JakenVeina, do gaming w Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS)

The entire hour-or-so-long finale sequence of Tears of the Kingdom is ASTOUNDINGLY good. It hits ALL emotions: fear, joy, suspense, sorrow, elation. Also, the Dragon Tears Quest throughout the regular game.

The Dream No More ending of Hollow Knight. I felt that in my soul. Largely due to the musical score.

The ending of Outer Wilds made me feel an emotion I really had trouble describing. Bittersweet, maybe? Mixed with awe? Same for the DLC ending, but with a distinctly more sorrowful vibe.

Subnautica had me literally drop my jaw, with the Sunbeam questline, midway-through the game.

Plus more that have already been mentioned.

nieceandtows, (edited ) do gaming w Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS)

I don’t know if this is an emotional moment for everybody, but I have been playing video games with my daughter ever since she was 4. When she was around 5, we played Majora’s Mask. There is a part in the gerudo desert where a dad and his little girl live in a house, but the dad went missing, so the daughter is waiting for him at the house. As part of the quest, you go talk to the daughter, then go rescue the dad from underground. So far, so good.

We go down to the dungeons, and the father finally escapes and reunites with his daughter. The moment the dad meets his daughter, my daughter starts bawling.

‘Where were you dad? I was alone and missing you! Some strangers (referring to link) even visited the house! Why did you leave me alone??’

I was absolutely stunned by her words and emotions, and it was tough to console her while I was getting emotional myself. I’m getting emotional right now as I type this.

So yeah, that was the most emotional moment in a game for me.

One other emotional moment was from Brothers: A tale of two sons, which I’ve replied to one of the comments.


This is probably my favorite answer so far. One thing I love about Nintendo is that it’s made for kids, they can’t do THAT much to shock you. They can only tell what I’d call human stories, stories that anybody on the globe will be able to understand. N64 Zelda is fairly simple as far as writing goes, but it does the simplicity extremely well. It reminds me of Greek tragedies more than anything else, where the tragedy, the main situations can be understood even without dialogue.


Yeah Zelda games are the complete package every time. I’ve played half a dozen zelda games with her, and we loved each one of them (except Twilight princess. It was too dark/depressing and we didn’t finish it). She’s 7 now, and she has forgotten a lot of what we played when she was younger. It’s bittersweet, because she doesn’t remember the fun we had, but I get to play the same games with her again.


Well that’s the great thing about kids forgetting the fun they had, there’s nothing stopping you guys from playing the same games over and over again with her. She’ll remember everything as she gets older though. Loved playing Halo co-op with my Dad when I was a kid, it was so fucking cool.


Nice! Hope she one day comments like this

TacoEvent, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

MUDs. Text based (generally RPG) games with incredibly immersive story telling, near infinite levels of character customization, and many even feature ways for players to build on the world itself.

I’m surprised it’s not more popular amongst D&D enthusiasts.

In its hey day, people spent thousands of dollars just to boost their characters on massive for-profit MUDs like those created by Iron Realms. But smaller MUDs like Ancient Anguish were just as quality.

Sadly they’re going extinct. Only a few MUDs are still actively maintained.


I started reading Mort (Terry Pratchett) and it reminded me of the Discworld MUD I played with my friends in the 90s, on dial-up, all crowded around a single 13" CRT. I looked it up, and it’s still running!


That’s awesome! I’ve noticed it on lists of top voted MUDs for a long time, but never quite got into that particularly flavor.


Huh, that must be where the original name for Runescape (DeviousMUD) came from. Didn’t know it was a whole genre of games


Granted it’s not text based, so I could definitely be wrong.


Whoa that’s a nice piece of trivia. Did some googling and it definitely has roots in MUDs, but Andrew obviously had higher ambitions visually. That’s cool.

aio2, do gaming w Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS) avatar

Rosalina’s story in Super Mario Galaxy.

I haven’t played the second version, so idk if it’s there.

that_one_guy, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

Party-based RPGs like Baldur’s Gate or Pillars of Eternity. I absolutely love this style of game, but it feels like there are precious few titles to choose from. Anyone know of any hidden gems?


It’s not hidden, but I thoroughly enjoyed divinity original sin II. If you don’t want turn based combat it might be worth checking out the Pathfinder games.


There a youtube channel and a steam curator called Mortismal Gaming who loves CRPGs. Their shtick is also completing games at 100% before popping a review, and they are churning out new material at an amazing pace. Check it out for some decent coverage on the genre.

As for a maybe hidden gem, Age of Decadence looks pretty good. I have not played it yet, but the genre seems to match, and the premise is solid.

Expedition Rome is well appreciated too, even if it leans more toward tactical battles.


Have you checked out Pathfinder Kingmaker and Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous? Those are relatively new.


Well, you’re in luck; they’re releasing Baldur’s Gate 3 in a few days ;P


Solasta is a pretty faithful recreation of dungeons and dragons 5e, although the story/writing is not the best (may have improved in the later dlc, I’ve not gotten around to playing it yet). The combat is fun, though.


I have just one gripe with Solasta – it’s incredibly slow movement. You have to mod it.


Tyranny, Kingmaker, Wrath of the Righteous, Tower of Time. Also anything by Spiderweb Software – my favorite is Geneforge


Have you checked out Caves of Lore? It’s a great party based rpg with deep lore and created by a single developer. It reminds me of Jeff Vogel’s work a bit.


No, I’ve never heard of it. Thanks for the suggestion!

Coelacanth, do gaming w Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS) avatar

The final dream in Disco Elysium. After picking up clues all game about your past, your broken relationship and the reasons you are the way you are, the heart wrenching emotional impact had me reeling. Not mention it’s written and voice-acted beautifully.

Suddenly everything makes sense as Harry gets constantly dressed-down, his futile attempts to cling to the past denied and his insanity laid bare. The letter in the ledger, the little Headless FALN rider figurine, the obsession with Dolores Dei, that awful phonecall on the payphone, everything comes together in a beautiful climax of absolute sadness, ending on that devastating final line:

“This is real darkness. It’s not death, or war, or child molestation. Real darkness has love for a face. The first death is in the heart, Harry.

See you tomorrow”


For me, it was the Precarious World thought, and again after the final cut released with the Communist quest ending.

::: “How not to lose? It is impossible not to. The world is balanced on the edge of a knife. It’s a game of frayed nerves. You’re pushed on by numbers and punitive measures: pain, rejection, and unpaid bills. You can either play or you can crawl under a boat and waste away – turn into salt or a flock of seagulls. Your enemies would love that. Or you can fight. The only way to load the dice is to keep on fighting.” :::

And more succinctly

::: “In the dark times, should the stars also go out?” :::

I’ve been struggling off and on with depression for the better part of my life, and each time I read these it just hits me like a sack of bricks. The recontextualization of the struggle.

ArtZuron, do gaming w Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS) avatar

Not me, but my little sister was bawling at the end of Undertale.

For me, it’s maybe beating Sword Saint Isshin. I think I almost cried in relief, since I’d been hitting my head against that wall for like a week.

I also liked the Dragon Age Inquisition endings, the one DLC with the Qunari and the palace and going threw Elven ruins shattered through space. The song on the mountains when you find the new headquarters was cool too.

OttoVonGoon, do gaming w Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS)

Walking into Erana’s Peace for the first time in Quest for Glory 1 (1989). For a more recent example, walking or driving into safety with a massive load in Death Stranding, as well as most of the rest of the game.

JackbyDev, do gaming w Pet peeve, games that won't let you save

I hate when folks ask for this and assholes say “people will just use this to save scum, don’t cheat.” As if working adults with children should be able to dedicate a whole hour totally uninterrupted.


Also, who cares? It’s your game; play it however you like. I mean, isn’t the whole reason why people play video games is to have fun? If save scumming is your idea of fun, I say scum away.


The problem being that a lot of people don’t actually know what it is that will make them happy. Winning is good, right? Yeah, but not if it’s too easy. Being to save the game state at any point makes a lot of games much too easy to be any fun. And while you might argue “well just don’t save all the time,” people are also bad at creating their own handicaps to increase fun.

Yes, there are exceptions to every generalization (see: OSRS Ultimate Ironman) but by and large there’s a reason why the most popular kind of games are set up the way they are.

You ever play Monopoly Go? Straight-up not fun because it’s basically impossible to lose.


Winning is good, right? Yeah, but not if it’s too easy

That’s how you feel about it, though, not an objective thing everybody feels the same about. I absolutely cheat whenever I’m finding a game too difficult, and I assure you, I’m still enjoying the game. I don’t know what people get out of what I find to be the extremely infuriating act of repeatedly failing over and over until I finally get it right, but I have not ever felt the sense of accomplishment I’m told I should feel after finally beating something I struggled with. I feel angry and like I wasted a bunch of time when I could have been enjoying something more fun.

I’m just trying to have a good time, not compete with myself or prove that I can learn just the right way and right time to hit certain button combos or whatever.

  1. The too-easy levels of notfun are very far away from the too-hard levels of notfun.
  2. Different games are for different styles of fun and for different people. Heck, some games are more like walk-through stories than actual games. If the game is too hard for you to enjoy, then that game just isn’t for you, that’s all. Let other people have their difficult games and find a different one to enjoy. When I played Monopoly Go and found it boringly easy, I didn’t complain that they should make it harder so I could enjoy it, I just recognized that I wasn’t the kind of player they were targeting and found something else to play.

These are subjective statements though and different people want different things. And difficulty variation can broaden the audience while not really changing the game. Sometimes I love a fight. Sometimes I want a story. Sometimes I want to couch coop with my youngest kid and he struggles with some games that he otherwise loves (looking at you Cuphead) that an easier mode would totally fix. And he absolutely loves Sonic, but the originals would be unplayable for him if not for modern saving and non permadeath. Or emulation with save states and cheat codes.

Why are you trying to convince people that if a game is too difficult or long periods between saving doesn’t work for them then it is their fault and not that of the game design. That’s a weird stance to take. If someone designed a car that was generally very nice but with the gear shift next to the passenger seat door, would you say that is just a car for people with super long arms or would you say that was a poor design choice that is going to massively limit an otherwise nice car?


This is more like you complaining that some cars don’t come with automatic transmission options. Sorry buddy, some of us like sports cars and having an automatic transmission option would devalue the very concept of what that particular car is.

I still haven’t beaten Super Mario Brothers. I’ve gotten very close, but I choked on the final Bowser multiple times. I’m not mad at Nintendo for that. I’m not even mad at myself for that. I had loads of fun playing Super Mario Brothers and being able to save would lower the value of the game.

I don’t understand why you’re insistent that all games need to cater to your desired difficulty level. Some games are made for you, some games are made for other people. Chasing the widest audience possible is how you end up with bland art, be it games, movies, social media platforms, or any other thing people enjoy.

Look, you said it yourself. Different people want different things, and what some people want is fundamentally incompatible with what you want. So, you get a different set of games than they get.


This seems to act like games and their default difficulty options are commandments carved in stone when they’re not. If I find a game to difficulty to enjoy and then find it enjoyable by cheating, that’s what I’m gonna do.


I know what will make me happy and it’s not being forced to sit for a full hour through a rogue like just because of whiny goobers complaining to the devs so they don’t implement save and quit.

!deleted4210 avatar

Pretty much this. And if they’re worried about that just make it so you can only save and quit?

theComposer, do gaming w Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS)

All of The Last of Us (Part I), but especially the prologue, the ending, and the DLC.

The end of Telltale’s The Walking Dead: Season 1.

The end of Life is Strange, but only if you choose Bay.

MiddledAgedGuy, do gaming w Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS)

Super Mario Bros, when I learned the princess was in another castle.

Like at least a few other comments, the Last of Us sticks out. Just, the whole thing.

realitista, (edited ) do gaming w Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS)

When Aloy’s adopted father dies in Horizon Zero Dawn.

wifienyabledcat, (edited ) do gaming w Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS) avatar


spoiler>!Niko walks out the window!<

in OneShot

Kuunha, (edited ) do gaming w Games similar to Ship of Harkinian?

If you use steam, this project, converts proprietary engines to use opensource versions when available. Here: is a list of games supported by this. How to use Luxtorpeda on Steamdeck:…/steam-deck-using-luxtorpeda-f…

Thorandor, avatar

Appreciate it!

wizardbeard, avatar

Additionally (apologies for no links)

Sonic 3 has Sonic 3 A.I.R. (Angel Island Revisited)

There’s Sonic 1 GameGear Remake and Sonic 2 GameGear Remake too.

Daggerfall Unity for the first open world Elder Scrolls game, OpenMW for Morrowind.

OpenXcom for the OG XCOM, OpenTFTD for it’s sequel Terror From The Deep.

OpenRCT2 for Roller Coaster Tycoon 2, OpenTTD for Transport Tycoon Deluxe.

The 4chan/8chan Emulation General Wiki has a good page on this sort of stuff: ……/Game_engine_recreations_and_s…

Thorandor, avatar

Thank you!!


Don't forget about OpenMW for Morrowind, which is also on Flathub!

snowbell, do gaming w Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS) avatar

I got yelled at for saying this on a reddit thread about emotional moments in video games. But I still feel bad for killing Mordin in ME3. I cried. And regret it.

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