One game series that is not known for being especially humorous actually can be: The Halo games. More specifically the enemy grunts. If you sneak up on them and listen to their dialogue, their mix of faux bravado, cowardice and delusion of grandeur can be really funny. Especially because Master Chief is “The Demon” to them. A near-mythical monster. Just choosing the right time to reveal your presence to the grunts can result in comedy gold.
I just tried 2003 on emulator and I really tried to like it. You’re right, it’s really funny. But oh my god these controls are ATROCIOUS! I get it was 2003 and gamecube controllers were already wacky, but I really wanna punch the guy in the face who decided that to throw an out to a base you need to press TWO BUTTONS AT THE SAME TIME.
Someone else mentioned Procession to Calvary - an adventure game set in a cut and paste world of renaissance art with a very surreal plot and sense of humour. Pythonesque.
There Is No Game is pretty hilarious, the voice acting always makes me crack up.
Agatha Knife is a funny point and click adventure game where you're a 7 year old girl who's a butcher and needs to set up her own religion sacrificing pigs in the basement for... Reasons.
Any shovelware with lots of bugs, continuity errors, and English language fails. I’m the type of person who believes in “so bad, it’s good” (or at least so bad, it’s funny). Warning for TVTropes link.
Sadly no I don’t think monitors support that. Or at least mine doesn’t. The audio menu on the Xbox UI is inaccessible. Unless I have an actual headset plugged in.
Even tried hooking my controller to speaker but that didn’t seem to work.
Oh man, this jogs old memories of when I almost every weekend went to this lan game cafe. We mostly played counter strike, quake arena and age of empires.
But at one point every night we would fire up this game and the whole place would turn in to chaos. It was great.
So many of those old adventure games were hilarious. The Monkey Island series, Day of the Tentacle, Leisure Suit Larry, Space Quest. But I was also a kid back then (probably shouldn’t have been playing Leisure Suit Larry…). I wonder if they’d still hold up for me today.
@JCPhoenix They definitely do! I replayed Sam & Max and DOTT on an emulator for my phone and played the remastered versions of Monkey Island. They are still awesome games.
I want to add "ToonStruck" to this list as well. One of the funniest, weirdest games I ever played.
Yes! Sam and Max is wonderful! There’s something so perfect in the way they react with complete nonchalance to all the weird stuff going on. And the soundtrack is great too.