besides the narrative, the other major part of the game is combat, and I think it shines there too. From a non-dnd perspective, it’s a turn-based, environment-aware tactics game. It doesn’t feel exactly like any one type of system I’ve played before, but I feel a lot of different aspects that get utilized in ways that mesh well. Unit placement on the field matters. Typically your party’s makeup plays a role in how you approach encounters. I’ve never felt like my party couldn’t figure out their own way to solve a situation, and it never felt like it was just handed to me. The encounters are flexible enough to allow multiple approaches without depriving them of the depth each approach needs to remain engaging.

Just so you can gauge how well my suggestions will apply, I love playing tactics games but don’t always have a lot of time, so I typically adjust the difficulty when possible to emphasize story progression over tactical difficulty. I’m not a maddening-difficulty Fire Emblem: Three Houses player (more power to y’all out there); I just casually enjoy combat puzzles. I think games like Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Final Fantasy Tactics, Advance Wars, Tactics Ogre, Brigadine, Battle for Wesnoth, etc., are fun to play, and I don’t necessarily need to “win” every combat encounter to feel like I had a good time either. I really enjoy is a story that presents fresh ideas, even if it means remixing some old tropes here and there; Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Dragon Age: Origins, etc. - any game that gives you characters who mesh well (or “contrast” well) with one another usually can maintain my attention.


Thanks for the in depth response! It’s probably too early to answer this, but does making your own character instead of choosing from the pre-built ones result in a more generic storyline? Are there stuff that are exclusive to those characters that you know of?


The pre-built characters are all recruitable party members, so you’ll be able follow their stories once you find them.


As @bigevildan said, they’ll all be recruitable. There is also the option to play as an amnesiac custom character that gets their own origin background. No spoilers as to what that is like, but it’s a possible option if you’re not quite sure. (I’ve seen it recommended to avoid that for your first playthrough, however).


Still has the shitty locked camera though and lots of the same little issues DOS2 had. They are great games, so the small problems stick out a lot more.

Squirrelanna, avatar

Whatcha mean by locked camera? Not disagreeing, just not sure what you’re referring to.


The camera is very restrictive. Dos2 had a mod that unlocked the camera allowing you to zoom in or out as far as you wanted or tilt it as much as youd like and it made the game infinitely more enjoyable. It still got stuck on terrain like, but it was still better.

BG3 has the same camera, constantly getting stuck on or in terrain, cant handle elevation changes, cant zoom out, cant tilt far. The game just needs a free cam where I can look wherever I like without it colliding with terrain and objects, there's no reason for it to be so restrictive. Why build this beautiful world and then dont even let us look at it?

Squirrelanna, avatar

Well clarified. Thank you for that. While that doesn’t bother it nearly as much, it does find itself battling the camera more often than it’d like so it can definitely see where you’re coming from.

Sonotsugipaa, do gaming w What is up with Baldur's Gate 3? avatar

I’m being peer-pressured into playing it with friends, it’s an ok game. The quality is there, it’s full of content, though I wouldn’t say my lack of hype was misplaced - I’d still rather play some other niche games in my library.

What rubs me the wrong way is it’s GPU load even with lower graphical settings, and the hundred gigabytes of mandatory high-res textures and whatnot;
I find the UX clunky and infuriating at times, which is not ideal but acceptable for the genre.

What I really respect BG3 (and Larian) for is that its overall a very solid game and it’s making the AAA industry seethe, apparently.
It’s also DRM-free, but I would definitely buy it rather than Steam-Familying it if I were into its subgenre (and if it wasn’t a GPU hog).

BobKerman3999, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 13th

Beecarbonized, internet here sucks hard and playing offline is not an option anymore on most games

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