sp6, do gaming w Best Linux Distro For Playing On Steam?

I would check the linux gaming wiki’s distro recommendations:…

Mint is fine for daily use type stuff, but there are some odd gaming bugs. IIRC Cinnamon (Mint’s default desktop environment) specifically has higher input lag than Gnome or KDE, and Lutris dropped official Mint support due to issues from Mint’s tweaks.

I personally use Pop!_OS and it’s been pretty good, although I have been a little frustrated about the 22.04 base, as I’ve noticed some packages (like Mangohud and GOverlay) are very out of date. But aside from that, I have no complaints.


I will say, personally, I’ve noticed some odd behaviors that seem to be related to Cinnamon… Overall very good experience but definitely considering changing because of those issues.

Which makes me sad since I’m really liking it otherwise

Kory, avatar

To Cinnamon? What did you experience, please?


The two I can think of offhand:

Trying to get Rocksmith 2014 to work with my Real Tone Cable, which I did have working for a while. Using Pulse Audio, the audio works perfectly except the game doesn’t see the cable, I suspect because Pulse is processing it like a microphone. The fix is to set Proton to use Alsa for audio and set Pulse to disable that device so it is available to the game. Now, when I launch it, the audio is horribly corrupted and the input from the cable is all over the place. This isn’t caused by Cinnamon because it happens in KDE too.

The part I suspect is a Cinnamon issue is the graphics flash in and out when I do that, and not just the game. I have 3 monitors and it happens on all three of them. KDE does not do this.

The second issue may be related to the first: sometimes when a program exits from a bad state, the icon in the task bar remains and the only way to get rid of it is to relog. This happens every time I exit Rocksmith if I click the button to close while the screen is blanked or partially blanked, but it’s not the only program I’ve had this happen with. I’ve also had it happen on two different taskbar panel apps, the default one and one I’ll have to go hop on my computer to give you the name of, though when I switched the default taskbar had a couple dead icons and they didn’t appear on the new one until the next time.

I’m not on the LTS kernel that ships with Mint, I had to upgrade to the current branch to get my video working.

I’ve not done much troubleshooting on the second, and my troubleshooting on the first is focused on solving the audio problem as I think the graphical problem will at least not be triggered once that’s working right.

I’ve also had other issues I’m not sure if they’re Cinnamon related, Mint related, general Linux related, or hardware/driver related, but I’ve had issues with the screens not sleeping while the screen is locked, and on a laptop the system not sleeping while on battery. I know suspend is buggy, but I’ve had it work properly on the same system with MX Linux (dual booting).

Kory, avatar

Thank you for elaborating!

CharlesReed, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of April 28th

I'm glad you enjoyed Alan Wake 2! It is definitely a great game.

Still working on Lies of P. This game is taking me way too long to finish. I am still making progress, and I'm still having a good time, but I think I'm going to find a shooter style game to add to the mix so I don't get too burnt out or too bored with the combat style.

FlashMobOfOne, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of April 28th
!deleted7243 avatar

After 120 hours, I finally got bored with Dragon’s Dogma 2.

So I’m picking back up Solasta: Crown of the Magister. I also dusted off my VR rig and I’m playing the Affected: The Manor, a horror/haunted house game.

It’ll be fun.

AnEilifintChorcra, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of April 28th

I started Alan Wake Remaster but it has really bad visual bugs, my screen keeps going black every minute or 2 and I have to pause the game for a few seconds to fix it so I don’t know if I’ll keep it going lol

I started it because Control and Quantum Break look so fun so I might just skip to them instead. Happy to see another positive opinion of Control, I’m super excited to try it!

I’ve just started God of War Ascension today, I’ve never played any of the series so I decided to play them in chronological order, well at least the ones I can play since the mobile one doesn’t seem to be available and I don’t have FB to play that one.

Its super fun, I love that they put the button prompts on the side of the screen that the button is on since I’m using an Xbox controller. But I’m not a big fan of how often they zoom out while I’m in the middle of fighting monsters. I just kept spamming quick attack on the back of the snakes because I couldn’t tell which character I was lol

AnonStoleMyPants, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of April 28th

I started playing Enderal, the full overhaul mod for Skyrim. Seems quite fun. Maybe 10h in now.

PrivateNoob, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of April 28th

Jumped back on to the Kingdom Come Deliverance vibe. Now I will master that god-damn swordfighting instead of only just trying to kill bandits via a horse far away from them.

Coelacanth, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of April 28th avatar

Started playing Phantom Liberty today after having finally finalized my modlist. Still hunting down the source of some crashing, but still.

Haven’t played Cyberpunk since 1.63, and I am loving the changes so far. Very cool builds available with the perk tree changes, I can already tell I will probably do another full playthrough with a different build once I’ve ran through Phantom Liberty. Right now I’m playing a Tech/Body/Reflexes spec going full into explosives, combined with Sandevistan, Kerenzikov and all the dashing/mid-air stuff. It’s definitely a lot of fun, bouncing around the battlefield like a Gummi Bear on speed while everyone around you explodes and burns.

RiQuY, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of April 28th

I don’t know why but 4 years after the official launch I started playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

I like it because other than the stores schedule there is no timer constantly running like you have in Stardew Valley. I tend to get very anxious/FOMO in games with timed events and where 24 hours are like 1 hour or 20 minutes in real time.

Null, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of April 28th avatar

Started playing Fallout 76 for the first time this week. Been having fun so far. I’m glad I waited for the game to get this far in content.

ScrapedToast, do gaming w Best Linux Distro For Playing On Steam?


CarbonatedPastaSauce, (edited ) do games w Does wb get any money from sales of adult swim published games on steam?

There are Adult Swim games?!?! Off to search and see what’s out there…

Edit: Easy peasy -


Not for long. Iirc they’re planning on having them removed for purchase for good.


Well if they don’t want your money anymore you might as well sail the high seas

Excrubulent, avatar

It’s fair to assume they won’t be getting updates, which are the big reason to buy rather than pirate anyway.


Jazzpunk is a banger of a game

CaptainBasculin, do gaming w Best Linux Distro For Playing On Steam?

Using NVidia GPU? Use Pop OS. Managing drivers is really easier on it.

Anything else and whatever looks good to your eye.

Eeyore_Syndrome, avatar
geoma, do gaming w Taboo Question

Work your communication skills. Let her have gnu linux.

cujo, avatar

I’m not gonna coerce her into using Linux, lol. That’s a surefire way to make sure she hates it and blames any little hiccups on Linux, even if it’s not the OS’s fault.


I have learned the hard way that insisting/coercing/whatever is a very bad strategy for spreading something that you think is better for the people/the planet. Anyway, what I do, is just say “I only work with libre systems because I have ethical guides” And, also because I cannot give you any support on windows, mac, whatsoever.

cujo, avatar

Doesn’t work so well when it’s your wife you’re telling “no, I won’t help you,” to. 😂

DirigibleProtein, do gaming w Best Linux Distro For Playing On Steam?

I found that Steam ran flawlessly on both Fedora and openSuse. I’ve played Age of Empires II, Half Life, Half Life 2 etc, Skyrim, Firewatch; all with no problems.

nightm4re, do games w I just want to play my game...

I hate to break it to you, but by Ubisoft’s terms and conditions, this is not your game. 🫤 you have never owned a copy of it.


That’s what every game company has said about every game for decades though! A game disc which installs and plays the game was legally still some nebulous “this provides a licence to play the game which can be revoked at any time”, it’s only now that the companies actually have the power to revoke them at any time.

IWantToFuckSpez, (edited )

👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀Always has been. You never owned the software. Even when games were on cd or cartridge. The only thing that is your legal possession is the physical CD or cartridge and the license that came with it.


Always has been a blatant motherfucking lie, you mean.

Saying you don’t own a game you bought is exactly as batshit insane as saying you don’t own a paper book you bought. We wouldn’t put up with this shit for that, so we shouldn’t put up with it for games either!

Stop letting the copyright cartel steal our property rights and drive us into serfdom.

jqubed, avatar

There are two different ownerships that are being conflated here. When you buy a book, let’s say it’s a new book, just released, and rapidly becoming a best seller. You own your copy of the book, you can read it, you can make notes in it, you can lend it to a friend but while your friend has the book you can’t read that book yourself, or you can sell the book again but once you sell it you won’t be able to read it anymore until you purchase another copy or go to the library. What you’re not allowed to do just because you have the book is make copies of it to sell or give away (which is somewhat challenging to do anyway with a physical book that has hundreds of pages), you’re not allowed to make and sell an audiobook recording of the book, you’re not allowed to go and make a movie based on the book. You’re not allowed to take the characters and write a sequel to the book and sell it. The author still owns the rights to the contents of the book.

In the early days of books, especially the 19th century as books became easier to produce and more people could read, a lot of this started to become problems. People with printing presses would see a book people like, get a copy, and start printing and selling copies on their own. They made translations and sold copies in other countries. People would produce plays based on the books, and depending on where it was performed the author might never know about it. This was all usually done without the involvement of the author and the author often was not paid from these. A surprising number of highly regarded and top selling authors wound up making very little money from their books because they weren’t being paid for most of the copies being sold. Many died poor. This led to the development of the concept of copyright and various other associated rights.

These rights became more complicated as media progressed. With audio recordings there are multiple rights involved: the person who wrote the song has a copyright on the actual music and lyrics, and the person who performed the song has a copyright to the recording of their performance. Sometimes these are the same person, sometimes they’re different.

The laws kept getting more complicated. With software, the developer or publisher owned the software, often because the developer was working under contract to the publisher or sold the software to the publisher. It’s kind of rare to sell the actual software to a customer, and is usually done only for corporate or government clients. In that case the entire rights to the software are transferred and the publisher/developer can’t sell another copy to someone else. Much more commonly only a license to the software is sold to many different customers, and what exactly that license involves can vary widely in the legal terms of that license (which most people never read). Some are very restrictive. It used to be that a lot of licenses specifically tied the copy that you purchased to the hardware you first installed it on. If that hardware died or you purchased a new model, too bad, you’re now supposed to buy a new copy. Some licenses said you’re not allowed to change the code of the software, some licenses allow it. Ten or fifteen years ago people didn’t really think about the idea of streaming gameplay and creating a video from a game was considered a derivative work and not allowed, like making a movie from a book. Now a lot of licenses explicitly allow streaming gameplay, but some older games that weren’t planning for it might not have the rights to stream the music from the game.

If you violated those rights in the past, the terms technically said those rights ended and you were supposed to stop using the license. In practice this was on the honor system and the licensor would rarely know about it, unless they sent an auditor to check compliance, which was usually only worth doing at large companies. With the internet, companies now have the ability to actually access your computer and monitor your use of the software you’ve licensed. They can even disable your access to this software. Unfortunately, of course, a lot of companies have gone the greedy route and used this to their own advantage and at cost to the customer. Not everyone does, though. It’s really important to know what the terms of the license say. If they say they can delete the game you’ve bought and not refund you, don’t buy from them. Don’t give them money for this crap. Let the game flop, even if it otherwise looked great. Support the developers and publishers who want to support the customers. Read the terms on your software; you should always have the option to say you don’t agree and get your money back if you don’t go through with installation. And the laws that allow bad licenses don’t have to stay as they are; some jurisdictions are friendlier to consumers than others.


No one will read this wall of text


It’s the same with paper books though. If you buy a paper book you don’t automatically own the rights of that work. You own the copy and can sell that copy or even make a copy for private use. But you can’t make copies of that book to sell, since you don’t own the copyright

Copyright is definitely being abused by the big corporations but without copyright small artists/software developers would constantly get their work stolen by those big corporations.


You own the copy

…which is the entirety of the important part. Once the store sells you the copy, that’s it: the copryight holder has no more right whatsoever to say what gets done to that copy. In particular, it does not have the right to dictate to you when, where, or how you may use your property, e.g. by requiring an Internet connection for the fucking thing to run!

The copyright holder’s temporary monopoly privilege should not be allowed to supersede or infringe upon the copy owner’s actual property rights in even the slightest way. Full stop, end of. The publisher’s business model is its own damn problem, not the customer’s. If it relies on destroying the latter’s rights in order to achieve profitability, the business deserves to fail!

Cybersteel, avatar

You wouldn’t download a car


I would, and did!


You’re absolutely right, what pisses people of is that you can’t do shit without launchers today anymore, except for gog.

The Discs are yours, regardless if it’s a license or not, they just work whatever the publisher says.

Always on, Games as a service and game launchers and all that shit is a cancer that has to be cured.

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