Z tego co zrozumiałem z linku z hackernews w innym komentarzu: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17718129 , to Open Banking został narzucony przez PSD2. FinTS i polski PolishAPI to specyfikacje API które są odpowiedzią na żądania narzucone przez Unię w PSD2 w ramach Open Banking.
PSD2 and “open” banking is bullshit. I wish this myth would die - it is anything but “open”. If you want to gain access to APIs, you need to become an “AISP” (as they are called in the UK), this requires a certification and a load of other nonsense akin to PCI-DSS. This is for read-only access - for “write” access including the ability to edit payees or make payments you need to become a “PISP” which I assume requires even more paperwork. I also said APIs because the regulation does not mandate any kind of API format, so every bank has their own with different capabilities as far as what data is returned and in which format. Some of them are truly awful. And finally, “open” banking still does not allow you to get a personal access token for your own account.
Chociaż nie, widzę, że na portalu deweloperskim mBanku jest link do polishapi.org - czyli polskiego odpowiednika FinTS. Więc wygląda, że to kwestia dodania wsparcia tego do AqBanking? Ponad to, trzeba wystąpić o certyfikację od każdego z banków? Rozumiem że to dlatego AqBanking wspiera tylko banki z DACH
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