Toe Jam & Earl. As a kid, it seemed just endlessly creative, you could just explore & explore forever. And the shit humor - I was the exact right age where every joke was a banger. Although the game itself would be badly dated today, I bet the music holds up well, albeit in short bursts. I still get snippets stuck in my head.
I still have a blast playing modern source ports of Duke 3D and Doom. Adding modern controls and modern rendering to classic games like that really shows how little modern gaming has progressed in that genre, imo
Ragnarok Online. My favorite game ever and it’s all MTX and will never be like the old days. I wish it was. They made RO classic and shut it down. There’s private servers, but they’re not very populated.
Hit me right in the nostalgia with this one. Used to played the heck out of it on SEA and my local country server. The game is super grindy for my taste now but I still feel nostalgic about the community and people there.
Numer KW, można poszukać danych właścicieli licytowanej nieruchomości i poszukać coś w necie.
Podjechać pod adres, popytać sąsiadów.
3.Jest spora szansa, że przed licytacją i przybiciem w mieszkaniu dalej mieszka właściciel, którego mieszkanie jest licytowane więc generalnie warto uważać z tematem bo będzie się samemu w nieprzyjemnej sytuacji (no chyba, że nie przeszkadza komuś wykopywanie ludzi z mieszkania).
Any of the fallout/elder scrolls series. I remember whiling so many hours away in them as a kid and having a great time, and now any time I pick them up it just feels like a second job, looting and managing inventory ad nauseum.
Czemu kryterium ma być tylko majętność? Jeśli już uzależniać empatyzowanie z tymi, którzy dom stracili od ich grzechów to można kopać głębiej. Skoro bogaty cwaniak może się walić to chyba biedny homofob też.
Czy jeśli taki bogaty Janusz wyzyskujący pracowników i kręcący na podatkach w swojej pazerności przekombinuje kolejny interes i rynkowe spekulacje obrócą się przeciw niemu to po stracie pieniędzy staje się nagle biednym i poszkodowanym człowiekiem godnym współczucia i wykupienie jego jedynej willi jest niemoralne?
Chyba dużo za dużo z tego wyciągnąłeś. To był przykład - jeśli założenie brzmiało, że moralnie jest licytować dom bogatego cwaniaka to wnioskuję, że biednego grzesznika chyba też.
I played so much goldeneye that when someone fired it up almost 20 years later the controls were still in my muscle memory. I played fps on pc even back then so I knew the controller wasn’t ideal, but it worked well enough.
Starcraft, Starcraft 2 has ruined me with multi-building-selection, the clunkiness, no smart casting, selecting more than a handful of units at a time.
Pretty much all the games of my childhood. With a few exceptions, I don’t replay most games I enjoyed. I play once, usually say “that was cool.” And call it enough for a lifetime.
Pretty much any jrpg for Gameboy, DS, PSP and PS2 (haven’t tried many newer). I loved them a lot as a kid/teen but now when I try to play them do I get bored very quickly… I think the audience is supposed to be kids and teens so I am not surprised I don’t enjoy them anymore
I recently replayed Legend of Dragoon, and I’d do it again.
I tried to play Golden Sun again though, and it just has WAY too much dialogue. And not in a good way. Just lots of filler dialogue that doesn’t add depth; it just restates the story and what’s currently going on.
I get you. I’ve been going through a lot of “best of” lists for various consoles and it’s tough going back and playing them because they were obviously made for a younger audience and and having never played them as a kid I don’t really feel the same pull.
The Kirby games are a big one. I’ve seen a lot of recommendations but can’t really get into them.
Most games I played from the PS1/N64 era. It was a time period of figuring things out and that makes it rough to go back to, but some of those experiences were magic. There’s still the rare game that I can enjoy to this day (Metal Gear Solid 1, Mario 64), but games like Syphon Filter are best left to my memories.