I’ve been going back to The Witcher 3 to play the DLCs.
I finished Hearts of Stone and started Blood and Wine. I really enjoyed the former, but the change of atmosphere and setting of the latter is simply something else and it feels like a new game with how much content there is!
Last act of Baldurs Gate 3. Damn, does this game have a ton of stuff in it.
The third act is a bit of a disappointment though, compared to the first two. Not necessarily the storylines, or environment, but parts just seem unfinished, more glitches and bugs with quests, which is par for the course for Larian games I guess. It’s still great, and I’m thinking about doing a second playthrough eventually, but probably not before the Definitive or Enhanced Edition release in a year or something.
I hope to finish it in the next couple of days, then play the recently released Quake 2 Enhanced release as a palate cleanser, before jumping into the next bigger game.
Openvpn is a protocol that other vpns can use, the speed and quality would still depend on what provider you use. A provider would provide a config file that would include all the info required by openvpn to create the connection, as long as they include that then you could use openvpn.
I use torrent galaxy, that seems to work pretty well.
Qbittorent to get the thing you want. Recommended to get a VPN while doing so.
Dump the file into a flash drive and plug into a TV. Or setup a shared network drive. Or set up a Plex server with a basic Music/TV/Movie folder structure , have Plex scan it, and stream like your other streaming apps.
Threads of Fate. Shape shifting into the cool creature forms (esp the gargoyle) and running around.
Okami. Literally, the whole ass game lol.
WoW. Exploring, collecting herbs, and skinning mobs in druid forms.
LOTRO. Just riding around.
Witcher 3. Just riding around, taking in the views - and possibly being waylaid by random wolf packs and bandits, but then the cool music starts playing and Geralt says hilarious random shit while chopping heads so that’s also fine.
Genshin Impact. Just running around doing random shit as Klee.