@dj1936 możesz przejrzeć tekst, który podlinkowałem we wcześniejszym komentarzu. Jeśli masz jakieś uwagi do tego i coś mam lepiej wyjaśnić, to daj znać – uzupełnię lub poprawię tekst. Gdybyś chciał to przegadać, to daj znać – możemy się zdzwonić czy coś.
I ruined the game for myself, played the raytraced version which made everything so bright and lost its grittiness, throughout the play through I thought it was normal 😢
I recently replaced my 1070 with a 7800 XT, and wanted to play the EE, which led to me replaying 2033 and LL first. The little bit I played with the EE version seemed pretty normal to me tbh.
I grabbed a bunch of games for Playstation, Steam and Switch. Some were cross platform so I could have gotten it for any of them. I grabbed a bunch of Atelier and Senran Kagura games, Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, plus old JRPGs on a discount like Omega Quintet, Seven Pirates H, Mugen Souls, and Megadimension Neptunia VII. I do want to get the Romancing Saga 2 Remake but since I am still playing the Remaster on XBox, I decided to wait.
Nelke & the Legendary Alchemists: Ateliers of the New World is going to scratch my simcity itch. I am not ready to get into Cities Skylines 2, yet, I did play the first though. I had Estival Versus and Peach Beach Splash on the Playstation but they have graphical glitches on the PS5, so I got them again for Steam discounted. I also bought Theatrhythm for the Switch though I already had it for Playstation. Also got Patapon.
Lies of P. It was pretty good. 30 hours for the first run through. I wouldn’t recommend it unless you’ve already played sekiro and some dark souls, as I think they do it better.
Yeah, I’m sick of it as well. Having to guess whether my rig will play something at a framerate that won’t make me sick because a dev studio chose pretty graphics (that aren’t really much better than AAA 10 years ago) over good optimization.
Most of the games I play are relatively undemanding for this reason. That and because indie games don’t have as much monetization.
There are many games where you just install and play them. I’ve found many after excluding both AAAs and popular indies.
As far as AAA goes, the very emphasis is on graphics, sound, etc (big ehhh to the gameplay). Popular indies are also not my thing because it has become more of a social activity and the makers themselves play on that a bit. Aside from those two categories itself, I’ve got maybe a hundred good games which can be played maybe hundred to a few hundreds of hours each, maybe more. Most of them unplayed.
Old games are also something which are not going away if you check compatibility in advance (or use GOG preservation mark games, which apparently try to fix those problems).
I’m currently playing Battlefront 2004 and Monster Slayers (deckbuilder) but have a shitload of games from many genres installed. Most of them unheard of, being good quality in game design and enjoyable for many hours.
2023 was a phenomenal year for gaming. One great game after another. AAA and indy. Of course there will always also be bad games. But I think we do have enough good stuff. And looking at Ubisoft it seems like customer’s dissatisfaction with bad spectacles seems to reach the big companies. And with development tools becoming ever more accessible I think we’re looking at a bright future.