Start revolution and overthrow dictator and put myself in as dictator. Build up military and gather nukes under guise of protecting country, but it’s really to protect me from copyright trolls.
I wonder if there could be a torrent site that is decentralized enough that no one really has significant liability for running it, like Bittorrent itself but for the indexing/curation aspect.
You will find it very difficult to get help with game piracy on linux just because the community is very small. If the game has a native release it will be even harder since most linux users want to support developers that do native releases. I’ve only ever tried a couple games that I had no problems with and that was a few years ago. These days if it has a native release I will always just buy it.
I do get that point , but I don’t want to lie I am preety broke who lives in a third world country I am simply unable to afford such luxury of buying games
I will sing the praises of Windscribe until the day I die. Privacy respecting, affordable and great customer service. And yes, they offer port forwarding as well.
Daft Punk to french house i wpływy sceny UK, możesz poszukać ogólnie w stronę elektro i hałsów, albo w etykietce progressive house. Techno to konkretny gatunek, z reguły bez loopów i syntezatorów właśnie, tylko z mocnym, wyraźnym rytmem 4/4 dominjącym nad całą warstwą muzyczną. Podając przykłady z tamtych lat, puść sobie Porter Ricks zaraz po Daft Punk i powiedz że to jest to samo. xD
„techno to konkretny gatunek, z reguły bez loopów i syntezatorów”
Techno opiera się na loopach i dźwiękach syntezatorowych. Miałeś chyba na myśli sample, których w techno używa się rzadziej niż w house, czy dnb, ale też się używa.
Myślałam właśnie że kolega miał na myśli sample, więc uprościłam, jasne że loop jest wszędzie. Ale najbardziej klasyczny detroit radzi sobie i bez syntów. Industrial techno też. One nie są esencją dla techno.
Inside and Naissancee have a lot of moments that just gave me a huge sense of awe. They have some really haunting, yet beautiful scenes.
Thumper just makes me constantly question how the hell the devs made the game look that way.
Half Life Alyx is weird because it didn’t so much blow me away with the huge things as it did with the small things. There’s so many small objects and details everywhere that stand up even when you’re physically shoving your face into them.
Chicory is an artistic top-down Zelda-style game that is not only adorable with its cute characters and world, but it also invites you to add color to the world and give it your own touch.