#GoodMorning#Bicycle! An illness is creeping upon me, so I’m riding it out, hoping it will just go away…🤡🙈 Fortunately, it seems to be a common cold and the weather is nice…😔
#GoodMorning#Gravel! After a weekend of drinking my performance was lacking at best… It’s harder and harder for me to recover. I guess I’m forty and it’s been already going downhill for some time…😂
#GoodMorning#Gravel!🥰 It was a struggle to set off and only one of #KidsOnBikes managed to get ready to go with me. The weather is not great but also not terrible so the ride was quite nice…🥰
#NightRiders in the wild! After a rainy day, it was a pleasure to ride in an excellent company of a trusted friend!🥰 Too bad it was cold AF in the end…🥶
#GoodMorning from the #rain shithole!😂 Surprisingly, I’ve managed to squeeze myself into a weather window with almost no precipitation…🙈😁 I’ve taught #KidsOnBikes well, they’re not afraid to get wet!💪🏻
@metalbiker Yes, that’s a phone. Wide angle lense of iPhone 14 Pro. If I had to download footage from the cam to later process it somewhere I’d probably stop doing it…😂🙈
#GoodMorning#Autumn!🤡 The weather is unmistakably shitty, the leaves started to fall and it’s wet. Welcome to my new reality for months to come… Also… #KidsOnBikes, roll out!🤡🤣
#GoodMorning#Gravel! With happy #KidsOnBikes I’ve hit my modest goal of #cycling 8000km, hoping for around 10000km by the year’s end. It’s not my best, but after last year 14000km grind, I’ve decided to dial it down a notch…🫣
#GoodMorning freezer! It’s cold as hell today, with temperatures as low as 3°C in the morning… Woolen hat and socks smiled from the closet along with mandatory gloves…🤣 At least it was sunny…🙄
@rower Tak przy okazji fantazji i rozmachu kierowców: do kilku dni temu myślałem, że na DDR można być z grubsza bezpiecznym i czołówka z autem to abstrakcja...;-) #rower#cargobike#psowerem
A co powiesz na jade po lesie, nocą, bez oświetlenia, z rozwalonym nosem bo brak oświetlenia, upapraną od krwi koszulką, i wydaje Ci się że ktoś Cię goni więc krzyczysz i wyjeżdżasz na drogę, a tam jakiś lokals Cię zobaczył i nie wie o co chodzi ale ucieka i też krzyczy (przyjąłem dziś dużo cukru) @rower