Starcraft, Starcraft 2 has ruined me with multi-building-selection, the clunkiness, no smart casting, selecting more than a handful of units at a time.
Pretty much all the games of my childhood. With a few exceptions, I don’t replay most games I enjoyed. I play once, usually say “that was cool.” And call it enough for a lifetime.
Pretty much any jrpg for Gameboy, DS, PSP and PS2 (haven’t tried many newer). I loved them a lot as a kid/teen but now when I try to play them do I get bored very quickly… I think the audience is supposed to be kids and teens so I am not surprised I don’t enjoy them anymore
I recently replayed Legend of Dragoon, and I’d do it again.
I tried to play Golden Sun again though, and it just has WAY too much dialogue. And not in a good way. Just lots of filler dialogue that doesn’t add depth; it just restates the story and what’s currently going on.
I get you. I’ve been going through a lot of “best of” lists for various consoles and it’s tough going back and playing them because they were obviously made for a younger audience and and having never played them as a kid I don’t really feel the same pull.
The Kirby games are a big one. I’ve seen a lot of recommendations but can’t really get into them.
Most games I played from the PS1/N64 era. It was a time period of figuring things out and that makes it rough to go back to, but some of those experiences were magic. There’s still the rare game that I can enjoy to this day (Metal Gear Solid 1, Mario 64), but games like Syphon Filter are best left to my memories.
For me it would probably be most old DOS era games like Dune 2, Ultima Underworld, Warcraft 1, Civilization 1, etc. All of them were great, but it’s really difficult to get used to those old control schemes nowadays. Pixelated graphics wouldn’t bother me, but those like 15 FPS at max is also hard to get over these days.
Other than that it would be some newer games that lacks a bit of convenience stuff. Like e.g. Diablo 1, where you can’t run yet. Or some of the first 3D accelerated shooters that can’t remap controls to WASD.
Diablo 2 - I’ve played all classes, some in higher difficulties, again and again and it didn’t get old for a very long time. Today I’m not enjoying these kind of games anymore but I’m not sure why. Are they so different or has my taste changed so much?
I’ve quite recently made run of D2 up to middle of Act V and rhen lost interest at all. It was a bit grindy, but the main problem was convenience factor. I was at the point when my summoning Druid started to lack behind and it is pretty much impossible to respec skills to fight that sort of bad decisions… When I was a teenager I’d just scratch it and start over with better build, but ain’t nobody got time for that now!
I’ve recently started using the archipelago randomizer mod to get another taste of replaying it, but unfortunately the satisfaction of completing a rando pales in comparison to that first experience.
I will never not recommend this game. It’s so good and I can’t wait to see what Mobius comes up with next.
Witcher 3. I don’t enjoy “dark” “gritty” stuff the way that I used to. I’m way more effected by some of the more explicit themes than I used to be. When I played it it was my only solace in a rough period of my life. I’d rather protect my fond memories than play it again, as I doubt it will mean as much to me now as then.
Morrowind. Every once in a while I reinstall it, but I can’t get over the “it looks like an action game but it’s a stats game” thing anymore. And I never liked Oblivion or Skyrim. But when I was a kid, Morrowind was so full of wonder and stuff to discover. I also wasn’t playing with a guide, so discovering stuff like “You can enchant an item to have 1-100 strength, duration permanent. It picks the bonus when you put the item on, and it stays that until you take it off. So put it on and off until you get a big number. Much cheaper than trying to enchant it to +100 straight out” felt more personal.
I might give it a go, I believe it fixes the exploit where you can increase the stock of merchants with restocking ingredients, which makes alchemy a cake walk, no ? I could never resist that
Unmodified unpatched original Morrowind had this strange bug where a goblin (can’t remember where, but he was in a castle) would sell you 5000 gold for 5000 gold. He would reset every day so you could continue this indefinitely. Then if you killed him you could then loot him for the accumulated gold you had sold him. (Let say you had done this 365 days it would net you 1 825 000 gold)
Return to Moria for me. I picked it up for free from Epic recently and it’s all I’ve played since. Going solo and I just made it to the Pilgrim Road waypoint.