FFVII’s menu looks completely different. Judging by font and scaling, this is absolutely one of the GBA games. You can exclude VI and later as VI has a purple menu with a different font. III can be excluded because it never got a GBA game. Notable is the “Flee” command second, and the gap in the list. The actions can be rearranged, which leaves only IV and V. The fonts are different for the two games, and, judging by this (the k was the easiest for me to make out), this is Final Fantasy V Advance.
Heroism and Impossible Dungeon (Idle/incremental) first one is singleplayer, second one is mostly singleplayer but has pvp tournaments were you compete to be the first on a leaderboard.
Slipstream (Multiplayer idle?) best played if you’re watching the stream of the person who’s the captain.
I don’t know about that, there are other hobbies people participate in that women find “attractive”. So far my hobbies of video games and programming have scared away any partners…
Addendum for anyone interested in learning more: Xbox One should upscale games to around 1080p, while Xbox One X, Xbox One Series X/S and PS5 can upscale to 4K. If you have any further technical additions on upscale differences they are appreciated.
A friend of mine bought an Aliexpress grade Chinese stereo for his car and I swear it makes the exact same cursor movement noise every time you press one of its buttons.
We’re still deeply amused by this and he’s had it for years.
I did, during my “JRPGapalooza”, which I’ve yet to continue. I put it off until later. I carry the weight of a massive backlog of games on my shoulders.